Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 21 - they are my friends!

On July 24th, Derbyshire closed the closed training, fans can buy tickets to enter the training ground to watch the training, reporters can also enter the interview. ! Easy! Look! Small! Say!

Since the preparation for the new season, Derbyshire has been in closed training, which makes the outside reporters extremely dissatisfied, because the training of Derbyshire is normally open once a week, and the training of Derbyshire will be open around the competition day. Training, that is to say, the training in Derbyshire can be watched half of the time. Even in many cases, in order to create revenue for the club, the training will be continuously open (fans need to buy tickets to watch the training to enter), but after the start of the new season, The training in Derbyshire has been closed. No outside fans or reporters know their training situation. They want to know the preparation situation of Derbyshire. It is difficult for the media to report on Derbyshire. News.

The media reporters have been trying to put pressure on the club to open Derbyshire training. They want to know the preparations for the new season in Derbyshire, so during this time, the press officer of the club, Mr. Richardson, was very busy and he was tired of coping. The “harassment” of journalists from various media also needs to stand up and explain why the team should close the training in order to maintain the positive image of the club.

But actually, Richardson knows why the team’s training should be closed!

He ’s just the team ’s press officer, and he ’s a club ’s diplomatic staff. He ca n’t get involved with the club ’s affairs, and the team ’s affairs are even better. One person has the final say. He does n’t know about them at all, but he still has to go. Make detailed explanations for these unclear things to meet the reporters who keep asking. But no way, this is his job.

Richardson’s work pressure is not small, Wansheng’s work pressure is also very large.

The pressure of Wansheng is not from the reporters. In fact, the reporters in Derbyshire are divided into two groups, all the reporters. Including those tabloids can be divided into two parties, one is the club’s ‘opposition party’, that is, the mainstream media headed by the “Derby County Sports News”, the other is the “running party”, which has a good relationship with him, his Reporters in the msn group.

This is the media outside of Derbyshire, a ‘joke’ against the internal media wars in Derbyshire, but this statement is now very popular.

The relationship between the ‘opposition party’ and Wan Sheng was extremely bad. Wan Sheng refused their interviews again and again, and now they simply did not bother to disturb Wan Sheng. On the road on weekdays, these reporters saw Wan Sheng as unreasonable, not to mention running over to interview him.

They just want to show an attitude-resolutely refuse to interview Wansheng!

Do you always reject big interviews? We are the mainstream media in Derbyshire. We did not interview anyone. If you refuse to interview, we will simply not interview or disturb you. In the future, when you go to the team competition, only two or three kittens will interview. Who is more uncomfortable!

That’s how they think.

“Rogue Dog Party” is not necessary to interview. They knew that Wan Sheng didn’t like being disturbed by his private life. They didn’t want to “offend” Wan Sheng because of interview questions. What’s more, they didn’t use it for interviews at all. Wan Sheng often publishes some news on the msn group to let them know the situation of the team. They only need to add some illustrations, which is enough for news reports.

So even if reporters want to take a close-up shot of Derbyshire training. If you want to watch the training in Derbyshire, you won’t come to disturb Wansheng.

Wan Sheng ’s pressure has nothing to do with reporters.

His pressure comes from the fans.

Many Derbyshire fans know about Wansheng, especially those who live nearby. Many people hope to see the club’s training for themselves, so when Wan Sheng returns home from the club every day, or on the way to the club in the morning, they will meet many fans. When they see Wan Sheng, they will ask some teams for the current The preparation situation.

In the face of reporters, Wan Sheng can continue to do his own thing with ignorance, but there is no way to face the fans. These fans really care about the team. He can only talk about it in general, at least he has to answer it. However, when more people asked, the pressure came. Even one afternoon, he was surrounded by a dozen fans just after leaving the club. These fans were even more crazy than those reporters, which made Wan Sheng very headache.

In fact, there is a reason why Wansheng conducts closed training.

Some time ago, I was doing physical reserve training, and there was nothing to open up to the outside world. There was no visible training. On the contrary, it was possible for those ‘opposition party’ reporters to seize the handle and have some words to discredit the team. Recently, tactical training has just begun. Training players needs to be more serious, otherwise the training effect will definitely be discounted. He originally felt that there was not enough time. Even with the “collaboration” skills, the tactical training effect was doubled. He still felt that the preparation time was tight. Naturally, he could not open training. Every day It is very precious to the team.

But this day, the team’s training is still open.

Wan Sheng considered the team ’s first warm-up match two days later. It would be impossible to close any news. Then there will be more reporters who want to interview and more fans want to see the fans ’training, and The team has closed training for almost a month, and it is time for public training.

The situation of this open training also surprised Wan Sheng.

The team ’s public training is generally open to hundreds of fans to watch. After all, fans also have to live and work. Few fans will have time to watch the training on weekdays, but this morning, buy More than 400 people entered the stadium. This was the result of the club ’s stop selling tickets. Many of them stood outside the training ground, making the training ground look like they were playing a game. In fact, in the morning, the training ground Only Lett and a few others were there.

