Super Storm

v4 Chapter 1636 - You will not have any chance!

“The second half is about to begin.”

“We saw that neither team made substitution adjustments.”

“Neither Yang Yang nor Tuchel obviously intended to change the tactics in the first half. Overall, both teams played relatively stable.”

“Real Madrid’s possession rate is significantly behind, only 36%, and the number of shots and shots are also behind Paris Saint-Germain, but it is interesting that Real Madrid is the lead.”

“Yang Yang started the game with Paris Saint-Germain for ten minutes, and after seeing that the situation was not quite right, he decisively shrunk. This made the game more dull, but the effect was very good. Real Madrid passed an attack by Mba. Pei scored a goal. “

“Now let’s see if Tuchel will perform in the second half.”

“The game started.”

“We saw Real Madrid’s tactics against the first half, and decisively chose a high position to force the oppression, which is somewhat surprising.”

“But this is Yang Yang, he always surprises people.”

“Yang Yang once said that all tactics that make opponents uncomfortable are good tactics.”

“I have to say that his targeted play now makes Paris Saint-Germain very annoyed, but he has no alternative.”

“When Paris Saint-Germain played against you and almost scored a goal, you resolutely withdrew to defend and even scored a goal, and when the second half started, Paris Saint-Germain wanted to stabilize the rhythm, right When you launched the attack, you pressed out again and pressed high to force the oppression. “

“Yang Yang’s tactics are very targeted, he just wants to disrupt Tuchel’s tactics.”

“In fact, we are all aware that the two opening tactics of the Real Madrid in the second half were not aimed at scoring, but to disrupt the opponent’s rhythm. Paris Saint-Germain is also very aware of this, and Tuchel is signaling the team to press up , Start fighting with your opponent! “

“It’s really hot! Can’t you play a good football?”

“Haha, Yang Yang now has a goal in hand, and I have the victory without any panic.”

“Real Madrid intercepted the ball in the backcourt, and Dericht stabbed the ball passed to Icardi.”

“Canter passed to Frankie De Jong. Paris Saint-Germain’s frontcourt counterattack was not very strong, and the backcourt retreated very quickly.”

“Frankie De Jong brought himself forward and suddenly made a long diagonal pass and shifted to the left.”

“Ferran Mendy fast forwards, he is fast.”

“It’s really amazing, Ferran Mendy’s forward penetration is very fast, even catching up with Frankie De Jong’s oblique long pass.

“Stopping the ball, Vinicius ran over and tried to catch the pass, but Paris Saint-Germain’s defense was very timely.”

“Ferran Mendy tried to pass a behind.”

“Munier was pulled away by Venius, and De Braun drove straight behind him, but Marchinos was chasing all the way, blocking behind him, and did not give De Braun any chance to stop the ball and go to the middle. . “

“I have to say that Paris Saint-Germain’s replacement is still very good.”

“There is no way. De Blaunet can only protect the ball with his back, take it out to the left of the penalty area and pass it back to Venius.”

“Vinius received the ball and cut inwards along the front of the penalty area.”

“Munier came out to defend and the Brazilian winger passed to the penalty area to find Ferran Mendy.”

“Real Madrid’s left back stopped the ball, and Geyer and Tiago Silva came up at the same time and immediately passed back.”

“Viniusius stopped the ball on the left side of the top of the arc and hit the goal directly with his right foot !!!”

“Goal in !!!!!!”


“Two to zero!”

“Fifty-first minutes, just six minutes into the second half, Real Madrid will go to the next city!”

“This is the second wave of Real Madrid’s rapid offensive after a quick counterattack failed.”

“Paris Saint-Germain’s return defense is in place, but Real Madrid’s offensive coordination on the left is very smart.”

“We saw that at the beginning, Vinicius was on the left side of the penalty area to meet Ferran Mendy, but after seeing Paris Saint-Germain return to the anti-drop position in time, he chose to pull it out and bring Munier out, Make room for De Blaunet to advance. “

“After De Blaone’s fast forward, Marginhos quickly followed the defense and blocked Real Madrid’s offensive opportunity again.”

“It doesn’t matter, De Blaunet protected the ball to the left of the penalty area and took it to a safe area.”

“At this time, we can see that Vinicius made a half-turn and returned to the position where Ferran Mendy passed the ball, and Ferran Mendy was inserted to the position of Venusius just now, just the picture There is one more de Blaunet. “

“If there is one more offensive player, Munier and Marginhos will be attracted, so when Viniusius received a return from De Braun, he took the initiative to find Ferran Mendy for a two-on-one , Go directly to the position where the original Marginhos should have held, but at this time there is no one to defend, which is the left side of the arc top of the restricted area. “

“Real Madrid’s attack is very fluid. The players’ running position and cross-transposition are clearly tacit. They use this pass, guard and pull to create loopholes in the opponent’s defense and then grasp opportunity.”

