Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 24 - 3 types of tasks

? Wansheng doesn’t pay attention to the result of the game. For him, the warm-up game is to test the team, not to win the game, so after seeing the desired effect, he immediately replaced other people to play Let everyone experience the feeling of playing against the Premier League team, but also to experience the team’s new tactical system and what to do when playing against strong teams.

This game experience is very important for every player.

Wan Sheng replaced seven people in one breath. The combination of midfielder Morris, Ottoman and Ferdinand was replaced. The frontcourt Ian Taylor and Leiter’s partner was also replaced. The wing Webberson was also Substitution, Cahill, Peter Kennedy, Roussie, Reto Ziegler and others got the opportunity, but they just played, they are definitely not adapted to the tactics, the performance is certainly not as good as the previous team did, the result meters Dersburg scored another goal in the final time, rewriting the score to 3: 1, which is the final score.

After the match, Wan Sheng and McLaren smiled and shook hands. Both teams were very satisfied with today’s warm-up results & lt; none & gt; & lt; wrong & gt; novel w.qul.

McLaren was n’t too optimistic about Wansheng. In his eyes, the Chinese is too young. It ’s hard for him to believe what such young people can do, but love him to see the adjustments made by Wansheng in the intermission. Then, in the second half, the opponent was able to play Middlesbrough evenly, and also used the opportunity to score a goal, which can prove the effect of that adjustment.

Can find problems in the game and make timely adjustments, enough to prove something.

So McLaren shook hands with Wan Sheng, patted his shoulder and said in the tone of his predecessor, “Boy, you are doing very well, I believe you can become an excellent head coach in the future, and even have the opportunity to become like me. The head coach of the Premier League team. But it still requires a lot of effort. You must continue to maintain an upward striving heart. Believe that you will succeed sooner or later, just like me, I once wanted to be a football coach, so I went to I worked hard and I became Mr. Ferguson ’s assistant … “

McLaren used his predecessor’s tone to “educate” Wan Sheng, while recalling the past, it seems that he wanted to say that the western Zhejiang let the young people in front of him respect him.

Wan Sheng heard his eyes straight.

He had a good impression of McLaren. I didn’t expect this guy’s character to be so bad. The two are both head coaches, although the team they lead is one level down. But that has nothing to do with personal work and level. This guy actually “educated” himself by his predecessors, and still narcissistically kept talking about his past. Wan Sheng really wanted to tell you, “You will be with you ten years later. Like Lao Tzu, he can only be a Premier League coach … “, but of course he can’t say that, not to consider McLaren’s unwillingness to believe his words, or what will change in the future. The main thing is that Wan Sheng does n’t want to face McLaren face to face-

The ticket for this game was nearly 100,000 pounds. This money was generously allocated to Derbyshire by the Middlesbrough Club. The respect for the God of Wealth still has to be respected, not to mention. He and McLaren have no hatred.

So Wan Sheng rolled his eyes and listened. He finally took a long breath after finally breaking through the player channel.

Finally got rid of this guy who ‘relying on the old and selling the old’!

This guy is only 42 years old, it is estimated that on weekdays, he sees coaches of the same level older than him. So it’s quite depressing, and talk about finding a balance. With regard to the character of this guy, it is no wonder that he became England coach less than a year later. He almost offended all players, plus the English Football Association and the media, and no wonder his coaching career got mixed back.


Wan Sheng thought maliciously.


After the game with Middlesbrough, Wan Sheng led his team back to Derbyshire.

The final result of this warm-up match was 3: 1. As a relegation team from last season’s Premier League, they lost to a Premier League team with this score. The result is not bad, but Wansheng still ushered in a lot after the game The voice of dissatisfaction is naturally the mainstream media of Derbyshire.

In their report, in the face of Middlesbrough, Derbyshire is hardly able to fight back. Especially in the first half of the game, Derbyshire ’s defense line is almost the same as that of the undefended. In the end, Derby County’s goal was broken three times by Middlesbrough, and for the goal of Derby County, they were all handwritten in spring and autumn. The manifestation of ability, Taylor has shown an extraordinary state before the start of the season, which has nothing to do with Wan Sheng as the head coach.

