Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 33 - technical problem

In the first round of the new season in Derbyshire, the three-ball victory over the visiting West Ham United at Pride Stadium, the Derbyshire club was very happy, the Derbyshire fans and the media supporting the team were also very happy, at least they were very happy . % $ Fiction!

This round of Derbyshire is almost perfect.

The Derbyshire mainstream media naturally did n’t want to see Derbyshire win, no, to be precise, they did n’t want to see that **** Chinese complacent, but Derbyshire won and was the first victory against West Ham United, which made They can’t say anything at all, so they can only ‘happy’ after the game that the team is performing well, and they are actively looking forward to the new season.

Needless to say, those media such as “Derby County Sports News” supporting Wan Sheng, they used a large page to cover the game, made various affirmations on the team’s performance, and led the team’s performance. Wan Sheng made various praises.

In the Derbyshire region, one day, all media reporters made the same voice.

But there are always discordant voices.

This is from the unexpected area of ​​Derbyshire, which is the voice of the “Daily Mirror” owned by Murdoch News Group. The “Daily Mirror” was on the official website that evening, targeting the game between Derbyshire and West Ham United. , Made some less friendly reports, and put them in the newspaper the next day.

In this edition of the “Daily Mirror” sports news, Derby County has a small section!

Often only the Premier League’s giants, namely the Premier League’s top three Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool, can have this kind of treatment. Perhaps this season can add a Russian rich Chelsea to join, other teams want to have such treatment is to think Don’t even think about it.

Now Derby County as the first team has done it.

But this is not good news.

“Daily Mirror” reported on Derbyshire. Naturally, it was not to praise them for taking a three-pointer against West Ham United calmly, nor to praise their offensive football against West Ham United, nor to praise their victory. This A reporter named ‘Audrich Brand’. In the text, the young head coach Wan Sheng of Derbyshire was slammed.

There are various big hats and some dry goods that question tactics.

“This Chinese lead goal is the Champions League?”

“What qualifications does he have to talk about championships!”

“Who does he think he is? What team do he think Derbyshire? They just beat West Ham United in the first round, not to mention West Ham United is now affected by the club’s economic situation, even if they beat the league first Does not mean that they are eligible to compete for the league title! “

“This is not the” Derbyshire Cup “champion, but the league champion! The league lasts all season!”

“This young coach from China is showing his ignorance with ridiculous words!”

“What did he do with English football?”

“Compared to the League One teams will be happy to see that they have such an unconscious opponent!”

“As for his offensive football …”

“That kind of football also has a surprisingly winning effect. He really thought that with this kind of football, he could get good results?”

“This victory is just that West Ham United is not used to it. This is normal. West Ham United did not expect Derby County to adopt a large offensive tactic. They did not prepare, so they failed, but they wanted to rely on such football to compete for the league champion?”

“Haha, this is the most funny joke!”

“In addition, their so-called offensive football is also a joke. In the game, except for the full-field defense, I did not see their offense has a little technical content, go straight. Long pass rushing, this is their offensive football! “

“This kind of offensive football is no different from the defensive counterattack he used last season. I don’t see any potential for his” offensive football “!”

“Perhaps he led the team to complete the relegation last season. Let his self-confidence swell to a certain extent, he is too arrogant, too arrogant!”

“But what if you lead the team to relegation? It’s just relegation. It’s a completely different concept from the championship. And their so-called offensive football is not flattering at all. That’s totally nothing technical, Derbyshire. Fans may like the team has been attacking, but they will never like the team to lose the game because of this so-called offense! “

“This young coach from China. Using this tactic may help him win one or two games, but that’s just because his opponent doesn’t know him yet, and he wants to stick to a season without thinking about it, he You should think more about your ‘offensive’ football and make more arrangements for the entire season … “

“But young people often don’t listen to people’s advice, especially this extremely arrogant guy. If he fails, he will probably be helpless. Then we should worry about the future of Derbyshire.”

Judging from this report, Brand really did a lot of work, at least he re-watched the game video of Derby County and West Ham United.

His evaluation of Wansheng is two words-arrogance!

