Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Villainess Attack

People tend to mismanage their money because, once you gain an actual influx of money, you switch from starvation mode to plenty mode - even though you're actually only a thin margin away from starvation. It takes an active, conscious effort of will to avoid spending money when one begins to get it in increasing quantities, and the natural tendency of most people is to consume as much as they gain.

I am not like most people. Despite the fact that my current paycheck had more zeroes on it than any I had previously gotten, I simply put it in my bank account and my investment portfolio, to start accruing value. I continued to live a similar lifestyle to the one I'd had at my previous job, and enjoyed watching the number go up.

I'd now been working for two months, and had enough to actually start buying things - so naturally, I decided to head down to the mall to take a look around for anything that interested in me. Nora followed me, in accordance with her decision to constantly follow me and offer whatever assistance I required. The mall itself was the sort where each shop clustered together, often being in the same building, but the space between them - pedestrian only, unless you liked going to prison - was open to the sky.

I had stopped in a traditional game shop - the kind of place with comic books, RPG books, trading cards, and miniatures for stupidly expensive war games - when there was a thunderous noise from outside. I casually raised my head to glance out the glass doors, and there wasn't any sign of bad weather. Nora's gaze remained locked on the door curiously long, and I decided to go out there to take a look at the open sky.


Instead of thunderclouds on the horizon, there was a motley group of what looked to be historical reenactors, riding around on horses that were quite exotically colored. The only problem with presuming these were merely creative cosplayers was that this was a superhero universe and there were people screaming. Nora interposed herself between me and them, as their black-clad leader strode towards us, riding a horse with a black coat, white mane, and crimson eyes, which seemed to exude a malice all its own as she approached.

"Please run away, Roger, as I will be fine to delay her, and there is already help on the way."

Nora had plenty of bodies, and didn't consider dying to be a serious issue. The streets had quickly cleared of people, now taking shelter inside various shops, and the other members of her group had not successfully captured anyone. Further, my job was not to get into fights, and I wasn't any good at it. As such, I followed her advice and began to flee, even drawing on my superhuman speed to run away.

If you've spent long enough learning to think of yourself as faster than everything around, there's certainly a surprise when thundering hoofsteps seem to be gaining on you - all the more when the person they're coming from is carrying your date (?) in one clawed hand, her gauntlet wrapped around Nora's throat. In my perception, I could see the way she was gripping Nora's throat, slowly choking her out while Nora kicked and struggled in slow motion.

I could have tried to rely on my superior maneuverability to evade the woman in question, but I wasn't sure it would work - and knowing that Nora was being choked to death was hardly helping my state of mind. I decided to slow to meet our attacker, the fully-armored figure betraying nothing as she slowed down, a long lance that looked way too big and unwieldy to actually use, but presumably was magical or technological or some other such nonsense. "This is your bride, then?" She asked, her voice having an eerie echo to it. "I admire your swiftness - few can keep up with Morvarc'h. Come with me and become my groom, and I'll spare this girl."

Nora made some vague motion that suggested a very strong, Don't do that. "Let her go first, and I'll go with you," I said. I had a wonderful ability called 'lying,' and I was probably strong enough to lift Nora.

"Swift of foot and decisive as well. I like that in a man," she said, simply tossing Nora to one side - and I rushed to grab her midair. She didn't interpret my action as an actual attempt to escape for almost an entire second, misinterpreting it just as an attempt to protect my lover from physical harm by stopping her from scraping across the floor. By the time that she realized I was running away, I was well behind her, and she had to bring her steed around as I kept on running, Nora carried in my arms, a very light pink note to her cheeks as she stared up at me.

The laugh of our chaser was like a chorus, and I tried to leverage my superior maneuverability, slipping into tight spaces, making hard turns whenever possible, and while it slowed her approach, it was hardly enough to keep her away. "Ah, I like a man with spirit - I can't wait to break it," she called out behind me, and then there was a feeling in the air like a sudden chill. A moment later, a force impacted my back, and I did my best to stumble forward, leaning down so the force mostly just scraped away the entire back of my shirt. It was blunt rather than cutting, so it didn't do much physical damage other than leave an aching pain in its wake that probably would have left a bruise if my super-metabolism didn't make that nigh-impossible.

