Super Training Master

v6 Chapter 7 - Conservative and cautious

Wan Sheng emphasized on the team’s efficiency, but there is a very important premise, that is to stabilize the defense, not to allow the Dutch team to easily find opportunities, even if the efficiency is high enough, always the opponent’s opportunities, certainly can not win. Novel ┡

The strength of the Dutch team is much stronger than the Chinese team, and this is also reflected in the game. The Dutch team has always had the advantage of the situation.

But in the past 3o minutes of the game, the Dutch team has not scored, it seems to prove something-

“The Chinese team’s defense is quite good!”

“In the past 30 minutes, the Dutch team continued to attack, but failed to break through the gate of the Chinese team, which is probably different from their imagination.”

“The Chinese team has a tight blockade in the midfield and backcourt. They put most of their energy on defense. There are not many ways for the Dutch team. They can only rely on constant cooperation to find opportunities.”

The core of the Dutch team will be very deep.

The game was different from what he had imagined. From the beginning, he could n’t let go. The opponent ’s defense was very tight. Every time he got it in the frontcourt, he had to face at least two players. Out of this kind of defensive position, regardless of the strength of the opponent’s players, but this is definitely a poorly organized weak team, they have strict defensive tactics.

Other Dutch players feel the same way.

However, the Dutch team has a lot of ball control and a lot of offenses. The audience ca n’t see this, just like the Dutch commentator, “The game has been playing for thirty minutes. , Passing or shooting, the Dutch are all ahead of their opponents. “

“The Chinese team’s defense is very strict, they are almost all defending, which has a little effect, at least the Netherlands team has not scored yet … However, I think the goal is coming soon, we have to believe the fighters on the field. Everyone! “

At the same time, Dutch coach Brand was also surprised.

There was no goal in 3o minutes of the game. It ’s no big deal. In many football games, there is often no goal in 9o minutes. One goal can determine the final victory. What surprised Brand is that the Dutch team did not find it. Several good opportunities in front of the door.

This illustrates the success of the Chinese team’s defense.

Defense is an important part of football. Even if there are few offenses, it cannot be said that the Chinese team played poorly. In fact, Brand has seen that the Chinese team has an excellent defensive system, and each player can make up for the position. Very timely, the defense against our outstanding stars is also very rigorous, to be sure, this is not a good team to deal with.

Fortunately, the opponent seems undoubtedly to make a big offensive, the Dutch team does not need to pay too much attention to defense, just concentrate on breaking the opponent’s goal.

What should I do now?

Brand knows that the most important thing for the Dutch team is to score goals. As long as they can score a goal, they will grasp the absolute initiative of the game. When the time comes, they will retreat some formations, and they will definitely win by playing steadily.

“Hope to score and come soon …”

As the head coach of the Chinese team, Wan Sheng is still satisfied with the game. After gradually adapting to the atmosphere of the competition, the performance of the players on the field has become more stable. He believes that as long as the team shows its strength, it can still compete with the Dutch team. .

The most dissatisfied at this time is the Dutch media.

Before the game, Wan Sheng said that the Chinese team is the most promising team in Group e, which is considered by many people as a “joke”, but before playing against the Netherlands, saying this is a contempt for the Netherlands.

The Dutch team should score quickly and let the Chinese know that they are great!

But the game did not proceed according to their ideas. The Dutch team has not yet broken through the gates of the Chinese team. No matter how much the situation is, the football game is won or lost based on the number of goals. If there is no goal, it means no advantage.

So the Dutch media began to talk about the conservativeness of the Chinese team.

“Wan Sheng believes that the Chinese team is the most powerful team in Group E, but now we can see that the Chinese team is almost always defending!”

“This is the most powerful? It’s a joke!”

“The Chinese team probably wanted to use the defense to win. This is simply a retrogression for the football show! It is estimated that the pre-match victory is a smoke bomb. He never thought about winning, but just wanted to lead the team to get a point!”

“How can the Chinese team hope to win in such a passive game?”

What the Dutch media do n’t know is that on the Chinese coach ’s bench, Wan Sheng is still emphasizing defense. “Still pay more attention to defense. You ca n’t concede a goal in the first half. Suspense and suspense must be kept in the second half. That ’s the best for us!

Fan Zhiyi nodded affirmatively, “Yes, I think so too. It is not wise to fight head-on with the Dutch team. It is unwise to defend to the midfield and look for opportunities in the second half. Even if we can’t score, we have great hopes for points. . “

“One point means victory!”

Wan Sheng laughed, “Lao Fan, can’t think so, we want to win, otherwise it is not easy to think of the line, putting pressure on the front is better than putting it on the back.”

Fan Zhiyi smiled helplessly.

If he leads the team to participate in the World Cup, there is definitely no way to face the Netherlands, and he can only rely on luck to get out of the world, such as drawing the Netherlands, drawing Brazil, and then defeating Mexico to get a chance of 5 points.

Wansheng directly considers winning.

“But now, we still have to step up the fight. If the game goes on like this, who is not sure about the first goal, but we should play harder and not let them really play!”