He is also not optimistic about Derby County’s new tactics. He thinks that such offensive football has little technical content. It is absolutely impossible to rely on such tactics to play a season.

Criticism is criticism, analysis is analysis, and the reports that always go to Brand all attack Wan Sheng and attack his tactics.

In the end, I was also kind enough to worry about Derbyshire. Of course, the provocation was full of meaning, which was to remind Derbyshire fans not to be happy for one or two wins. What they need to worry about is the entire season, and more importantly, Derby County is now the Chinese coach, which is Wansheng.

If only the local media in Derbyshire said so, there would be no impact. Similar reports will find a lot last season. Among them, there are many ways to question Wan Sheng, and there are too many to count.

But “Daily Mirror” is different!

This is not a tabloid. Their influence covers the whole of Britain and radiates the whole of Europe. Moreover, this report also appeared on the official sports football page, occupying a large area.

Then, Wansheng is really famous!

It turned out that only those who knew Wan Sheng were the fans in and around Derbyshire, as well as those rivals in Derbyshire. But the fans of the opponent club do not necessarily know Wan Sheng. Ordinary fans watch the ball very little about the character of the other coach. They see the scene of Wan Sheng on TV, at most they are curious about Wan Sheng ’s youth and looks. Only, there is nothing else.

Then there are the football media that professionally report on the League One. They will give a detailed introduction on the page, but this type of media generally has little influence, and the influence is mostly “Daily Mirror”, “Sun” Integrated media such as the newspaper.

In short, before Wansheng can only be regarded as a little famous.

Now he is really famous.

Many fans outside Derbyshire. Everyone knows that the Derby County club has a young Chinese coach in his twenties. This young coach is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he can devise a set of offensive football tactics, which can sweep the League One and help the team get this season ’s English. Champions League.

This is the first impression of Wansheng readers who read the “Daily Mirror”.

The impact of this report is still very large.

Not only the fans ’impressions, but also some impact on Wan Sheng ’s life. The training just started the next morning, and Wan Sheng received a call from the club ’s chairman, Jim Smith.

“Hello. Mr. Smith?” Wan Sheng put the phone to his ear.

“Wan Sheng, why did you offend the reporter of” Daily Mirror “again!” There was a headache sigh from the end of the phone, “Those big media reporters should not offend if they are not guilty. We are not big clubs! We need They have positive reports about the club, not now … “

No wonder Ji-Smith has a headache.

Yesterday he went to the Plyde Stadium to watch the game and was very happy to see the team easily beat West Ham United by three goals. That night. He saw that the news sites of various local media reported positively on the game, which he hoped to see, but waited the next morning. Many people called him and said that the Derbyshire club entered the “Daily Mirror” section.

Then he bought the “Daily Mirror” with great interest.

And then … he had the urge to vomit blood.

Hearing Mr. Chairman ’s words, Wan Sheng was silent for a moment.

He actually did n’t expect that the guy named Brand had such a great influence, but he did n’t care at all … or that he should have gotten used to it. When he became the head coach, he suffered a lot. This kind of public opinion questioning and criticism, but now the object is changed to “Daily Mirror”, what is strange?

He didn’t care.

“Mr. Smith, it doesn’t matter. If they want to say it, let them go.” He replied.

“That’s the” Daily Mirror “, not a local tabloid! It’s the British general media! They have millions of readers! …”

Smith will continue to growl, Wan Sheng interrupted his words, “Mr. Smith, I know everything you say, but it’s nothing. Think about it. When I first took over the team, many people criticized me. Team, look at what they said today? They said the team ’s performance was good, and they praised the team and me. “

“Why is this happening? Before the game they said that Derbyshire will be defeated. I still remember a report titled” Derbyshire is about to lose its first defeat “…”

“But now they praise the team!”

“I think you should understand that it is because we defeated West Ham United. It is the same now. I think that as long as we can achieve good results and let the media be speechless, they can only praise us if our results No, it ’s useless to compliment them, so everything depends on the results … “

On the other side of the phone, Smith was silent for a while, “Maybe you are right, Wan Sheng, you have convinced me. But I still want to remind you to try not to offend the big media reporters …”

“I know, I know.” Wan Sheng patted his head and couldn’t stand the nagging of this guy.