"Good dodge. Now try dodging this," she said, and the next blast of whatever it was hit my legs instead, sending me careening to the ground. I probably would have had horrific friction burns if it wasn't for my power, and I barely managed to protect Nora from doing so by simply shielding her with my body as I skidded across the ground.

I practically threw Nora into the nearest building, and then rose to my feet - which made what tattered remains of my shirt had clung to me by mere inertia tumble off to the ground. The black knight stared down at me in silence for a couple seconds, and I realized that my pants were in dire shape as well, torn in a dozen different places, leaving me half-naked. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Nora recover from the throw, and then simply stare blankly at me.

There was something like a growl that left the knight's throat, rapacious in its intent, and I definitely did not want to be kidnapped to become her groom, whatever that entailed. I could practically see the grin on her face - just from the way her posture shifted, leaning forward, ready to chew and eat her fill.

Then there was a wham as Perihelion impacted her at full force, sending the rider and steed reeling backwards - but not actually separating them, nor knocking either of them over. "Go home, Erlqueen," she said, in a snarl, standing between me and the knight.

Another chorus-laugh from the 'Erlqueen', who simply circled Kate with a casual contempt. Kate stood firm, repositioning herself slowly, but the way the pair interacted made it clear that they both knew each other, and were near-peers. If I had to take a guess, I would have thrown it to Erlqueen in terms of strength, based on how they maneuvered, but it was a close match.

Then there was an eruption of gunfire, and the Erlqueen was forced backwards as a drone unloaded on her, drawing up a shield of inky black energy to protect her. The drone itself was a fairly large thing, about as big as a person, floating in midair, and there came a digitized voice recognizable as Mira. "The time when you could get away with kidnapping guys from our world is long gone, Erlqueen. Now, you can either submit to lawful authority, or we can see if a high-caliber round hand-engraved by a sorceress can actually do something to you." There was a brief silence. "Oh, wow, Roger," she said, in a voice of genuine surprise.

That made Kate turn around to actually take note of me, and immediately her cheeks flushed as she took in my body. It was a fraction of a second's distraction, but it was enough - Erlqueen cut at the air with her lance, creating what looked like a portal to some kind of thick forest, and rushed into it as the first bullets began to impact the ground around her, the portal vanishing before Perihelion could get through it.

For a moment, Kate simply stood in the empty space where Erlqueen had once been. Then she came back to me. "You're not injured, are you?" She asked, using the question as an excuse to inspect my half-naked body with obvious lust.

"Not seriously. Nora might be, though."

Kate nodded seriously, turning her gaze in the direction I indicated, floating over to Nora, who was currently... still staring at me. Just, completely without the slightest inhibitions about it whatsoever. Even now that I was looking back at her, she didn't meet my eyes, or stop, or show any response whatsoever to the fact that I'd caught her looking. "Are you alright, Nora?"

"I am enjoying looking at Roger," Nora replied, her eyes finally running up to meet my own - then shamelessly departing downwards once more. "This body is not meaningfully injured. The other members of her party have already gone back to Arcadia, fortunately with no victims of their own. Therefore, there is no reason for me to stop looking at Roger."

Kate pressed her tongue against her cheek, sparing a glance back my way. She gave me a look that said she really wanted to do what Nora was doing, but instead she flew off, presumably to check on the injured elsewhere.

A drone - not the same one that had been shooting at Erlqueen - floated down towards me. "Sorry about this, Roger. Here," it said in a digitized version of Mira's voice, before cracking open and depositing a thick black cloak directly into my hands. "So you're not so naked."

I could catch Nora's very tiny pout as I wrapped myself in the black cloak. "Let's go back home," I said. I wasn't in the mood to go shopping any more at the moment, and also wasn't dressed properly to do so anyway, what with me being in ruined clothing and a loose cloak. By the look on Nora's face, she was also interested in things other than shopping right now. Namely, fucking my brains out.

