Super Training Master

v2 Chapter 97 - Enemies meet

The President of the Referee Association, Husky, is quite famous in English football. In his early years, he was a very famous referee. After 25 years of refereeing, he officially announced his retirement and entered the referee association. ^ ~ Fiction ^

His work is quite effective, everyone sees it, and in just a few years, Husky has become a candidate for president of the referee association from a small committee representative, with the support of multiple votes , He also successfully promoted to the post of President of the Referee Association.

This position is the referee association, the power is very large, almost the same as the president of the English Football Association.

As the president of the Referee Association, Husky is a rare “open school”. He has a high exposure in the media. He often visits TV stations for interviews and often talks about the work of referees on TV.

“In order to ensure fair enforcement, we must expose everything to the public, including the investigation process of disputes in various competitions.”

“In any case, the majesty of the referee must be guaranteed.”

“We will try our best to do everything. This is our job, our task. If we can’t do it, then I should change positions.”


Husky said a lot of things have been recorded, he is a star in the English refereeing field, and he is actually only 55 years old. At this age, he can become the president of the referee association, which is absolutely ‘young. For ‘, his predecessors were no less than sixty years old.

After Husky took over as the president of the Referee Association, he also often organized some parrts, inviting the presidents, head coaches, and famous clubs of various football clubs to talk about English football and the English league. These can be close to these rules Communicating with people with rights can minimize various disputes.

Like this reception, it is a common practice before Christmas.

In fact, the symbolic meaning of the reception is greater than the actual meaning, and there is nothing important at all. But it’s Husky’s habit. Many English club presidents and head coaches are also used to it. They come to find an excuse to relax before the Christmas intensive schedule. They can also come here to communicate with other coaches and presidents, even directly Talk about some transfer content.

This reception has become a platform for the exchange of rights figures in English football.

Those who can participate in the reception are still quite identified.

In addition to some famous England clubs and Football Association representatives who come here occasionally, among all professional football clubs in England, only the president, general manager and head coach of the big powers will accept the invitation, provided that this club is a second-level league The above teams, that is to say, are eligible to participate. There are only top-level and second-level league teams.

Even if only half of the English First Division teams can receive invitations, some of them have a good personal relationship with Husky, some have a greater influence in the English First Division, and some former top leagues have fallen into the first division. , A team that is quite respected, and so on. In short, the teams that can receive invitations to participate in the reception are all very influential teams in English football.

This is about the team, not the chairman, head coach, general manager, etc.

In fact. Specifically, whoever receives the invitation depends on the individual’s ability and influence. The Derby County club was still in the Premier League last season. The club’s chairman, Jim Smith, still has many acquaintances in the English football world. He has received invitations for both seasons, but general manager Wilcox is not qualified. Last season, even some famous coach Gregory did not receive an invitation.

After Ji Smith received the invitation. He planned to take Wan Sheng to ‘see the world’. Even if the team ’s performance is better, it is just a newcomer in football. Go to ‘Meet the World’, get to know a few influential figures in the English football world, and it ’s no harm to have a good relationship with other club head coaches.

More importantly, Ji-Smith felt that taking Wan Sheng to him gave him a “long face”.

Derbyshire is now the top of the Premier League, and many media are paying attention to their games. In the football circle, Gil Smith, the chairman, has also gained a lot of popularity, but people mentioned the success of Derbyshire, and they all know that the reason The young coach Wan Sheng, many people are very interested in Wan Sheng when they talk to Derbyshire with Gil Smith, so Gil Smith intends to take everything with Wan Sheng.

However, he did not expect that Wan Sheng also received the invitation.

But it’s normal to think about it again. After half a season, Wan Sheng’s gorgeous lead results made him a famous figure in the Premier League. This time, Husky will hold a cocktail party and will naturally invite some new heads. Wan Sheng is already an outstanding coach.

That afternoon, Gil Smith went to London with Wan Sheng.

Originally, Ji-Smith planned to drive with Wansheng, and Wansheng shook it off, feeling that the chairman was not very good for driving himself, so he sat in the driving position and let Ji-Smith sit in the co-pilot.

“Wan Sheng, did you expect you to drive?” Ji Smith was a little surprised, because Wan Sheng didn’t have a car at all, and came to the club every day to walk.

Wan Sheng smiled and said, “I took my driver’s license two years ago.”

“Then why don’t you buy a car? Your current salary, shouldn’t it be a problem?” Ji Smith didn’t understand.

Wan Shengdao, “Of course, but I haven’t thought about it, mainly because it is not usually used. I live not far from the club. If I take the team to the game, I will take the bus directly.”

