Super Training Master

V5.5 Chapter 93: De Gea!

Aguero didn’t show any personal skills. The only thing he showed in the process of scoring the ball was degree.

This is also the expected effect of Wansheng.

In the game against Barcelona, ​​the team cannot invest too much energy in the offense, it is difficult to play the effect of normal promotion, counterattack has become the best means, and Aguero is the most important player.

After adding the “National Games Honor Aura” to Aguero’s degree attribute, his degree has reached about ‘16’.

The evaluation value of ‘16’ is definitely the top on the football field, and even in certain events in the track and field, you can compete with the track and field athletes.

Aguero is a professional football player. The attribute of “degree” can not be simply counted. In fact, when the degree is increased, the explosive force will also be increased accordingly. For example, the normal start to the highest, it takes 3 seconds, the highest increase, then start During the process, ‘lifting’ will definitely speed up, and the degree of dribbling will also speed up accordingly.

In the football training master system, in the attribute of physical ability, the various evaluation values ​​are only comprehensive, and many values ​​are also closely related. A strong player’s ability to compete will not be too bad. This is the reason.

In other words, after increasing ‘degree’, other attribute evaluation values ​​related to degree will remain unchanged, but the actual effect will also be improved to a certain extent.

Aguero’s speed is absolutely beyond Barcelona’s expectations. They are not prepared for this. After Aguero’s outbreak, they have no way to limit it.

Only then did Aguero score.

Explaining the goal may sound simple, but in fact, at the same opportunity, Aguero may not necessarily score. On the court, the important thing is the player swing.

Even if the reason is as great as a victory, after seeing Aguero score, they cheered excitedly!

He was excited to hug everyone next to him!

Fans don’t have to think so much. The only thing they know is that Aguero scored. As for why they can score, it’s not something they have to consider. They just need to celebrate.

There were only 8,000 Atletico Madrid fans on the scene, but after Aguero scored, their voice was finally heard by the audience.

Barcelona fans fell silent.

They never thought that Atletico Madrid could advance the ball, and many fans could not accept it. From the beginning of the game, Barcelona suppressed the offense and Atletico Madrid had no power to fight back.

The result is the Atletico Madrid? And from the process point of view, scoring seems too simple!

There is only one person!


An Aguero got rid of Barcelona to adjust the defense line. The process is simple and rude, without any technical content. This is a humiliation to the Barcelona defense line!

Is this Barcelona’s defense?

While Barcelona was still meditating for the team’s defense, Aguero had rushed to the bottom of the fans ‘stand. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the Argentine made a’ shut up ‘gesture to the fans’ stand.

What are you doing!

“Aguero is asking Barcelona fans to shut up!” Fernando Sanchez Bob explained.


Seriously provocative!

Other Atletico Madrid players also caught up, they saw Aguero’s movements are learned, and everyone made a gesture of shutting up to the stands.

The atmosphere of the Camp Nou made Atletico Madrid players very unhappy. They have been suppressed in the game. Although the team is mainly playing defense, it is impossible to say that there is no anger in the heart. Now the team is finished. After scoring a goal, they can finally ‘breath’ fans at the scene.

Of course, the result is obvious.

Atletico Madrid’s action was violently countered by Barcelona fans. The scene ‘boo’ thundered, facing the players’ stands, various debris flew, including more than one optical phone, and some expensive necklaces. , Watches and other accessories, or stadium staff, can make a fortune after the game.

The referee immediately stepped forward, preventing the player’s move.

Atletico Madrid players didn’t even care, they returned to the stadium after provoking the fans and faced Barcelona again.

Now their fighting spirit is more abundant!


“Aguero used an extremely fast goal to help Atletico Madrid lead Barcelona away!”

“This is not only a goal, but also makes the morale of Atletico Madrid more high. It is also a huge blow to Barcelona. They haven’t made any goals in their continuous offensive, but Aguero broke through the entire defense line alone!”

“Atletico Madrid has made a good start. What will be the outcome of this game is unpredictable …”

Many Spanish TV commentators on live broadcasts all said that Atletico Madrid’s lead.

In fact, for the contest between Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, more media support Atletico Madrid.

Or it can be said that many La Liga media are hostile to Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​because these two teams have “ruled” La Liga for too long, so that the benefits of La Liga are distributed, and most of the resources are inclined to these two teams. team.