She actually suggested some roleplay of her own, when we got back home. "We could pretend that you have valiantly rescued me from an evil villainess who was going to kill me, and now we are making love to one another in the aftermath of a thrilling battle."

"Isn't that basically what literally just happened?" I replied, a bit confused.

"No. You stupidly rescued this body from an evil villainess who was going to mildly inconvenience me by forcing me to produce another body, which is much less sexy, but we can 'make believe' that I do not have a power that makes dying a mild inconvenience, meaning that your decision to risk your life was very short-sighted and stupid. If we do this, then you did something smart instead, as that would be very sexy. The stupid version was also sexy," she clarified, after a second, "but intelligence is attractive and therefore it is more sexy if you were not stupid."

"I mean, I only grabbed you because you were there anyway," I said.

"My weight necessarily slowed you down, as it interfered with the aerodynamics of your body."

"You didn't actually stop me."

"I was stunned by your decision to pick me up and carry me bridal style, and forgot to speak to tell you to instead throw me under Morvarc'h's hooves to disrupt her ability to chase you."

I briefly considered arguing further - then I just shook my head and fucked her brains out on the bed.

* * *

"I like you, but I'm not interested in an exclusive relationship with anyone."

Nora understood the meaning of these words: Roger liked her, but was not interested in an exclusive relationship with her, or anyone, at this point in time in his life. However, Roger was a much better lover than Alexios, who had been the one most able and willing to accept her prior to Roger. He was capable of being blunt and honest and truthful with her in a way that few men had. The sex was incredible, whether it was with one body or many, and he seemed to view such orgies not as something to be reserved for a special occasion, but a mutually enjoyable thing.

Therefore, she would endeavor to change his opinions, and make him interested in an exclusive relationship with her. She had offered him everything that she could think of in text form, but it had proven insufficient. She had then attempted to demonstrate her nature as a caring, giving girlfriend who ensured that he was happy at all times. He had even suggested a Lilith's threesome, and although she wanted to have Roger all to herself, she had engaged in it, and even enjoyed herself, mostly by focusing on Roger and attempting to ignore Lope's presence as much as she could.

However, he had told her that, "It's just smothering, always having one of your bodies around me," and told her he was no longer interested in her maintaining this new lifestyle. Even though she had only slept in the same bed as him for three days before he got tired of the experiment, she missed the experience of spending every waking hour with the man who had captured her heart.

She would simply have to come up with another way to seduce him. He had not told her that he was no longer interested in her romantically or sexually, and despite his non-exclusivity, he was happy to go on 'dates' with her. She would have to come up with a truly incredible date, which she would proceed to use to seduce him and make him fall completely in love with her, just as she had done for him.

She had a notepad with ideas. Currently, the one she liked the most was arranging for a 'romantic evening' wherein the typical activities of a romantic couple were emulated by her bodies. A 'waiter' at a 'restaurant', a 'chef' in a 'kitchen', an 'usher' at a 'movie theater,' and so on in that vein. Of course, unlike a normal date, he could decide to do anything he wanted to the 'serving staff,' rather than treat them with the respect which is owed to all serving staff at all times. Most particularly, she hoped that he would decide to have sex with them, as that would mean he was having sex with her. It was a sexy scenario, like one of those erotic stories wherein 'sense of normalcy' is adjusted: a man who has sex with anyone who asks, or in inappropriate situations, like in payment for a bill, or at a meeting with his child's teacher.

Of course, in real life, her children would have her as a teacher, as she could dedicate the time and effort to properly teach them in an environment of love and care, rather than a school. Her own experience with institutional learning during her childhood was very poor, despite the very small class size, of one, just her.

She had noticed that Roger had a much higher sex drive, and was much more lascivious, than most men. Indeed, in her experience, more so than literally all men. Therefore there was a decent chance he would have sex with the 'serving staff,' which would be sexy. Perhaps she could even continue to have a normal conversation with him as they did so. That would be extremely erotic.

