Super Storm

v4 Chapter 1644 - My soulmate is in the enemy camp!

“I am very dissatisfied with the performance of this game!”

After the century derby, the press conference hall of the Camp Nou stadium was packed with media reporters, all of which were aimed at Yang Yang and Valverde in front of them. They were reporters from major newspapers and TV reporters in the world.

But no one thought that Yang Yang’s first words made the scene uproar.

Not satisfied?

Still very dissatisfied?

You are all three to zero and are not satisfied yet?

What do you mean?

Almost everyone at the scene thought the same, and felt that Yang Yang’s deliberate words were not surprising.

Valverde, who was sitting next to Yang Yang, looked ugly.

Before walking into the press conference hall, he kept telling himself that he must maintain his demeanor. This is Camp Nou. Anyway, as the host, he should be demeanor and not too embarrassing.

But when he saw Yang Yang who had been waiting in the press conference room for a long time, especially when he saw his smile on his face, Valverde felt a pain in his heart. Was it too special to be depressed?

But his reason still conquered his feelings, maintained a stiff smile in front of the media, greeted Yang Yang and others politely, and sat down next to Yang Yang.

But he never expected that Yang Yang’s first sentence would be this!

I go, is this too much?

Did you win, ok?

You got three points and expanded your lead. Are you enough?

Still very dissatisfied?

Why don’t you go to heaven?

“In this game, we exposed a lot of problems.”

“I just looked at the data. In terms of pass success rate, we are better than Barcelona. We are 91%, Barcelona is 86%, five percentage points more, but in the possession rate On the other hand, we are only 48%, which proves that we have not done well in passing and controlling the ball. “

Everyone heard Yang Yang’s explanation, it seemed to make sense. It was such a thing, but it felt like something was wrong.

“In terms of shooting, we have twenty-three shots, but only eight shots, such efficiency is really not high, especially turning opportunities into threatening offenses. We did very badly at this point, in the opening stage We have n’t even been able to shoot the goal for a long time, which makes me unable to be satisfied. “

Valverde, who was sitting on the side, was still able to maintain his style and expression at the beginning. But gradually, when he heard Yang Yang saying this, he felt more embarrassed as he listened, and felt more self-confident as he listened. But in Valverde, it sounds like a bad performance in Barcelona.

Needless to say, possession rate, Barcelona did not have much advantage at all.

You know, this is a good show for Barcelona, ​​and it can even be said to be the core tactic of Barcelona in the past few years.

But even in terms of ball control, 52 to 48, does Barcelona have a great advantage?

The pass success rate is still five percentage points behind the opponent, an important reason is Real Madrid’s high-pressure midfielder.

What a special hardcore!

The whole game was so overwhelming that Barcelona couldn’t breathe, let alone pass the ball forward, even if it was calm enough to choke.

This leads to another problem.

Valverde heard Yang Yang talk about shooting, he just wanted to dig a hole for himself to drill into.

Real Madrid scored a 23-footer and scored eight times. What about Barcelona?

Five shots, one shot!

What an embarrassing number!

Even more terrible is that in the first thirty minutes, Barcelona didn’t even have a shot!

Note, focus, there is no one foot!

This is really funny!

If it didn’t happen in the game, who would believe it to be true?

Even if it’s the ridiculous football competition essay on Chen Aiting, dare not write it?

At the end of hearing, Valverde suddenly came out of it, a little wanted to cry.

This is really the first time he has been beaten to cry because of his coaching career!

Because it’s too special!

From the data point of view, Barcelona can be described as falling in all directions.

In addition to a slight advantage in ball control, Barcelona really only has superiority and free kicks. Among them, there are 19 free kicks, Real Madrid only six times, and fouls, Barcelona only five times and Real Madrid 17 times. .

In other words, Real Madrid’s tactics against Barcelona are: grab if you can, grab if you can’t grab, or foul if you can’t.

But Barcelona have no way to play this way.

In the end, Valverde simply turned his head, no longer looked at Yang Yang politely.

Anyway, he has no way to stop Yang Yang from “belittle” Real Madrid.

However, Yang Yang also spit out the resentment in his heart after “cracking” Real Madrid.

“In addition to our unsatisfactory performance, I think the referee is also debatable.”

Yang Yang began to shift his goal, “I just saw it clearly in the locker room. We should have at least one penalty in the second half. As for Mbappe ’s offside, it was a clear misjudgment. I think I should talk about the video at this time. The role of the referee. “

“We all know that without these two misjudgments, the penalty kick was scored and the offside turned into a single-handed. What will the final result be, I believe everyone knows.”

