Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Home With Blondes

A core part of the divide between how men treat women and how women treat men in my own world, is the agent-patient dichotomy. That is, the inclination, all else being equal, to attribute behavior on the part of men to internal factors (disposition, beliefs, conscientiousness, personality, etc) and on the part of women to external factors (socialization, genetics, circumstance, etc). For many things, this is maintained in the local universe, meaning that it's easy to forget it's even different here.

For sex, though? For sex, it's very obviously different, something that became clear to me as Nora and Mira walked me back to my apartment. I was sufficiently sleepy from marathon-fucking Fals's mouth that it took me a little while to notice the difference in how they were treating me. Mira was giving me the occasional nervous glance, her hand gently resting on my shoulder with the faint worry that she'd suddenly need to pull it back for offending me; Nora, on the other hand, was squeezing my hand very tightly, fingers practically biting into my own as she squeezed away.

Once I noticed the difference, it still took me a while to figure out what had provoked it. I initially thought Nora was just feeling jealous, as she was often so, and I'd just brought over two (or more? I hadn't bothered to check to see if it was just Stitch and Bup who came over) girls from another universe to this one, both of whom I'd had sex with. That still left me wondering what was up with Mira's sensitivity. It took me way too long to realize why they were acting this way:

From their perspective, I had been kidnapped and raped by a supervillain.

I, a mere humble accountant, was taken captive by Fals, for the purpose of being added to her harem, and presumably forced to have sex with Fals over and over again. In a certain sense, I even had been forced to have sex with her, though not quite in the way they probably were thinking. I decided I really didn't want the broken bird treatment, and spoke up. "She didn't force me to fuck her," I told them both.

"I see," Nora said, though her hand remained latched in place.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. It's fine to take your time. Process. Whatever." There was a brief pause on Mira's part. "Look, maybe this sounds narcissistic, but I feel a bit responsible for what happened. After all, it was right after I got photographed with you that Fals kidnapped you."

"Yes," Nora agreed. "However, I am also responsible, as it is likely that after you thwarted her, Fals became obsessed with you sexually, until she did this. You would not have done that if you had not been trying to save me. If I had instead thrown my body beneath her steed's hooves, then you would not have been kidnapped."

"You both sound equally ridiculous," I said. "I appreciate the thought, but Fals is responsible for what she did, not you."

Mira let out a laugh, giving me a pat on the shoulder. "You're still the same old Roger," she said, a smile on her lips. "Still. It'd make me feel better if you let me play sugar mama a bit - assuming that turn of phrase doesn't offend you."

"I will also homecook you meals for the indefinite future," Nora offered. "As I have so many bodies, I have many opportunities to experiment with cooking, and am a quite competent chef. Therefore you will probably enjoy my food, particularly after I have time to learn what your particular tastes are."

I just let out a small laugh at how ridiculous the two were being, and considered myself fortunate that we were just arriving at my apartment building. "Great. Good to hear. I'm tired."

"I would like to cuddle with you," Nora offered. "Closeness to someone you trust can help you to feel better in the aftermath of a traumatic event."

"I'm good for that, if you want it," Mira said. "Though I suspect you'd rather get it from Nora. Or Xico. We didn't bring her with because of how she reacted when her mother was kidnapped by Fals earlier - didn't want to take that risk that she'd do something dumb and get you hurt. So don't hold it against her that she wasn't part of the rescue squad."

"I won't," I promised, as we entered an elevator. Nora gripped my hand that little bit tighter, maybe out of jealous, maybe because we were in a small confined space. I yawned. "I really do need to go to sleep. Dealing with Fals took... all day. She has some elixirs that juice you up, but I'm crashing now," I said. I wanted to use superspeed just for the marginal possibility that it would slow down my subjective sense of getting drowsier, but Nora was clearly quite attached to my hand, and I felt a tad bad about the idea of pulling away from her. From her perspective, the boy she liked was just raped.

"I do not want to put any undue pressure on you. If you would prefer to be alone, then, you may. However I am also here, if you want me," Nora said.

