Super Training Master

Chapter 32 - We have a grudge!

At the press conference, many cameras were pointed at. The flashing light kept flashing. Wansheng, who was just sitting, was a little uncomfortable. He blocked his eyes with his hands, and then he did it steadily, with a trace of warmth on his face. Looked at the reporter off the stage.

He seemed calm and calm, but he was a little nervous and agitated.

Wan Sheng once thought that he would be surrounded by many journalists and interviewed by many media as the team’s head coach. He felt that he would definitely shine very well, he would be the only protagonist, every action every The expression will be remembered by many cameras.

That would be very handsome and very chic.

He tried to make a warm expression to make him look more intimate, thinking about the next exciting words to make these media reporters have confidence in themselves and Derbyshire.

But he soon loses his mood for POSS.


“… Wan Sheng was an assistant coach of the team before. His performance in the assistant coach’s work was outstanding. In the last game, he temporarily took over the command of the game. He was also calm and calm, and led the team to complete the reversal and achieved Valuable three points. “

Wilcox is also introducing Wansheng to reporters.

“I and the club chairman Mr. Jim Smith agreed that Wansheng has the ability to take over the work of the team’s head coach and he can lead the team to complete the relegation goal of this season …”

“The club has prepared a temporary contract for him. The contract will be terminated until the end of the season. If the team can achieve the goal of relegation, we will provide him with a formal contract for more than one year, but Mr. Smith and I have both Have confidence.”

“Wan Sheng is still very young, but the young man should get the opportunity, he has the ability, we trust him …”

After Wilcox finished speaking, the press officer signaled the reporters to start asking questions. At this stage, Wan Sheng, as the protagonist of the press conference, was supposed to be the subject of the question, but the reporters ignored this and they asked questions. The subjects are all Wilcox, as if Wan Sheng does not exist at all.

“Mr. Wilcox, why are you so confident in him?”

“Will Derby County choose him as the head coach, is there some insider? As far as I know, Derby County has two assistant coaches, Diamares is more qualified to take over the team coach than him.”

“You can rest assured that the pressure is on a 25-year-old young man?”

“Is he a Chinese? Does Derbyshire want to use him to develop the Chinese market? But as far as I know, Derbyshire is not well-known in China …”


All kinds of questions are directed at Wansheng, and Wansheng is sitting beside him, and no reporter pointed his target at him.

Wan Sheng immediately lost his mood for POSS.

His face sank, his eyes chilled.

He just sat there and looked at him coldly, as if everything had nothing to do with him, but that expression made people know that his mood was definitely not very good.

Wilcox soon noticed Wan Sheng’s embarrassment. He took the microphone and said quietly, “Let’s invite the team’s new coach Wan Sheng to talk about the team.”

It feels as if he has become a press officer. In fact, Wilcox feels that Wansheng cannot be too embarrassing. If reporters interview him today and ignore Wansheng ’s new head coach, Derbyshire must be tomorrow. Will become the laughing stock of many people.

He didn’t want that.

But he was still a little worried that Wan Sheng could not cope with it. After all, Wan Sheng had no experience. He was really just a young man less than 26 years old.


Wan Sheng put the microphone very calmly.

His cold eyes glanced at all the reporters at the venue. It seemed to be not friendly at all. He coughed and attracted everyone’s attention before speaking. “I am very happy to be the head coach of Derbyshire. “

“Before, I only worked here for half a year. Many people said that I was very young, but I believe that age does not mean ability. I only worked for half a year, but many people in the team trust me. Why? Because of my Their ability to work convinces them. “

“Now Mr. Chairman and Mr. Wilcox have given me the opportunity to coach the team. I am very grateful to them and I will do my best to lead the team to the game.”

“I believe that after the end of the season, Derbyshire will definitely be able to stay in the Premier League!”

While Wan Sheng was talking slowly, he kept looking at the reporters who were staring at him.

They looked at this unfamiliar and strange face, and felt more incredible than they had heard before. The young man in front of him was young if he was a player, let alone a coach.

It has been amazing that he can be an assistant coach in Derbyshire, not to mention, can he now take charge of the Derbyshire coach?

Why did Derbyshire choose him to succeed Gregory?

Do he have any relegation experience?

Does he have any experience in coaching the English Premier League? He even said that he didn’t even have the experience of coaching a team, and he was only an assistant coach for only half a year!

Such a young man who has no experience as a professional player. Why did he gain the trust of Derbyshire seniors to take over the first team of Derbyshire?

