Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Playing House With Xico

I woke up that morning to something wet and warm and soft and sweet on my length. It wasn't hard to identify the owner of the tongues that were sliding their way across my cock - they were too thin and flexible to be anybody but Xico's, those delightful little things licking, lapping, caressing my cock, slithering along my length and tasting everything they could get to. I let my eyes flutter open slowly, glancing down to the place between my groin where there was an extremely cute eighteen year old girl happily licking my cock - and just that thought made her blush and smile with her eyes, as her tongues kept on working, caressing their way up to my tip, wrapping around the crown of my cock, teasing me just so there.

It felt truly amazing, to just wake up to that, Xico's warm breaths rolling over the underside of my cock as she pleasured me. I leaned back, just basking in it, relishing it, relishing the feeling of her tongues continuing to wriggle all along my length, slathering me up with her spit. "Fuck, this is a good way to wake up in the morning. It really is." Xico hummed happily at that, then wrapped her lips around my cockhead, her tongues stretching out past it to slither and twist along the sides and underside alike, making my cock throb in her mouth.

I had only to absently wonder when she was going to actually take me into her throat for her to start. Those sweet lips of hers slid down my length, her tongue wiggling happily along the underside, her eyes looking up at me, obvious love in them. Saliva dripped free of her mouth, running down her tongues and then onto my cock, and I just relaxed. Xico liked giving blowjobs; I didn't have to do anything other than enjoy myself.

Soon enough, her nose was in my well-waxed groin, her cute green eyes staring up at me as her tongues continued to wiggle playfully along my cock. She was incredibly attentive, and we had igoss'd with her reading my mind, so she knew just what to do, tongues happily slithering along my length, the occasional hum expressing her general self-satisfaction at what she was doing. Then some tentativeness entered her expression, as she considered something or other - and she concluded by my curiosity that I wouldn't really mind, her hands reaching up to slide across my stomach. At first I was halfway confused - which made her blush - then I realized she was feeling me up, her fingertips brushing along my abs, her hands groping my pecs.

It was incredibly sexy, in all honesty - the way she smoothly slid her fingers around, showing that in addition to that sweet, shy, sincere girl impression, there was also an incredibly lusty one, just like the rest of the women on this planet. Her eyes flicked away from me at that, but I reached down to pat her head, fingers softly running through her hair. "It's good. Imagine a world of guys who all were insanely horny for your body, wanted to feel you up... it's nice, being appreciated." At that, her eyes flicked back up to me, her brow perhaps creased for just a fraction of a second as she mentally verified my sincerity - then she finally began to slide up my cock again, sucking in a breath the moment my dick was out of her mouth.

The warmth of that intake of breath was combined with the realization that she hadn't breathed the whole time she'd been down there, that she'd completely lost herself in the moment as she sucked and serviced my cock. It made my length throb in her mouth, and made her cheeks flush that little bit brighter, at the implicit compliment. I wondered, if we got together - really together, like we were trying out - if she would eternally be blushing and squeaking from all the little ways I found her cute and sexy? The blush that followed threatened to make me come right then and there, and she responded by slurping my cock up again, her tongues wrapping around my base and just tightening there, denying me the chance to orgasm.

Something about that was so, incredibly, enticing. The way she was working so hard to please me, to drag it out... the question came to mind if I could have such a loving morning blowjob every day. By her rapid nodding the moment that thought entered my head - my cock getting rubbed along the inside of her throat in the process - the answer was clearly yes.

"That's a good girl," I breathed out with a sigh, my fingers brushing through her hair, just saying the standard dumb dirty talk lines from my own world without thinking. She blushed more at the latter part than the words themselves, as I really settled into place, letting her work me over, starting to bob up and down once she felt I was far enough from orgasm to do so. Her tongues were incredibly attentive, every one wiggling across my length in a way that felt like she was trying to personally attend to my most sensitive spots in six different ways all at the same time.

