Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 48 - Dictator\\\'s remarks

Facts have proved that Wan Sheng’s practice of using players to train players is still very effective. In the second half of the game, Alfred’s performance was obviously more and more stable. His calmness made it difficult for West Bromwich Forward players. Find a good opportunity, even if teammates pass very accurately.

Afterwards, before the game ended, Alfred even had West Bromwich forward Li Haggs offside three times without knowing it.

This progress is too obvious.

There is motivation when there is pressure. This sentence is really right. Previously, Captain Marcus has been taking care of on the field. Alfred ’s progress is not great, at least compared to his personal ability under Wansheng ’s training. In terms of increase, the actual performance of the game has not improved significantly.

Now when Alfred is alone in facing West Bromwich’s offense and is to shoulder the team’s last defense, his progress is quite obvious.

In the end, West Bromwich scored the second goal. It was a personal performance by Jerma Defu. He led the ball directly over Alfred, and the single goalkeeper shot into the net.

But no one blamed Alfred because of this goal. Instead, everyone felt that Alfred performed very well.

The goal of West Bromwich was more because of the tactics of Derby County. Derby County had always focused on the offense. Alfred was left with a defender in the backcourt. He could not guarantee that the opponent would not score a goal.

After all, regardless of the fans, or the media’s evaluation of Alfred’s performance on defense is still very high.

At the same time, Derby County performed better offense than defense in the remaining time. After Ribery’s goal, they scored two more goals. It is worth mentioning. The last goal was scored by Ivan Crewe. It was a free kick in the 83rd minute and Ivan Crewe showed a surprising footwork. In the first six meters of the penalty area, he directly sent the ball to the top right foot of West Bromwich with a single shot.

This is also the fifth goal of Derbyshire.

But maybe the media and fans have been somewhat numb towards Derby County. The goal of Ivan Crewe at most will be the icing on the cake, and there is not much value at all, so few people pay attention to Ivan Crewe, a free kick of more than 20 meters, each of these **** The team can find players who can shoot, and it is not worth paying attention to.

The final score was fixed at 5: 2.

Derbyshire scored a third victory in the league!

This victory is of great significance to Derbyshire, only because the opponent is West Bromwich, who has just dropped to the top of the league and became the third in the league. No one in the entire English League thinks that West Bromwich is a weak team. If someone said before that Derby County can only win the weak team, now they ca n’t even open the mouth. West Bromwich can Not a weak team, they are definitely qualified to compete for promotion places, or even a league champion team.

But Derbyshire still won, and it was a big victory.

Those reporters who had been expecting a ‘hearty’ defeat in Derbyshire before the game and were waiting to see Wansheng ’s joke did not look well at the end of the game.

They are looking forward to a game with a big gap in scores. But the imaginary winner should be West Bromwich at the Pride Stadium, not Derbyshire.

But what can they say?

As long as I watched this game, I knew that Derby County played very beautifully. The “Ribery problem” they questioned before was not reflected in this game. The questioned “Derby County can only win the weak team by relying on tactics.” The result of the game proved everything, and the questioned “Derby County offensive tactics each This kind of question ‘… Still, they beat West Bromwich Albion by a big margin.

After a big victory over West Bromwich, all problems are no longer a problem.

But how did this happen?

Ribery clearly did not perform well before, but how can he perform so well now? In the game, the Frenchman was really the same as taking a stimulant … yes, he had to find the test report of the player’s body. Maybe the **** Chinese just let his players take the banned drugs?

Of course … few people put their minds on it. After all, this is the job of the FA, and the FA has no relationship with Derbyshire. They cannot cover Derbyshire or something.

In short they don’t understand.

So they began to look forward to the press conference, but think about the arrogant face of the **** Chinese at the press conference, they feel very anxious, but what can they do?

Their wish was soon realized.

Leading the team to a big victory can win West Bromwich. All the players performed very well. The team’s tactics, whether defensive or offensive, are doing very well. Wan Sheng’s mood is also very good.

If he didn’t pay attention to the image, he really wanted to laugh a few times.

Especially when standing on the rostrum of the press conference venue and watching the reporters who stared at them under the stage, Wan Sheng was even more happy. These guys did not say bad things about Derbyshire before the game, and most of them were resolutely opposed. ‘party.

With the “Daily Mirror” resolutely joining the “opposition” party camp, the “opposition” party’s power was greatly expanded, and then at each press conference, the number of reporters who really supported Derbyshire was extremely limited, and Wan Sheng swept the audience. Reporter, thinking about the interview for a while, I feel a little more comfortable to be interviewed by West Bromwich … He really does not want to face the reporters who seem to support Derbyshire and observe Derbyshire, but have always been talking bad things about Derbyshire. Them.

Since all have won, let’s be more generous.

Wan Sheng thought.

But before that, I still want to charge a little interest for these guys before the game!


Wan Sheng sat on the rostrum and coughed into the microphone. The venue immediately calmed down. Everyone looked over and wanted to hear what he said. This is also the purpose of their coming here.

Wan Sheng enjoyed this goal very much. He smiled at the audience and said, “I’m really sorry, letting many people down, we won the game again.”

“The feeling of victory is really beautiful!”

“Especially for those who deliberately prepare to defame us, it’s even better if they don’t achieve their goals. Whenever I think about this, I feel happy, that feeling … that feeling is the same as victory. Shouldn’t it?” Wan Sheng thought about it, as if he was really feeling it. “Yes, yes, I’m pretty sure of this feeling, but this is also a victory, isn’t it?”

The reporter from the audience listened to his teeth.

They felt a serious sense of humiliation, especially the more serious media reporters questioned Derbyshire before the game, the stronger the sense of humiliation.

