Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 62 - Change of style

Derbyshire defeated Crystal Palace away and scored four straight games. * & Fiction * ⊙⊙,

Sky TV commentator Belko Clayderman also mentioned before the first game of the season, Wan Sheng faced what the reporter said, ‘Champion is our goal’. No one believed this at the time, and the result is now Derby. The county is ranked first in the league, and their results are quite surprising. It also shows that targeting the championship is not just a big word.

But after the game, the media reporters didn’t even care about the outcome of the game. It seemed that it didn’t matter at all. They still care about the topic of the previous one-Wan Sheng’s resume problem of finding a job a year ago.

They want to conduct an interview on this issue, it is best to interview Wan Sheng himself.

When the time comes to seize this question, see how the **** Chinese answered! ?

This is how they think.

But after the game, they only saw a few Derbyshire players. Asking about this news, of course, players can only ask, where do they know Wan Sheng’s resume question, not to mention, even if they know, they must say “yes”.

“Boss never did that kind of thing!”

“That’s all rumours!”

“I just came to Derbyshire in the summer, sorry, I don’t know.”

“Others are unclear, but the boss’s French is very standard. It is no problem for him not to be a coach to be a French interpreter.” Ribery said with certainty.

Bolton-Leit looked angry, “You are able to defame the boss!”

The reporters were naturally very disappointed with the results of the interviews with the players. They actually still held the mind of ‘defeating Wansheng from within’, but these Derbyshire players are quite supportive of Wansheng.

But also …

“This **** Chinese will only shoot people who are close to him.” Whether this is true is unclear, but the players involved in this game must have a good relationship with the **** Chinese, and naturally all support his.

But they have no other choice, because Wan Sheng will not even attend the press conference.

As a result, the next day, the media’s coverage of the “resume incident” became more intense, and they just wanted to find Wansheng. To find a saying in Derbyshire, and more importantly, they have to use reports to force the Derbyshire club to make a statement. Wan Sheng took a fake resume to find a job in Derbyshire. This matter is a stain in itself. , Naturally wantonly to find a gap in the handle.

At the same time, in China, which is one-third of the earth, the trend of Wansheng’s topic has changed.

“Sohu Sports” once again released news about the progress of the incident, this time not about mining information on the resume. Instead, their reporter interviewed Sun Ming, the chairman of Dalian Shide Group.

The report by Fang Qian, an intern reporter, involved Sun Ming, and some reports attracted much attention with Sun Ming as the leader, but the impact of the matter was not big, because many people looked at the report and became Looking at the gossip, I didn’t care too much at all. .

Sun Ming did not stand up to clarify.

This time the news has a greater influence. When a reporter from Sohu Sports interviewed Sun Ming, Sun Ming also received a separate interview and mentioned the matter. “What the news talked about is true. At the beginning of June this year, Derby County club coach Wan Sheng visited our Dalian Shide club and I invited him.”

“This is not just a private invitation. At the same time, Dalian Shide Club has also established cooperation in some areas with Derby County Club. In terms of team, we bought central defender Nico Hertzger from Derby County Club. This player is quite capable. After he came to Dalian Shide. He immediately became an important player on the back line. Now our defensive stability is inseparable from Nico Hertzg’s performance. “

The reporter felt a sudden enlightenment.

The biggest news of the transfer in the summer is that Dalian Shide has dug up English player Nico Hertzger. This transfer will have two attractive places.

One is the nationality of Nico Hertzger. He is a standard English player. An English player comes to play in League A. This is the first time in the history of Chinese football. At the same time, Nico Hertzger is also quite expensive. The value of 15 million yuan is really big news!

Are you sure that Wansheng’s visit is real? What about it? Now that everyone knows it, it ’s just to make sure.

Nico Hertzger’s transfer? He is already a player of Dalian Shide Club. No matter how he talks, he is always talking about it, because the fans know it.

This last point … two young players were exchanged to the Derbyshire club for training, this is the most important thing! This means that young players have landed in the European League again. Although they certainly can’t play in the English League, can they always be loaned out?

Even if they are not on loan, they only play in the Derby County youth team, and they can be said to be playing in the English League!

At the time of the interview. The reporter knew that the news would be very sensational.

Sure enough, when “Sohu Sports” put this news message on the official homepage, it attracted a large number of clicks in a short time. Chinese fans realized this news before they realized it-no matter what resume is not resumed, this guy becomes After the head coach of Derbyshire, he has already begun to contribute to Chinese football!

If there is no victory, Derby County Club will be linked to Dalian Shide Club? Never possible!

Without wins, players like Nico Hertzger will move to the A League? Never possible!

Without Wansheng, these two things called Wang Ming a lot.

original. As few people all over China know, this has become the head coach of the Derbyshire football team in the First Division, and it is a guy who has become a famous player in foreign football. He has quietly contributed to Chinese football.

The tone of online public opinion changed instantly.

Many people recalled that they actually ignored an issue. Do n’t care about their resumes when looking for work, but they have now become the head coach of the Derbyshire club in the Bundesliga. This is an iron fact.

what is this?

This is the ability!

They just became the head coach of Derbyshire, and they thought of domestic football within a few months of returning home. I thought of selling ‘outstanding players’ (Nico Hertzger as the main force of Derby County, the strength is not weak, and the strength in China is indeed quite strong) to the domestic league team, and also brought two young players back to England to train .

what is this?

This is truly patriotic!

This is both capable. A patriotic figure, grabbing a resume looking for a job a year ago and saying things, is n’t it all about being full?

Regardless of the means used, others succeeded on the way to the head coach!

Chinese football also figured out personalities!

With the news released by “Sohu Sports”. The public opinion on the discussion of Wansheng has changed in China. Wansheng has become a capable and patriotic person from the gossip character in the eyes of a fan. It is also a character who has traveled abroad and rarely succeeded in football.

There are too few people who can go out in Chinese football. They can go to the Europa League. They are also good. There is only one Sun Jihai. He is just a Manchester City defender. With one, better than Sun Jihai, that is the head coach of a Premier League team.

How much professional life do players have?

That ’s really nothing like a coach. A football coach is a career that can last a lifetime. What ’s more, this football coach named Wansheng is purely a young man. He is just a little over twenty-six years old. of.

What’s more, now he has achieved the highest achievement of the Chinese in the coaching industry-becoming a head coach of the League One.

The style of public opinion has changed, and there have been more positive comments on Wansheng online. Many people have raised the issue of previous resumes, but as the trend of public opinion has changed, the public’s views have also changed.

Wan Shengneng became the head coach of the Ligue 1 club at the age of twenty-six ~ ~. It must be very capable. Maybe this resume is true?

He was originally an international student at University College London, which is already certain.

A few days ago, someone quoted a report from the British media, which seemed to be explaining that he did have coaching experience at the Manchester United club?

The only remaining questions are “proficient in seven languages” and “13 coach certificates”, but obviously Wansheng, as a British student, can teach in the Ligue 1 club, and English must be quite passable.

Plus Chinese … these are two languages.

Besides the coaching certificate issue, Derby County can let him coach, he must be qualified to coach, which can explain half of the problem.

Summed up together, that is to say, this resume is likely to be very real!

Wansheng is probably a genius! (To be continued …) If you think the super training master is very beautiful! Then please put the website of this site! Recommend to your little friends to watch it together!

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