Especially at the critical moment of relegation in Derbyshire?

Derbyshire club executives must be crazy! Club manager Paul Wilcox is crazy! Club chairman Gil Smith is crazy!

When Wan Sheng was all finished, the reporters from the audience watched him.

The meeting place was quiet. The reporters didn’t react until the news officer indicated that they could ask questions, and they raised their hands almost uniformly. The press officer ordered a reporter sitting in the front row, which was a reporter for the Daily Mirror.

The reporter stood up and asked, “Hello, this is Brand of” Daily Mirror “. I would like to ask, do you have any experience in leading the team to relegation?”

Wansheng shook his head, “No.”

“Have you had any experience coaching the team?”


“So how long have you been working as a coach?”

“Half a year.”

Brand smiled, it felt like he had made a trap, and the goal was already in the trap, “So, why do you have the confidence to believe that you can lead Derbyshire to achieve the relegation goal?”

“I believe I can do it.” Wan Shengdao said.

“I also believe you can’t do it?” Brand smiled. He looked at his peers and felt quite like “I asked him down”.

Wan Sheng pursed his lips and stared at Brand for a long time before asking, “I knew you before?”

Brand was shocked and shook his head.

“I have a grudge against you?”

Brand didn’t understand it and continued to shake his head.

Wan Shengdao said, “Then Mr. Brand, now we have a grudge.” Then he looked at the press officer and signaled “Next”.


Many people in the venue grew up.

This guy … what are you talking about? Has he become enemies with Brand? What does it mean? But they haven’t responded yet. The press officer has pointed to the next reporter. This is a supporting local reporter from the Derby County Sports News.

The reporter stood up and asked, “I ’m from Brookerson, a reporter from the Derbyshire Sports News. I would like to ask, where is your confidence in leading Derbyshire to achieve its relegation goal?”

“My ability.”

“So can you tell me more specifically?”

“I will develop more suitable tactics for the team, I will let everyone do more suitable training, I will make the team play as best as possible.”

“So how can you be sure that your tactics and training will be more suitable for the team?”

Wan Sheng pursed his lips and said, “Mr. Brookson, you have also asked me down, so we are also enemies, next!”


Brookson can only sit down. He and Brand glance at each other. Both of them do not quite understand what ‘enmity’ means. They think this young man is a way to cover up embarrassment.

But pride flashed in both eyes.

did you see it? We asked the young man down, he had nothing to say, just left a **** to cover up the embarrassment.

The two were somewhat sympathetic.

Soon, the press officer signaled other reporters to ask questions one by one. Derby County was a big change. Although Derby County was only a Ligue 1 team, it still attracted a lot of attention. There were more than 30 reporters at the venue. Some of them came from The reporters in the surrounding area also have reporters from the English media.

Questions were asked by the press officer, but more than half of the reporters still got a chance —

“Can you tell me, for what reason did the Derbyshire club choose you to take over Gregory’s job?”

“What is your goal for coaching the team?”

“Are you really confident to lead Derbyshire to complete the relegation? You know, this can be a big thing for the team to relegate!”

“What did you do before you came to Derbyshire?”

“You said that many people are convinced of you, why do you think so?”

“Wilcocks said that you did well in the position of assistant coach. Can you talk about your work results? Please be more specific. UU Reading”

“These results seem to have nothing to do with coaching the team?”

“How confident are you in achieving the goal of relegation, can you say a specific probability? For example, 30%, 50%?”


Question after question came one after another, but Wan Sheng still responded calmly one by one. His eyes were cold and not friendly at all, but he answered each question patiently.

Wan Sheng’s mouth is not strong, many reporters’ questions make him do not know how to answer, so he said the last sentence, “We are enemies.”

The reporters are all unknown.

Instead, they felt that this young man could say this sentence is a proof of ability-have you seen it? I asked him down, this sentence is proof.

As a result, the reporter’s problems are becoming more and more tricky and weird.

There are some problems that even the best coach can’t deal with, and it is not a question of confidence or confidence at all, it is simply nothing to find trouble, and then most of the reporters who asked questions got this sentence.

Instead, they feel very fulfilled …

It ’s just that what they did n’t know was that when Wan Sheng left the venue, he took away a piece of letter paper on the table. If he took it to see it, he would find a series of names written on it—

“Daily Mirror”, Brand.

“Derby County Sports News”, Brookson.

“Daily Mail”, ……


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