Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Kate Tries To Get Roger A Christmas Present

Kate really sucked at picking out gifts for a guy. She knew that. Her little notebook where she'd started writing down ideas was clogged with things that she knew were really for her benefit, not his. He may have enjoyed humiliating and dominating her, but he also liked having lovey-dovey sex with Nora or Xico - he was doing what he was doing to her because she liked it, not because he did. So weird stuff like a tattoo of his name (as if it would even stick) was just her own perverted drives trying to take the forefront and make the decisions for her.

What did he actually like? He liked Xico, more than her... he talked like he liked most of the girls more than her... well, he talked like he liked all the girls more than her, but she was pretty sure he didn't like Bup more than her, and that was just something he said to degrade her. She shook her head. She shouldn't focus on other women right now, obviously her weird perverted nature meant she'd be in an uphill battle compared to them. She needed to focus. Roger. What did Roger like? Video games? He did like video games... was there something she could do, with video games, that he'd like? She could buy him some, but she didn't know the first thing about them, it'd be like trying to pick out a movie for a date-

Ah! Maybe they could go to the arcade? He had taken her out to the arcade, once, plus it was a good way to provide flexibility! Whatever game he liked, they could play at the arcade! It was like a movie date, where the guy picked the movie, so you knew it'd be a movie he liked (or, if it wasn't, at least he wouldn't blame you). It made sense. It worked. That worked.

But, wait. The arcade would be closed for Christmas, just like everything else. Plus, he would probably want to spend Christmas with Xico or Nora anyway... not with her. That thought sent a shiver down her spine, the quiet humiliation of remembering that she was always going to be second best - no, worse than second best. Even jealous Nora, who obviously wanted Roger to stop sleeping around, seemed half-willing to put up with her, purely because she was so pathetic and f ar behind her in the pecking order. She licked her lips.

She shook her head again, trying to focus. She should... take him out before Christmas? An arcade trip, on her dollar, was that really a Christmas present anyway? Maybe they could do a whole week. Maybe they could just do as much of it as he wanted? She wouldn't mind... how much could it cost? A few hundred dollars a day, tops? (She didn't really know about arcades' price tags.) She could afford that.

So, arcade dates... no, she sounded like a damn child, even to herself! She was seriously contemplating trying to get Roger to accept "let's go to the arcade" as some kind of Christmas present?! She was just coming up with a slightly more elaborate way of getting herself a present, not thinking of him first...

Maybe she should ask Mira about it? She had heard about the fact that she apparently did mind control roleplay with Roger. Her pussy throbbed a bit at that thought, the inward reminder that Mira Stone, one of the richest and most desirable women in the world, was somebody that Roger could get at any time, whenever he wanted, however he wanted. That was quite the little fact, and it was one that kept bouncing around in her head as she sat there... she should ask Mira, yeah... what was the worst that could happen?

* * *

"Are we really that close?" Mira asked Kate, making her cheeks glow, and Mira just let out a sigh, thinking about it. "I don't know, Kate, honestly. I'm sure he'd like the gift I got him, but I doubt it'll be the same if you give it to him."

"Well- yeah," Kate agreed. "But I don't know what to get him... I was thinking of an arcade date, that's the best I came up with. I really want to do something good for him..."

Mira pushed her tongue against her cheek, eyeing Kate up, making her feel tiny before the taller, statuesque redhead. She sighed a moment later. "There is one thing I do know he likes. Visuals."


"A girl in a bikini. Lingerie. Naked. You do have a pretty hot body - speaking objectively, to be clear," she added, with a sour look to her gaze as Kate just grew more humiliated. "Something that shows it off to him, he'd probably like that."

"B-but that's just a gift for me, isn't it? Since then we have sex?"