It felt genuinely amazing, and I couldn't hold out for too long, as her fingers wiggled and groped at my pecs, squeezing the flesh there in a way that was more teenage pawing than anything else. Still, just the knowledge that this cute eighteen year old former-virgin found my naked body so fascinating... well, I couldn't be blamed for coming at that point, groaning as I ejaculated into her mouth, hot cum splashing against her palate, on her tongue. She eagerly swallowed it all um, shifting so that just her lips were wrapped around my tip, her tongues eagerly scooping up the semen and swallowing it.

When I was completely spent, she popped off my cock with a wet smacking noise, a nervous, shy smile on her pretty lips, her cheeks aglow with embarrassed glee. I looked at my watch, wondering how long we had before work.

"It's... Saturday," Xico pointed out shyly, and I let out a small laugh at the realization that she was correct.

"Alright," I said, shifting my weight up. "How about..." I'd already eaten her out yesterday; I could do it again, but I wanted something a bit new. "A massage," I suggested. My head had a clear enough image of her on her belly, my hands brushing across her body, that she quickly floated into place, her naked body on the bed next to mine, her bare back presented to me.

She didn't have some overwhelmingly sexy body, but her smooth, uniquely-colored skin - those little blue circles running along her bare flesh all the way up and down her body, decorating her in an incredibly lewd and sexy way - was still very easy on the eyes. Her slim, petite figure brought to mind the simple reality that I could pick her up and reconfigure her body however I wanted, despite the fact that she was a quite powerful telekinetic, gauging by her luggage.

She didn't physically respond to that question, so I just got next to her, hands reaching down for her shoulders, beginning to knead and massage the bare flesh there to start with. At first, I was gentle, but I soon found the level of pressure she liked, making her toes wiggle behind her, her tentacles bouncing with nervous energy. Once I'd done that, well... I cheated again. I accelerated my subjective sense of time, giving her a massage that was just as intense, but that went ten times faster, more repetitive motions serving to fully stimulate all those muscles as her little arms wiggled on either side of her. Her cheeks grew pink, and I wondered if she thought of this as foreplay - then she gave a quiet little nod, this cute, petite thing, and I decided to let my hands slide their way further down her body.

The flesh of her main tentacles was soft and flexible, and it almost felt like playing with a girl's tongue, drawing to mind a mental image of having Nora or Lope hold her mouth open as I held her tongue between my finger and thumb, which made my cock immediately throb, bouncing in the air. Still, I managed to focus myself - particularly because Xico's tongues were small enough that I couldn't really do that to her - and instead focused on massaging the base of them, the muscular flesh yielding to my grip. She let out soft little mewls, then asked this curious little question. "You really like them?"

I didn't have a fetish for them or something - but I understood what she meant. Was she ugly for having them? Was I just putting up with them for her sake? Part of me wondered if female neuroticism about their appearance was as high in this world as in mine? I remembered that women generally were more neurotic in the Big Five sense (inclined to experience negative emotions), but men tended to be less anxious about their appearance in general. I put the thought aside for the moment: "Yeah," I said. "They're cute on you."

"I think... men are more concerned... because it matters more..." Xico explained softly, as I kneaded the tough, muscular flesh of her tentacles, her toes wiggling behind her with excitement and pleasure. I got to see as her hands curled up on either side of her, balling up the sheets in her grasp. "Except... for you... guys don't care... as much... about how hot a girl is..." she explained.

"Got it," I told her. "I think I have really low standards in general, how else can you explain how many women I've slept with?" She let out a cute little snort at that joke, and then I finally turned foreplay into something still further, my hand sliding around on her tentacles down to her sex, brushing along the lines of it, teasing her - and finally slipping inside. In short order, I was fingering her, my thumb brushing against her clit, and her tentacles were flicking out and curling up as she panted on the bed, her cheeks starting to glow with each passing second.