Smith turned his breath and asked, “Yes, Wan Sheng, you told the reporter yesterday that the goal of the new season is the league championship, is it true?”

“of course.”

“Oh? I’m interested. I know you don’t look like those in the media. They are arrogant people. I haven’t talked to you about the goals of the new season this season. That’s because … .. I talked to Wilcox. We think it’s better to set the goal at relegation in the new season. I think this is not difficult for you, but the goal is the championship. It’s too much …. .. No. Not to mention the champion, can we have the hope of upgrading? “

“My goal is the champion!” Wan Sheng said affirmatively, “The upgrade is affirmative, but the champion is my goal.”

This nagging Mr. Chairman is probably unable to accept this. Wan Sheng lowered some requirements and explained, “Mr. Smith, I personally think that what a team can achieve is very close to the goal before the season. It does matter, if our goal is to relegate. Then we may not even be able to relegate. If our goal is to upgrade, then we may easily be ranked in the top ten of the league. If our goal is to win, then upgrade to For us, it ’s not difficult … “

After listening to Wan Sheng’s explanation, Smith felt a sudden enlightenment.

It was because of this that the young man set his goal on the championship. He felt that he finally understood the reason of the matter. But he couldn’t help but ask, “Do we really hope to upgrade?”

“Relax to me, Mr. Smith!”

“Well, great. By the way. Congratulations on leading your team to the first victory. In addition …” Ji Smith thought for a while before thinking, “Do you need to introduce any players in the summer, There is still some money left for the transfer. Maybe … maybe you can sign two free players for free transfers. “

“Okay, okay, I will consider it.”

Wan Sheng turned black and hung up. What kind of investment did he think Gil-Smith wanted to add, it turned out that he was just going to sign for free players … what are the free players to sign?

But if you can sign two experienced veterans, it is also a supplement to the team’s lineup.

Look at it again.

After putting down the phone, Wan Sheng walked to the training ground and watched the player’s personal training. Of course, he wouldn’t have trouble watching the training. In fact, he was thinking about the “Daily Mirror” report.

Brand made the report purely for “revenge”, but before he reported, he must have studied the game between Derbyshire and West Ham United, and some professional analysis finally made was also of great reference value.

The main point is that ‘Derby County ’s offensive football has no technical content’.

He is right.

Up to now, the offensive football emphasized by Wansheng is focused on fast speed. As for the technical content, it is really rare, and most of them rely on the free play of players. The team has done very little work in short pass coordination and penetration, and has not even trained much in even a small range of cooperation.

The tactics are mainly based on speed, and the search for opportunities is also carried out in a ‘traditional’ way. This traditional way focuses on long pass rushes, headers, peripheral long shots, etc.

Like many teams, with continuous cooperation to tear the opponent’s defense, they can pass the football into the penalty area, so that the forward players can directly get a kicking opportunity to face the empty goal, which is not available in Derby County football.

Even if it is possible to find a similar opportunity on the game field, it is also the player’s personal ability to play, which has nothing to do with tactics and training.

In other words, the technicality of the team’s offense is really a problem.

The “Daily Mirror” report reminded Wan Sheng. If this continues, it will be very difficult for the opponents to understand his tactics and then suppress the opponent with offensive football.

Many games may become the last season between Derby County and Leicester City-Leicester City has been attacking ~ ~ but the final victory belongs to Derby County, because they rely on counterattacks to score.

Only now, Derbyshire will become Leicester City at that time.

This will definitely not work.

The point is still that the team’s offensive technical content is too low, the means of scoring are too few, and most of them can only rely on the individual player to attack, rely on the opponent’s defense to do well, or do not adapt to the rhythm of fast attack.

In short, under the circumstances that the technical content is very low and there are few means to break the goal, the shortcomings of this offensive tactics are also obvious.

From now on, Wansheng will have to think about how to solve this problem.

— Thanks to Tsing Yi for entering the red dust, a willow in the peach blossom source, and the sand and stones in the water for their reward support. The second one is finally resolved, and it continues to sleep — (to be continued …)

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