"I'll call you in the morning?" I suggested, as I took out my key. She nodded silently, and I stuck my key in the front door; at that point, Nora finally let go of my hand, giving me the chance to enter my room on my lonesome.

"Joyride in a race car if you want it," Mira said, giving me a friendly pat on the back. "Always gets me up and at 'em after something terrible."

"Got it, thanks," I agreed, stepping in and closing the door. I did feel a certain amount of trepidation, now, about going back to work. Not out of fear of judgment, but out of the inverse - a fear of overt sympathy, even of pity. I had 'as long off as I needed' according to Mira, but I didn't really 'need' any time off. What I wanted was for people to pretend like nothing had happened.

"Sur-surprise?" I heard Xico squeak out the words, as she rose from the couch, as naked as the day she was born. Her cheeks instantly flushed red as I looked at her in momentary confusion. "I... thought you might want to... do something?" She offered, in a nervous mumble. "You said... I could come by... whenever..." she continued, eyes big and soft. "I can go..."

I didn't really want to deal with the drama of her going outside to greet Nora and Mira, plus, Xico was different from them, in that she knew I came from a world of reversed sexual morality - so despite how she was normally rather awkward, she felt less awkward than dealing with that pair of guilt-ridden girls. "They mean well..." Xico said, in response to that thought.

"Yeah, they do." I could have told them about my 'secret', but, I liked things as they were. It made it easier to deal with women clambering over one another to get at your dick, if they thought it was something you were giving out to them in particular, rather than that you were just a horny bastard who'd fuck anybody hot enough. "How about we cuddle and I sleep?" My thoughts went to facefucking Fals, and Xico's cheeks instantly burned red at that mental image. It did make me remember the idle fantasy I had of being rough with Nora - would I enjoy doing something that rough with Xico...?

"If you want... I wouldn't... mind..." Xico said, nervously. She swallowed, then stuck out her tongues in demonstration, my dick impossibly twitching in my pants despite how much it had already been through.

"Tomorrow," I told her, and she nodded quickly, floating after me to the bedroom, where I stripped down to my underwear and flopped into bed. She moved in to curl up behind me, which was a bit of a surprise, and her tentacles slithered around to curl around my stomach in a way that was simultaneously possessive and reassuring. She snuggled in tighter against me.

* * *

Xico knew that Roger wasn't as bothered by being kidnapped and having to have sex with his captor as a 'normal' man would be. She could read his thoughts, after all. But, having woken up before him, she was treated to the blurry incoherence of his dream... and dreams were generally related in some way to the experiences of the day. Things that you learned or thought about. In Roger's case, his previous day had been having sex with Fals's face for hours and hours and hours, so that was what his dream was. Facefucking her constantly.

There was a different tone to the sex, something she could feel even in his memories. It was angrier. When he was mean to Kate, he was just playing, and Kate enjoyed it too, so everybody was happy. He had been actively trying to make Fals feel bad, trying to mistreat her as much as he could get away with... it was strange. Almost comical, kind of? Like... like a porno. Where it was obvious the guy was just acting that way to get the rocks off of the girl watching...

Her tongues flicked out past her lips. He wanted to try being rough with her, right? Should she start with fellatio while he was asleep? She'd brought some things with her, when she came over... some costumes, since she had picked up that Roger liked those... but they had been... a maid uniform, a naked apron, doggy ears and a dog collar... she shouldn't really wear them now, should she?

Okay... she should start with fellatio, he had said he was interested yesterday. She hadn't done wake-up fellatio for him in the past, though, would he mind? He was tired... maybe she should do something else? She could make breakfast for them, but it might be a while before he woke up, and she didn't want it to go stale or anything...

She decided to go play some video games while she waited for Roger to be less sleepy. She could feel his thoughts, the tumbling exhaustion that still ran through his mind, as she floated into his living room, muted his television, and started playing video games. She didn't want to miss him waking up - she wanted to be there to greet him, so he could know that she was there for him, she hadn't left in the middle of the night. Even if he thought he was 'okay' despite being kidnapped and made to have sex with Fals... she wasn't as sure about it. If Roger had kidnapped her and she had had to have sex with Roger, she would definitely feel bad, even though she liked Roger and thought he was attractive...

