Super Training Master

Chapter 88 - birthday present

When the two giants of Wansheng and the club discussed the contract and the right to transfer, the first team training ground of the Derby County club, the team’s training is also in progress. ^ ~ Fiction ^

Since Wansheng became the head coach, each player has a personal training task, coupled with the team’s tactical training content, Derby County’s training intensity is much stronger than when Gregory coached. On weekdays, the players Most of them are doing training silently, their energy is put on sweat, plus they have to face the pressure of relegation, the atmosphere will not appear too active, and the exchange of players is only limited to people they know.

But today’s atmosphere seems relaxed, because they have completely relegated in advance.

Relegation has always been the biggest pressure on the team, not just the club. Every player has to bear this pressure. They have worked hard for a season. They have played often and infrequently. As a result, they are direct participants in making team achievements. After working hard for a season, the team was relegated, and no one could accept it, so they faced the pressure of relegation no less than the rest of the club.

Now the relegation is finally completed, or two rounds ahead of time. The next two games naturally become unimportant. Without pressure, the team atmosphere is very relaxed. Everyone is doing training and talking about relaxing things, such as holidays, and then some gossip around, or the gossip of female stars. When I heard Wan Sheng saying that the goal of the new season was to upgrade two days ago, almost everyone felt incredible. They have no confidence in the team, and many people have no confidence in themselves. Derby County has been working hard for relegation this season. Everyone subconsciously thinks they are ranked in the bottom of the 24 teams.

Most people’s mood to celebrate relegation also comes from this-they think relegation is worth celebrating, because it is already good to be relegated!

Talking about upgrades in this state of mind, they feel dazed.

Although these two days are a holiday, many people have thought about the possibility of striving to upgrade next season, and some of them think it is possible. The upgrade seems out of reach, but considering the recent team’s performance is still quite good, as long as it can be maintained throughout the season, then the upgrade is by no means only to look forward to.

Everyone is talking about the possibility of a team upgrade.

“Mr. Wan Sheng is very confident, I believe he will succeed!”

“I also want him to succeed, so that next season. I will be able to go to the Premier League! But I think the hope is really not great, and upgrading is not so easy.”

“That’s not one or two wins, but a good performance throughout the season.” Everyone said their own opinions.

The atmosphere in the team was very relaxed, and everyone had a smile on their faces, but they still worked hard in training. After all, there was assistant coach Diamares watching. In fact, even without Diamares, no one dared to be lazy in personal training. Many things have been proved before, Wan Sheng seems to always know whether they are lazy. So lazy people were punished.

Now they won’t be lucky.

But not everyone is the same, so many people on the team, there are always some discordant factors. One of the most performers is Michael Johnson.

Michael Johnson has long thought about leaving the team in the summer. His agent has already started to contact teams interested in him, so he doesn’t care about the training now. Anyway, I left after a few days, and training is no longer important.

He still resented Wansheng.

After Wan Sheng became the head coach, he didn’t even have the chance to play, but now it is not easy to contact the transfer. Those clubs interested in him are not sure of his status. So it is not easy for him to leave and get a satisfactory contract.

“It was all caused by the Chinese!” Michael Johnson thought so.

In this state of mind, he is even less concerned about training. When he heard his teammates talk about the goal of upgrading, Michael Johnson thought that he hadn’t even entered the roster in the game against Ipswich, so his mood was even worse.

“What an upgrade! Shit! That’s a bragging guy! Leading Derby County to upgrade? This is a huge joke. It’s already a **** to lead the team to relegation!”

Michael Johnson murmured softly, but that voice was clearly heard even by Diamares, who was watching the training next to him.

Diamares looked at Michael Johnson and shook his head. He knew that this guy must be leaving in the summer. It is totally meaningless to argue with him now, and Michael Johnson said something in private, he did n’t Reason to argue with each other.

The players who support Wan Sheng are also very unhappy.

Some people think and stand up, but think about it, they still don’t do that. Because of the previous media events, most people didn’t like Michael Johnson. Now he is leaving. Let him say something cool.

Anyway, there will not be him in the team that is going to upgrade next year. As long as he does not overdo it, no one wants to ignore him.

When Wan Sheng returned to the training ground, Diamares reminded him about Michael Johnson’s problems, what he said, and his lack of training. This is not a small report, Diamare Si was originally an assistant coach of the team, which is also part of his job.

Wan Sheng looked at the stadium.

Michael Johnson is training, but that lazy attitude makes him look more like leisure and relaxation than personal training.

But in the end, Wan Sheng shook his head and ignored Michael Johnson.

This guy was not in the plan for the next season, he had originally planned to sell him, and he could exchange money for the club. Now the attitude of the other party makes him feel disgusted. Criticized in the past. Ask the other party to take training seriously.

A player who is not in the plan … If the opponent is serious, finally give him another training plan to guide him so that he can play well in other teams in the future.

But this attitude of the other party, he does not need to waste saliva.

A day of training passed quickly.

After disbanding the team. Wan Sheng returned to his office and carefully studied his opponents in the next two games, Walsall and Gillingham, two teams in the middle of the league.

If the game is taken seriously, these two opponents are still very coping.

It’s not that how weak these two teams are, in fact. Their points rankings are higher than Derby County, but because of this, they have nothing to pursue, there is no pressure on relegation, there is no hope of upgrading. This kind of team will not let the team fight hard until the end of the league.

The same is true for Derbyshire.

After two rounds of relegation in advance, the outcome of the remaining two games is irrelevant.

Wan Sheng is trying to make players who are not in the training plan next season, if there is a good performance may help them leave the team ‘help’, but also allow the club to sell a good price.

He had some confidence in this.