When the time was approaching nine o’clock, all the players came to the training ground. When they saw many fans and reporters watching from the outside, their mental state immediately changed.

Wan Sheng found that their training was more serious, more spirited and harder than usual … Of course, many people seem to deliberately show their skills to fans, such as Frank Ribery, this guy in the nine Before the point of assembly, I have been repeating the game and constantly playing with the technology, but this approach has no practical significance at least. In Wansheng’s view, it is meaningless, and Ribery will not do it on weekdays. But now that he did it, the reason was obvious at a glance.

He hopes to be recognized by fans!

Ribery has a heart to become a star. In the professional league for so long, he most hopes that he can become famous, so whenever he wants fans to recognize himself, he tried to do so before the assembly, and The effect is still very good-outside the iron bar on the side of Ribery, there are many fans who responded to his headball. Obviously, the work under his feet can still attract the attention of fans.

Ribery is like this. Others are not much better, especially a few newcomers.

Cahill is better. After all, he has been in the Ligue 1 for several years. He doesn’t even care about training for fans to watch. Millwall’s training will also be often publicly disclosed, such as Leiden Bynes and Reto. Ziegler is different. They are all newcomers to the professional league. Naturally, they want fans to recognize themselves, but unfortunately they don’t have the best skills like Ribery. And being too young has no reputation, no matter how to do it is difficult to attract the attention of fans.

The official training began.

Before the start of the official training, Wansheng reminded everyone to concentrate and not be influenced by those media reporters and fans. Seeing everyone’s serious response, Wan Sheng began training.

In fact, there is nothing special about training. At the beginning, it was daily activities, running laps, doing ball running and so on. Tactical training begins only after all players have started physical activity, and tactical training is basically nothing to watch. This is not a regular game, just training, even if there are new tactics, it is just to allow the players to adapt to the position, and carry out some small-scale tactical cooperation, only to watch from the periphery, even if professionals are difficult to see what, after all, court fence distance training They are far away, they ca n’t hear what Wan Sheng and the players say.

Even so, the fans are very satisfied.

They haven’t seen the team training for a long time, they haven’t seen the team’s game for a long time, they watched the supporting players work hard, they can start to look forward to the new season.

The reporters also stood outside the fence shooting.

There is a space reserved for reporters outside the fence. The angle of the place is also very good. Journalists can calmly shoot to the training scene on the court.

Now here are all the mainstream media reporters of the Derbyshire ‘opposition party’. They came to shoot for the interview, also to report on the preparations for Derbyshire, but many of them, especially several reporters from the Derbyshire Sports News, They all hope to capture pictures of some players making mistakes, Wan Sheng angering and reprimanding players, or other internal conflicts within the team that can be used as negative news reports. The news subject of this picture will certainly attract the attention of the fans.

They are very excited to enter the working state.

But one thing surprised them, that is, they did not see the recent rivals who constantly supported the Chinese. Normally, these people will definitely come in public training in Derbyshire, although they belong to the non-mainstream ‘The media has little influence in Derbyshire, but they are also the media after all, and some reports are needed. The first public training in Derbyshire is definitely attractive news. How could they not come to film the interview?

“Don’t they come?” Someone said.


“They will definitely come. This is the first public tour of Derbyshire. Maybe we didn’t see it?”

“Perhaps the Chinese provided them with reporting materials? I heard that they have an msn group, and the Chinese often post some news, even pictures …”

“This kind of thing? What is the group number? I added it!”

“I tried it and couldn’t get in at all, there was only one management in that group, that **** Chinese!”

“Can you drag a friend in?”


“Let’s talk about the problem of why they didn’t come today!” An old reporter saw the topic shifted to an unknown corner and hurriedly brought it back.

Many people still have no results after a long discussion, and they can only shake their heads and give up, and then concentrate on the work in their hands.

During the shooting, time slowly passed.

When it was 11 o’clock, a reporter standing close to the fans exclaimed suddenly. The other reporters looked over suspiciously and saw that reporter pointed to a corner in the training ground and exclaimed, “Hurry up. , There was someone filming inside. “

Everyone nearby glanced at it, only to glance at it. They all exclaimed.

“How did he get inside?”

“It seems that there is more than one person! There is also a guy who just walked in with a camera in his hand!”

“I know him, that’s from Derbyshire Life News!”

“How did he get in?”

“That’s a lot closer to the stadium than here, and the location is much better. The shooting can definitely be clearer, and we also have to find a way to get in!”

A group of reporters said in a hula, but they turned around and found that there was only one gate in the training ground, and there was a guard who guarded the gate. They could not find other places to enter. Think about it again. If there is a place to go in casually, so many fans have long discovered.

“Then how did they get in?”

“Did the Derbyshire club allow them to enter?” Someone finally thought of the reason.

As a result, the group began to protest loudly.