* * *

At various points in the sleep cycle, your brain incorporates elements of what it perceives around it. The sound of a paper crumpling becomes a fire; the feeling of cold invades the artificial environment of the dreamscape; an ache replicates itself by some internal dream-logic. It interprets them however it can, while minimizing changes to the dream itself.

In the case of my dream at that particular moment, it was pretty much just me fucking Fals's face, pounding away relentlessly as she started to cry, a certain sadistic delight in my heart at mistreating her that way. Then, suddenly, Fals's tongue spread apart, turning into six tongues which slithered along my hard length, my dick twitching in her mouth. When I looked down at Fals again, it was a nervous Xico who looked up at me - though I was still fucking her face, albeit in a strange way that left her tongues sliding up and down in time with the movements, meaning that my pleasure didn't intensify one iota from the force.

It felt really good, and got even better, as the subjective pace at which the tongues moved accelerated to match the visual of Xico bobbing on my dick, making the sensations seem to even out - and it all felt great, the sweet feeling of her young throat around my cock, her head getting pounded up and down by my fierce grip. Some of the anger and energy that had been present with Fals remained, giving it a unique feeling, utterly at odds with the normal way things with her felt, all that sweetness supplanted by intense roughness.

In the dream, I slammed Xico down on my cock, hard, choking her in place - it took a half-second, and the sensations were paralleled by those on my cock. I gasped at that point, as she swallowed around my dick, and finally woke up, panting as I did, my eyes staring up at the ceiling. When I glanced down, I saw cute little Xico, tails wagging behind her, as her nose mashed into my pelvis and her tongues slithered along the base of my cock.

"Fuck," I breathed out, still struggling to come together to something more sensible than that. Her increasingly nervous expression as my head swam was soon corrected when I said, "Fuck, that's good, Xico." She let out a strangled noise around my dick, vibrating it in her throat, and her tongues got even more excited a few seconds later. She remained in my groin, though, face buried down there. Her hands even reached for mine, grasping the wrists, pulling them up towards her long pigtails, encouraging me to mimic what I'd been doing in the dream: roughly fucking her face.

My throat felt suddenly dry, as my hands grasped her hair. She gave me a nervous smile with her eyes, a quiet little nod around my cock, and I finally decided to just go for it, beginning to forcibly peel her up by the hair. She went as directed, lips sucking the whole way, tongues slithering and tasting every last inch of my cock. I finally popped her off, enjoying the wet noise as her mouth was left to hang wide, her tongues dangling in the air invitingly, going so far as to curve in a 'come hither' expression while she looked up at me like a hungry cockslut.

That thought made her cheeks turn a bit pink, but she just nodded in acceptance of the idea, of the lewd name. I pulled her back down my cock at that point, using my grip on her hair to slowly force my entire length into the back of her throat. She squeezed down on it with a hungry swallow, and just that mental turn of phrase - "squeezed" - had her bringing her hand up to her throat, a nervous look in her eyes.

My memories went back to what I'd been doing with Fals, and about the dream that replayed so much of that - in particular, squeezing Fals's throat around my cock. Rather than feeling disgusted by the idea that Xico would mimic that act, or with my own past behavior, my cock throbbed hard in her throat, and Xico required no more signal than that. Her fingers gripped her own throat, not super tight, but enough to up the pressure on my cock as it rested in her mouth. I gasped at the sensation, tightening my grip on Xico's hair, pulling her down against my pelvis all the more fervently as I jerked in place, balls slapping at her chin. Despite how rough I was being, her tails only wagged happily, just happy that I was happy.

It was incredibly hot, seeing her like that. I'd been intimate, enjoyed things with Xico, but we'd never really gone in this direction, and it was definitely arousing. I leaned up on the bed, beginning to just pump Xico's mouth up and down my cock, using her hair as handlebars. She smiled with her eyes up at me, utterly guileless. It wasn't some masochistic delight like Kate might have shown, nor was it even something more like I'd expect from Mira or Lope, a sense of pride in managing to excite me so. She was just happy that I was happy, and that was the hottest thing of all.

