Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Bonus Chapter: Xico Date & Anal First Time

Xico had been worried when she'd come over to Roger's house for a nice at-home date. (He was really frugal, so he liked at-home dates more than going-out dates.) She was nervous because she'd gotten two different movies to watch.

One of them was the normal kind of date movie you got for a guy you liked: an action movie with some swoon-worthy romance on the side. It was about a normal guy who found out he was actually a secret agent in hiding, and then he had to go on a mission... it was pretty recent and highly reviewed.

The other one was a porno, with lots of blowjobs in it. The title was "Blowjob Palooza V3." Lope had said it was the highest rated blowjob porno around. She still felt weird about it, though, because it was just... porn. On a date. She knew Roger wasn't like other guys, but she still felt nervous about it. She'd look like such an idiot if he didn't like it.

"Hi," she said, as he opened the door, both movies in her bag.

"Hey, Xico," he said, giving her a warm smile. "Come on in. So what movie did you bring?" He asked her, once she'd stepped inside. The question was totally innocent - he was wondering if it was some girly (boyish, in her terms) romance movie or what. There was no suspicion at all.

"Um. I brought... two," she admitted, after a long few seconds of hesitation. "One is... an action... movie," she explained. "The other is... a porno... with lots of... blowjobs."

She felt his arousal spike at those words, the way his brain instantly moved from assuming that the movie would be something simple and fun to something sexual and intimate. She couldn't help her eyes from flicking down to his groin, and he was definitely sporting an erection at this point. He was wondering if she wanted to watch the porno or the action movie - she honestly didn't have an opinion on it.

"We can watch... whichever you want?" She'd picked them both out for him, not for herself. If it was her... she probably would have picked something else. Like a musical.

"Alright, then," he said, gently taking hold of her wrist and pulling her along with him to the couch. "Put in the porno," he told her. She felt her cheeks heat up at that, but she reached out with her thiasyar, popping the disk out, pressing the button on the DVD player, and placing it inside. She then settled down next to Roger as the movie started to play.

Her thoughts were entirely on Roger's, not the television screen. Porn didn't do much for her, especially after she'd actually had sex - it was just pixels on a screen. The real feeling of actual sex, of male and female arousal, of all those things... back in the compound, she'd gotten those good vibes pretty constantly, and now that she was living in the same building as Roger, they were also pretty common. Different, though, given the reason why was because they were... well... because the man she loved was having lots of mutually-enjoyable sex with other women who really enjoyed sex with him back.

But Roger liked porn. He worried for a brief bit that the porn might be meant for female viewers (and thus be close-ups of the guy's face), but apparently it was at least theoretically meant for couples, because there were shots that really got both actors in the camera, getting a view of the woman sucking the guy and the man getting sucked. When it came to the parts where it was more male focused, Roger's attention drifted, so Xico grabbed the remote and started to fast-forward through them.

"We don't have to skip," he told her, and she shook her head at that.

"I don't... like porn... like that... I like it because... you like it," she explained, and she could feel the pulse of arousal from him, the almost carnal, basal reaction to her words as she spoke. Then his thoughts turned in a very dirty direction: Then you don't have to watch. "I don't," she agreed, giving him her best smile as she got in between his legs, handing him the remote. She felt the heat in her cheeks rise at his obvious response to her behavior, his active desire for her practically exploding thanks to her new position.

It felt really, really nice, to be receiving his gaze like that, and she reached for his pants, gingerly unzipping them and working to remove his cock. She knew it was 'teasing,' which he didn't really like, but she also got to feel the way his desire got ever more intense in response, which was really nice. It only took ten seconds or so for her to have his pants and underwear around his ankle anyway, but by the end of it he was desperate for her mouth. She really liked that. No guy had ever wanted her 'like that' before, and it was just... so nice...

She leaned into his cock, taking it past her lips, her tongues flashing and corkscrewing around his length as she started to descend. She'd gotten really good at it, she could tell, because Roger sometimes would mentally compare it to Nora's blowjobs, and she knew Nora had gotten a lot of practice at fellatio (and had the advantage of having even more tongues than Xico).

She slurped on his cock noisily as it remained just outside her mouth, while her tongues stretched extra far, a couple slipping out past her lips to worm along his dick. His attention was divided - half on the video, half on her - but that only made his arousal spike further, so she liked it. He groaned as she slid his length into her throat, starting to squeeze around his cock as she pushed her nose into his shaved pelvis, her nose mushing into the bone down there as she held herself down. He groaned, casting his head back for a moment, one hand coming down to softly run through her hair, and then he turned all his focus down to her.