“This style of play was used to the fullest in Ajax last season, but now it can also be seen in Real Madrid. I have to say that this is a manifestation of Yang Yang’s coaching ability.”

“After breaking the ball, quickly advance to the frontcourt. After quickly forming a number advantage in some areas of the frontcourt, creating opportunities with a small range of pass and cut cooperation. This kind of play is very difficult and unpredictable.”

“Now, Tuchel is in trouble!”



Tuchel is indeed in trouble!

If it was said that the original score of zero to one, he was not too worried, then now zero to two, he really panicked.

He had to admit that Yang Yang’s targeted tactics tonight were really a headache, and the two counter-attacks were very interesting.

They all started from the side, but the first time was to directly find Jovic with a long diagonal pass. He wanted to use Jovic’s physical confrontation advantage to grab the first landing point, and Vinius and Mbappe competed for the second point. And, as a result, succeeded.

The attack just now was much more complicated than the first one, full of such small-scale transfer, running and cross-transposition cooperation. It can be seen that after Yang Yang coached Real Madrid, he really gave this team There are many things coming.

In particular, it is worth noting that the Frankie De Jong ’s diagonal long pass, Ferran Mendy ’s high-speed plug-in, De Blaunet ’s forward insert and ball protection, and Vinius ’s pull-out position were just involved in the cooperation. , And the right foot volley after the final incis …

There are no top stars such as Hazard, Suarez and Mbappe, but they are still very eye-catching and sharp.

Yang Yang’s skill in training players really makes people have to admire!

Tuchel was full of sighs, but he had to frown to face the problem in front of him.

Soon, he made a substitution decision.

Shubo Morting walked to the sidelines in the 54th minute, preparing to replace the court.

This one-meter-one center has never been an efficient player, but he was able to join Paris Saint-Germain on the last day of the transfer period last season. An important reason is that he once coached Maine in Tuchel Ci Shi performed well, and he was the same agent as Draxler and others.

After joining Paris Saint-Germain, Mortin was more than a substitute for Cavani. He played twenty-two times in the Ligue 1 last season, of which only eight starts and four appearances in the Champions League. The time is only 844 minutes.

After a long period of war, but was in danger, Icardi did not perform well.

Under the joint control of Derricht and Varane, Icardi kicked for fifty-five minutes, only one shot, no strength, no threat, and even difficult to hold the ball.

Therefore, Tuchel chose Mortin and replaced Icardi, hoping that someone in the frontcourt could suppress Real Madrid’s central defender.

Yang Yang also saw through Tuchel’s intentions, and he followed suit, making a substitution in the 60th minute.

The young Valverde replaced young teenager Venius.

Real Madrid returned to the four-two-two formation. Kanter, Frankie De Jong and Valverde formed a three-back midfielder. De Blaunet advanced and Mbappe pushed forward to form a double forward with Jovic.

If Tuhel’s substitution intention is to resolve the offensive, then Real Madrid’s intention is to strengthen the midfield.

After the substitutions, Real Madrid’s midfield strangulation ability has been greatly improved, and the team has suppressed the Paris Saint-Germain midfielder.

Tuchel looked almost vomiting blood!

Yang Yang made it clear that he bullied people, that is, he saw that Paris Saint-Germain had no one to change.

So, ten minutes later, Tuchel made a second substitution, replacing Marginos with Herrera.

This is clearly the limit of the changes he can make.

The injuries of Cavani, Draxler and other players, the suspension of Neymar, these have made Paris Saint-Germain somewhat stretched in the lineup, and now even at home, Tuchel ’s strongest player lineup has been arranged Played.

In this case, the changes he can make are quite limited.

Yang Yang made a substitution soon, and Modric replaced De Blaunet to continue to strengthen the midfield control.

In the last thirty minutes of the game, neither team was able to create more surprises and surprises.

In the end, Real Madrid defeated Paris Saint-Germain two to zero by virtue of goals from Mbappe and Vinicius!

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Yang Yang was relieved.

The game went on smoothly, without much surprises and surprises, but Real Madrid still benefited from the Paris Saint-Germain injury and illness.

If Neymar, Draxler, Cavani and others can play, maybe the game will be more difficult than it is now.

But through this game tonight, he has also seen the problems and weaknesses of this team.

So, after the game, Tuchel depressed the cruel words, saying that to be in the Bernabeu, when the people were in order, when reporting the revenge of this arrow tonight, Yang Yang smiled and said, “You will not have any chance. ! “

This is a good statement!

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