I got more intense with Xico at that point, positively pounding away at her face. She took it without complaint, her eyes practically glittering up at me as I just went wild. Her tongues were slithering constantly over my cock, teasing it every which way. When I'd occasionally wind up accidentally slipping out of her mouth, furiously thrusting my cock along her cheek as I failed to realign, she just kissed and licked along my length. "You can do it... as much as you like," she added, at one point, when I was feeling somewhat concerned I was being too rough with her.

When I finally felt my balls churning with the desire to come, I groaned, holding her down in my pelvis and just ejaculating right into her throat. She swallowed around my length, serving to intensify the pleasure I was experiencing, and then, when my hands fell free of her pigtails as I finished coming, she slowly peeled her way up and off my length, tongues slithering across the surface of my cock the whole time. She eventually popped off with a wet noise, and then gave my dick a quick kiss. "Did you... like it?" She asked me, in a quiet voice, eyes big.

"It was great," I breathed out.

She smiled brightly at that and leaned up on the bed, naked as the day she was born. For a second, I expected her to ride me - not that I would have complained - but she blushed. "I... need to make breakfast... it's ten..." she explained.

"Fuck, I'm late for work," I said, rising with a snap as my brain restarted.

"You don't... have to go in... today... you're supposed... to take at least... two days off..." Xico said. My cock faintly twitched at those words, for the obvious reason that I remembered some previous 'taking time off work' situations that involved me fucking Xico absolutely silly. She swallowed, gaze going down to my dick, her tongues flashing over her lips. "I should make... food..." she said, and my stomach growled, nonverbally telling both of us that she should. She let out a little giggle at that thought, and floated up off the bed, heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

It took me a few minutes to rouse myself from the bed, wandering into the kitchen to see Xico making some toast, a couple tall glasses of chocolate milk already on the countertop. I took the one that hadn't been drunk from and started to suck it down, needing some genuine calories after what I'd done with Fals. Especially with my metabolism. Xico's eyes widened at that thought, and the refrigerator door opened with a snap, milk and chocolate syrup both almost dancing through the air to land on the countertop, while she continued making the toast. It was a surprisingly competent show of multitasking.

Once I'd finished chugging pretty much the entire jug of milk, Xico had finished making some nice buttered toast, offering it to me. I chomped it down at superspeed, still feeling rather famished, and then promptly went to go grab some protein bars I'd had sitting in the cupboard for way too long. She watched the whole thing with a blush and a cute little smile. "You don't... mind me... watching you eat... so much?"

"I haven't eaten in a day," I said, in between bites. It took me a few seconds to realize this was another gender reversed situation, like girls in my own world not wanting to too obviously chow down. "Oh. No." I stretched, glancing over at the TV. "Playing Wayfarer?" I asked her, and she blushed and nodded. "It's got a co-op mode," I suggested.

"Oh... we can play it... together... if you want..." Xico said, tentacles nervously twisting around behind her as she nibbled at her own toast.

"Sounds like a good time to me," I said, giving her head a quick pat, making her cheeks flush with color. We were soon settled down to travel a series of fantasy islands and fight undead, natives, and strange monsters together.

* * *

Nora had brought only a single body over to Roger's apartment, as she did not want him to feel intimidated by her presence. She had also waited a full twelve hours after bringing him over, to allow him a maximal amount of time to sleep. She had also brought a cake. She was wearing something 'nice': a top with a dipping neckline, a jacket, and tight-fitting pants, as that was recommended by her mother as something to wear if one wished to make a good impression. She knocked on the door several times.

As she waited for him to arrive at the door, which took a surprisingly long period of time, she recalled Roger's major sexual fantasies, as he had a high sex drive, making it more likely that he would want to do something sexual with her. It was possible his sex drive would be depressed by what Fals had done, but it was also possible it would be increased, as he attempted to 'take control' of his sexuality. As his sexual fantasies tended to revolve around being so sexually successful that women had to do whatever he said, it would make sense for him to wish to have such sex with her. If he did, she would pretend that he was so amazing that she would do whatever he said, in order to reassure him that he had the power over her, due to his incredible sexual skills.