Every team likes to play in the wind.

In the windward game, the player will swing more freely, and it may become better, so that the Dutch team can find the state, and even have a better performance than usual, then the Chinese team will definitely lose.

That does not work!

Don’t let them find the feeling!

Two minutes later, Wan Sheng stood on the sideline again and began to use shouts to remind the players to play harder. He also called Wu Lei to tell him to take the initiative to fight with the Dutch team. ! Non-dangerous position, just hit them hard, don’t let them get through! “

Wu Lei nodded to understand.

After Wu Lei returned to the stadium, it was obvious that the Chinese team played harder.

Although their number of offenses is still very small, most of the time they rely on forward Wang Qiuming to charge alone, but they are very tough on defense. The constant collisions bring about time-outs.

Every time the Dutch team attacked, it had to be divided into small segments.

As a result, the Dutch offensive could not be played at all, and without smooth cooperation, it was even more difficult for them to find a good opportunity.


At the end of the first half of the game, the score of both sides is still o to o, the Dutch team failed to break the Chinese team’s gate in 45 minutes.

After the intermission, the two sides changed sides and fought again.

In the second half, the Chinese team played harder. They defended more actively. They seemed to be completely afraid of collisions again and again, but also made the Dutch players suffer.

From the perspective of European teams, the Asian teams are certainly inferior to them in terms of technology and body. The Dutch team never thought that they would suffer physically, but now they are like this. They feel that they are not playing against Asian teams. It’s with an African team.

“These Chinese are too hard!” Robben grinned and waved at his teammates. “Just now my shoulder hurts so badly, the referee should take the card!”

The tough fight of the Chinese team kept the game interrupted. The referee became the busiest one, but he did not dare to draw at random, because most of the two sides were reasonable collisions, and there were few direct fouls.

Originally he thought that the Chinese team would do this, the Dutch team must take the advantage, but unexpectedly, it seems that the Dutch team suffered a loss.

The head referee is also a bit confused.

Until now, he only gave one Chinese defender a yellow card.

The Chinese team is not a threat. The Dutch team has paid attention to Wang Qiuming’s defense from the beginning.

Many Dutch players know Wang Qiuming. Some of them are teammates. Most of them are opponents of the game. They often meet each other. They are very familiar with each other. They know that Wang Qiuming is a real “killer”. It may be a goal.

The Dutch team took Wang Qiuming’s defense very seriously, and in the second half, Wang Qiuming began to draw back frequently, and they would have difficulty in blocking again.

In the 68th minute of the game, Wang Qiuming received a pass from his teammates in the middle circle, and the nearest Robben immediately forced the past.

Wang Qiuming raised his foot, it seems that he wanted to pass back. Robben was unimpressed. Afterwards, Wang Qiuming simply broke through from the right side. Robben failed to respond and failed to catch up immediately, so Wang Qiuming took the ball over Too.

This is a successful breakthrough!

After breaking Robben, Wang Qiuming met Bruma who came to defend. The latter was very cautious in defense. Wang Qiuming tried to break through from both sides. Both failed, but the football is still under control. He can only choose to return. Pass to teammates.

Wu Lei received the pass and continued to move forward.

At a distance of about ten meters from the restricted area line, Wu Lei directly chose to shoot!

This shot was very sudden, but it was too far away from the goal ~ ~ Wu Lei kicked the ball and had a certain angle, but the Dutch goalkeeper Stellenberg still threw the ball in his arms.

Originally it was an unthreatening attack, but Stecklenburg was anxiously shouting to his teammates, “Don’t let him kick up at will!”

Several teammates felt inexplicable.

In fact, Stellenberg has some miserable words. The shooting just looked far away, but the strength of football is very big. He has time to make a judgment, but when he hit the ball, he almost got rid of it.

If you don’t know who finished the shot, Scott Lundberg will surely think that the opponent is an international star who is good at long-range shooting.

“Pay attention to the other player for a while.”

Wu Lei, who turned around and withdrew his defense, felt that he was in a great state. The foot ball had a great force just now, and once again he felt able to score.

“Try again next time!” He thought.

The Netherlands didn’t pay much attention to this wave of attack by the Chinese team. They just thought it was an ordinary counterattack, and then they continued to maintain offensive suppression.

By this time the Dutch team was also anxious.

The game has been 7 minutes in the past, and they still have not scored a goal. The draw is not acceptable. They hope to win the game. They scored three points in the first game, and the situation is better. Otherwise, they will get one point. The two games are under pressure.

But the Chinese team’s defense is indeed very good, as the Dutch commentator described, “They seem to devote all their energy to defense.”

Except for one Wang Qiuming standing in front, the other players did not step forward at all and stayed in the backcourt. When the football was at the foot of the Chinese team, they seemed to worry that the Netherlands would suddenly grab it and counterattack.

The cautiousness of the Chinese team made the Netherlands very helpless, and they could not keep the ball all the time. Soon the Chinese team’s next offensive came again.

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