Those local media in Derbyshire are better, even if they are completely dead enemies with Wansheng. But they and Derbyshire fans are not deadly enemies. They do n’t really speak out bad things about Derbyshire. Their reports are all based on ‘making Derbyshire fans acceptable. The victory report was only a few voices similar to “worry”, and the article mentioned “expect Derby County to perform well”.

The media outside Derbyshire is different.

Especially the “Daily Mirror”, they have a version of the homepage headline is to question Wan Sheng, questioned Ribery, the result of this game Ribery performed very well. They felt that the sense of humiliation was strong enough. Unexpectedly, the Chinese actually even mentioned it directly.

They feel humiliated and angry from the heart!

In other words, angry and angry …

Stand in the first row. Brand, who is a ‘leader’ of the media reporters, can’t stand it first. He never thought of a head coach of the League One. No, it should be said that he is a young coach in his twenties. In the face of the person, to expose his scars, he shouted directly, “arrogant guy! You think it’s great to win West Bromwich. Is it !!!?”

“Or do you think Derbyshire won the game. Won the league title !?”

The other reporters on the stage also felt very humiliated. However, they did not intend to speak up. After all, it seems that it is not a good choice to directly offend this young Chinese. But what are they afraid of seeing the reporter of the Daily Mirror?

There was a big man standing against the sky!

So many reporters at the press conference spoke angrily–

“who do you think You Are!”

“It’s just a Chinese! Can the Chinese play football? What if they win West Bromwich?”

“Your team is originally a weak team, and this game is also won by luck!”

“What did victory count?”

“You can retaliate us like this? Tell you, your victory is not worth mentioning at all !!”

“You are too arrogant, Chinese!”

“Perhaps the FA should set up a ‘British Football Madman of the Year’ award, that’s for you!”

“You arrogant guy!”


The news conference was a mess, and the reporters were hysterically speaking out loud, and the venue was completely messed up. The words they said were directly rhetorical, and it was good. Some of them were unreasonable. Shouts, and even even direct abuse.

They all have a kind of psychology-the law does not blame the public!

With the “Daily Mirror” big reporter Brand at the forefront, what can they be afraid of?

Listening to the “dirty language” in the mouth of these reporters, watching the scene of the meeting in disarray, watching the hysterical faces under the stage, Wan Sheng … really angry!

There was no smile on his face, only gloom.

Wan Sheng sat there and looked at the audience coldly. The words of those reporters echoed in his ears, basically listening to the left ear and the right ear. His mind was remembering that he had become the head coach of Derbyshire, and In the various contacts with media reporters, he found that he was really weak towards media reporters.

His idea is that everyone is kind and gentle, you have to interview, I will let you interview, everyone can be guilty of no one, the work of both sides can be completed very well.

But this idea is somewhat naive.

On the road to success, there will always be opponents and enemies. If you want to embark on the principle of success, you must go through these. Obviously, these people are the enemies who are blocking the road of success. They simply do n’t get along with themselves. Meaning, from the beginning, I was standing in a high place and looking down at myself. I looked at people from that angle, and I could only see the insignificance, and I became the insignificance in their eyes. They could n’t bear their own insignificance. ‘Success, so always against yourself.

He wanted everyone to be kind, but what they wanted was to stop him!

At the beginning, the two sides have stood on the opposite stage. There is no peace at all. Unless one party can completely suppress the other, this kind of peace can be established.

He was unwilling to stay underneath forever, standing where he was suppressed.

To succeed, he must truly stand high, so his heart must also stand high.

The audience was in a mess, the reporters had been arguing for a long time, Wan Shengdu just sat there without speaking, and the reporters regarded this as weakness.

There is a heroic complex in the heart of Westerners. They worship the strong and worship the hero, and they also look down on the weak.

The Chinese on stage now seem to be the weak.

Therefore, the reporters gradually looked at Wan Sheng with contempt, and they felt that they were the winners. This Chinese has been successfully scared by them. They are very excited about this.

What did this guy just say? Say he is the winner?

Hahaha …

It’s so funny! So now, they are the winners!

This Chinese will be a loser anyway, even if he fights. Of course, this guy didn’t speak for a long time, and he didn’t plan to fight, he was just scared.

“Poor boy …” Many reporters thought of gloating. Having said that, the general age of journalists here is really older than Wansheng.

The venue gradually quieted down.

Everyone looked back at the rostrum again to see what Wan Sheng said on the stage. They saw Wan Sheng suddenly squinted their eyes. That look seemed … somewhat a little bit of examination? No ~ ~ Is he about to cry? Scared to cry?

Before they could even think about it, Wansheng slammed the table with his fists and stood up.

This time … completely quiet.

Wan Sheng’s eyes swept everyone under the stage. He did not respond to the doubts and abuses of those people just now. He just said coldly, “I remember some people who gave me the nickname” dictator ” It reminds me of Nazi leaders during World War II. I feel honored to have the same name as these leaders. “

“I think that those who gave me the nickname should think that I have so much potential to become a dictator, and I am equally honored about this.”

“So I decided to work hard to be a dictator from today.”

Wan Sheng squeezed the microphone in his hand and stared at everyone under the stage. “Now, as the head coach of Derbyshire, I can’t make the decision of two dictators. You have no right to question, because this is my right. . “

“First, at my press conference, only with my permission, I have the right to ask questions. No one has the right to plan my words. Whoever does this, I will let the press officer ask him to leave the venue. “

“Second …” Wan Sheng stared at Brand in the first row of seats, saying, “From today, Pride Stadium rejects reporters from the Daily Mirror.” (To be continued) )

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