With a combination of what I'd learned about her body and my superhuman speed... it took less than one objective minute to make Xico come, the little cutie mewling into her pillow as I did so. I couldn't take it any longer at that point, got in behind her, spread her legs, and just pushed my hard cock in past her wet folds, making her let out a happy little pant as I filled her up in a heartbeat.

I took full advantage of my superhuman speed during the sex itself, making her come, again and again, my finger stimulating her clit as my cock lodged its way as deep into her as I could get. She let out the occasional words of pleasure, "So good..." "Your cock... feels amazing..." "I love... how big you are... in me..." That sort of thing. Her tight pussy combined with those words meant I only managed to last as long as I did thanks to my superspeed, going subjectively slow and objectively fast to really drag things out. When I finally finished inside her, I felt almost like I'd run a marathon, from the intensity of the whole experience, my cock throbbing as I withdrew from her pussy.

"So..." I said, trailing off as I thought about what to do next. Get her breakfast, I guessed? "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I prompted.

"Mmm..." she mumbled. "Sushi?"

"Think cheaper," I corrected her, with a small smile.

"I could... buy it... I have money..." Xico said.

I'd never really had sushi - it was too expensive for my tastes - but if she was paying... "What restaurant?" I asked, finding my phone and starting to look for it there. She mumbled out the name, and I managed to find it - unfortunately, they didn't serve breakfast, a realization that made her let out a lazy grumble before she floated herself around, shifting so that she was lying on her back instead of her belly, her fingers idly twitching. "Is there somewhere else you'd like to order from?"

"No..." she mumbled. Apparently she was quite lazy on Saturdays when living with a guy. That thought made her jolt up. "I'll make... something," she said, floating into the kitchen, completely naked. I admired her bare backside for a moment before quickly getting dressed and following after her. Her tentacles were curling up nervously as she started to open various cupboards, not even reaching out for them, just using her telekinesis to flick open one, then the next, glancing through each in turn at a pace most people couldn't manage. She clearly had no idea what to cook with what I had on hand.

"We could do toast, peanut butter sandwiches, cereal, nachos..." I suggested, listing out the quick breakfast meals I normally made. I leaned more towards the sandwiches and the cereal, since there was no actual cooking involved so I could do it all at superspeed, but thirty seconds in the microwave for the nachos wasn't that big a deal, either. Her tentacles nervously flicked around. "I'll make something, Xico. You can go get dressed," I said.

She quietly sniffed herself, seeming suddenly nervous. "I should... shower..."

"Go ahead," I told her. Probably nachos, then. "Make it fast, though."

"You're not... going to...?" Xico asked, hesitantly.

"I'll just get sweaty when we have sex again," I told her. Seeing how anxious she was at the moment, and how we were playing at cohabitation... I reached out for her, my fingers wiggling as I started to tickle her, making her snerk and spasm until she started properly giggling. I enjoyed the look of her like that for a few seconds, then spoke up. "Stop looking so worried, Xico. I wouldn't care if you couldn't cook," I told her, then gave her nose a little boop. "You have lots of other charm points. Now go," I said. She nodded and went.

* * *

We ate our breakfast quite quickly - it was just a big plate covered with chips that in turn had been covered in cheese and microwaved, enough for a decent breakfast but certainly not the most filling meal in the world. Xico wound up with a cute milk mustache that she unfortunately got rid of the moment I noticed.

Then... we had a moment of mutual silence as we thought about what to do next. "I guess some more videogames," I said, going over to the console and starting to flip through them. We didn't have that many shared interests, but I didn't have that many personal interests to begin with; most of my free time was brainlessly browsing the internet, playing videogames, or having sex with women. As I considered the games, Xico floated over near me. I needed one that we could play two player, where my superspeed or her telepathy weren't active obstacles to play. That Adventure Party 3 game was fun, but its competitive elements relied on rock-paper-scissors, which Xico would no doubt stomp all over me in... MechFighter 3 had been alright, but my superspeed was a huge advantage there. Were there any good co-op games here?

