Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 37 - Saint veteran veteran

On the way back to the training ground from the head coach’s office, Frank Ribery felt that his steps were about to fly. He was excited about a few points, and he waited until the training ground. His mouth kept grinning. ~ @ 小说 $

Usually a few good teammates came around.

“What is the boss looking for you? Frank.”

“A glance is a good thing.”

Ribery finally couldn’t help but open his mouth and laughed loudly, he was very excited, “Boss … Boss he said to me more important tasks!”

“A more important task? What do you mean?”

Some of the people around were ignorant.

Ribery was originally the main frontier and gave him more important tasks. What is that task? Is he going to change position to play the core in the midfield?

Someone asked.

Ribery hurriedly shook his head, “No, no, I kicked the original position.”

“That is how the matter?”

“I don’t know. The boss didn’t explain it clearly, but I want to know it in a moment.” Ribery explained.

Others can’t feel the dispersal of their minds.

Sure enough, after waiting for a long time, Wan Sheng appeared on the training ground. He announced that he would adjust the tactical training to require everyone to play with Ribery’s rhythm.

Wan Sheng did n’t have too detailed explanations. In fact, this adjustment did n’t have too many details at all. Most of them were played by the players themselves in the game, so he only wanted to talk about the offensive method and the way others run. , Grasp the focus of the team’s offensive rhythm, etc., let the players go to practice on the training ground to see.

He only looked at the effect.

If the team can still put up a frame, it means that his idea is feasible. If not, it means that with the current ability of the team, it is impossible to keep up with Ribery ’s rhythm, so that tactical adjustments are impossible. Up.

However, Wan Sheng felt that there was great hope for success.

The current ability of the team is actually not as bad as expected. Although they are only the average level in the middle of the league, most of the team ’s main players are originally the team ’s main force. Personal abilities are not too bad, plus a few months of personal training, everyone has improved a lot. If you make a comparison, the personal abilities of many people can catch up with the main teams of the top teams in the Premier League. Player strength, not to mention, the team also has outstanding players such as Ian Taylor and Morris.

Don’t underestimate the level of the main players of the top teams in the league. The league can be called the world’s first second-tier league, but it is not a word of mouth. It is not out of the English media. In fact, the main force of the top teams in the Premier League basically has the level of playing in the Premier League. Those relegation teams of the Premier League are mostly at this level.

Players like Morris are enough to make it to the Premier League and can still perform well.

The current strength of the team’s main lineup, although not as good as West Ham, Norwich and other strong teams. But it will definitely not be worse. Ribery’s personal ability is a lot better than others, but it is only running to keep up with his offensive rhythm. This requirement is not too high.

On the training ground.

Derbyshire players are under the command of Wan Sheng. Doing tactical adaptation training, Wan Sheng stood on the sideline with a whistle, and when he saw that some players were not doing well, he shouted a sentence. If too many people are not doing right, they will whistle and suspend and then give you some more points.

This training has been carried out.

Wan Sheng is not completely ‘dictatorship’ in tactical training, let everyone listen to him. He will also listen to the players’ feelings during the game and listen to their opinions on this small tactical adjustment.

Captain Marcus first asked, “Boss, are we going to follow Frank’s rhythm? But I’m a defender.”

“Pero, you also have to run, but you should pay more attention to the back line! Baker will look at your position, and Bynes may do so, so your position is very critical, you are not only the team’s The captain, or the leader of the entire defense line, you should always pay attention to the formation of the entire team, and then adjust your position to stabilize the defense. When necessary, you have to plug in and assist, you understand? “

Wan Sheng explained in detail, “You can talk to Baker about what to do in the game, but you must ensure that the back line cannot be disconnected from the team’s overall formation.”

Marcus is the core of the team’s defense. Although Alfred’s performance is also good, he is too young and has too much game experience. It can be said that the overall situation is blank. Marcus may not be able to catch up with Alfred in some aspects, but his overall outlook is outstanding, and he has certain leadership skills. He is the team ’s defensive defender, so Wansheng is still quite good for Marcus Valued.

Others also asked some doubts.

Wan Sheng explained patiently.

“The most important thing is to keep the team ’s formation running. If you can keep up, the formation will be pushed up across the board, and you will be able to run out of neutral when the time comes. , We just use their mistakes and neutrals to find opportunities. “

“Frank, your pass is very important. When you want to pass, you don’t need to find other people’s position, just pass the neutral, someone will naturally find a good opportunity to keep up.”

“The same is true for everyone else.” Wan Sheng looked at Ivan Krue and Weberson. “When you play, it’s best to find a pass on the wing, especially for the long pass. If you are a human, the opponent is very easy to defend, so we should try to find a neutral. “

These are very simple tactical coordination methods.

But in fact, the teams that can really do it are quite strong, and only those top teams in the world can do this simplest tactical coordination method.

It is still very difficult for Derbyshire to do it completely.

The main problem is that the players have a lot of difference in their tactical control. When they are attacking, it is difficult to cover all areas, even if they have a good chance.

Passing is also a big problem. The game says “pass neutral” and “pass neutral”, but when it comes to the game field, where is the neutral, so easy to find, it is easy to find the ball outside the court, but that is because standing outside Throughout the game, players on the game field can find the opponent’s defensive gap in the first place. It’s not easy. You can grasp this with your personal ability. This player is already quite capable.

In other words, it is difficult for Derbyshire to do this.

However, Wan Sheng ’s requirements are not high. He only needs to let other people run with Ribery ’s rhythm when Ribery takes the ball forward, so that Ribery can drive the ball with his own ability. The team’s overall offensive rose slightly.

But to meet this requirement, the team can only complete after a period of adaptation training.