When it comes to this, Yang Yang also turned around, “Of course, misjudgment is an essential thing in football, every game will be misjudged, every team may benefit from or lose money from the misjudgement, but I What I want to say is that in such an important game, there are two such obvious misjudgments, it should not be! “

Everyone understood this time.

After going round and round and making a big circle, Yang Yang finally wanted to say, isn’t it just a misjudgment?

These two penalties were indeed misjudgments. At this point, everyone who has watched the live broadcast of the game knows that facing the global live broadcast has been repeatedly played back in slow motion, it is indeed a misjudgment.

Everyone can understand Yang Yang ’s complaint, because his team could beat Barcelona five to zero, but now it is only three to zero, but five to zero is a very traditional match between Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and it is also historically significant. digital.

Of course, in today’s game, even if there is no five to zero, Real Madrid’s prestige has not been compromised.

The whole game overwhelmed Barcelona with only a five-footed shot. One shot was positive. This is definitely not the number that the peak match should have. Instead, it is more like the team that Real Madrid plays in the lower level of the King’s Cup. It is not at the same level.

Especially in the opening game, Barcelona didn’t even have a shot for 30 minutes. Is this imaginable?

The media reporters are also quite good at observing and commenting. After looking at Yang Yang’s “righteous indignation”, he looked at Valverde and turned his head to look next to it, as if he hadn’t heard Yang Yang’s speech at all.

Fighting on the field is not fun, continue the second round off the field!

As a result, media reporters immediately followed the good tradition of watching the bustling and not worrying about the big ones, not asking which ones to mention, asking Valverde’s views on the game and his comments on the two teams.

Come on, Valverde, hurt each other!

Valverde scolded his mother in anger.

Does this mean that the monk is pointing at the monk?

Is it necessary to live with me like this?

Finally, Valverde answered the question, saying that Real Madrid did play better.

“Recently, we have been affected by injuries, national team games and intensive schedules. The players are not in the best state of mind and body. In contrast to Real Madrid, they look better adjusted, which makes them play better.”

“That’s how football matches are, the better teams win.”

After finishing this round, Barcelona was one behind with 19 points and ranked third, while Yang Yang led the standings with 30 points. He took a ten-game winning streak and ranked second with Gera. Nada, it was exactly 20 minutes.

Regarding the situation in La Liga, Valverde still refused to relax.

Although it has fallen behind by 11 points, the Barcelona coach still believes that Barcelona still have a chance.

The media did not deny that there is still a chance for Barcelona, ​​but they doubt that the Barcelona that is responsible for chasing Yang Yang ’s Real Madrid will be Valverde sitting on the coach seat.

Valverde was also very helpless when the media sharply threw the question of the crisis of handsomeness.

“The initiative in this matter is not with me. I feel that I am competent and able to lead Barcelona out of the current predicament, but I need support from all sides.”

The media also tossed Valverde’s question of handsomeness to Yang Yang. Yang Yang responded to his previous grievances and turned to Valverde for his full support. The sincere tone and natural attitude made Valverde unbelievable. , Even touched.

It turned out that the confidant who was waiting hard for him was on the coach’s seat of the enemy!

“After being Guardiola, Barcelona’s best coach!” Yang Yang said very determinedly.

He has experienced all the coaches of Barcelona in the past ten years, so what he said is still very important.

But this kind of atmosphere is definitely not what the media wants to see, so …



The following day, a voice was heard from the Spanish domestic media.

That is, Yang Yang hopes Valverde will survive the crisis of coaching and continue to stay in Barcelona, ​​because in this way can “help” Real Madrid to fight to further open the gap.

When Yang Yang saw this report, he was totally stunned, followed by a burst of laughter.

Is this too good to associate?

The unlucky Valverde was really pushed by the wall and beaten by thousands of people.

Valverde, who is far away in Barcelona, ​​almost vomited blood after seeing this report.

He was at the scene at that time, Yang Yang’s tone was so sincere, so sincere, where is there the kind of yin and yang weirdness that the media said?

But he also began to realize that now his biggest opponent is no longer someone else, not Yang Yang, not even the media, but a crisis of handsomeness!

After losing to Real Madrid, boos have appeared in the stands of Camp Nou. At this time, such news broke out. Valverde can imagine that Barcelona ’s management must have evaluated whether he is suitable to continue to stay in Barcelona. Handsome.

Is it really necessary to leave like this?

Can’t even last this season?

Valverde felt very unwilling in his heart, but was helpless.

Professional football is always so cruel!

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