Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 61: Portray jade

Seeing that Midweek had stood up and prepared to solve the stone, the two stood aside, wanting to watch midweek jokes.

"Come here and see what this hillbilly can solve." The woman said, looking at Zhou Zhong with a sarcasm, and rubbing against the stone in Zhou Zhong, wanting to see if he could change it. What tricks come.

In the middle of the week, they ignored their ridicule, just smiled slightly, and put the rough stone on the table.

"Master, look at this." As he said, he drew a line on the rough stone with a pen in the middle of the week, then pointed at the line, and continued calmly and said: "Just cut according to the line I drew. Up."

In fact, this is also the ability of the treasure hunter, which can analyze the stone route, so as not to cut the jade inside when the rough stone is cut.

At this time, some knowledgeable people in the crowd started talking again when they saw this stone.

"This stone is so big, shouldn't it be cheap?"

"Sure, look at the two of them just now, so the smaller one will be a few hundred bigger, why don't this cost thousands of dollars?"

People talked about it for a while, and they were all looking forward to the stone in midweek. You should know that the man and woman just sold a stone for several hundred. Then look at the stone in midweek. They are several times more expensive.

So everyone craned their necks, waiting to see if there was any jade in this rough stone in midweek, and if so, what kind of jade would it look like.

However, the woman was a little unhappy when she heard the crowd onlookers. How could she be able to get the poor boy in the middle of the week to **** it, so she said to the onlookers: "I have made thousands of dollars just now. , I guess he is not much better."

Seeing that there was no response in Zhou Zhong, she sneered at Zhou Zhong in a hurry. All the words in her words were contemptuous: "Just you poor boy, you have taken all your wealth out of the stone, when the time comes. The loss of compensation is bankrupt, don't blame me for not reminding you."

After listening to her, everyone was also full of worries about the rough stone in midweek.

However, in the middle of the week, it seemed to be very relaxed. With a "bang" sound, the stone master raised his knife and dropped half of the original stone to the ground, and the contents of the original stone were completely revealed in front of everyone.

"Emerald! There is emerald!"

Before I could react in the middle of the week, the crowd of onlookers had some sharp eyes, and they saw that there was jade in the rough, shiny, they had never seen such a good texture, so they called out excitedly.

Everyone looked at the rough stone that was cut in the middle of Zhou, and saw that the jade was almost transparent and clear and like water, giving people the feeling of icy and clear jade, the texture was excellent, and more importantly, it was still in this jade. With something like frost, it's very beautiful! Lifelike, everyone sighed, this is really a rare good jade.

A few knowledgeable people took a closer look, and a middle-aged uncle began to speak, with some excitement in the words. He almost shouted: "The jade in this is an ice seed! And it's still the finest floating flower ice. Plant it!"

The crowd immediately exploded. You must know that ice species are found in emeralds, but they are very rare. This kind of ice species, like giant pandas in the animal kingdom, is already very rare. What's more, the ones that appear here are the finest floating flowers. Breeds are as rare as those in giant pandas that have turned brown due to certain genetic problems.

Almost everyone on the scene cast envious glances at Zhou Zhong. Everyone felt that this person was really lucky in Zhou Zhong, and the value of this jade was more than he paid for the stone.

"Five hundred thousand, I want it!"

Suddenly someone shouted a price in the crowd, which shocked everyone. The one who had just shouted the price only shouted five thousand, which was more than ten times higher, and it was totally different.

It seems that there are people who are knowledgeable and understand his value. Everyone's eyes widened in excitement and surprise. When the young men and women heard the price, they didn't believe their ears.

As soon as the voice fell, another person yelled, "Seven hundred thousand!"

"Eight hundred thousand!"

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"one million!"

The whole crowd was boiling. It was unexpected that the jade that was only a few thousand yuan worth of stones, the jade that was opened was worth one million, and these jade merchants were all over.

The master of Jie Shi also became happy. After all, the jade that he opened in his hand can be sold for this price. It is a happy event to say it. Besides, it hasn’t been finished yet. I don’t know if it will happen when the jade is completed. What happened, he also waited for a bigger surprise to appear, so he excitedly asked Midweek how to cut it next.

Mid-week did not affect his judgment because of the people around him. He already knew it in his heart, so he didn't rush in mid-week, and drew a line on the jade, and asked him to be more careful this time. Use the whetstone to polish it slowly, and let the master not worry.

So the stone master also came down patiently, using a whetstone to polish it along the line drawn in the middle of the week.

As the fragments fell, the leaking part of the jadeite became larger and larger, and the crowd onlookers had begun to cheer, as if they had won the lottery. After all, seeing such a rare jadeite is nothing in this life. Sorry.

"two millions!"