“Free interview!”

“Interview is fair!”

“This is treated differently!”

“We also have to go in and shoot!”

Their shouts were very loud, even overwhelming the fans around them, and many people came to see them. This outrageous sound can be heard on the training ground, standing with Diamares on the sidelines and saying something. Wan Sheng also turned his head and glanced over here, but as a result the voices of these reporters became louder.

Wan Sheng frowned, turned his head, and continued to talk to Diamares. I didn’t even bother with that voice at all.

Soon these reporters discovered that this did not work at all, so they went to the club ’s press officer Richardson and asked him why those people could shoot inside, and they were just outside.

Richardson was very upset!

Not long ago, his work was stressful. These reporters did not bother him a lot, but he was a press officer, and it was impossible to offend the reporters, so he only had to put on a face with a pleasant face to deal with. Yesterday I heard that the team is finally going to open training, he was relieved, he even thought he should take a leave. Relax for a few days, anyway, before the official start of the league, his job will be very easy.

But these reporters are here again!

“Why can those people film inside? You ask me, who do I ask?” Richardson directly denied that there was such a thing, because he didn’t know the news at all, and the reporters came to prove Richardson On the training ground, Richardson can only push a glance.

Then … his pressure is even greater.

Richardson had no way to explain this to the reporters, because he did n’t know at all, so he could only say, “I ’m going to ask the head coach.” After he finished speaking, he walked into the court and ran to Wansheng quickly. before.

As for finding justice for journalists, Richardson would not do it. He came to complain.

“Wan Sheng, I really can’t help it! Those reporters always come to disturb me. I wanted to spend two days free! You see I am so old. I should have reduced my work tasks. The club has two years. I didn’t get a salary increase … “Richardson kept saying.

In fact, he was not very old, only in his forties. He said that he was a little old, but it was only relative to Wansheng, and then gained sympathy.

Wan Sheng shook his head funny, but he knew Richardson’s trouble.

“Okay, let me explain to them.” Wan Sheng walked over to the fence after he finished, and the direction was where the reporter filmed. Richardson breathed out easily behind him.

If Wan Sheng couldn’t pass, he would have no choice. The press officer was already doing this kind of dirty work.

Seeing Wansheng approaching, the voice of the reporter outside the fence grew louder. They were just like demonstrating, they made a cry, they seemed to be heroes who worked hard to die generously, all filled with a sense of justice, and Wansheng wanted them to defeat .

Now this goal has come.

When Wan Sheng walked in, the reporters stopped crying, and then a reporter from the Derbyshire Sports News stood up and questioned, “Mr. Wan Sheng, we ask for fair interviews, we want to be treated fairly. Why are there other reporters in the training ground who can shoot at close range, and we can only be here, this is not fair! We demand fairness! “

Wan Sheng looked at this reporter. This is a guy on his blacklist. He seemed to have refused to interview each other twice, but this time he did not refuse to answer. He just smiled at him and asked, “Why can I Inside the training ground? “

The reporter froze for a moment and rolled his eyes. “Of course, you are the head coach of Derbyshire.”

“Why is my player inside.”

“What’s the problem? We are here to interview Derbyshire training. Of course your players can be inside. They were originally Derbyshire players.”

Wan Sheng nodded and said with satisfaction, “Your answer is very accurate.”

“But what does this have to do with them?” The reporter asked. “They don’t work in the Derbyshire club! They are not players or coaches!”

Wan Sheng smiled and replied, “Because they are my friends, it is my personal question to invite friends to visit the club. Here, I would also like to thank Mr. Smith, the president of the club, for allowing me to bring my friends to visit. “

The reporter was dumbfounded. He pointed over there and said, “They are your friends?” He reacted, feeling a urge to vomit blood, “They are all your friends !!!?”

Wan Sheng took it for granted, “Does the British law also stipulate that many friends are not allowed?” Wan Sheng looked around doubtfully and thought, “Just a dozen friends, I think this is normal? You There will be more than a dozen friends, won’t they? “

Reporter Mu Ne nodded ~ ~ just responded, and only listened to Wan Sheng firmly said, “So this is just a personal issue, and it has nothing to do with the fairness and impartiality of the interview. I will never discriminate anyone, treat it differently Anyone, the same is true of the Derbyshire Club, it will not treat any reporters or fans differently, and will not divide the reporters and fans into groups. You need not worry about this at all. “

After ignoring the protests of those reporters, Wan Sheng turned and left.

He walked back to the training ground and asked Richardson to prepare two tables and chairs for the journalists in the training ground. He also asked him to go to the club restaurant for some meals and drinks. He generously said, “This I provided it to my friends, and I will pay all the expenses. “

Then the reporters outside the fence saw their enemies in their peers, sitting comfortably beside the training ground, drinking drinks, holding meals, and taking close-up shots while chatting.

The most annoying thing is that they still have two huge sunshade fans on their heads … (to be continued …)

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