She realized that she needed to make certain the scenario was romantic, and this was erotic, which was similar to, but distinct from, romance. She began to work hard at taking notes again. Leaving flower petals leading to a gift was a common romantic fantasy for men. She would need to get a gift for Roger that was thoughtful. She could not simply ask him what would be a thoughtful gift, as that would defeat the point and meaning of the term, 'thoughtful.'

Such were the thoughts of Nora Kleiner, as she attempted to seduce Roger to become in an exclusive, romantic, relationship with her.

* * *

I stretched as I arrived at my front door, idly flicking my keys at my apartment door. Now that I had a good nest egg built up, part of me suggested moving. Rent was basically paying money to somebody for something you can never get back, whereas a mortgage was actual ownership, which had indefinite value. The problem was that condos were expensive as fuck, and this city didn't have any reasonably-priced normal housing anywhere close to work. Plus, such housing was generally going to be too large - three bedroom, two baths.

"Oh, hello," came a female voice from my side, making me look over at it, fully expecting to just be annoyed at being interrupted just as I came home.

Instead, I was surprised to find a quite beautiful, curvaceous blonde woman, with crisp amber eyes and very nice curves. She had a good sense of style, too, her hair done back in a tight bun, a nice jacket and top combo. It reminded me a bit of Mira's style; I guess that was just what the local good-looking women with a good fashion sense wore.

Still, despite her physical attractiveness, I had no idea who she was. I hadn't seen her here before, and I'd spied most of my neighbors at one point or another. I hadn't spent any time talking to them because, well, why would you? They were just my neighbors, nothing more. "Hello?" I asked.

"I'm moving into this abode," she said, with a gesture to the apartment opposite mine. She stepped towards me, offering one hand in a manner that seemed designed to make things intensely awkward if I didn't take her up on it. She looked really good - even better up close, I have to admit, and women here had absolutely no defenses to you taking a quick look down their cleavage. Not that they would have cared, I suspect. "My name is May Colvin," she said, keeping her hand in the air, waiting for me to grab it with the patience of a saint.

I finally took it. "Roger Cooper," I told her. "If you want friends, you'd be better advised to look elsewhere."

She let out a soft laugh, a lopsided grin on her lips, one that said she knew everything and I knew nothing. "Friendship is folly; a waste of time and energy."

"Well, that seems a bit far," I replied.

"Oh? What value does friendship have, then?"

I knew this one plenty well, having thought about it often. "Its primary advantage is support in trying times - by offering it to the other party, they have every incentive to reciprocate later on, and vice versa, creating a self-reinforcing feedback loop of mutual benefit."

"And, praytell, is it any different for a lover?"

I shrugged noncommittally. "With a lover, you have sex too."

"I see. Then I'd rather be lovers than friends, Roger." She smiled again, this brilliant yet cruel thing.

On the one hand, May was definitely very hot - on the other hand, I had six women I was 'dating' in one sense or another. They tended to be jealous and fight, which meant that if I wanted to give them just about any time at all, I wound up with a pretty densely packed schedule. "I'm too busy for a lover, too."

"Are you now?" She asked, her expression sharp, just the hint of threat to it. It was ridiculous - I had superspeed, she was just a normal woman, I wasn't scared of her at all. It was cute, even, maybe? Like a little dog that yips at you but scurries away when you so much as walk in its direction. "Yet you waste your time on idle chatter with me. We could already be making love in the time you've spent so far - and I suspect that you have no pressing matters behind that door regardless."

She did have that down correctly. In the moment, it honestly slipped right past my attention that she was suggesting we go have sex, and that this was intensely crass. I just took it as a compliment and considered whether I was actually interested in fucking her.

She was hot. I hadn't had sex with a normal woman in this world - it could be an interesting change of pace from always fucking my coworkers who were all superheroines. I wondered if there were any differences I'd pick up.

It was important, nevertheless, to not look too desperate, so I just let out a sigh as I opened my door. "Want to come in? I'm going to make myself dinner, I guess you can join me."

"I can only imagine the scrumptious feast you'll prepare for us both," she declared with gusto. She had a funny way of talking, but I figured she was just foreign. There were a few extra countries on the local world map, and I'd seen some of them on television, sounding not too terribly different from May. Somewhat different accent, sure - hers was a tad melodic - but the overall cadence was very 'trying to be upright and Edwardian' or whatever it was.