Mira let out a laugh. "Ah, I see." She bopped Kate on the nose with her finger, which was just annoying more than anything else. "Don't worry too much about the whole, 'and then we have sex, which only I like' thing. Men enjoy sex too. Roger more than most, thus his whole..." Her nose crinkled. "Reverse harem. Hrm." She looked off to the side, as if making a mental note. "Anyway, that's my idea. Something sexy and fun, showing off to him, something like that. You can fill in the blanks yourself, gives it the personal touch."

"Okay..." Kate could always give him something else if it didn't work out. She didn't have to say it was his Christmas present, even. That way, if he didn't like it, she could come up with something else! "Thanks, Mira," she said.

Mira just made a gesture with her wrist, quietly dismissing her.

* * *

Kate had a very nice body: large breasts, very fit, full round and firm ass. Even since she'd let her standards fall lax, she was still hot as hell. I'd only noticed she'd let herself go at all after comparing her to the other universe's Kate and noticing she'd gotten flabby. Of course, she'd started working to get back in shape after I'd pointed it out to her, but exercise takes a while to really pay dividends (that's why I never really kept at it, back in my own world, and was now reliant on my altered metabolism to stay fit). Especially if you had super strength, and thus the level of exertion needed was so far beyond what normal equipment was available.

Kate tended to dress in a pretty 'tomboyish' manner. Shirts and shorts and jeans and the like. Underneath it, she'd taken to wearing microkinis and lingerie, at my direction, but otherwise she looked pretty casual in general. I didn't mind at all - it was her style, she could wear what she liked, she was pretty sexy no matter what she wore anyway.

But it did make it a surprise, when I opened the door to catch her in a long evening dress with a dipping cleavage line. She shivered subtly as the door to my apartment opened, and my gaze met hers, giving me a shy smile. I used my superspeed to admire her in what, to her, probably looked like a quick sweep up and down her body, but to me, was a plentiful quantity of time to dive into her cleavage and stare at her ass as it hugged the sides of the dress. It had slits down either side, showing off her muscular legs, and I was definitely appreciating the look. The elegant way her hair had been pulled back into a tight bun was made even sexier by the fact that she was still wearing the choker.

"Come in," I ordered, and instantly, she stepped inside, shivering slightly under my gaze.

She gave a nervous smile."You like the outfit?" She asked.

"I do. What's the occasion?" I figured it had to be something special. "Do you have a ball to get to or something?"

Her mouth opened and closed for a moment, as she hesitated to speak. "I-" she swallowed. "Christmas?" She squeaked out, giving me an unsure smile, as if quietly pleading for the mercy of me appreciating this as a Christmas present.

"Mm," I said, my hand going to her ass cheek, making her let out a long sigh of relief, standing stiff-backed in front of me, her eyelashes fluttering. "I see. So your Christmas present for me, is that you dress up nice like this, hm?" I asked her, and she nodded quickly. I liked it. My monetary needs were pretty much nil, nowadays, so seeing Kate in a sexy dress was definitely a pleasant surprise. On the other hand, she got off on being talked down to. Should I just express my genuine enjoyment, or should I insult her somehow? "And I guess you think that just showing off the goods is all I need from you?" I groped her tits at that point, slipping my fingers under her dress, finding her nipples perky as they bit into my palms.

"Ahm, I can, I can do more," she said, hurriedly. "I was, we could go, to the arcade?" She offered, desperately trying to make up for her bad present.

I gave her a spanking. "Do you think I'd rather go to the arcade, than enjoy you dressed like this?" I asked her. She gulped and shook her head. "So why would we go to the arcade, when instead, you can tell me why you chose to dress like this?"

"I- Mira said you're a visual man, and I remembered you liked watching my tits bounce around, when we played some sports, and when I dumped water on my shirt, you liked that, so I figured, you liked looking at my breasts, so I tried to do what she suggested, and, uhm, I picked this dress, because it seemed to be the kind of thing you'd like?" She squeaked out the last few words, pushing them out despite her own uncertainty and embarrassment.