It wasn't that he wasn't aroused watching the video - it was more like, she was doing good, so he wanted to give her all his attention out of... politeness, sort of. So she reached out with her thiasyar, very gingerly pressing it against the underside of his chin and tilting his head back up towards the video.

"God, Xico," he breathed, as his gaze went up to the television screen. "You just... god," he breathed out, not able to quite express it, but she understood it anyway, nodding around his cock to make that clear. It wasn't quite love that he was feeling in that moment, but it was certainly a very intense appreciation, for her as a person, and that made her heart flutter just a little, as she kept her nose in his groin, her tongues continuing to caress his length from every angle.

She slid up, slowly and languidly, enjoying the obvious delight that ran through every fiber of Roger's being as her tongues slid up, all the way to the very tip, lips caressing it right around the cockhead, tongues flashing along in delight, teasing the slit, as she stared up at him. Their eyes met for a moment, and she must have been wearing a very cute face to him, because his arousal spiked again, his hands going to her head, something raw and intense and carnal (and very nice for her to be on the receiving end of) led him to grab the back of her head and just shove her down his whole cock, making her deepthroat him a moment later. He groaned in pleasure at the sensation, as he ground her into his pelvis, leaning forward, refocusing visually on the screen - and then he erupted directly into her throat.

She took it gladly, basking in the sensations of him coming, his desire for her. On screen, she knew, the guy was coming all over the girl's face, but down here she was taking his cum directly into her stomach. He liked the contrast, so she liked it too, because she liked him and wanted him to be happy. When he was finished coming, he gingerly pulled her up and off his cock, her lips leaving it with a wet pop as she let it out of her mouth.

She felt his desire for her just continue to climb, his cock still pleasantly hard in front of her face, coated in spit. "Do you want... more... blowjobs?" She asked him, feeling nervous as she did, and his dick just twitched in response.

But he was actually a really giving lover, so he wasn't satisfied with the perpetual fellatio that she would gladly give him. Instead, his thoughts spun round to how he could pay her back. She tried to think about that too. She didn't just want to be perpetually giving, if that wasn't what he wanted. (She probably would have gotten tired of just blowing him, eventually, but it would have taken a while, and definitely not just one date.) What was something they hadn't done together yet? Her cheeks flushed at the thought that he had, which bounced against her head, but he dismissed it out of hand.

"We can... do anal... if you want," she told him. She felt embarrassed to even ask for it. Anal was what girls who were really big jerks demanded their boyfriends do, no matter how they felt about it, and most guys didn't like it... but then, in his world it was probably the opposite? So he'd like to... fuck her ass. She gulped just putting the thought together. His cock was pretty firmly lubed up, after all, though she still felt somewhat nervous. Would it hurt him? Would her butt be too tight?

His cock throbbed in response to her words despite her embarrassment (maybe even a little more because of it, insofar as she picked up), and he just hefted her up in his arms easily, his cock still bouncing around beneath her. "We haven't done that before, have we?" She shook her head. "So this'll be your first time?" She nodded, feeling a certain amount of trepidation - she was sure he'd had plenty of anal with other people. He seemed to like the fact that he was a virgin, which was because he was from a gender-flipped world, and... "Let's get these clothes off," he told her, planting her in his lap, his hard cock mere inches away from her stomach as he took hold of the bottom of her shirt, pulling it up and off.

His eyes wandered across her stomach, obviously liking it, not even minding the weird circular marks that ran across her bare skin, a mark of her taliké heritage, and instead just unbuttoned her bra, wanting to see even more of her. She shivered as her breasts were exposed to the cool air - and he promptly grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off, revealing his own bare skin, sexy and muscular and making her feel the momentary impulse to lick every last inch of it, her clit idly throbbing as she contemplated his naked body.

"Can you float?" He asked her, knocking her out of her momentary daze, her cheeks glowing as she hurriedly did so, letting him grab her skirt and panties and simply peel them off, tossing them to the side, leaving her naked in front of him, other than her socks, which he contemplated for a moment before deciding to leave them in place. He grasped her hips, then paused. "Do you want to do it here, or back in the bedroom?" He asked, his dick twitching after the question.

"Oh! Bedroom," she said. It would be her first time, after all. "Um..." He was more experienced, so he should be on top, right? He'd know what to do - she'd mess it up and hurt him. "You on top?" She suggested, feeling nervous as she spoke.