There was a young man who seemed to be very rich. He directly offered a price of 2 million to buy this jadeite. He skipped the steps of hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and opened his mouth to add 1 million. When everyone heard it, they all looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"three million!"

There was an uproar.

However, in the middle of the week, he still shook his head firmly, saying that he would not sell or sell, until the last knife of the stone master fell, the whole jade was exposed, and someone shouted: "Five million!"

Now the audience is quiet, everyone is rushing, and looking at the middle of the week, five million, it's time to sell.

But in the middle of the week, he was still very calm. He smiled and said to the people around him: "I know everyone likes this jade, and I like it too, but I bought it just for fun. I didn’t intend to make money with it. Thanks to everyone’s love. , I really don’t sell this jade."

The few bosses who had just shouted, heard what he said in the middle of the week, and knew that he was very resolute, not selling or not selling, so even though he wanted to buy, he had no choice but to shook his head and gave up.

But the crowds onlookers all felt like a fool in the middle of the week, not selling for five million? Or do you keep it for yourself? Is this person sick? The people worry about Zhou Zhong, they are about to vomit blood.

The man and woman who were very arrogant in the middle of the week are now dumbfounded. They would never have thought that in the seemingly ordinary rough stone in the middle of the week, they could solve the emerald worth five million. Isn't it too valuable?

In other words, although this young man is rich, he still has a few tens of millions in his family. Five million is a sky-high price for him. Look at the woman next to him with a "husband" yelling at him. Now that Zhou Zhong is shining, her eyes are no longer contemptuous before, but an ambiguous look. She can't wait for it right away. Leave the man next to him, and fly to the bed in the middle of the week.

Zhou Zhong ignored the comments from the outside world, let alone glanced at the man and woman with a straight eye. He calmly said to Master Jie Shi: "Master, I have one more thing for you to help."

So in the middle of the week, it took a long time for the master to cut the fresh jadeite into pieces, as long as they were smaller than the playing cards.

Master Xie Shi was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t understand the meaning of midweek. No one had ever asked the midweek to be cut after solving jadeite. You must know that this jadeite is a price, but if you get a good carving If you go to the master and carve into jewelry or ornaments, the price will be higher.

And this is where jadeite is valuable. Now that the jadeite is cut into pieces in the middle of the week, doesn’t this mean that a good piece of jadeite is discarded?

Seeing that the master still had questions in the middle of the week, and did not explain further, just let the master do what he said. Master Jie Shi felt distressed, but after all, the stone was from the middle of the week, so he couldn't say anything, so he cut it according to the meaning of the middle of the week.

The master's cheeks were trembling as he cut. This is five million. If it doesn't, it's gone. The master feels pain, and even thinks this kid in Zhou Zhong is really a prodigal.

The onlookers felt that their own sky was falling, and even their outlook on life seemed to have been subverted by this move in the middle of the week. Gamblers like them, who can usually bet thousands of emeralds, are already happy. It's not working anymore, and the millions of jadeites in the middle of the week will be cut once they are cut. It is simply a violent thing.

After the master stone master cut all the jade, he put it away in the middle of the week, and then left without looking back, leaving only a group of people messy in the wind.

He returned to the store in the middle of the week, looked around and there was no one, so he locked himself in the small office on the second floor and began to paint his jade charm.

In fact, this depiction of jade charms is not as simple as imagined. It will not only consume people's true spirit, but also consume energy.

So with the current skill of the middle of the week, it was not until after five o'clock in the afternoon that two were carved out. Even so, the middle of the week felt dizzy, and the body was almost unable to support it.

Painting jade charms is also a chore. In the next ten days, every day of the week, I will live a life of three o’clock and a line, sleep in the apartment, buy rough stones in the jade shop, and then return to the antique shop. Lock it up and concentrate on carving the jade symbol.

After a few days of monotonous and tedious portraying, not only did Zhou Zhong become more proficient in portraying jade, but he was also surprised to find that his control of mental power and true energy had also risen to a fairly high level.

I'm overjoyed in the middle of the week. I can't think that painting jade can have such benefits, which can make my ability stronger.

For example, if there are ten points of true energy in the middle of the week, when you cast a spell, you would consume five points of true energy at a time, so you can only cast the spell twice, which causes a lot of true energy to be wasted.

But it’s different now, because the control of Chi in the middle of the week has been greatly improved. When you use the spell again, you will only consume three points of Chi. After that, you can cast three spells in the middle of the week. This is also a control. The benefits of capacity improvement.

After carving for a long time, the last jade plate was finally finished in midweek. He stretched his waist and prepared to pack up and leave.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and the call was answered by Han Li in the middle of the week, and the voice was a little anxious: "Where are you in the middle of the week, I have something to do, you go back to the apartment soon!"

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