Super Storm

Chapter 22 - Transcript

When Yang Yang arrived at the training ground, everyone was already surrounded by the locker room of the training building, excitedly waiting for the upcoming results, and many people even turned pale.

Yang Yang shook his head straight, feeling that many of his teammates were too nervous, and care was chaotic.

It does n’t mean that he does n’t worry, he was not worried before the exam, but since he has done his best, he will no longer be troubled after the exam, it has no effect, no matter whether he can enter the top three, he can accept it. .

This is also the reason why he ran to the skate park for the first time after the assessment.

“How do you feel?” Genk Dimer did not crowd into the crowd, but backed away to Yang Yang.

“Try your best,” Yang Yang replied faintly.

He can see that Genk Dimer is winning the first place, which is quite normal. With his strength, taking the first place is deserved, even if Yang Yang does not feel very cold to him, he has to Acknowledge this.

“Relax, you don’t need to worry about being eliminated at this time. The intention of the coaching staff to change your end in advance is clear. You don’t need to assess it anymore. Think about the amateur games this summer.”

When it comes to this, Genk Dimer looked up at the forty-five degree with great enthusiasm, “I plan to temper myself in the amateur competition, and strive to stay in Detok in the selection of the talent day in August. Most. “

This is not only Genk Dimer’s own wish, but also everyone’s expectations, including John Rep.

Someone in the youth training camp was selected by Ajax, which is definitely a big help for Almere. It can help Almere attract more excellent students and further promote the improvement of the team’s youth training level.

The player is the live sign of youth training.

Perhaps the attitude has changed recently. Yang Yang did not resent Genk Dimer’s remarks, but agreed with them.

Professional players, of course, have ambitions. Without ambitions, where will there be progress?

What’s more, this is also a manifestation of Genk Dimer’s self-confidence.

I asked myself, although Yang Yang didn’t say it himself, didn’t he think so?

When the two were chatting, they saw head coach John Rep, accompanied by assistant Dick Fanpoor, walking down from the upstairs coach’s office. All the players flew up and down, even Genk. · Dimer couldn’t help but catch up, only Yang Yang still fell to the end.

Both coaches are smiling, appeasing the group of players who are excited to know their destiny.

John Rep was the first to make some speeches. The content was nothing more than to encourage players. Do n’t lose confidence and fighting spirit because of an assessment. Win or lose. Do n’t give up even if the results are not satisfactory. Work hard.

“Even if you leave the team temporarily, our coaching staff and scouts will continue to follow and observe. As long as you work hard, you will definitely return to Almere one day.”

That being said, everyone knows that once it is eliminated, it will be difficult to regroup after it has been hit badly.

Followed by Dick Van Poor introduced the overall situation of this assessment, highlighting that the coaching staff has added a new assessment project based on the opinion of Louis Van Gaal, referring to the growth and progress of players in the past period of time.

The final assessment test has 20 small items, and adding one is not a big deal, not to mention that Ajax ’s assessment items change every year, so everyone feels normal and does n’t care. .

After watching the reaction of everyone, Fan Puer said with a smile, in order to show the fairness and justice of the assessment, wait for the coaching staff to post all the assessment scores at the entrance of the locker room for everyone to check, and now he will only temporarily Announce the top three results.

Just like the competition in the league, the few teams promoted are often the most concerned, but out of respect for the players, the coaching staff does not intend to announce the list of the three eliminated players in public, but will announce the results Afterwards, the coaching staff talked one-on-one.

This is the same as John Rep’s repeated persuasion of Yang Yang in private.

“After the final assessment test, the coaching staff carefully and cautiously scored, and combined the usual training and competition performance, as well as social performance and cultural class scores and other aspects. After comprehensive evaluation, we finally selected the front of this assessment. Three. “

After a pause, Dick Fanpoor’s eyes swept all the players in front of him, and no hint was given, making it impossible to guess who could get the top three, only Genk Dimer and others Full of confidence, he is very confident.

“The third place in the comprehensive evaluation …”

With Dick Van Purr’s voice, everyone at the scene held their breath, and even Yang Yang outside the crowd couldn’t help but worry, he felt that he was most likely to get this ranking.

But will it be him?

“… Nick!”

As soon as Van Purr’s words fell, the main right-back Nick jumped up in the crowd and cheered.

Third place, this means he also got a ticket to Ajax for the talent day selection.