"Sure thing," he told her, then kissed her right on the lips, making her heart flutter again, as he hefted her up, gently carrying her over to the bed, laying her out on it, his cock throbbing and idly sliding against her stomach as she got into position, that momentary feeling of his still spit-slick cock brushing across her bare skin sending shivers up her spine. She parted her legs as fast as she could for him, and soon he was right atop her, pointing his cock at her asshole, gently grabbing her hips in one hand and coaxing her into position, his other on his cock.

She felt delightful tingles of anticipation, as he pointed his cock at her asshole. She'd felt the emotions of a couple of girls who had gotten ass-fucked by Roger, so she knew that it was pretty good. She just swallowed as he started to push, feeling the sensation of being slowly-but-surely speared on his dick, her whole body faintly twitching as she did so. "Ah, ahm," she panted out, feeling so full and simultaneously so empty at the same time, wanting him to keep pushing in. He misinterpreted her noises, pausing with just the very tip of his cock inside her, and on some uncontrolled instinct, her tentacles snapped onto his hips and tried to drag him inside her.

It was something she felt really bad about the moment she'd done it, but she dragged him two full inches into her asshole in the process, sputtering in pleasure as her eyes rolled around. He just grinned at that, delighting in her sudden, carnal response, feeling reassured that she was fine with it, and he leaned down over her, pressing his lips against hers, his tongue slithering into her mouth a moment later. She batted back at it with her own tongues, happily teasing and playing with them as he started to push himself ever deeper inside her.

It felt truly amazing, the way he pushed inside her, his hands taking hold of her hips as he pushed himself ever deeper inside her. Both of them groaned and panted, her eyelashes fluttering wildly as she felt him fill her up. He was enjoying himself too, mentally noting that her ass was 'even tighter' than her pussy, which he apparently really liked, which she really liked. Her tentacles slid up and rubbed along his back, while her hands did the same for his head, holding him in the kiss, just losing herself in the moment.

Hot spit changed mouths, tongues flashed against one another, they sucked face - and then Roger bottomed out inside her, his entire cock contained inside her asshole. He pulled back from the kiss, catching his breath for just a moment, and then she felt the way his thoughts warped as he used his power, one hand going to her clit, thumb brushing across it. She felt only the mush of emotions that he felt, as he delighted in his view of her naked body as he teased and played with her clit, his entire cock buried inside her asshole.

The two stimuli, together, added up to her coming in half a minute or so, thrashing about on his cock as she did, her head casting back as her tentacles snapped around flagrantly and wildly. He slowed himself down at that point, just relishing the tight feeling of her asshole and also letting her pick up his thoughts. She looks so sexy like that, I want to kiss her again. In response, she wetly flapped her mouth open and closed, inviting him down, and he promptly swooped forward, pressing his lips against hers and all but smothering her in a fresh kiss. She moaned in delight.

She loved it - the feeling of him in her ass, the feeling of his tongue in her mouth, his lips against hers, his thumb still teasing her clit. He wasn't fucking her, just holding himself inside her, but she liked the fullness anyway. It felt so delicious and tight, her wet pants carrying between their two mouths, and she could have laid like that forever. She even considered asking to igoss, so they could enjoy being 'united' in another way too.

Before he broke off the kiss, though, he started to pull out, and it promptly made her eyeballs roll around in her skull, a lewd moan escaping her lips. He was surprised by how much she liked it, and he just started to tease her clit all the more thoroughly, vigorously, as he broke off the kiss to take a few breaths and to admire her naked body. She felt his thoughts speed up, but not so much that she couldn't read them any longer, his pace of withdrawal becoming staccato and his thumb on her clit intensifying in how good it felt. He was trying to keep his thoughts just-legible to her, mentally telling her to smack him with her tentacle if he went too fast.

She wouldn't have minded if she couldn't read his thoughts any more - just the feelings he was having, raw lust and desire and affection and wanting to be nice to her and pamper her and all those other things were delicious even if they weren't added together with anything coherent. As it was, though, she could also get those coherent thoughts of his, and she really liked listening to them too:

She looks so cute like that, her butt wiggling on my cock. She's going to come soon, I can tell. I want to see her o-face again, but she likes being able to listen to my thoughts, so let's keep it steady, Roger. Mmm, she's asking for another kiss with those lips of hers, here you go, Xico. Here's my tongue in your mouth again. My free hand's playing with your breast, you like that?

She moaned into his mouth in response to the mental question, nodding as best she could. She felt his cock twitching inside her, the way his thoughts adjusted as his own arousal climbed. She let out heavy breaths into his mouth as they continued to kiss, her tongues swishing up against his as his dove down deeper into her mouth, and she started to actually just suck on his tongue, enjoying the taste of his saliva as it came down into her mouth.

