Super Training Master

V5.5 Chapter 325: Overtake! !

Few people can interpret the meaning of Wansheng’s command actions, and he rarely uses extreme methods to play. Novel

That is very dangerous!

Now there is no other way. Dragging time into overtime is not good for the England team. Wan Sheng has no confidence that the team can hold the 30-minute overtime. It is not afraid to play a penalty, but the more it drags on, the more The greater the certainty, so he hopes the team will end the game in 9o minutes.

Of course, the ultimate winner must be the England team.

Wansheng never lacks the spirit of gambling and apprenticeship. Especially in the face of the game with Spain, there is little hope of winning normally. The team’s technical, technical and tactical aspects are not far behind Spain.

The two teams played for 8o minutes. He used various methods and several tactical adjustments, but they did not make the team back to the disadvantage. The score is only 1: 1. Many people think that 1: 1 is already good. England The team can tie the score, God is his blessing, but Wan Sheng is not satisfied. What he needs is to win, not to “tie” or “to perform well”, that can not bring the championship.

So Wan Sheng made up his mind to let the team use the extreme style of “all offense” to fight together.

This is the ‘platoon formation’ function of the football training master system, which automatically exercises the most highly evaluated offensive formation.

As early as the England team was preparing for the European Cup, Wan Sheng asked the team to adapt to the offensive formation. Until the final battle with Spain, the team adapted to several times, and the players should not perform poorly.

Wansheng used this as a hole card and also used it as a ‘bet’.

If the England team can successfully win the game, naturally it does not need any ‘all-offensive formation’, but if it is still behind at the end of the game, it is the best way.

It’s the same now.

The end of 9o minutes is the best for the England team. Spain must be unprepared for England’s big attack.

This is the team’s best opportunity.

In the exercise of the “platoon formation” system function, the England team composed of 11 players on the field has the highest offensive ability evaluation of “1o2”, which is quite a strong data. At the same time, the evaluation of defensive ability naturally becomes very poor. By the way-’65’, this low-value evaluation is almost equivalent to the defense of the third-tier league team, allowing the Spanish team to get the ball and hit a quick counterattack. With the excellent ability of the player, it is likely to break the goal .

The “gambling-apprentice” style of play naturally has advantages and disadvantages.

In the world of football, no one tactic is perfect, the difference is whether it is adapted and when it is used.

Now is the most appropriate time.

After finishing the command, Wan Sheng stayed on the sidelines and watched the game seriously. The English players all received the signal.

Spain is still holding the ball, but everyone still runs forward. The Spanish team completed a wave of offense. Fabregas’ return to Harvey was intercepted by Terry. The football reached the foot of the English player.

The England team did not rush forward, and Terry passed the ball to goalkeeper Joe Hart. Before Joe Hart encountered this kind of ball, he was a big foot forward. If there is a chance, he will watch it. Now, watching the teammates rush forward, Joe Hart handed over to center defender Lescott.

Lescott is very cautious in holding the ball.

The Spanish formation advanced very much. They organized a counter-attack in the frontcourt. When David Silva rushed up, Lescott made a cross and transferred the ball to Ashley Cole.

Ashley Cole took the ball a few steps forward.

With Cole’s dribbling, the entire front, middle and back of the entire England team, including Rooney at the front, began to move forward quickly. From the perspective of the audience, the entire formation of England is moving forward. Now the narrator shouted in surprise, “England really started to counterattack!”

Rooney rushed to the front, behind him were Ashley Young, Morris and Milner.

Ashley Cole led the ball after halftime, he pushed the ball across to Gerald, and faced the Spanish team’s in-place counter-attack. Gerald and Scott Parker made a second pass. As soon as they cooperate, they continue to dribble forward.

In the course of England’s overall progress, from the audience’s perspective, several of their fronts, like the formation, moved to Ipswich half-timely.

The scene of the big pressure is extremely eye-catching!

Many fans hold their breath!

Spanish fans reacted, and after seeing their team’s defense at halftime was empty, they all began to worry about the goal.


Just now, many Spanish players also saw Wan Sheng ’s command actions, but they did not pay attention to it, because in football games, the coach ’s on-site command generally does not change the tactics too much. Winning an action changed the style of play for the entire England team.

England suddenly pressed across the board, making them feel caught off guard.

They were still in the rhythm of the game just now. They counter-robbed in the frontcourt, set up a defensive line in the midfield, and defended in the backcourt.

The England team made them feel suffocated and couldn’t help but panic.

The opponent’s desperate pressure put them off guard, and they were completely unprepared for it. Some players even thought in surprise, “Can football still play like this?”

“Passive defense at the first moment, but then at the next moment?”

“The England team must have made a lot of preparations for this, otherwise they will not be able to adapt themselves!”

No matter what they think, they must face it!

The England team is like a sedimentary volcano. It has been stuffy underground for a long time. There is no movement on it. It is almost used as a tourist attraction. As a result, it suddenly spewed out and was completely spouted out.