"Imagine some sandwiches," I replied, shortly, as we both stepped inside.

May took in my apartment with interest. Her gaze went to the closet; to the television; to the couch, her fingers trailing along its back, as I headed into the kitchen. She inspected my furnishings like she'd literally never seen them before, until finally simply flopping unceremoniously onto the couch, lying down on it, feet kicked up over one side. "Do people sleep on these?"

"Only if they fuck up with their-" wife? Husband? "Spouse. You're foreign, I take it?" It was as good an opportunity as any to ask after the accent, and her questions didn't make much sense if she was a local.

"Very." She said it dryly.

"I might be even more than you," I said, with a small grin. "I'm from an alternate universe. Where are you from?"

"I'd really rather not say," she said, from her position on the couch.

Apparently it was a touchy subject, gauging by her response. I considered prodding it further, as I didn't particularly need or want her company, even if she was quite attractive. If I offended her deeply, the worst that would happen was, what - I wouldn't have easy sex with an attractive woman right this minute? Ultimately, though, what swayed my decision was the knowledge that, by extension, I didn't particularly care where she came from.

Instead, I prepared a couple sandwiches while she lounged around and asked questions about my Dravidia, my home computer, and other things like that. The questions suggested a passing familiarity with all of it, but not much more than that - they weren't the sorts of questions you'd ask if you'd used a computer more than once or twice yourself. I had to assume that she came from a quite poor country, as a consequence. Maybe some type of refugee, like myself? I might have guessed from a more primitive parallel world, and receiving a similar get-your-feet-under-you stipend as I once had, except that she knew about the stuff she was asking after, just not the finer details of use.

When we finally sat down to eat, she just chomped on her sandwich and hummed as she chewed her first bite. "This is truly delicious. I'll have to make you my chef." The way she said it was just a tad off - more practical and logical than flirtatious like it might have been intended. Still, I'd been spending the past few days with a 24/7 stream of Nora, so I just chalked it up to social awkwardness. "What do you look for in a woman?" She asked, putting down the sandwich.

That was a question I honestly hadn't thought much of, since I came to this world. First of all, basically every woman I had met that didn't have some pressing need not to, had basically thrown themselves at me. I think of them all, only Xico had been one I actually approached - so was Xico my type? Well, no, I preferred them busty, even if I was perfectly happy with Priscilla and Lope and Mira and Xico's bodies. I didn't particularly like shyness, given all the other women I slept with and enjoyed. When I weighed it up and turned it around in my head, even looking for subtler things, characteristics that were more abstractly shared... all I could think of was 'superheroine,' but that obviously wasn't my type, that was just my coworkers. "I like all types of women," I finally settled on.

She audibly scoffed at that, and I couldn't blame her. It was an awful answer. "All types? Can you truly say such an absurd line with a straight face?"

I shrugged. "The only real commonality I can think of, is that the women I like are all attracted to me," I said.

"In that case," she said, smiling, "I would like to inform you that I am attracted to you."

We had only just met, so the attraction could only be physical, but still. It was always nice to have women tell you that you were hot, particularly given that I hadn't been, before coming to this world. "Thank you for the compliment."

"I need no gratitude for speaking the truth. You're a handsome man - I relish the thought of you on my arm and in my bed," she said. There was a certain... rapacity to her words, that exceeded even Priscilla's straightforwardness. If it had come from one of my coworkers, I might have been intimidated, but this woman was just a normal human, so it was impossible to feel afraid of her. It was... cute, even.

She continued making that sort of commentary throughout the meal, her thoughts soon turning from compliments to idle fantasies: showing me off like a prince, keeping me in her home in the lap of luxury, that kind of thing. It made me wonder what she did for a living, given that she simultaneously didn't know how to hold a Dravidia controller but apparently had quite a lot of money. I decided to just ask.

"I am a landlord," she explained, simply. "By inheritance."

It was a ridiculous story, and I had to point it out. "Then why are you renting?"

"I don't own any land in this city, and the prices are, frankly, absurd."