Roger interrupted her thoughts by opening the door, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs, which was an extremely attractive choice of clothes, as it covered very little, revealing his toned stomach, sculpted chest, muscular arms... her eyes went to his after a second or two of wandering, as she did not want him to think that she thought of him as a piece of meat. "I prepared a cake for you," she noted. "It has lots of icing, as that is the best part of cake. I can simply leave it, if you would feel more comfortable being alone, or I can join you, if you would feel more comfortable having someone else present."

He smiled at that. "Sure, come on inside, Nora," he said, opening the door wider. "Xico is here, too, though." Nora stepped inside, considering that statement. It made sense that Xico would have arrived earlier, as she could psychically determine when Roger was awake, and therefore not bother him while he slept, even if she arrived early.

"I see. I would like to both offer you this cake to eat," she said, as she placed it on the countertop, "as well as my body. You are extremely sexually talented, and the chance to have sex with you again is worth very much to me." She hoped those words would motivate Roger to feel sexually open with her, and willing to gratify himself with her body. She hoped that he would not become sexually frigid due to a kidnapping which she was the cause of.

Roger responded by giving her buttocks a squeeze, which was good. "I am a bit... tuckered out, right now," he said, which was bad. Men often made the excuse of being tired in order not to have sex.

Xico emerged into the kitchen, wearing one of Roger's t-shirts. She was sure it was one of Roger's t-shirts, because she had read it when it was plastered quite tightly across Roger's chest, so she memorized what it looked like. Xico gave a little waggle of her fingers. "Hi," she said.

"Hello," Nora replied, even as Roger began to cut the cake and promptly begin eating it as if he was famished. Xico's eyes widened slightly at that. Nora very much wanted to have sex with Roger again, however, with his probable sexual assault and Xico's presence, this was unlikely. She felt very guilty and would do anything. If Xico was reading her mind, and had any recommendations, she would very much be grateful for them.

* * *

As I munched down on the cake at superspeed, Xico started to talk. "You can... do with her... what you did... with me... if you want to..." I turned to the petite girl, whose tentacles curled up anxiously. My eyes then went to Nora, who straightened up, clearly hopeful despite her subdued affect.

I finished a slice of cake before speaking. "Would you be willing to give me a rough blowjob, then play some video games with the two of us?"

"Yes," Nora replied, nodding rapidly, even seeming very excited with the idea. "I would very much be willing to do so. We can have sex which is as rough, or as gentle, as you prefer, at any time, Roger. Do not feel as if you should be subdued in your tastes. You should express your sexuality in a healthy, consensual manner, with a similarly-aged adult."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at that last bit, which was clearly intended to suggest she was a better choice than Xico. Instead, I ate several pieces of cake, then stuck the rest in the fridge. "Let's do it in the living room, that way I don't have to go as far," I said, gently taking hold of Nora's bicep. "Xico will just watch," I told Nora, who nodded in response to that statement.

I was soon seated on the couch, pulling out my cock as Nora knelt in front of me. She reminded me more of Fals than Xico did - especially given what she was wearing. It made it easier to just... treat her like I had treated Fals. I grabbed a clump of her blonde hair, and shoved her face right down my cock without much hesitation. She had multiple bodies, after all, and Xico was right there. There was no risk that I could get too rough with her, without her calling me up on the phone or Xico mentioning as much to me.

"I'm going to be really rough with you, Nora," I told her, as I held her down in my groin, my cock currently fully inside her throat. "Is that okay with you?" She nodded a bit around my cock, provoking a groan on my part, and then she brought up both hands to give me a pair of thumbs-up. "Good," I said, then immediately began to jackhammer her up and down my cock, just frantically pounding away.