"Mira was right. You look delicious like this, Kate," I told her, leaning in to nibble at her ear. She shivered at the words, at my touch, letting out a long sigh of relief and contentment, happiness radiating from her every pore. "I'm just trying to think of what I should do with you, now that I have you here, dressed like this. It seems like a waste to just call you a perverted little piggie like always, you know?"

By her expression, it was obvious she didn't know - she didn't have the faintest idea about how it might be a waste - but she nodded rapidly anyway, panting heavily as she kept herself still. My fingers wrapped around her from behind, groping her breasts in either hand, enjoying the feeling of her perky nipples. She just remained still in place, her eyes closing as my breath tickled her neck, terrified that I'd find some action of hers distasteful, and thus choosing inaction. My cock was rock hard, and I was soon rubbing it against the crook of her sculpted ass. She just shuddered quietly, a bit of saliva dripping out of her mouth as she started to tilt forward, absent-mindedly pushing her ass into my pelvis and her tits into my hands.

"I might make you oink like the piggie you are," I said to her, enjoying the way she sucked in a sharp breath. For a moment, she mentally calculated whether she should say something - or more likely, whether she should oink at all. "Might," I reminded her, in a cooing voice, and she just nodded rapidly.

Having her like this was hot as fuck. Kate had gotten used to our particular arrangement, and in the moment, all that confidence that was born of familiarity had vanished. She was only focused on trying to come up with the right thing to do or say, and I leaned into her, licking her neck (and the collar) as I continued to grind into her, playing with her tits all the while. Her breathing was becoming erratic, and I decided that I wanted to make her come in that position, to make the nervous woman orgasm despite not having her pussy touched at all.

"You're hot," I breathed into her ear. "So hot," I said, as I continued to molest her tits, all but mauling them, making her squirm in obvious pleasure, her own breathing getting more ragged with every passing moment. "I love this nice, big round ass of yours," I told her, grinding pointedly against her butt. "Your delicious fat tits," I added, giving them an appreciative squeeze, then slipping my fingers back inside her dress, her nipples scraping against my palms. "If I hadn't gotten to see your parallel, I never would've noticed you getting out of shape - that's how hot you are." She let out a soft whimper at that, just nodding stupidly. I licked her neck, my tongue once more running across the soft cloth of the collar. "Do you like it, when I lick the collar?" I teased her, and she nodded rapidly. "Say why," I ordered.

She gulped. "B-because, my collar, is the way, that you say, uhm, that I'm, yours," she explained, "a-and when you lick it, that, co-confirms it," she got out, her knees loudly clacking against one another as she strained not to lose her balance altogether.

"You're mine?" I teased. "So these tits are mine?" I prompted, squeezing them again. She gasped and nodded rapidly, clearly not trusting her voice by that point. I gripped her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. "So if I ordered you to come from your tits, what would you do?" She whimpered softly. "What would you do, Kate?" I asked, pinching her nipples tighter, twisting them.

"I'd come!" She squealed out, clearly completely out of it by a mix of pleasure and pain. "Ah, I, I know, I'm a puh, pervert, a quicksh-" I slowed down time at that point, turning her word into a long "-oooooooooooo-" until I managed to bring her off, her whole body spasming as I came back to realtime. "-ot!" She bucked her butt back into me, ramming her ass against me, still fully dressed as she came, her cheeks red hot with humiliation as she did it.

"I didn't actually order you to come," I told her, and she just nodded, moaning and jerking beneath my fingers, squirming in place. I pulled my hands out of her tits, sliding around her so I could enjoy as she came from the front - but she actually lost her balance in the midst of my repositioning, falling to her knees in front of me. I just took hold of her head, gently coaxing her towards my groin, grinding her cheek against it as she panted, clearly aroused by the treatment. "You feel that, Kate?" She nodded, letting out this strange, erotic cooing noise. "That's my cock, you know. It's hard because you dressed up nice for me. Good girl."