I let out a laugh at that - I did have to agree, on that front. "I guess that's true. Maybe you could buy the building and lower the rent?"

"I suppose that isn't too great a task," she agreed. "It would save me money, in the long run." She brushed her chin thoughtfully at that. "If I do, then I'll lower your rent - purely as recompense for you giving me the idea." She shifted in her chair, her sandwich complete. "Now, you hardly seemed averse to the thought of becoming my lover. I wish to ravish you," she breathed the words out, husky and full of desire, leaning forward over the table in a way that highlighted her full, voluptuous tits to me. "This is your last chance to make good your escape, or to deny me." There was a teasing grin in her voice.

The turn of phrase was sexy in its own way, too. Again, if it had come from a superhero, I probably would have felt intimidated by a comment like that - but May was just an ordinary woman, so it was just sexy. The thought that she might simply pounce at any moment, so desperate for me as to do something like that, wasn't threatening at all. Even if I couldn't physically overpower her (I could; she wasn't muscular or anything), I could have trivially run from her. "Let's do it in the bedroom," I said, smiling as I stood. She grinned rapaciously and strode after me to the bedroom.

When we got there, I got to learn that being of ordinary strength didn't mean that one's weight was meaningless, and that being muscular didn't provide one with perfect balance - May simply leapt into me, sending me tumbling onto my back on the bed. She hungrily started to strip me, even though my legs were still dangling off the edge of the bed, all but tearing apart my dress shirt as she popped button after button as quick as she could. She only reduced her rapacious movements when I was topless - at that point, her fingers began to explore my bare chest and stomach, while her butt rested on my groin, rubbing my cock against her pelvis.

"Wonderful to look at, and even better to touch," she breathed out, leering down at me with completely undisguised, uninhibited lust. She clasped my chin for a moment and kissed me vigorously on the lips, her tongue forcible invading my mouth. One hand continued to stroke my bare chest, while the other toyed with my pants, popping the button there, unzipping it with that ever-familiar metallic noise, and soon enough, her hand was stroking my cock, a low moan of delight escaping her throat when she found me hard, her full breasts pressing against my chest delightfully through her clothes.

Soon enough, she had my cock out, jerking me off while keeping up the kiss, sucking on my tongue, her fingers twining and squeezing around my length. Hot breaths filled my mouth as her thumb brushed against my cockhead, and a single droplet of precum smeared across it. At that point, she broke off the kiss to speak. "Hard and dripping for me already," she breathed. "You love it, don't you, you little slut?" Was that the first time I'd been called a slut since I arrived here? No, Kate had suggested I was a cape slut, I think, but other than that- my thoughts were cut off as she squeezed tighter on my cock, making me groan in pleasure. "Answer me, slut," she said.

There was a harshness to her voice that was sexy for all the need it contained. She was desperate to hear that I wanted her, that I desired her, enough that a small delay had provoked a sharp emotional response from her. "I want to fuck you," I said, and she grinned at that, reaching down to begin undoing her own pants, leaving my cock briefly unattended.

I decided to give her a bit of a show by stroking myself as she popped off me, wiggling her way out of her pants, dragging her panties down with them. She licked her lips hungrily as she saw me doing so, her eyes following the methodical movements of my hand along my cock. I wriggled back on the bed, getting in a position where my head was on the pillows and my legs weren't dangling off it, just in time for her - still wearing her shirt, not having bothered to remove it - to hop on top of me, teasing her pussy at my cock. "That's it, keep jerking yourself off, keep yourself ready for me, slut."

She moved slowly downwards, taking her time, gently twisting her hips around, relishing my responses to her movements, tongue flashing past her lips as she drank in my naked body. I stopped jerking myself off to reach for her shirt, grabbing it by the base, starting to pull it up - she soon pulled it off the rest of the way, tossing it to one side, revealing a simple bra that soon was discarded as well. She had lovely breasts, full and gravity-defying, round and beautiful, each bounce of her body making them bounce on her chest, her sex drooling all over my cock as she slid up and down my length again and again.