After two months of training, everyone has made some progress. Those players who were the main players of Gregory’s team but are now very difficult to play. Their strength has also improved. They have reached the field of play, as long as they play seriously. Stable performance can still be guaranteed.

He thinks about how to arrange the lineup, so that the team can play well, but also make these players have some performance.

It is not easy to grasp this degree.

This has to be linked to the roster that will remain on the team in the summer, but Wan Sheng has not yet fully considered it, so in the end he still has n’t settled down, and it ’s 8pm. Wansheng shook his head and started to go back.

He lazily took a taxi home.

Push the door open, it’s dark inside.

This time. Dali was still busy in the tavern, and usually came back after ten o’clock. Wan Sheng reached out to turn on the lights, and at that moment the lights in the room suddenly turned on.


A lot of people suddenly rushed out of the room. In front of the door, behind the sofa and in the hallway, they shouted Happy Birthday and rushed over to sprinkle colorful paper scraps.

Wan Sheng stood stunned in front of the door.

The room has been decorated, and it has become the place where patty is held. Everyone is shouting happy birthday, happy birthday?

Today … it seems to be my birthday.

Wan Sheng was in a daze for a long time before reacting. He has no impression of his birthday at all. It seems to be the most recent in his memory, but he did not care at all. He had never had a birthday in his previous life, and no one would think of giving him a birthday. The thought was that Dali would find these people to celebrate her birthday.

Wan Sheng looked at these faces.

There are familiar ones, Beth, John, Britz, and some people who often drink together in the bar. There are also many strange faces. They are probably friends.

Thinking about it, Dali had come over. She took Wan Sheng’s hand and urged him into the house. Wan Sheng followed Dali into the house like a puppet. Dali said to him loudly, “Wan Win, today is your birthday, say something! “

Everyone came around and applauded.

At this time, Wan Sheng was relieved. He was slightly moved, and a tear burst into his eyes, but he was immediately held back. He resisted the joy and emotion in his heart, and said three times in a row, thank you, this can be It’s really the first birthday together in two lifetimes.

“Thank you for helping me organize a birthday party. I was really surprised. To be honest, I do n’t even know that today is my birthday!”

Everyone laughed, and many people coaxed Wan Sheng to say a few more words.

“Say something? I’m so happy, but I don’t know what to say …” Wan Sheng pushed away.

Someone immediately said aloud, “Wan Sheng, you should thank Dali, she told us that your birthday is today, you don’t know it yourself, but she thought of it, how can you thank her!” Wan Shengxun looked at her voice In the past, it was Little Beth.

Many people also coaxed after Beth’s words.

They both live nearby and are very familiar with Dali. She also knows her situation. Wan Sheng lives with her. Although they seem to be ordinary friends on weekdays, if the two can be closer to each other, Dali can be considered. Rely on it, you do n’t have to live so hard by yourself.

Some people thought of this, while others were purely coquettish. In the eyes of everyone, Wan Sheng still looked at Dali. The two of them looked at each other. Dali just wanted to dodge, and Wan Sheng had already spoken. Thank you for everything you have done for me, Dali. “

“Thank you, it’s too sincere.” Little Beth said again, and the others laughed.

Wan Sheng was a little embarrassed, and now he could do nothing but thank you.

Then someone asked Wan Sheng to talk about the club. There are many fans here, including those who often visit the bistro, but they are the most loyal fans in Derbyshire. Wan Sheng is the team ’s head coach. They want to hear Wan Sheng say something related to the team.

Wan Sheng raised his hand and shouted, “I will make the team better and better! Now that we have finished relegation, next season, our goal will be to upgrade!” …

What he said was quite exciting.

Others also laughed heartily, but they did n’t use it in the team, and they were different from the reporters. This is Dali ’s birthday patty for Wansheng. Everyone listened to Wansheng ’s morale and did n’t go into it today. The time belongs to Wansheng. Even if Wansheng said that he will lead the team to win the championship next season and then run for the British prime minister, everyone will also follow the coup.

Next is free time.

Everyone walked around with wine glasses, talking and laughing. Many people came to Wansheng for drinking and chatting. Most of the topics were related to the team. After all, Wansheng is the head coach and can chat with him one-on-one. There are not many opportunities for the team.

Wansheng is very popular.

He was still very surprised that Dali held a birthday party for himself. At the same time, he also received a lot of birthday gifts, some people who were familiar, and some people who were not familiar with it. Hearing that Wan Sheng ’s birthday was bought specially gift.

When the crowd dispersed, it was already 11 o’clock.

Wan Sheng was a little drunk, his head was dizzy, and he did n’t go to help Dali to clean up the house again, so he lay back directly to his room and fell asleep in a little while.

He had a dream.

In the dream, Dali pushed open the door in her pajamas and lay beside him. He couldn’t help but hug Dali. The two quickly entered a state and went through a Wushan *, before sleeping with satisfaction.

Sunlight spilled in through the window, and clear thinking slowly returned to the brain. Wansheng felt the warmth and softness in his arms. Guided his hand to continue to move like a natural sound.

At this time, Wan Sheng woke up slightly.

Looking at the hair in front of him, feeling the comfort that came from the woman in her arms, he realized that it was not a dream last night.

He sat half staring at the small face in front of him and looked seriously.

Dali woke up.

She opened her eyes to see Wan Sheng, dimly regaining consciousness, she smiled softly, her eyelashes rolled around with her eyelashes, and said, “Don’t care, this is my birthday gift for you.”

Wan Sheng chuckled loudly, his fingers moving on the ball of softness, “Thank you, I like it very much. So … just another gift.”

With a cry of exclamation, the rumbling sound played again in the room.

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