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Xico suddenly starting to tickle me out of nowhere, her little fingers going right for my armpits with zero hesitation. I started laughing pretty much immediately, and she got more enthusiastic about it as it went on, starting to grin ferociously as I let her send me to the ground. If I'd activated my superspeed, I could have thrown her off, but I was enjoying seeing this more forward side of Xico, her increasing comfort with me meaning that she didn't hesitate to straddle me and keep on tickling.

"You look... nice when you... smile..." she said, as her fingers finally slowed and stopped their tickling. I couldn't help but snort at the line - I remembered plenty of feminists complaining about being told to smile, and Xico let out a little squeak.

"I don't mind smiling," I told her, leaning up to kiss her on the nose, a quick little peck. "I just don't do it that much." I glanced over at the library of games Mira had bought me, and didn't think any of them really would let us play cooperatively or competitively at similar levels. Maybe something which was both twitch and mind game based, for competitive play? Though I was reminded of videos of AIs completely trouncing human players in strategy games by separating out their low-HP units individually whenever an AoE attack came in at a pace and with precision a human couldn't match, completely destroying the game's internal balance. Maybe something cooperative and turn based? Or at least, not really twitch oriented... "Let's go games shopping," I decided.

"You don't have to... buy something... let me look at the games..." Xico said, quickly hopping off me to go through the library, but it was just twenty games. There really wasn't anything really good for us to play together, just things that were decent co-op, like MechFighter 3. "I'll... buy it," she decided, as she floated up to her feet, "since it's... for me..."

I considered fighting her on it - I suspected a big part of her willingness to spend this money was my previous thoughts about how, exactly, finances would divide - but I decided to let it go. A videogame wasn't much more expensive than sushi anyway, and the enjoyment would last far longer if we got something good.

* * *

We walked right into the Gamery store, a little shop in the mall that was wall to wall video games and consoles, and set about looking through the boxes, flipping them around to see what the games were like. Xico was wearing a long dress to disguise her tentacles. She also had the misfortune of not really being able to read, so she'd occasionally come over to me to ask about this or that game based on screenshots on the back; twice, she asked after a game that was completely single player, not realizing as much.

Eventually, one of the employees came to me. She was around twenty, with dark hair and a simple polo with the Gamery logo emblazoned on it. "Sir, can I offer you help in finding something in particular?" She asked. "You and your daughter have gone through half our library, and you don't seem to have found what you're looking for yet."

Xico was the one who spoke up. "I'm not... his daughter," Xico said.

"Oh." The employee blinked a couple times, then smiled. "Alright then. So, what are you two looking for?"

"I'm his... girlfriend," Xico said, suddenly attaching herself to my arm insistently. Maybe it was something she was picking up from the employee, or maybe it was just her trying to get into character as my cohabitating partner, or maybe something else - I don't know, and I didn't want to get in a fight with a store employee about it, I spoke up.

"We're looking for a game that you can play two player, that isn't very reliant on twitch reflexes or on... people-reading. Co-op or competitive is fine."

"Ah, hmm," she said, glancing at the shelves. "Dungeon Lord has an optional mode where you can have a friend play as a hero unit that you start with," she suggested, pulling it off the shelf. "And Child of Destiny is co-op, it's one of those blender action games, kind of simplistic mechanically but twitch doesn't matter much," she said, removing that one as well. "Hmm. Pretty specific taste, sorry, can't think of much else that fits."

"Blender action games?" I asked as I took the game from her.

"You know, ones where your character just kind of moves through swarms of enemies without much input on your part, maybe hit a few moves on cooldown."

"Oh, like Diablo 3."

"Never heard of that one," she said. "Ring you up?" She prompted.

"Yeah, sure," I agreed. Xico floated after me and paid, which got me a look from the woman... but it wasn't quite as disapproving as you might expect. More curious, than anything else. Her number wound up on the receipt somehow, but I just trashed it when we got home.