The most direct manifestation is the sharing of TV broadcasting rights!

According to the current La Liga TV broadcast fee sharing plan, Real Madrid and Barcelona together account for 47% of the total revenue, Atletico Madrid and Valencia each account for 7%, and the remaining 39% is graded according to the results to the remaining 16 Teams.

La Liga’s 650 million euros broadcast fee, Real Madrid and Barcelona each received 150 million euros, the other 18 clubs accounted for 53%, a total of only 350 million euros.

The same is true for the TV advertising revenues of broadcast rights. Real Madrid and Barcelona have received ten times more than other teams.

Such a huge income, such an unfair distribution plan, it is strange that other teams are satisfied, so when other teams and two teams play, most regional media support other teams.

In La Liga’s “Profit Distribution”, Atletico Madrid is also the “noble” of the “18 other” teams, but compared to Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​Atletico Madrid is also a loser. Atletico Madrid actually represents In addition to the interests of the ‘West’ volleyball club, most regional media naturally support Atletico Madrid.

So when Barcelona saw half of the attack but fell behind, many media went to the ground.

They will not sympathize with the backward Barcelona, ​​especially Barcelona has been winning streak, they even hope that Barcelona lost.


Although many people want Barcelona to lose, Barcelona’s strength is beyond doubt.

When the game restarted, the backward Barcelona did not have a low morale. On the contrary, they continued to press heavily and launched a more aggressive attack than before.

This is normal.

Often the lagging side will do this, especially Barcelona is very good at attacking, they are to suppress to get more opportunities, and thus get more goals to win. Now at Camp Nou, the game is still related to league competition, and they are even less likely to allow themselves to fall behind Atletico Madrid!

Faced with Barcelona’s wave of offense, Atletico Madrid continue to defend the line of defense!

This is a bit passive, but it is the best choice.

With Aguero’s goal, Atletico Madrid saw the hope of winning, and they even played defense seriously in accordance with Wan Sheng’s requirements, because they knew that as long as they kept the goal, they could win.

A goal may not be a big deal, but in such a competition, a goal can often decide the outcome!

Perhaps many people disdain Atletico Madrid always defending, but in fact, it is very difficult to defend well. Barcelona ’s strength need not be discussed. Atletico Madrid players are seriously involved in the game and follow the tactics Doing complex running, fighting, and defending, with some errors in the middle, is likely to give Barcelona a chance. With Barcelona’s offensive ability, a chance may be converted into a goal. That is not everyone wants to saw.

Defensive pressure is great, and perseverance is also a victory.

Wan Sheng stood on the sidelines and encouraged the team!

There are still about 7 minutes in the first half, as long as you stick to it, the team can take the lead into the halftime, which will help morale and the second half of the game.

Atletico Madrid players have plenty of fighting spirit!

There is no need to say more about the reports before the game. Even the media supporting Atletico Madrid believe that it is difficult for Atletico Madrid to win at the Camp Nou. This is not a plain statement, but a conclusion drawn through many analyses.

But Atletico Madrid players are not reconciled, looking at these reports, they are eager to beat Barcelona!

Do n’t you all look down on us? Then we will win the game and let you know if we can take away the victory at Camp Nou!

This is the idea of ​​the team.

Aguero’s goal just now gave the team the hope of victory, so everyone is very serious in the game. Facing Atletico Madrid’s defensive defense, Barcelona wants to break through very difficult.

In the last few minutes of the first half ~ ~ Barcelona made two chances.

Once was Villa’s return in the middle. Messi threw away Morris to meet the ball and directly volleyed. Fortunately, the football hit Godin’s leg and popped out of bounds, without causing a direct threat.

Another time is due to the goalkeeper De Gea’s swing.

Although Atletico Madrid’s blockade of the left and right roads is very tight, the blockade cannot be a complete opportunity. Iniesta plugged in the timely response, Messi saw the opportunity, he kicked the ball to the penalty area, Iniesta welcomed the ball Straight shot!

This is the best opportunity for Barcelona!

When Iniesta shot, the others didn’t have time to interfere at all. They could only watch. The Barcelona fans at the scene also cheered. Obviously, Barcelona fans felt that this shot must be able to score.


There is also De Gea in front of Atletico Madrid! (To be continued.) 8

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