Everyone congratulated him all around, and many people jokingly booked the signatures of Ajax players in advance. Nick was also a comer and promised to come down.

After Yang Yang heard that the third place was Nick, he felt lost for a while.

He knows his performance clearly, and the most likely place is the third place. The main reason is that the basic skills are too poor, and the score is too serious. But he did not expect that the third place is now Nick. .

Genk Dimer certainly has a place, the two forwards are also very competitive, Yang Yang consciously has little hope.

But soon he exhaled deeply and adjusted his mind.

More than a month ago, he was still worried about staying in Almere. Now that he has no worries about staying in the team, it is reasonable to be able to compete for the top three.

The most important thing is to consolidate the basic skills as soon as possible and enhance your own strength.

There was a commotion among the players, and Fan Poor immediately raised his hand to signal that everyone was calm, he would continue to announce the next two places.

Many people are also curious, and their eyes have been wandering around Genk Dimer and several players who have performed well in the past. Obviously, it depends on who can get these two places.

“Second place in comprehensive assessment … Genk!”

As Fanpuer’s voice fell, there was another uproar around him.

When he heard his name, Genk Dimer was obviously a little lost, but he quickly got up and accepted the congratulations from his teammates around him.

He was originally determined to win the first place, but he didn’t expect to get only the second, which was indeed beyond his expectations, but in any case, he also got a ticket to Ajax.

“Genk, the reason why you got the second comprehensive evaluation this time is mainly because we added the evaluation of the progress of the past period. Your achievements in this item are not satisfactory, so for the next period of time, you Continue to work hard and concentrate on improving yourself, and hope to see you make a breakthrough in August. “

With Dick Van Purr’s explanation, Genk Dimer accepted it better.

He has always been the team’s number one player, the core of the midfield, and his strength is naturally needless to say, but in the past two months, his progress has really not been great, especially in the key games against Omnibas In that game, his performance was terrible. If Yang Yang didn’t save him, he would become the team’s number one culprit.

In many cases, the performance of key games not only affects the external impression of the player, but also affects the player’s own mood.

After the game against Omnibas, Genk Dimer was hit hard and his performance has not improved much.

If there is no increase in the small item of progress, he certainly has no problem in taking the first place, but he loses points in this aspect of progress, and can only be forced to take the second place.

“I understand, Mr. Fanpoor.” Genk Dimer also nodded humbly, “I have decided with several teammates that we intend to participate in the amateur competition of middle school students this summer, hoping to use the competition to further temper ourselves . “

“Well, this traditional event is of great exercise value, and we will always pay attention to it.” Head coach John Rep took a smile with a smile.

Almere ’s youth team has also participated in this event before, but the results are not satisfactory. They have always been in the position of the tail of the crane. This year, there are young players such as Genk Dimer and Nick, and the rise of Yang Yang. I believe there can be some performance.

Many people on the team also heard this news at this time, but many players also have self-knowledge, knowing that Genk Dimer did not invite them, and clearly shows that they can’t look down on their strength. Lost, but dare not take the initiative to recommend yourself.

Everyone plays in a team on weekdays, and they know each other well.

After hearing John Rep ’s words, Genk Dimer was a bit disappointed to only take second place, but was full of expectations for this summer ’s amateur competition, eager to play a big game in this competition, Especially when it comes to those opponents with outstanding strength.

It’s best to meet the youth team of Ajax and slap them down to win the first selection for the talent day in August.

“Okay, next we announce the first place in this comprehensive evaluation.”

Fanpuer’s words once again brought everyone’s attention back to him.

The first place is not only an honor, but also the last ticket to Ajax. Who will be the lucky one?

Yang Yang did not have much confidence anyway. Even Genk Dimer only got the second place. How dare he say that he could get the first place? Besides, many teammates in the front are better than him.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, he couldn’t stop comforting himself. It was already good to do this, and he would continue to inspire, and this year will not work next year. As the super training ground said, as long as he is willing to work hard and pay, there will be a chance sooner or later.

Whether it’s Van Basten, Ronaldo, or Ajax’s stars, sooner or later will have the opportunity to meet them and compete in the same field.

As soon as he thought about this, he felt a lot better in his heart, and he took a step back and turned away.

At this time, Dick Van Poor finally announced the attribution of the first place.

“The first place in this year’s comprehensive evaluation results is …”

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