"Thuh, thank you, M-Master," she said, warbling out the last word as if unsure if it was the right thing to say. My cock just twitched against her cheek, and she let out a sigh of relief.

"I think what I want today," I told her, enjoying the way her eyes immediately flicked up to me, acting like a sponge for whatever command I gave her, "is for you to act like you're just my girlfriend or wife. That means you call me Roger. You still do whatever I say," I explained, "but it's because you think I'm so hot, and you're so thankful to me. Understand?"

She gulped. "Yes, Roger." She nodded rapidly, as well, wanting desperately to make it clear how dutiful and obedient she could be.

I grinned at that response. "Good. I think I want to watch some porn," I told her, giving her cheek a quick pat, making her head seem to momentarily swim in confusion. "I want you to suck my dick as I do so. You don't mind if I watch some homemade porn of me fucking another, hotter girl, do you?"

Her cheeks were bright red as I said that, and she shook her head tentatively, as I moved around to the couch. She wound up crawling after me, not even getting up off the ground - I don't think she was trying to come off as obsequiously submissive, she just forgot to stand. As I sat there, spreading my legs wide, she got in between them, hands nervously coming up to unzip my pants; and I turned on the television, soon flipping over to a homemade video of me fucking Fifi.

I idly ran my fingers through her hair as I leaned back on the couch, just keeping my eyes on the home video. Kate, on the other hand, was practically worshiping my cock: her lips slid up and down my length, her eyes lidding as she bobbed away. Her head twisted gently from side to side, soft moans and pants escaping out around my cock as she worked me over. "Oh, you can play with yourself," I added, enjoying taking on the role of the bratty boyfriend with Kate - who immediately set to work, briefly glancing up at me as she started to masturbate.

I didn't spare her a glance. I wanted to bully her like this, to take advantage of her masochistic and submissive sides to just pretend like she was my girlfriend and treat her like crap. It was a somewhat novel role for Kate, or maybe a reversion to earlier in our relationship, before I'd fully established just how low she was willing to go. Either way, I was loving the experience of watching me fuck Fifi doggy style while Kate slurped, licked, and bobbed away, humming around my cock, caressing it with her fingers, sometimes pausing in her fellatio to instead rub my length against her cheeks, staring up at me with smoldering lust in her eyes as she frantically masturbated.

I spared a glance down at her at that point. She looked - other than the spit smeared over her face from the blowjob/cock caressing - like a proper, gorgeous lady. Large tits in a sleek dress, hair done up nice and sweet. She could have been a photo in a fashion mag to show off some nice clothes, and it made my cock throb to see her worshiping my dick the way she was, kissing along my length as she breathed and panted and delighted in being so close to it. She was practically cooing over it, rubbing it against her cheek, panting, and of course, masturbating frantically all the while, her hand having snaked in under her dress and starting to play with herself.

I thought about how mean I should actually be with Kate at this point. Just playing the role of the bratty boyfriend was definitely something I was liking, and this was a Christmas present. It should be special... on the other hand, being rough with her would also make it special.

* * *

Kate felt fuckdrunk at this point. Humiliated by being forced to masturbate while sucking Roger off, sure. Humiliated by the fact that he was paying more attention to the television than to her, definitely. But the humiliation only intensified the sensation blooming from between her thighs, as she bobbed up and down on his cock, as she slurped and licked and suckled at his length, closing her eyes and losing herself in the moment as she worked. Saliva dripped down her cheek as she kept thrusting her mouth up and down his cock, her tongue wetly flapping against it.

"That's a good girl, Kate," he said, patting her head. His voice was intentionally, exaggeratedly patronizing, and it made her clit throb, the sensitive nub grinding against her palm in the process - something she only intensified, approaching her own orgasm rapidly. "You love sucking cock, don't you?" He asked her, and she drunkenly nodded, turning her gaze up to him. "You love me," he said, and her cheeks bloomed bright red, but she nodded anyway, knowing how this game worked. He grinned at that, patting her head again. "It's good you're honest with yourself, Kate. It's one of your few good qualities."