The whole thing was a sweet, blissful ecstasy - and then, with just the very tip of his cock inside her, he started to push in again. He groaned at that point, his cock wedging its way ever-deeper inside her, his hand grabbing her hip as he pushed in. He broke off the kiss, to leer down at her again, staring into her eyes as he caught his breath - the fact that he was operating under light-superspeed made his expression all the sexier, his breaths coming out super fast, like he was gasping for breath, a super-sexy sight (and sound).

Combined with his high-speed thoughts continuously examining her body, both for how sexy she was and for what her responses were... she came before he'd even bottomed out inside her all the way again, moaning as she thrashed on the bed, her tails smacking against the mattress sharply. She felt so good! Anal was amazing! She even understood, a little bit, why a girl might try to pressure her boyfriend into doing it, even if he didn't want to and it was wrong to pressure your boyfriend to do things he didn't want.

Roger responded to her thrashing about by thrusting his lips forward into hers, mashing into her mouth as she squirmed on his dick. She moaned happily, hands coming up to grab the back of his head, tentacles once more snaking around his waist, as he simply bottomed out inside her again, their bodies once more becoming one.

She remembered, though, that she wanted to ask about igoss, so she gently smacked his chest. He broke off the kiss, slowing down to normal speed, his thoughts having absolutely nothing but sincere concern for her well-being. "What is it, Xico?"

She blushed as he looked down at her, obviously worried about her. "I... can we... igoss?" He let out a chuckle at that, nodding, and then she pulled him back into a kiss before igossing him again. His emotions and thoughts and feelings and everything else hit her like a tidal wave, and she got to see that the anal didn't just feel good for her, it felt good for him, too. His own thoughts were only that he should maybe be harder in his pumping, and while for the moment she liked just grinding him down inside her, she also wanted it to be good for him, so she released her tentacles on his hips.

He started to slide out of her, then, slowly, languidly pulling out of her. Both of them felt dizzy with just how good it felt, but it was even better for her - at least, bodywise. Roger was just groaning in pleasure at that point, and now that he knew that she liked it, he wanted to go even faster, pulling his cock back with increasing force. Her eyes spun around in her head as he pulled all the way out in a single second, actually going beyond what he meant to, his dick popping free of her asshole.

He just grabbed his cock and pushed right back in without concern, too horny to do anything else, and she loved that fact, the way he was obviously so intensely attracted to her, the way he wanted ever more, the way his cock pushed in, and in, and the way she was filled up, and up. Her head spun in pleasure as he rammed himself down to the base inside her in a single swift stroke, then started to pull back, his own breathing erratic with lust. A few strokes later - a few seconds later, the strokes now coming fast and hard - and she came on his cock, and he joined her immediately, both of them letting out cries of pleasure as he unloaded deep inside her asshole, just plugging her up and finding completion in her ass.

Roger panted and sagged atop her, his mind running over his own physicality, wondering if he'd be able to manage a third orgasm after such an intense second one. He also mentally noted this meant they couldn't do non-anal things, since he didn't want to stick his dirty cock in her mouth (unlike with Kate, who liked it - she blushed at picking up that little bit of embarrassing info, and he winced), and he definitely didn't want to go ass-to-vag and risk causing an infection.

"A... bath?" She suggested, and he nodded, though he didn't trust his legs to reach all that way. She tilted her head to his bathroom, opening the door, then reaching for the tub with her thiasyar, fumbling for a moment to find the stopper, before putting it in and twisting the faucet to get it going.

For Roger, the moves made him all the more aroused, and he started to pump his cock slowly, languidly inside her, really taking his time. They both were breathing heavily as the pleasure coursed through their bodies in stereo, her pussy and clit throbbing in delight at the way he was going at it, their mouths both half-parted as they let out noises of pleasure and bliss. He wasn't aiming for an orgasm, but it felt so fucking good, as he pumped, that she worried they were going to experience one anyway.

In the end, they didn't - the languid, staccato assfuck ended with him withdrawing from her butt after a few minutes, stumbling to his feet and just flopping into the warm water, knowing she was floating behind him thanks to their continued igoss. He groaned in pleasure as the heat hit his naked body, and she let out a similar blissful sigh as she peeled off her socks then her well-used ass hit the wet water. She licked her lips as she came to rest in his lap, the water level still rising as his hard cock popped out over the water.

She reached down for it with her hands, starting to gently stroke it as it rested halfway over the waterline. She licked her lips as a naughty idea came to his mind - using her tentacles - and she promptly brought them into things, sliding them around his dick, just stroking it with hands and tentacles both. He definitely liked the tentacles stroking him, so she let go with her hands to just wrap one large, wet, warm, smooth tentacle around his cock and start to jerk him off like that.