My hands went up to her breasts, groping them, and she hummed in surprise, her eyebrows briefly raising. "You like my body, hmm? You can enjoy it every day, if you become my plaything," she declared, her voice coming off more sincere than teasing. That was perfectly sexy too, though, the cocky way she was acting, so brash and secure in herself. I considered just going wild on her using my powers, doing something similar to what I'd done to Mira... but I decided not to. This was fun too. She squeezed tight around my cock as she bottomed out again, her insides grasping my length tightly, and then she slowly leaned forward over me, until her bare breasts pressed against my chest, our noses bumping one another - and she started kissing me again.

This time, her hands found my own, lacing fingers together, then forcefully pushing them backwards. With her weight half-focused on her hands, it rather successfully pinned me beneath her, letting her take complete control of the situation as she started sliding up and down my cock again. Her tongue slithered against my teeth, my gums, my cheeks, my own tongue, seeking out every inch it could find as she rode me. She popped off for a second, panting lewdly over me, her cheeks pink as her eyes were wild with lust.

I could tell it was getting her off, the sense of power, and it was honestly hot, seeing her thinking she was in charge, dominant, in control. I decided to play into her fantasies rather than break her out of them, tempting as it was. "Your pussy feels so good around my cock," I told her, and she groaned softly at that. "I love it. I want to do it again."

"We can do it every day, when you get off of work," she told me, "right up until you quit your job and become my personal cook and lover," she declared, then kissed me on the lips firmly again. There was a heat to her body, her hard nipples scraping against my bare chest, and at that point, I decided to cheat a bit, using my power to slow down my perception of tide. I shifted my hips, finding just the right angle to push at to brush against her clit with my pelvis - and then I started to grind up inside her, willing my cock in her cunt even as I stimulated her clit more and more.

She came in short order, moaning into my mouth, her whole body writhing atop me in pleasure, breasts bouncing, jiggling, her whole body seeming to compress down against mine, her fingers squeezing roughly at my hands. Her insides gripped my cock tightly, muscular and wondrous as they convulsed and squeezed on my cock, a rhythmic handjob that was almost mind-blowing in its pleasure.

Still, I resisted the urge to come, and she broke off the kiss, panting atop me. "I want to make you mine and steal you away so very badly, you handsome beauty." It seemed unlikely she was this attached to me. Even if I reversed the genders, it was hard to imagine a guy getting like this on his first date with a girl (who put out on the first date - maybe I should stop doing that?). Instead, I chalked it up to simple dirty talk, and decided to meet her in kind, much as I'd done with Kate, though with me taking up the role of the submissive.

"Maybe I want to be kidnapped by a beautiful woman like you," I said, and immediately her nostrils flared, her cheeks glowing, her eyes wild with lust. "Taken away to be doted on, far away from any concerns..." She started to bounce more intensely, her breasts giving me a truly gorgeous show as they went up and down. "Made to serve her, but given far more appreciation and love than she asks in service."

"You truly are-" was as far as she got before she came again on top of me, riding me, grinding, panting and jerking in pleasure. The insides of her sex squeezed tight on my cock, and I groaned, my hands trying to slip away from her grip, but her weight and the pin made it too awkward to do without knocking her off me. I could feel myself nearly coming, groaning up, my hips bucking - but she managed to actually slip off my cock instead of coming, shifting and twisting her weight for a moment, winding up in a V-shape, her bare feet up on either side of my face, but more importantly, my cock caught in between her thighs.

"I wanted to come," I groaned out, as her thighs rhythmically stimulated me, threatening to make me come as she loomed over me, my cock rubbing precum against her stomach, her breasts compressing interestingly against her calves as she held that position.

"If you want something, you have to ask."

"Please," I panted, realizing what she wanted.

"Please what," she teased, grinning at my response.

"Please, let me come!" Her thighjob was absolutely incredible, driving me a tad batty with the intensity of the stimulation I was receiving, but she kept on teasing me, a languid movement as she rested atop me.

"Please, let me come, what?" She prompted once more, giving my nose a quick peck. In spite of how frustrating it was, wanting to come but not quite being able to, she had a cuteness to her that didn't reduce for this treatment.

