Super Storm

Chapter 65 - Too brutal

From the away with a four to zero victory back to Detok Most, most players of the second team have a happy smile on their faces, this mood will affect them for the next few days, until the weekend against Witt The second team.

This is the first round of the Youth League.

After arriving at the training base, Van Basten announced that the team would be dissolved on the spot.

Yang Yang went to the dressing room to pick up things and gave the ripped jersey and the dirty clothes he had replaced to the administrator. When he came to training at noon tomorrow, two clean jerseys would be placed in front of his wardrobe.

It was still early. After finishing, Yang Yang walked out of the locker room and came to a fence in the back. He started his own training from the ball on the left and right feet, continued his training, and practiced against the wall after opening his body.

Listening to assistant coach Van Schip said that when Bergkamp was on the youth team, he also trained against the wall.

I didn’t know how long it took to train, and suddenly the sound of Fermalen’s search came from behind.

“Look, I will say it, it must be here.”

“Just played a game, are you really tired?”

Yang Yang stopped and looked back, just seeing Fermalen, Ibrahimović and Maxwell standing behind him, he smiled secretly, without a word, he kicked the ball directly.

“You guys came just right. I only played for thirty minutes, and I still feel not addicted.” He laughed and shouted, Yang Yang rushed towards them quickly, and soon got together.

“Zlatan, have you been scolded again today?”

“Fart, am I the kind of person who gets scolded all day?”

“It’s not like, you are simply, with a face that is not flat, and it still looks like something all day.”

“Haha, Yang Yang was right, but he owed it.”

“Go away, what do you group of country gangsters know? This is cool, you know?”

“Don’t understand.” The three men shook their heads and answered in unison.

“In short, I am in a bad mood today, don’t mess with me.”

“You have been in a bad mood for so many days every month.” Maxwell laughed.

“Who brought you up again?” Yang Yang asked.

“Except you, who dares to mess with me?”

“How did I mess with you?”

“I heard that you played well this afternoon, so you’re in the limelight?”

“What do you want to say?”

“Please, treat yourself as soon as you perform well.” The Swede shouted with justice.

“Then did you invite when you scored?”

“Uh … that’s another thing, you don’t want to think about it. The performance of this afternoon is the result of the few of us training with you every day. Should you repay us? Please give us a good meal? “

“Oh, that’s okay.”


“Of course, no problem, isn’t it just a treat?”

“Hey, your kid is so refreshing and has problems.”

“What’s the problem? I invited this evening, but I’m afraid that if Helena comes over, I accidentally say the wrong thing, what can I do?” Yang Yang looked embarrassed.

“Yeah, what should I do?” Fairmaren and Maxwell both laughed on the ground.

“Uh …” The Swedish center opened his eyes, and soon his face changed to another, and he approached Yang Yang flatteringly, “Haha, I was just kidding with you, don’t take it seriously, I’m here all day Rubbing rice over there, it should be to practice with you, how can I be so embarrassed to invite you again? “

“Are you practicing with me?” Yang Yang asked in a bad tone.

“Uh, no, no, I asked you to accompany me to practice, I owe you, hehe.” The Swede said this to me, but you can still be satisfied with the expression of inquiry.

“Zlatan, All De Tok Most is your thickest face.”

“I am ashamed to be with someone like you.”

“You two get out of here.”

The four young people came to the training ground for fun, and soon as usual, Maxwell and Yang Yang were responsible for the crosses of the left and right sides. Ibrahimovic and Fermalen were responsible for the fight on the middle road. Grab the point.

The originally bland training became interesting because of the frolic between them.

Do n’t look at Ibrahimović who is very tall and has an unruly personality, but I did not expect to fall in love with a girlfriend who is ten years older than himself. Famous model, Helena.

I heard that the two met at a party a year ago. Later, Ibrahimović took the initiative to pursue, and finally chased her under the indiscriminate bombing. The two did not really establish a love relationship not long ago.

Since Helena has her own job in Sweden, and Ibrahimovic ’s current career has just started, the two are still in a vulnerable stage of long-distance relationship.

Because of this, Yang Yang and the three often used Helena to open the Swedish center.

However, this kind of opening is costly.

Both Yang Yang and Maxwell were in charge of the side pass from afar, but the unlucky Fairmaren just laughed the most, and now Ibrahimovic is venting all his anger on him.

As a result, the majestic Nordic giant will be devastated by the Belgian defender who is short on his head.