There was a sense of release in that moment, a lack of inhibitions. To my side, Xico was floating, wearing my t-shirt and her own underwear, that cute innocently lewd choice of clothes incredibly sexy, but I focused my eyes on Nora. She stared up at me, her own blue eyes utterly focused, as I frantically pounded at her face, slamming her up and down my cock. I used my superspeed to get rougher with her, to fuck her at an obscenely fast pace, my cock penetrating her throat so fast that I broke past any lingering gag reflex before she sputtered and gagged around my dick, her throat pleasantly spasming for a few seconds before she regained control of herself. I held her down, then, just grinding her into my pelvis, her nose mashing into my pubes, and she took it without complaint.

My fingers slid down to her throat, then, threatening her neck, and she didn't stop me, didn't even complain - maybe didn't even realize. I squeezed down, groaning as the pressure on my cock intensified, and I pumped my hips at her face frantically as I relished the feeling of power over her. "That's it, take it, you don't have a choice, you have to take it," I growled out, animalistic urges overpowering any sense or kindness.

Nora didn't complain, though. Instead, when my hand finally slid back from her throat, her own hands went to her throat, squeezing intermittently around my cock as she gagged and sputtered from being choked out. Tears had begun to form in her eyes, her sclera slowly turning pink, but she wasn't stopping me, wasn't even trying to stop. Out of the corner of my eye, I was aware that Xico's tails weren't wagging, but Nora squeezed down on her throat again and silently reassured me that she was fine with this. I didn't care any more. I looked down at Nora, and really took into account what she was, who she was, and what our relative positions right in that moment were.

Nora was a superheroine, she was actually a bit of a dark horse sex symbol online, with some minority of guys drooling over her pictures. Right now, though, she was choking on my cock gladly, her own fingers gripping her throat purely because she noticed that I liked doing that. I was in charge. She wasn't. She did what I said, when I said... "Take off your jacket," I ordered, and she hurriedly moved to do so. "Get out of your pants. Strip as much as you can without taking my cock out of your mouth." Every word was obeyed, another emphatic statement that I held power over her, and it felt so fucking good, just ordering her around like that, my cock throbbing in her throat, threatening to spray my hot seed all over the back of it. As she wiggled her way through her top so that it rested around her neck like a lewd scarf, a simple sports bra the only thing she was wearing beneath it, I felt her throat gag on my cock, her body trying to expel me.

I hadn't pulled her up. She was starting to choke on my dick, genuinely, little sputters of spit the only sign of resistance to the possibility of being rendered unconscious from my cock blocking her airways. Another sign of the power I held over her. It was incredible, and I rose to my feet and just began pounding away, enjoying the view of her body like that. Her breasts bounced in their confinement, and I felt incredible. "You'll do this any time I ask, won't you, Nora?" She nodded as best she could, as I furiously pounded at her face, as I relished and enjoyed it so very much. "That's a good chokeslut," I told her, and there was a strange noise that escaped her throat, more confusion than anything else.

She didn't get the chance to offer any more words than that, because I simply sprayed my cum all over the inside of her mouth, holding her in place, making absolutely certain she'd get the thick taste of my cum all over the inside of her mouth. Hot seed splattered her palate, her tongue, her cheeks. Saliva pooled together with it as she stared up at me, breathing heavily through her nose, trying to recover from what I'd put her through. Her face was a mess - teary-eyed and spit coating her chin - but even then, she didn't resist. When I completely finished in her mouth, I simply flopped down onto the couch unceremoniously, pulling my underwear up a couple seconds later.

Had I gone too far? Gauging by the way Nora quietly got herself half-dressed before plopping down on the couch next to me, I hadn't. "I would like to play with the two of you," she noted, as she wiped at her face. "Is that possible?"

"Sure. The game goes up to four players. Let me just save and quit," I said, and she nodded quietly.

Me and Xico wound up having to carry her, once we started playing the game. She was really bad at it, occasionally simply blindly wandering into a hole or off a cliffside, letting out an annoyed noise as she was forced to wait for a respawn. In boss fights, she pretty much instantly got herself killed, letting out noises of frustration. She didn't quit or complain verbally, though - she just kept on trucking with admirable sincerity. It was cute, even.

Part of me felt a little bad about getting a blowjob with no reciprocation... well, I could make it up to her later. Make it up to both of them, really. Later, though. Right now, I just wanted to laze around and get my dick sucked as rough as I felt like.

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