At that point, she came, moaning around his cock, then just slamming herself face first into his groin, mashing into his pelvis as an orgasm ran up her spine right to her brain. She spasmed in blissful pleasure as she choked on his cock, eyes rolling around in her skull as she lost herself for the moment. The soft groan that Roger let out as she did it was music to her ears, a quiet, beautiful added note to what was already an intensely pleasurable experience, as saliva continued to drip down her chin, splashing down onto the ground.

He came at some point in the middle of her orgasm. She hadn't been paying too close of attention, to notice quite when he started, but as her orgasm began to decline, she felt his fingers gripping the back of her head as his cock furiously throbbed and pulsed inside of her throat. A louder groan escaped his throat as she kept working him over, losing herself in the moment as her hips bucked against open air, against her pussy, her juices completely staining her panties and then continuing to go, just dripping down her thighs as he ejaculated straight down her throat. Once he was completely spent, he peeled her off his cock, letting out a few long, unsteady breaths as he considered her. He smiled down at her warmly, a goofy smile on his lips.

What was the right thing to do, here? She was the girlfriend, or wife, but she put up with anything he did to her... that was his fantasy scenario... she didn't really get it, but she could come up with what to say or do. She was smart. Come on, brain, she thought, willing the answer to appear in her head. "Was that good, honey?" She tried, and his cock twitched. Good. Those were the right words.

"Great, Kate," he told her, grinning like a madman as his cock twitched in front of her face. He licked his lips, and for just a moment, she thought he was going to force her back down his cock, make her suck him off without reciprocation. Instead, he stood up. "Bend over the couch," he ordered her, and she scrambled into position, raising her ass up into the air. He pushed up the long dress she'd bought, until it was scrunched up around the small of her back. He chuckled as he saw her panties - lingerie, like he'd ordered her to wear. They were drenched, she was sure. "Look how wet you are," he said, rubbing his finger against her clit through the fabric, sending a spark of pleasure right up her spine. "You like being forced to suck me off without getting anything in return, don't you?"

She gulped. Should she agree? Should she disagree? His fingers groped her ass cheek as she contemplated the correct answer to the question. Maybe she should disagree? Then he'd be "bullying" her more? Was that what he wanted? "N-no," she said, and he paused in his groping for just a moment.

"No? So you just put up with how I treat you, because you love me, is that it?" He gave her ass a sharp smack when she didn't immediately respond. "Is that it?" His voice was cold as he spoke, but she was pretty sure he was still in character, so she just nodded rapidly. "I guess that's fine. I could probably do better, but, you know," he said, casually peeling down her panties as he spoke. "You're easy, Kate," he said, before ramming his cock balls deep inside her a moment later. "You'll put up with anything, because your self-esteem's so low, because you know you're not that attractive - isn't that right?"

"Y-yes," she said, her cheeks glowing. This felt so much more humiliating than the normal thing, of admitting that she was a perverted pig and all that - and that just made the pleasure of Roger's frantic pace inside her all the more intense. She reached down in between her thighs, finding her clit and starting to frig herself frantically, earning an amused chuckle from Roger behind her. "I-I'm really lucky, that you fuck me," she said, her voice warbling a bit.

"Nah, you're not lucky," he said, as he continued to pump inside her. "Luck would imply there's nothing you can do to change it, wouldn't it? But there is. If you stopped being such a good girl, and started doing things like complaining, or talking back, then you wouldn't get fucked any more. You understand that, don't you, Kate?"

She bit her lip and nodded, feeling an orgasm rapidly approaching. Her fingers mushed and gripped and squeezed her clit, and a few scant seconds later, she let out a loud scream of pleasure as her pussy started to convulse around Roger's furiously-pounding cock. He just kept going, though his pace became a bit more irregular, thanks to just how strong her pussy was. His hands slid up from her hips, reaching for her tits, groping and squeezing them roughly, just mistreating them like they were a pair of stress balls rather than a part of her body - and she loved it.