Even Ronald Coleman, who had just walked out of the first team head coach’s office in the distance, saw a look of unbearable expression, and felt that the Nordic brave man was too cruel.



Four to zero away beat Ethel Merzos, the most prominent is the coach Van Basten.

As a former Dutch legendary striker, Van Basten delivered a satisfactory and perfect answer in the first official game he coached alone, which made everyone look forward to his future coaching.

According to reports by media reporters, the first half of the road met a tough opponent, but Van Basten continued to make good substitutions in the second half, which completely reversed the game and helped the team score three goals in the second half to win.

Under Van Basten ’s strong aura, Yang Yang, who came off the bench, performed well, but Yang Yang, who reversed the game, did n’t even mention the name. The process was also carried out. It was only said that Van Basten boldly promoted a 16 The young teenager played, completely defeating the solid defense of the home team.

As for the other players on the team, no matter whether it is a goal scorer such as Fred Benson and others, or the number one star Babel, there is no mention of the reporter. Obviously, they feel that they will not attract the attention of fans, let alone mention it.

Although he was not named directly, but he was able to go to the newspapers, especially the newspapers in Europe and even around the world, Yang Yang still felt very happy. Of course he was also very clear that the first round of the Dutch Cup can attract such great attention. It still depends on Van Basten’s influence.

Since the game was neither broadcast live nor named by media reporters, Yang Yang returned to his original calm life after the game was finished, still studying in the morning and training in Detok Most in the afternoon.

At best at school, many students who knew he was playing for the Ajax II team would look at him with envious eyes, and occasionally several female students would greet him voluntarily, but this would not affect Yang Yang ’s life at all. And training.

Classes are held on Friday and holidays are on Saturday. All day stay in Detok Most.

Due to his previous effectiveness in the Almere Youth Camp, the player information of the two clubs was shared, so Yang Yang did not do a detailed medical examination when he joined Ajax, but on Saturday morning, Van Basten let John Fansch Pu took Yang Yang to find a team doctor and went to a nearby partner hospital for a very detailed physical examination.

The whole test took a whole morning. After returning, I went to meet the team ’s dietitian and explained some of my usual diet and work habits. In these respects, Yang Yang is very regular.

That is, after being busy, I returned to the head coach’s office of the second team. When I saw Van Basten, the idol told Yang Yang that he hoped that Yang Yang could adjust his training and strengthen his physical fitness appropriately.

“You should know that with the improvement of the level of competition, the physical fitness of players will only become higher and higher. Whether you stay in the Netherlands or go to other leagues in the future, even if it is the most technically worthy La Liga, the players Physical fitness has high requirements. “

“In the professional arena, there is no qualified physical quality, no matter how good the technology and speed can not be played.”

Yang Yang remembered Van Basten’s reminder.

But Van Basten and the coaching staff did not mean that he should improve his physical confrontation in a short period of time, but he needed to strengthen it properly. After all, he is still in the critical stage of long body. Excessive physical strength training is not a good thing.

At the same time, Yang Yang is not blindly obeying. He said that he is still striving to improve his basic skills. Too much physical training is not a good thing for him. Whether it is living under his feet or assault by Ronaldo, he needs to maintain his flexibility degree.

Van Basten, Van Schepp, and Witzger are all professional players. They all understand Yang Yang ’s concerns and assure Yang Yang that the coaching staff will definitely take this into consideration.

“You have to believe that Ajax has decades of experience in training players.”

Yang Yang naturally believes in the capabilities and experience of Van Basten and Ajax in this regard.

At the same time, Van Basten also told Yang Yang that because of his excellent performance in the middle of the week, the coaching staff agreed to let him in Sunday’s league, hoping he could prepare in advance.

This news made Yang Yang very happy.

But Ibrahimović was not so happy, because he was excluded from the roster in the second round of the league on Saturday night because of his midweek game. The whole game was full.

This time Ajax’s first team faced newly promoted Rosendal. This is obviously not a team worthy of Ajax’s best efforts, so Ibrahimovic was scheduled to take a rest.

As a result, on the road, Ajax played very badly. Not only did he not catch well on the defensive side, but also lack of offense.

After Ibrahimovic was won, Van der Vaart did not show the strength of the team’s star, and the newly joined forward Wesley Songk also showed a downturn.

In the end, Maxwell assisted left-winger Saytals to score a goal, helping Ajax to win a one-on-one win.

The league started with two straight wins, but everyone’s doubts about Ajax still continue. I just sent the two chapters together today, and talked a few words with you. Tomorrow is still scheduled, at 8 am and 18 pm.

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