Spanish players feel panic, they can only subconsciously play defense.

This defense has lost its rules.

The Spanish team is strong and very strong. Many people remember that Spain ’s smooth cooperation, but in fact, their defense is also the world ’s top, but each Spanish player is also a normal person. They come out individually, no better than England. How strong are the players, some players are still a lot worse.

The Spanish team has always been a whole, rather than relying on individuals. When this whole is crushed, they will also panic, and they have recently made mistakes. Fortunately, this wave of England team failed to seize the opportunity, Morris Passed by a foot, he was stopped by defender Pique.

All of Spain breathed a sigh of relief, but soon they knew that the “volcano explosion” had just begun.

After Spain got the ball and wanted to reorganize the defense, the ‘in-place anti-robbing’ side became the England team. Many Spanish players haven’t converted their thinking. Now that the opponent’s player has arrived, then Busquets lost the ball He wanted to give the ball to Harvey, and as a result, there was an additional Milner.

Milner stopped the football and counterattacked on the spot.

This wave of attack still failed to break the goal, but then the England team pressed the Spanish half to play, and the eleven players of the team all came to the Spanish half. This desperate attack made Spain overwhelmed and they were extremely passive. .

The reporters in the media also dumbfounded.

Just now, many reporters also talked about Spain’s tough offensive, and criticized the conservativeness of the England team. It took a few minutes to turn around, and the situation changed.

Finally, the narrator responded. He stared blankly at the screen, and finally said, “England … moved!”

This is nonsense!

Fortunately, no fans are in the mood to spit out commentators. TV fans, whether Spain or England or neutral fans, are all watching the game seriously, lest they miss even a shot.

They also know: this is the decisive moment!


Spain was completely suppressed in their own half. They didn’t get used to it and couldn’t attack at all.

Originally they had a chance.

For example, when Pique took the ball, he could make a big foot and drive the ball to the frontcourt. Spain had no one in the frontcourt, but at least delayed the offensive wave in England, but Pique was still in the rhythm of the game just now. Spain Rarely will he kick the ball, they all prefer to use short passes to penetrate, even the backcourt players.

Pique’s choice was to poke the ball to Harvey.

There is Morris and Scott Parker beside Harvey. Under the bag of these two generals, a 33-year-old veteran, what’s the point of having high technology?

The result is self-evident.

At this moment, the offensive and defensive game of the game started in the half of Spain. It is not easy for Spain to pass the ball forward. Continuous steals, conceding, then stealing, then conceding the ball made the Spanish players very nervous.

England is much better.

This set of all-offensive formations, they have practiced many times. Due to the extreme nature of the formation, all players are full of interest. They have invested a lot of energy to adapt. Wan Sheng also told them what will happen.

Now it is kind.

They also made mistakes, but opponents made more mistakes.

They knew that all they had to do now was to reduce turnovers and seize every opportunity to fight for the opponent’s goal.

This time it was Lescott who snatched the ball. He did not continue to pass the ball, but took the ball forward a few steps. Then he lifted his right leg and kicked the ball to the left of the penalty area.

The Spanish defense was very tight in the penalty area, but there were also many players who rushed into the penalty area. The full-back Ashley Cole rushed over. He squeezed Alonso with the right heel and took the ball outside the penalty area.

Morris stepped forward and got the ball.

Spain ’s defense against Morris was very tight. When he took the ball, two players immediately followed. Morris chose to push the ball to Ashley Young, then suddenly burst out, and then came forward and received a return pass. ball.

“Morris and Ashley Young co-operated perfectly!”

In the praise of the commentator ~ ~ Morris did not stop the ball, but pushed the ball towards the penalty area. All the eyes of the person followed the football to the other side, and a figure rushed up. Having no time to look at the player’s number, he saw that he kicked a volley against the football!



The live commentator shouted out the player’s name.

Wan Sheng bit his teeth!

Green muscles bounce!

Bosque suddenly stood up from his seat, staring straight at his goal.

There was a moment of suffocation throughout the stadium. Everyone felt that their heart stopped beating for a moment, as did the reporters on the media bench. They all stared at the Spanish goal.

Everyone’s eyes are on Aveloa!

At this moment Aveloa has become the protagonist of the world. Perhaps he is the most inconspicuous of the 22 players on the field, but he has become the focus.

His right foot was drawn behind the ball!

The football rushed from the grass and went straight to the goal. All eyes turned to the direction of the Spanish goal.

Casillas is standing by!

He saw Aveloa’s shot for the first time, but he didn’t expect the ball to come so fast, and the angle was a bit tricky. He took a deep breath and rushed towards the direction of the football. He knew he was slow.


The football brushed past his fingers!

A despair remained on Casillas’s face. He was the first person to show despair in all Spanish players and all Spanish supporters.

In the next moment, football has a very stylish goal net!


ps: Once again cheeky to advertise his new book: “level sports expert”! !

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