"Oh, that's good," Roger breathed out, and she tilted her head back to face his, kissing him on the lips. Mmm, this is nice, I'd rather we were face to face, but wait, her tentacles come out the back, so- she promptly obeyed the unspoken idea, twisting her body around, kissing him face-to-face and running her fingers through his hair as the water level slowly rose.

When she next thought about how sexy his chest was, his own thoughts immediately affirmed that she should definitely start groping him, and she couldn't help but obey, reaching down for his bare chest and sliding her fingers along his chest. He groaned into her mouth in response, liking the way she touched him. He liked being 'objectified' like that, being felt up and appreciated, liked knowing she thought his body was sexy. Even the absent thought that she should lick his bare chest just got him hornier, his cock twitching in her grasp, and by that point the water was high enough she was pretty sure his dick was clean...

But she kind of wanted more anal anyway. She slid her body back, pointing her butt at his cock again, holding it in one tentacle and pointing it right at her asshole. He loved the show, the way she had herself positioned, her naked body on full display, and she slid herself down his whole dick in just one swift stroke, not wanting to be gentle for just a moment. Both of them groaned as she speared herself on his cock, their pleasure climbing rapidly alongside one another, as her butt came to rest on his pelvis, the warm water providing plenty enough lubrication for the insertion.

She shivered atop him as he rested deep inside her, and her hands went to his shoulders - then she leaned in, licking at his chest with all her tongues, enjoying the way that he enjoyed it. Her tongues flashed along his pecs, feeling them up, running across his sternum, sliding down towards his stomach. Almost absently, she reached out with her thiasyar to turn off the faucet, finding the current water level more than enough. Roger was pretty much just lying back and taking it as she licked in - but the moment she had that thought, instantly, he was in it, reaching forward with his hands to grope and caress one of her breasts, the other sliding down towards her clit to tease it between his two index fingers.

"You are so cute," he said, the words he spoke genuine and completely unrepentant. You're so sexy, she thought back at him, knowing how much he'd like it, knowing he'd like it even more because they were igossing and he could feel her sincerity. He groaned in response, his hands starting to get more insistent, his thoughts momentarily speeding up before he realized he might break the igoss and he slid back down to normal speed.

He did notice, however, as she was licking and sliding across his bare chest, that she wasn't bouncing on his cock - so she promptly started doing that, pushing herself up with her tentacles and legs both, sliding herself until just the very tip of his dick was contained in her asshole. There was a strange delight to that particular sensation, the way her rosebud kissed and suckled on the tip of his dick - but she wanted more, and so did he, so she slammed herself back down unceremoniously, making both of them gasp at the multiplied sensation.

"Fuck," he breathed out. She started to slide up his length slowly, her trembling legs and tentacles and thiasyar surprisingly hesitant - and his own carnal desires overpowered hers, grabbing her by the hips. She felt both of them get excited and anticipatory, before he started to pump her up and down on her cock.

In his mind, he was momentarily worried that he was treating her like a sex toy, just a jerkoff aid - in her mind, that just made it hotter, the idea that she was so cute and sexy that a guy like Roger, who could fuck pretty much any woman he wanted, was currently intoxicated and enticed by her naked body and her tight ass to the point he was ramming away inside her. In response, he thought he wanted to kiss her, and both of them leaned forward until their lips found one another, tongues dashing through one another's mouths, seeking out weak points as they kissed and licked, as tongues flashed against one another, as his cock throbbed in her asshole.

Her tentacles, her legs, her thiasyar, his hands, his hips, they all came together for exactly one purpose: fuck her ass up and down on his cock as hard as they possibly could. He groaned at that thought, moaning into her mouth, his own body quivering with desire as they kissed seemingly endlessly, lips smacking against one another, until at last she came on his cock - and he immediately followed her, her convulsing, tightening ass serving to ring an orgasm out of his cock, hot cum sprayed deep inside her waiting asshole. Both of them kissed like that, moaning and grasping one another, lost in the moment.

When her orgasm finished, she popped her lips off his and just flopped onto his naked chest, pressing her cheek against it, listening to his heart beat as she quietly rested atop him. Her eyes were half-lidded as she held herself against him, her breathing soft and whispery, while his own seemed thunderously loud as his chest rose and fell.

It was crazy how good he was at sex.

It was crazy how happy being with him made her.

He just gently stroked her hair, some of him wishing he fully reciprocated her feelings. The rest of him - and the rest of her - was looking forward to their next assfuck. As it turned out, it started just ten minutes later.

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