If Wan Sheng cares, see these reports spitting blood.

It is estimated that the mainstream media in Derbyshire ca n’t wait for this to happen, but unfortunately Wansheng has a strong immunity to their reports. These reports commented that he only scanned it once and threw it directly into the trash, and then he picked it up. The Derbyshire Life News looked patiently.

“In the face of the Premier League team Middlesbrough, Derby County showed extraordinary offensive ability. Their goal in the second half reflected the team’s offensive ability. If we look at the scene of the two teams playing alone, it is difficult Imagine this is a match between two league teams of different levels, but it is like a confrontation between the Premier League teams! “

“Derby County performed quite well in the offense. In the ninety minutes of the whole game, they maintained a threat to Middlesbrough at halftime. This situation even prevented Middlesbrough from letting go offensively and reached the second half. , Derby County performed even better … “

“Head coach Wan Sheng made some adjustments in the intermission to make Derbyshire once suppress Middlesbrough …”

“In the post-match interview, Taylor stated that scoring is closely related to the coach’s tactics.”


“Australian star Cahill finally came off the bench and had a two-foot shot. Although he didn’t score a goal, one of the shots hit the frame of the goal, posing a great threat to Middlesbrough. Cahill interviewed He said he has recovered completely and is in a good state. He looks forward to the new season. “

“Lett talks about the game excitedly, he thinks the team is much stronger than last season!”


Looking at these reports of support for the team, Wan Sheng feels that he is “allied” by the small media. The Derby County is not only opposed to himself, but also a support voice. He likes to see these praises. Sound, this will make him look forward to the future.

He hopes that one day all the opposition will disappear!

To achieve this, he must lead the team to get those media reporters who can not speak out against the score. Keep pursuing victory one by one, so that those media reporters can’t even make criticisms, and then they will be poor.

So Wansheng put all his energy into his work.

The warm-up match with Middlesbrough is still very meaningful. This game allowed Wan Sheng to see the role of the new tactics and the shortcomings of the new tactics. He must correct these shortcomings and constantly improve the tactics to make the tactics more reasonable. To play a greater role.

Wansheng has been letting the team change various formations to find the advantages and disadvantages of these formations.

Although there are new tactics. Can’t use new tactics in every game, otherwise the opponent will find weaknesses and use it to make it difficult to win. It is very important to keep a hand at any time, and no team will use only one tactic. It is too difficult for such a team to achieve good results. After all, opponents are not stupid, no matter what tactics there are weaknesses. Derby County’s strength is not strong enough to ignore tactical weaknesses, so Wansheng also wants the team to practice some other tactics.

In this kind of training life, time passes quickly, and in the blink of an eye there is only three days left for the first round of the league.

The most impressive thing about Wansheng during the period. It wasn’t the team’s training or a certain player’s problem. It was from the Derby County youth team. Two teenagers Wang Xiaolei and Dai Lin, who he bought in Dalian Shide, came to the club to report.

The two are not first team players. So the report is not used so early, just catch up with the training of the youth team.

Wan Sheng developed a training plan for them separately, according to their characteristics. Wang Xiaolei wants to train his reaction speed and body sensitivity to improve his ability in front of the door, while Dai Lin wants to do physical confrontation training. His body is relatively thin.

After making a training plan for the two, Wan Sheng didn’t care much.

If the two can continue to work hard according to the training plan, after three months of hard training, Wansheng will provide them with other ways to improve, and then he plans to rent out the two. People are likely to shine in other leagues, and it is normal for them to become famous. If they can enter the national team and play for a year, maybe they can still get a labor certificate two years later and officially enter Derby County.

But Wan Sheng didn’t think so far. It was hard to say whether he could stay in Derbyshire two years later.

Wansheng only hopes that the two can perform well, and then enter the national team to play for a period of time. Perhaps one person can obtain a labor certificate on the genius terms. By then Derby County is equivalent to obtaining a free player.

Even if they can’t get a labor certificate, they won’t be effective under their own hands. Wansheng doesn’t feel indifferent. He should train two available talents for the motherland and contribute to Chinese football!