Wan Sheng thought of doing this, in fact, it wasn’t just a ‘sparkling flash of light’.

He already had a similar idea.

Ribery’s personal ability is outstanding. If such a strong player appears on the front line, it will often be considered by fans as a “genius shooter”; appearing in the midfield will also be an important player similar to the organization of offense and the conversion of offense and defense; appearing in the backcourt is even more Simple, that is a heavyweight genius guard.

But the wing is different.

The wing is a very complicated position. If it is so complicated, it does not mean how difficult this position is. In fact, the position of this position in tactics is quite flexible.

Players in this position want to perform, often relying on the entire team, even if his personal ability is very strong. It also depends on the entire team, the team’s tactics, and whether the head coach attaches importance to the players in this position.

Ribery had been obscure before, precisely because of this.

The head coach of the Ales Club paid little attention to Ribery. Because Ribery and his teammates couldn’t play together, he felt that Ribery was just the kind of player who was good at playing football on the street. This kind of player had good work at the feet, but he reached the professional arena. The performance is very general.

But Wan Sheng knew that Ribery would become in the future, he didn’t think so.

Wan Sheng attaches great importance to Ribery.

So when he found that he needed more offensive methods, he thought of Ribery. He needs Ribery to make more contributions to the team’s offense. He thinks of Ribery’s technology and thinks of letting Ribery drive the entire team’s offensive rhythm.

Before this task was only pressed on one person, that is the core of the frontcourt Morris.

Morris’s personal ability is good, but his offensive ability is much worse than Ribery, his speed is not too fast, and his personal dribbling skills are also very general, so the offense he drives often penetrates The threat is much worse.

What Wan Sheng thought was that when Ribery took the ball, the whole team followed his rhythm, so that the offensive focus shifted to the left, Ribery can play freely, and all will cooperate with him, which can give him the most Good play space.

He wanted to see what happened to Ribery’s full play.

If his ideas are successful, the team’s offensive ability will definitely be improved by one grade.

However, this is not to say that Ribery will be the core of the team in the future, but when he takes the ball to break through, the team’s offensive rhythm follows him. In fact, the core of the frontcourt is still Morris, Ribery just The second core.

This is what Wansheng has added to the team’s offense.

Ivan Crewe ’s free kick, coupled with Ribery ’s personal ability, these two means plus the original team ’s offensive ability, I think very few players can rely on defense to defend the 90-minute goal.

On this point, Wansheng is still very confident.

However, it will take time for the team to fully adapt to the new tactical adjustment. Before fully adapting, Wansheng does not intend to let this immature tactic appear on the court, so before that, the team’s performance is still the same as before It makes no difference.

Two days later, on the first lap of the English League Cup, Derbyshire challenged Huddersfield away. This is an English second division team.

Wan Sheng sent a semi-replacement lineup and still used the 4231 formation. After starting forwards Ian Taylor and Ivan Cruella, Weberson and Leiden Bynes were on both sides, Ribery and Morris Both Cahill and the rest of the rotation, it is worth mentioning that Reto Ziegler started.

Derbyshire’s semi-replacement lineup was pretty good. After a slight adaptation to the game, the team launched a violent attack on Huddersfield half, and finally scored three goals in ten minutes and won the League Cup The first lap of the game.

However, it was a bit thrilling to win the game, Huddersfield also scored two goals.

The whole game of Wansheng was worried about the team’s defense.

This set of semi-subs and the main lineup still has some gaps in offense. The main reason is that Ribery, Cahill and Morris are not on the field, but they are defensively Ottoman, Fedingnan and Alfred. And captain Marcus is on the game, but the defense is much worse than normal.

After this game, Wan Sheng really saw Morris’ role in the game.

Morris’s personal performance is actually not outstanding, but he is the core of the team’s offensive and defensive conversion. This core is not a substitute for ordinary players. Ivan Crewe replaced him, but Crewe couldn’t bring rhythm at all. In this way, some defensive games were killed. Huddersfield’s two goals were taken advantage of the chaotic formation of the team.

But it is impossible for Morris to start and play the whole game in the future …

Wan Sheng had a headache when he thought about it.

He found that the team needed to solve many problems, not only to adapt to tactics and other issues, but also to the player’s personal ability and performance.

Aware of this problem, Wansheng began to consider a solution.

The easiest and most direct way is of course to introduce one or two capable players to supplement the lineup. The summer transfer is not over yet, and Derby County still has the ability to sign a few players in front. Because of the football training master system, Wan Sheng is not too worried about the team ’s injuries. Those players who are not in good health will not let them play. Of course, accidents can still happen. Anything on the court It may happen, not to mention the most common injury, but Wansheng is still not signing too many players in front of him, he only targets the players who are likely to play for Morris.

Soon Wansheng focused on a 33-year-old veteran-Peschi Solido.

This is a former Sheffield United player.

In Sheffield United ~ ~ Peschi Solido’s position is a striker, but this player has good skills and can play in the midfield. The veteran’s experience is always rich. Peschi Solido has moved to many clubs , Fulham, Birmingham, Stoke City, Queens Park Rangers, etc., from Peski Solido’s resume, he is definitely an experienced warrior.

The reason for this is that Peschi Solido is 33 years old, but has played 15 seasons in the Ligue 1 and two seasons of the Premier League, that is to say, he was only 16 years old. Participated in the Premier League and played a lot in Birmingham at the time. The only two seasons in the English Premier League were played in Fulham, which was a low-level league.

This is … an experienced veteran!

Thirty-three years old, fifteen seasons in the Premier League, two seasons in the Premier League, few injuries in 17 years … Wan Sheng looked at this resume directly stunned.

Compared with the experience of the Pegasus Lido class of the Champions League, the so-called veterans are really weak! (To be continued …)

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