“But it still needs to be used when going to London.” Gil Smith thought, “I heard that you are still studying at University College London? It’s more convenient to buy a car.”

“Thank you, Gil, I will consider it.” Wan Sheng said.

After Ji-Smith said, Wansheng is really considering buying a car, otherwise it is really inconvenient to go to London. London is only forty kilometers from Derbyshire. If you have your own car, you do n’t need much time. Can go to London.

More importantly, he is not poor now, and buying a car is not a problem for him at all.

In the chat between the two, they quickly drove into London. Without the guidance of Jim Smith, Wan Sheng drove directly to the destination on Cromwell Road. He was very impressed by the neighborhood, and he just followed the memory. It ’s just driving.

After finding the destination, the two went straight in.

The reception was held in a large hall, and the decoration of various foods and lights made the scene look gorgeous. When the two arrived, it was still a bit early, and only two or three people were talking at the reception.

Gil Smith took Wan Sheng straight away.

“Jill, you’re here!” An old man in that direction greeted with great energy. When the two came near, he pointed to Wansheng and asked, “Don’t introduce me?”

“Wan Sheng, you should have heard it.” Gil Smith introduced with a smile, and said to Wan Sheng again, “This is Dogo Ellis. You can call him Mr. Ellis, aston Villa Club President, Ian agreed to join Derbyshire because of Mr. Ellis last summer. “

Wansheng Chao Dogo-Ellis shook hands politely, “Hello Mr. Ellis.”

“Just call me Dogo.” Dogo Ellis smiled heartily, and he looked very spirited and acted like a young man. But in fact, he was already 79 years old, he patted Wan Sheng’s shoulder, said enthusiastically. “Young man, I have heard of you, but you often appear in the newspapers. Your team’s performance is very good, and it beat West Ham United at the beginning of the season. Good job! Haha …”

Doug Ellis’s gloating laughter really puzzled Wan Sheng. He turned to look at Gil Smith, Smith explained in a low voice. “The chairman of Dogo and West Ham are rivals.”

Wan Sheng nodded in understanding.

Someone walked in front of the door again. Many people looked up and walked over to the front door to welcome them. This was completely different from the treatment of Wansheng. When they walked in, almost no one bothered.

Wan Sheng looked puzzled and recognized at a glance that it was Arsenal’s French coach Wenger.

Wenger has been coaching Arsenal for nine seasons since 1996. His Arsenal is the only team in the Premier League that can compete with Manchester United. In the past two years, Arsenal has been very sharp. Now the media The most important thing is how many unbeaten games Arsenal have broken. Manchester United, which they suppressed in the league, seems to have no fight back.

Such a person is naturally highly valued, and even the basic people of Haas who hosted the reception greeted the past. Ji-Smith also took Wan Sheng to the past and approached him. He talked to the others and greeted Wenger. During the whole process, the people around were paying attention to Wenger, and almost no one noticed Wan Sheng.

But Wenger noticed.

He pushed away from everyone, looked at Wansheng, and reached out politely, “You are the head coach of Derbyshire. You are really young. I saw you on the news and I felt very incredible. It is said that you are only 26 years old now. ? I really can’t imagine that I was playing professional football at your age, the situation was not so good … “

While Wenger praised Wan Sheng, he said self-deprecatingly.

“Thank you.” Wan Sheng also politely complimented, “Your Arsenal is already one of the strongest teams in the world. I think this year’s champion will definitely belong to you.”

“Hahaha, young man, I like to listen to this sentence.”

Wenger smiled with flowers on his face.

“Not always!”

A voice came from outside the door, and everyone looked up and saw a rather majestic old man walking in with a middle-aged man. For the people here, this old man’s face is too familiar, it is Manchester United The club’s head coach Ferguson.

Wan Sheng, who is next to him, is also familiar with it. It is Manchester United’s youth director McGuinness.

“Young people, you still don’t want to draw conclusions easily! The league is only halfway through ~ ~ It’s too early to talk about who can win the championship!” Ferguson walked in, snorted without looking Said.

Wenger smiled tit-for-tat, “But everyone has the right to express their views. It is clear that Arsenal are at least more hopeful than Manchester United to win the championship.”

Everyone beside them looked excitedly.

Ferguson and Wenger met and choked up when they came up. This is really a good show.

At the same time, McGuinness also followed up and saw Wan Sheng at a glance. His expression was a little surprised, and he immediately thought of what kind of eyes staring straight at him.

Wan Sheng stared back immediately.

McGuinness pointed angrily at the crowd around Wansheng and yelled, “Who can tell me why this Chinese is here? This is Mr. Husky’s reception, he must have sneaked in!” “(To be continued …)

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