"Mm, the fact that you come so easily, it'd be bad for a lot of guys, wouldn't it?" He asked her, his voice having that same sadistic note as before, intentionally rubbing her nose in her body's failures. Her cheeks went scarlet, she squeezed her eyes shut, and she nodded. "I don't care, though. It means I don't have to worry that much about your pleasure, after all. You can just get back to sucking my dick after you come your brains out a couple times, isn't that right, Kate? You don't mind?" She felt the burning in her cheeks grow even hotter, as if she was literally being scalded, but she nodded rapidly nonetheless. "I guess you are lucky," he said, leaning into her, licking her neck again, sending shivers down her spine. "After all, you're not choosing to be a quickshot, are you?"

"N-no," she sputtered out, shaking her head rapidly as she responded to his humiliating question. One hand moved from her breast, sliding down her stomach towards her clit, and he just thrust himself balls deep inside her. She already knew what was coming, scrunching up her face as his fingertip found her clit - and the pleasure just exploded. Her knees knocked against one another as she struggled not to come, her brain seeming like it was on fire as she did so, her eyes clenching shut. Her fingers dug into the couch in front of her, while her pussy spasmed frantically around his cock, gripping and squeezing it with a near-miss of an orgasm.

She failed to contain the orgasm, ultimately. From the moment his finger brushed against her clit, to the moment she came, it probably wasn't even thirty seconds. She began spasming pitifully on his cock, her cheeks burning with humiliation as an orgasm rushed through her whole body. As she started to come, he started to fuck her again, his hand molesting her tit once more, just mauling the soft flesh of her breast as he fucked her like that. "Don't worry, I like how fast you come," he told her. "It makes it easy to make you suck my dick whenever I want. And you will suck my dick whenever I want, won't you, Kate?" He prompted her, and she nodded rapidly. "After all, you've come three times, while I've only come the once," he said, and she nodded again. "Not very considerate, at, all," he added, grunting out the words, before his pace just accelerated.

It was an insane pace, and he was obviously using his powers, and it spiked the pleasure for her like crazy. She panted desperately for air, saliva dribbling out of her mouth and splashing the couch in front of her, as he rammed away at her like that. Her fingers dug into the couch, and she felt herself go cross-eyed as another orgasm hit her - and before that one even got the chance to finish, she was hit with yet another orgasm. Her brain felt like it was melting from the pleasure, as she got fucked like that, and she just lost herself in the moment, orgasm after orgasm drowning her in bliss as he fucked her relentlessly.

He didn't say anything. She didn't think she could speak at all. It was like an eternal now, the repetitive sound of his hips impacting hers, of her pussy clamping down on his cock as hard as she could. She strained not to squirt again, knowing he didn't like it, her pussy clenching tight - and then, at last, he groaned and ejaculated inside her, and she felt a sensation of relief as his cum just splattered all over the inside of her cunt. When he was completely spent, he pulled out, giving her ass a quick smack. "How many orgasms was that, Kate?" He asked her.

Her mouth moved, but words didn't come out for several seconds. "I, don't, know," she said.

"More than ten?" He prompted her, like a lawyer in court. She flushed and nodded. "More than twenty?" She shrugged at that, not knowing. "Let's call it twenty, then. Twenty orgasms. So you owe me nineteen blowjobs. Right, Kate?"

She gulped, and nodded. "Y-yeah," she agreed. So this is what he liked. He sat down on the couch, turning back on his homemade porno with Fifi, his attention going to it. He just idly patted his thigh, his hard cock pointing up in the air, still coated with her juices.

She knew what to do. She didn't have to be told.

She got down on her knees and sucked.

She hoped he liked his Christmas present.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Priscilla taking Roger out on her yacht. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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