Xico seemed to like that.

* * *

After two hours of gaming, I was beginning to feel my brain dribble out my ears. I was quickly beginning to run into the simple problem that Xico and I didn't share that many interests; we basically had sex and played video games together, which was great and all, but the cohabitation thing left me feeling weird if I did something that wasn't together with her. With Nora, I hadn't felt odd about just getting a massage from her while I browsed the web, but that was because I was sure that her other bodies were out doing fun stuff - with Xico, she was right there with me.

I was thinking that I should probably get used to the idea of doing things separately, when Xico's fingers reached for my groin, her big eyes looking at me nervously as she quietly unzipped my pants.

Well. We could do things separately after some sex, sure.

"I could... call... somebody... like Kate... or Priscilla... or Lope..." Xico suggested, as she pulled out my cock, softly stroking it. "Guys... last longer... with multiple girls... right? Or is that just... a dumb thing... Lope said..." she said, as her fingers slid lovingly up and down my whole length, one of her tentacles coming in to caress my thigh.

"It- the refractory period is reduced, with multiple women," I agreed, and she quietly glanced down at my groin, stroking me gingerly.

"Who would... you like me... to call?"

"Maybe later," I panted. "Right now... could you blow me?" I suggested, and Xico smiled at that, quickly darting down towards my cock, leaning over on the couch to wrap her lips around my dick, her tentacles rising and wagging happily behind her. She'd taken off her dress, so she was wearing just a simple long-sleeved shirt and a pair of panties... a classic sexy attire.

She swallowed me up in short order, my whole cock disappearing down her throat, and my hand reached over for her cute little butt, squeezing and groping the tight thing, practically molesting her as her tongues happily darted around on my dick. I let out a soft sigh as I just relaxed in place, letting her work to pleasure me with her tongues as I felt her up. Obviously she didn't mind at all, as she nervously bobbed up and down - nor did she mind when I reached for her panties and peeled them down, letting me have access to her slick sex, my fingers reaching in, my thumb brushing against her clit as she worked over my dick.

Of course, every little bit of pleasure I brought her was also brought back to me, as her pleased little hums and moans served to better pleasure my cock - which in turn made her get more and more exaggerated, until she was practically moaning like a porn star around my dick. She blushed at that thought... but she didn't stop, because I liked it. With my free hand, I reached down for her head, softly petting her, stroking her as my thoughts went to what to do when the blowjob was done.

Was she really comfortable with me sleeping with other women? If we lived together, would she want to be a part of every sex act I had with other girls, or would she be happy leaving me with 'alone time'? Would I need to reciprocate on the openness of our relationship? She let out a little squeak at that last one, her cheeks blooming with color, and she actually popped off my dick, just stroking it for a second as she spoke. "I... wouldn't be able... to get another guy... anyway..." she said, her cheeks cherry red by the end of it - then she dove onto my cock, bobbing more insistently, stealing away my ability to think of anything but those pretty lips wrapped around my dick, that throat of hers welcoming me into it again and again.

I just leaned back and let her work. By the time I came in her mouth, with her hungrily swallowing up every drop, though... I knew that I couldn't just spend my every waking hour doing stuff with Xico, no matter how much I liked her. Her tentacles waggled nervously behind her, curling up shortly as she looked up at me, my flagging cock still in her hand.

"It's not a problem, we haven't been spending every hour together before today, either," I told Xico. "Despite our culture's warnings and doomsaying about it, it's completely normal for a couple to do many things separately. Healthy, even." It had already started to be a bit of a drag trying to come up with more stuff to do together. As her tentacles wilted still further, I continued: "But what stuff we have done, has been fun, Xico."

She smiled at that, and her tentacles did seem to lift up a bit. I satisfied myself with that, since nobody was perfect anyway, certainly not me.

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