Super technology creativity

Chapter 444 Self-help

Chapter 444 Self-help

Ten days later, in the constant "unplanned" meteor shower, the required comets were finally gathered.With the continuous efforts of man and machine, those grotesque devices that revolve around the blue star centered on each space jump point are finally approaching completion.

In order to ensure reliability, with the efforts of scientists and Hongmei, more than ten "comet warheads" will be aimed at all blue stars above the space jump points at any time.Every space jump point is guaranteed to have more than a hundred "comet warheads" evenly monitoring this point for 24 hours.

After all this was done, all the machinery was recovered except for the propulsion units installed on those "comet warheads".Even if it is a cyberstar civilization that has been high for decades, if you don't stand on those meteorites, you don't want to see anything tricky.

In the last "meteor shower" project, scientists found that these meteorites were not useless.The various elements and minerals rich in it are even relatively scarce resources on Blue Star.

Therefore, after the "comet warhead" was installed, the people on the blue star did not stop making meteor showers, but collected all the meteorites that the blue star passed by during this period that might be gathered.

Under the mature comet capture technology, these meteorites with such rich mineral resources are properly wrapped in artificial materials.

Then, under the ingenious arrangement of science and technology, these meteorites were shattered by high-frequency vibrations generated by air friction during their descent.

When these simple aircraft wrapped around them landed on the ground with parachutes, the staff responsible for collecting meteorites, after opening the outer protective cover, got a truckload of ore that was easy to transport!

This wave of operations continued until all the nuclear bomb stocks on Blue Star disappeared!
Yes, the nuclear bomb arsenals of all the forces on the blue star have been emptied by these crazy scientists trying to survive!

Anyway, when the cyberstars invade the earth, they will use some method to disable or lose control of the nuclear bomb depot on the blue star. Why keep these things?
After the matter in the sky came to an end, all productive forces and production machines were put into the defense of the ground.

In fact, work on the ground has been going on.It's just that most of the energy has been shared by the outer space project.

Against the backdrop of the imminent invasion of cyberstars, all fields seem to have been pumped with chicken blood, producing all kinds of fruits crazily.Some scientists once lamented that more things were researched in just two months than in the previous 20 years!
In just two months, the weapons in the hands of the armed forces on the ground have been updated for four full generations!It is updated almost every ten days!
Now that the armed forces on the blue star have no distraction from the war, they have been immersed in the painful rhythm of updating-learning-updating-learning during this period of time.

These soldiers who can only wield their muscles are about to spit out when they see those manuals that are as thick as palms or even shells!
Not only the armed forces, but the main energy on the ground is actually focused on how to resist the attacks of the cyberstars.

The tens of kilometers around the space jump point were completely emptied.The whole ground is cured step by step from loose to tight from inside to outside.

Under the powerful computing power of the supercomputer, this solidification has been accurately calculated. Even if all the fortifications on the ground are destroyed, after the "comet warhead" falls, the scope of destruction will be limited to that step in this area!
On the ground, layers of defense lines as high as tens of meters were built.

These tall defensive lines, in addition to concrete and steel bars, are also mixed with various composite metals and countless mechanisms for possible situations.

They are the first battlefield for human beings to resist cyberstars!The internal code name is "New Great Wall"!
Looking down from a high altitude, they are like a blank circle with a few square meters, surrounded by airtight rings, every few kilometers, tightly blocking the jumping point of that space.

But when you get closer, you will find the difference.These rings are not completely closed.At the bottom of a certain section of each ring, there will always be a "small gap" ten meters high and several hundred meters long.

Compared to the scale of this circle of the new Great Wall, it is indeed a small gap.

These "small gaps" are arranged in random order, and the position of each ring opening the "small gaps" is different-this is to remove the shock wave from the comet warhead falling from the sky.

On the premise that the new Great Wall is not destroyed, with these small gaps, the shock wave of the comet warhead will be digested by more than half of it reasonably.

After all, this is their own place. While defending against the enemy, no one wants their own territory to be smashed to pieces due to the flames of war.

When these super projects are in full swing, the mining machines are mining mines non-stop, and the major factories around the world have exploded with crazy strength, constantly manufacturing parts and transporting them to the nearest space jump point for assembly. .

Squads of robots with different functions continuously flocked to various positions of the New Great Wall, and together with the armed forces, they monitored the movement of the jumping point of space day and night.

In this way, when all preparations were almost ready, two months and more than 20 days had passed since Zhao Chuanzhi's historic meeting to integrate global forces!
During this period of time, ordinary people gradually felt the increasingly oppressive atmosphere.

The economy doesn't seem to be stagnant, and the war has completely disappeared, but there is just an unspoken sense of tension that weighs on everyone's heart.

During this time, Hongmei slowly lifted many restrictions.

In the beginning, it was information that only those in power of various forces, big and small, had the right to know, and it began to gradually spread to the lower levels.

First scientists, then family members of those in power, then cronies of those in power, then various key departments, and then the entire army.

Finally, when all the preparations were completed, a video began to be played in a loop on the audio stations of major video websites and news video stations.

"Recently, scientists have discovered several space anomalies during the detection of submarine monsters."

"After repeated confirmation, these space anomalies are connected to another civilization."

"As for the sea monster that appeared before, after repeated demonstrations by scientists, it was discovered that it was not an ancient monster, but an invasion weapon introduced by that civilization through a space anomaly."

"This is just a test. It is expected that this civilization will invade Blue Star again in the near future."

"Blue Star people, we have reached the critical point of life and death! Let's join hands and do our jobs well."

"Please try to stay away from those marked space jump points, and leave the rest to us!"

"If you fight them off once, you can fight them off countless times!"

"Blue Star Defense Complex."

"The second piece of news is that Blue Star has entered a state of wartime, and everything is conducted in accordance with the laws of war. Anyone who creates chaos, drives up prices, spreads rumors, etc. during this extraordinary period will be punished as a crime of betrayal of humanity!"

"Blue Star Defense Complex."

The humans on the blue star inevitably fell into chaos after experiencing a short period of sluggishness.And some hysterical people with ulterior motives added countless fuels to this chaos.

However, this conflagration that was likely to start a prairie fire was extinguished by artificial intelligence and five generations of armed forces.

In fact, apart from the announcement, people's lives have not been affected.

The Internet is unimpeded, food is plentiful, and all social orders are functioning normally.Even in response to the possible hoarding of resources after the news was announced, Hongmei mobilized all resources to suppress this wave of emergencies.

After the initial hesitation and panic, most people began to calm down.

They began to take the initiative to download books on various websites, such as "How to Assist in Resisting Cyberstars Together", "How to Correctly Discover Cyberstar Spies That May Be Lurking in Life"...etc.

After all, there is only one Blue Star. If it is invaded, then everyone will lose their place to stay.If you want to continue to live, you have to use all your strength to fight against Cyberstar!
Waiting is excruciating, especially if you're waiting for an enemy to invade.

One day, two days, three days... When the time came to two months and 27 days, the detectors that detected the space jump point all over the world sounded the alarm at the same time!

Cyberstars have invaded!
In the video monitors from various angles, a big hole was "blast open" in the sky.A starry sky, glowing like an aurora-like color, appeared strangely above the jumping point in space.

Immediately afterwards, a dense burst of light spots appeared from the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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