As the league draws closer, in Wan Sheng’s mind, the team lineup has basically got a framework.

Among the new players, Leiden Bynes, Frank Ribery, Leon Osman and Cahill are already familiar with the team, they can get the main treatment, but Reto Ziegler still has to A little worse, after all, he is too young.

But if you really want to become the main force, it depends on the performance.

Wansheng intends to make several people play in the first league game, and then make a decision based on their performance. Among the old players in Derbyshire, those who performed well are Federnan, Crewe, Morris, Reiter, Marcus, Alfred, Taylor, etc. The strength of these players is Biru West, Kennedy and others have made a lot of progress. They will be the main players in the new season.

But rotation is also necessary. After all, it is difficult for the lineup to match everyone, so it is also easy to cause injuries.

Although injuries are a minor problem for Wansheng, it is always good to have no injuries.

The strength of this main lineup is still very good, but the main lineup also has important and unimportant points. In the current team, the most important players on the front line are definitely Cahill and Reiter. Taylor has both physical and energy problems. In the second place, Morris, Fei Dinan and Ribery are very important in the midfield. Osman will be in the second position. After all, he has little game experience and relatively poor offensive ability. The backcourt is Marcus, Alfred and Leighton Bynes, other defenders, including Reto Ziegler, all belong to the second-level position.

These important players in the main lineup naturally have more opportunities to start.

The long-term starting of several main players is equivalent to building a framework for the team lineup. This has the advantage that they can always start and always cooperate together. Naturally, the tacit understanding can be greatly improved, and the other players always play. Able to partner with them, fixed, and the team’s cooperation will become tacit in a long time.

“Tactical training is very important, but it is still necessary to allow the players to train personally, without interruption!”

Wan Sheng thought.

The few players in the team’s main lineup, except for a few people such as Ribery and Morris, the personal abilities of others are still a bit poor. They may be able to cope with this season, but they will go to the Premier League next season In the game, when faced with those strong teams, the personal ability of these players becomes a problem, so this season, personal training can not be delayed, he is more prepared to focus on those potential main forces.

Wan Sheng immediately smiled bitterly. I thought it was a bit far away. Let’s do this season first.

When he opens the football training master, he has to check the attributes of the players one by one to see the progress of personal training in the recent period. After opening, Wansheng found that the system message interface has refreshed several new contents-

“2003-2004 season officially opened!”

“Wan Sheng, your position is the head coach of the Ligue 1 club. I look forward to you achieving better results in the new season and going further on the coaching road!”

“Wan Sheng, you have received three types of tasks, you can open the task system and view the relevant content in” Your Tasks “.”

Wansheng hurried to check the task.

Open the task system interface, and you will see that there are three tasks in the ‘Your Quest’ box, which are ‘new season ’s journey! “,” Game Achievement Task “and” Personal Honor Task “.

“The journey of the new season: Derbyshire is an English First Division team. The new season officially begins. As the team’s head coach, you should lead the team to achieve good results!

Task content (an optional):

1, led Derbyshire into the English Premier League.

2, leading Derby County to the top six in the league.

Task rewards (non-repeatable):

1, experience 3000 points, special reward: upgrade one skill to Max perfect skill, two skill upgrade points.

2. Experience 1500 points. “

“Game achievement task: You need to lead the team and continue to win to complete the game achievement.

Task content: consecutive wins: (0/5) (0/10) (0/15)

Mission reward: 500/1000/1500 experience points. UU reading www. “

“Personal honor task:

Task content: You need to lead the team to the first championship and achieve a breakthrough of zero personal honor!

Mission reward: 500 experience points, open honor skills. “

These tasks are somewhat unexpected.

Wan Sheng originally thought that task reward is nothing more than experience. It is good to be able to upgrade with experience, and then get new coaching skills, but I did not expect there are other things.

Special rewards? Upgrade skill points? Max perfect technique? Honor skills? ——

It ’s not easy to stay up late at night, please ask for mercy and support —— (To be continued …)

& Lt; / wrong & gt; & lt; / none & gt;

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