Super technology creativity

Chapter 10 Technology Face

Chapter 10 Technology Face


"Jing Tie, I'm Zhao Chuanzhi." Zhao Chuanzhi called again.

Jing Tie hurriedly said: "Please tell me." He was faintly excited. Yesterday Zhao Chuanzhi asked him to post on Weibo to create momentum. Today, this problem may be solved!This is good news for Dota fans!

"Help me post an advertisement link for a product. The key words are 1: automatic matching platform, which can change the problem of dota only being able to build teams in a local area network, and join hands with hundreds of millions of online players to learn from each other. 2: each game will be played by The platform server builds the host, not only no longer freezes, but also eliminates third-party plug-ins. 3: Disconnection and reconnection system, even if the connection is disconnected due to network reasons, it can automatically reconnect within 1 minute, and you will not regret every game. 4: Self-provided in-team voice, team-up and black communication. 5: Friend system, event promotion, etc., convenient for Dota players to communicate and obtain information."

Every time Zhao Chuanzhi said something, Jing Tie's heart seemed to be on fire.

How powerful is this platform?Basically, all the urgent issues that dota fans are most concerned about in the market have been solved.

This is the product that solves the pain points of users!Look at Zhao Chuanzhi's brain, what he thinks, it's really brilliant!

"Okay, okay, Mr. Zhao, I will post on Weibo immediately, you... are really talented, I admire you so much." Jing Tie said from the bottom of his heart.

At 12:[-] noon, the Yaoyao platform was officially launched. Although Blizzard blocked the Dota map, it did not block other Zhongke products.The Yaoyao platform has been successfully launched on many websites.

Moreover, with the help of Jingtie Weibo, the popularity of the Yaoyao platform is even faster than that of Dota!After all, everyone has already tasted the fun of Dota. This platform that can solve users' urgent problems came out at the right time, fueling the flames and making Dota even more popular.


In the Internet cafe, Qin's second son raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, download something with me!"

Suddenly there was a voice in the Internet cafe: "What new game is there? But I have Dota, so I won't play new games with you. Dota is fun!"

Qin's second son laughed and said: "It's not a new game, it's a game platform developed by Zhao Chuanzhi, the founder of Dota! Playing on this platform, you can compete with people from all over the world in Dota. Come four brothers, follow me to challenge the world Dota master!"

"I wipe it, is it so cool?"

"Count me in, I'm also a Dota master in our class!"

"Count me, count me, I want to play the demeanor of our University of Science and Technology!"

"Why don't we form a science and technology university team and challenge the world's Dota masters"

"Okay, okay, you are the main players, at least I am the backup?"

With the help of Dota, the Yaoyao platform directly became popular in university dormitories and Internet cafes. Dota also used the Yaoyao platform to push it to new players again.


Everyone in the company was quietly paying attention to Zhao Chuanzhi's actions. As soon as it went online at noon, everyone secretly downloaded it to their computers to study what this platform is.

This research immediately exploded.

I admire Zhao Chuanzhi in my heart, don't want to, look at his handwriting, it's amazing!How did people come up with this brain!

It not only solves many problems of players, but also directly breaks through the market blockade of Blizzard!
In the future, this platform will grow up and include not only dota, but also many games such as mahjong, poker, backgammon, etc., which is a natural promotion channel.

With the Yaoyao platform, do you still need to rely on the breath of the blizzard?Do you still need those map cooperative download sites?Let's play together!

Zhao Chuanzhi, what a talent!
When Zhao Chuanzhi passed by in the company, many ordinary employees secretly gave him a thumbs up, and his attitude towards Zhao Chuanzhi changed drastically.And he revealed vaguely that he wanted to join Zhao Chuanzhi's group.

At the morning meeting.

Liu Yang's brows were filled with joy, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Shao Qiang and Sheng Fang had dark faces.

Liu Yang laughed loudly and said: "Xiao Zhao, what a talent! This Yaoyao platform was launched in a timely manner, and it solved our company's urgent needs! The general manager, including the company's senior management, has expressed their appreciation for you! Xiao Zhao, This time, remember your credit!"

Zhao Chuanzhi smiled slightly.

Liu Yang waved his hands happily: "Now, not only Blizzard has suffered, but also those map cooperative websites have lost miserably! The only winner in this game is our Zhongke Company."

In the corner, Shao Qiang said in a neutral tone: "Blizzard is devastated, so it's so easy to let it go? Don't forget, Dota is a product based on Warcraft III. People can play you how they want to play with you."

Liu Yang's joy slowly dissipated, and he also realized this, forced a smile and said: "Okay, today's regular meeting is over here, Xiao Zhao will stay here for a while."

Everyone left the conference room with envious expressions.

Liu Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Zhao, thanks to you this time, I personally express my gratitude to you very much." After speaking, he held Zhao Chuanzhi's hand tightly.

"It's what Shao Qiang said just now, do you have a way to solve it?" A trace of worry flashed across Liu Yang's brows.

Zhao Chuanzhi thought for a long time, and finally shook his head slightly.

Based on Warcraft III, it is a birth defect of dota.Not only did it cause many game mechanisms to be unable to break away from the framework of Warcraft III, it also made the game feel at a loss.The bigger hidden danger is Blizzard Corporation.As long as Dota is still running on Warcraft III, it depends on Blizzard's attitude.Similar to living under the fence.

Liu Yang's complexion also darkened, and there was a flash of disappointment in the depths of his eyes.

"It's okay, Xiao Zhao has done a very good job. With the Yaoyao platform, dota will definitely become our company's benchmark product!" Liu Yang laughed loudly and patted Zhao Chuanzhi on the shoulder.

As soon as Liu Yang came out of the conference room, he was stopped by Shao Qiang.

"Minister Liu." Shao Qiang came out from the corner outside the door.

"Huh?" Liu Yang frowned, a little bit annoyed to see Shao Qiang.I compared Zhao Chuanzhi and Shao Qiang in my heart.

Shao Qiang is too far behind Zhao Chuanzhi.

Shao Qiang said: "I sent Sheng Fang, and I just discussed with the relevant personnel of Blizzard. Blizzard said that our struggle is futile, and the other party gave us two ways, either to be acquired by them, and we can share part of the benefits. Or Blizzard They will sue us for copyright infringement, release a new version of Warcraft III, and cancel support for Dota. At that time, the map of Dota will not be playable directly.”

Liu Yang was taken aback. Suddenly, the blizzard played so big that it was about to tear his face?Isn't it just a map? How can a company as big as Blizzard focus on this small piece of dota?
Suddenly, Liu Yang understood something, and his heart felt nauseated.These ideas may not have been thought up by Blizzard's people, but probably Shao Qiang and Sheng Fang's ideas for Blizzard.

"Then what do you say?"

Shao Qiang smiled and said: "It's easy to handle. Accepting the acquisition is the best result. When the time comes to negotiate, we may not be able to let Zhongke Company be acquired together. At that time, Zhongke will be the branch of Huaxia Blizzard , in the future, we will all be creators of history. Our Zhongke company will also enter the international vision in one fell swoop, which is a great thing!"

Liu Yang's heart couldn't help but move, the temptation was too great!
(End of this chapter)

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