"Please let me come, mistress," I said, knowing what she wanted to hear. She twisted her weight again, showing off a gymnast's flexibility as she just slammed her cunt down my cock in a heartbeat, shifting to straddle me again, her cunt gripping my dick as she started to bounce again. She was frenetic in her movements, her sex squeezing, milking me.

"That's good," she breathed out, a lusty lick of her lips accompanying the movements. "That's a good servant. But I prefer 'my lady' to 'mistress.' It's more... respectable," she decided, even as she was clearly getting off on it, her breathing getting hotter and faster with each passing second, her cheeks beginning to heat up, like a thermometer about to burst.

"Yes, my lady," I said, and she promptly came. The feeling of her sex going wild around my cock drove me over the edge, and I came inside her with a long, laborious groan.

It was only once I was completely spent that she let go of my hands, shifting her weight to lie on the bed next to me, pulling me into her chest, letting me rest my cheek on her very comfortable, soft, and large breasts. Her fingers dotingly ran through my hair, and she let out a small breath, a sigh of accomplishment in the afterglow. "I cannot wait to take you away with me," she said. "But I suppose I need a moment to recover, regardless."

I paused for a moment - literally paused, I suppose, slowing down time for a few long seconds as I processed her words. "I was just going along with the dirty talk because it was fun," I told her.

There was a flush to her cheeks of embarrassment, and she cleared her throat, nodding. "Yes. That is what I was doing as well, my handsome beauty. I did not realize you wished to cease the roleplay."

It was cute. Adorable, even. I definitely liked lying there, having her fingers brush through my hair, and the uniqueness of being dominated was fun too. I don't think I could have enjoyed it with any of my coworkers - there would have been the quiet note in the back of my head that these people could actually kill me, so being dominated like that wouldn't have been any fun for me. But with May, she was just a normal woman, there was no threat, it was just fun and games. "Just so you know - this isn't exclusive," I said. "I have multiple girlfriends."

"Worry not - I have multiple male lovers as well," she said, with a playful grin. "They're simply far away at the moment. I hope I can avail myself of your company quite often, to deal with the loneliness of being so far from home."

"Why are you here, anyway? In the city, I mean?"

There was a brisk silence. "To learn. I am attending university."

Ah. That made sense - she was here in the country to get tertiary education. I remembered rooming with people from China and Iran back in college. If she was from one of the local "rogue nations" (there were significantly more than in my own world), it explained pretty much everything, actually, from the accent to the desire to avoid discussing her home country, to the lack of familiarity with common matters here. "This was definitely fun," I told her, at last. "We should do it again some time."

"Ideally, every day, until you realize you wish to become my servant for real." I must have worn some face of disapproval, because she let out a laugh. "A mere joke, Roger. Do not worry. You're far too much of a prize to make a mere slave..." she said, idly playing with my hair.

I really hoped they didn't have slavery back where she came from. That would be an awkward conversation.

* * *

Fals Serjane stepped back into her empty apartment, adorned with naught but air and light. Its windows were of solid glass, and only an artificial wind blew through thin grates in the ceiling and floor. One fan lazily spun round and round. She could not recall its purpose, other than perhaps to break up the monotony of the empty room.

She had enjoyed her time with the mortal who had most lately caught her eye. She had foolishly believed for a moment that she had completely ensnared him in a single night, but of course that wasn't true. It was merely a matter of time. He wanted to become hers, to call her mistress and my lady, to let her dote upon him as one dotes upon a concubine, to live a life of luxury in her lap. That much was clear from his behavior. If he had no feeling blooming in his chest for her, why would he have slept with her on their first night together? Even by the standards of the degraded men of the United States of Meiriceá, that was swift.

He surely was falling for her as swiftly as she had become so entranced by him. She cut a hole in reality, for the moment, and slipped back home. The splendor of the land itself was like crisp air hitting bare flesh after clothes were born too long - she swiftly rid herself of the modern fineries of Earth, instead returning to her armor. The kingdom was not a land of pure peace, and it needed its Erlqueen to maintain order.

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