Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Visiting Lope’s

One thing that it had been unfortunately easy for me to forget was that Lope was eighteen years old. Indeed, she was still in high school. "Eighteen years old" sounds like "legal age" to when read or spoken ordinarily, but when one is forced to face the practical reality of standing in front of a suburban McMansion, a minivan in the driveway representing a presumably quite large family, it begins to feel rather more awkward to be in the position of standing in front of the doorway.

I knocked anyway. The woman who answered the door was older than me, with a rather slender physique and short, well-kept brown hair. Her style was not quite that of the suburban housewife: she wore a long-sleeved slimming black sweater, and similarly form-emphasizing pants. It felt vaguely tomboyish, if I had to put a word to it. Her eyes raised as she saw me, with a modicum of surprise, then straightened up. "And what makes you darken my doorstep, handsome?" She asked, with a gentle, flirtatious smile.

One advantage to having superspeed is that one can very quickly look at a woman's fingers to check for any signs of a ring without it being terribly obvious what one's doing. My eyes were back up to hers in a fraction of a second - she was unmarried. A single mother, then? It was my understanding they were relatively rare, and generally well looked upon, just as single fathers had been in my own world. Unfortunately, I could not have sex with this one, as she was the mother of one of my coworkers, which would cause an enormous and unnecessary amount of drama. While she was pretty enough, she lacked the outrageous, air-brushed perfection of many of my coworkers, two of whom I had already had sex with, and a third of whom had been practically throwing herself at me.

"Are you Lope's mother?" There was a small nod, her expression briefly darkening, perhaps suspecting I was here to report that her daughter had fallen into a trash compactor or robbed a bank. "I was invited over by your daughter," I said. Mentally, I prepared for the woman's expression to warp into disgust as she realized that I had come here to rob the cradle of her (still in high school) daughter.

Her expression certainly shifted, but not towards disgust - merely in recognition. "Oh. She mentioned that one of her older coworkers would be coming over for a film night with her and Xico. I just... hadn't expected the coworker in question to be so handsome."

One other advantage of having superspeed, is that one has all the time in the world to consider how to respond to a flirtatious line. The fact that I had not taken advantage of it with Mira now felt particularly stupid, but I let time stretch out as I considered how to properly respond to a woman, who I would definitely not be having sex with, nevertheless trying to flirt with me. An excuse as to why not? To simply say, I have a girlfriend, would both be a lie and quite presumptuous. My own grandfather continued to flirt with waitresses long after he had any hope of convincing them to go out with him - flirting is enjoyable in itself, so it can't be taken as a sign of proper interest to be dissuaded. Sure, one will rarely flirt with a person they wouldn't go out with given the opportunity, but there is a sharp difference between that, and this woman genuinely hoping to have sex with me.

"My name isn't So Handsome, it's Roger Cooper." Standoffish, but not sharply so. "And you are?"

"Oh, my apologies. 'Lope'-" she said it while making visible quotation marks in the air, "-didn't give me your name. I'm Judith Baker. I have to be honest," she did not, actually, have to be honest, but instead chose to be honest, but I did not correct this. "you do seem a bit old to be coming over to watch Doom Night Ex."

I did not correct her to say that it was Doom Night Nine either, as that was fundamentally irrelevant to the matter under discussion, which was why I was coming over to visit an eighteen year old girl at her house and watch movies together. "I'm catching up on work at the office, mostly, so Xico's the only person I've really gotten the chance to talk to much, since she's been learning the basics of accounting," I explained. I had been spending seventy or eighty subjective hours per day with her, and of course she was quietly picking up bits and pieces of my internal thought processes. A shared secret - such as my world of origin - was always a good way to build up a sense of closeness, though of course I couldn't mention it. "Lope came over to invite Xico to watch the movie, and I wound up tagging along." In reality, it was the opposite way around.

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope you get on well with my daughter too," Judith said with a warm smile. "The media room is over the garage," she said, with a gesture towards the back. "I can show you up, though, if you'd rather stay down here while you wait for Xico, I can offer some snacks and light conversation. She'll just be up there playing some video game or other."

She had clearly lightened the flirtatiousness in response to my rebuke, but not given up entirely. I supposed that was fair enough. "Thank you for the offer, but, to be honest, I am curious what video games you have," I said, earning a somewhat-forced laugh.

"Well, just head on out the back, and the staircase there will take you up," she said. "Come down if you need anything, or just want to talk to someone closer to your age."

"I'll keep that in mind." I doubted that Judith was actually closer to my age than Lope. Lope was ten years my junior - for Judith to be closer to my age, she would have had to be nineteen or less when she had Lope - but I didn't mention as much, since commenting on a woman's age is a faux pas back in my own world. Though, as I trudged up the outside staircase to the room over the garage, I couldn't help but wonder if it was the same here. How offensive was it to ask a man's age, in my world, after all?

The media room over the garage was a wide open space, a large television placed against one wall, with a couch, a computer desk, and a few other things to do for the more electronic end of fun. Rather than playing some gory first person shooter, as I had presumed based on the genre of Doom Night (it was a mix between action and horror that straddled the lines quite closely), I instead found Lope furiously playing a plastic guitar controller as some close variant on death metal screamed out over the speakers. She sang along, but she wasn't a very good singer. Lucky for her, the game only seemed to care about the buttons, not her raspy and out-of-tune repetition of lines like, "Hell yeah I'm gonna FUCK you! Fuck your daddy too!" She was wearing her spiked collar, a black t-shirt with a skull encased in fire on it, and a pair of black jeans that had been artificially ripped to hell.

I watched in silence from the doorway, gently closing it behind me and just admiring the girl as she thrashed about while tapping furiously away at the buttons. She didn't notice my presence until the song - whose complete lyrics I won't reproduce in full here out of a wish to - had finished off. "Oh hey," she said, trying to project confidence as she shifted the plastic guitar on her body. "Just playing a little Guitar Lord while I waited for you and Xico to show up. She hiding behind you?" She asked, tilting her head to check.

"No, I got here first." I was now beginning to appreciate Kate's situation, of attempting to talk to someone who you want to have sex with, while sharing very little apparent subject matter to discuss. Perhaps I would have to give her a second chance and try to find something worth talking about with her. "Do you have any two player games?"

"Sure, we can play Guitar Lord two player. Xico's a whiz at it, thanks to the tentacles and the TK," Lope said, hefting up a second remote. "Be nice to play against someone who isn't a god at the game."

I inwardly grimaced at the suggestion. I was not particularly a fan of these types of rhythm games. On the other hand, I did now have superspeed, so I could crush her, and victory can make up for a lot of dislike for something. This is part of the reason why you rarely see successful surgeons who hate surgery, successful rocket scientists who hate rocket science, and so forth - those who perform well at the task begin to feel better about the task, as it is ego-boosting. Further, my major alternative was to begin to attempt to seduce her right now, and I didn't want to do that. I had endured an hour or two of dull conversation with Kate so that I would not seem ridiculously easy - an eighteen year old horndog was someone I had just as much reason to keep up an impression of chastity with.

"Alright," I told her, after the objective second or so it took me to process all those thoughts. She tossed the guitar my way, and I caught it in midair, moving to stand next to her.

The song she selected was a Very Hard song, entitled I Am Hero. "Unless you want something easy," she said, in a teasing tone of voice that seemed to imply she would respect me less if I preferred a simpler game. The idea that she would was genuinely absurd, but I decided to go for it. Either it would be a nice ego trip for her, or an enjoyable humiliation for me.

As it turned out, my superspeed more than compensated for any newness at the game. The song wasn't particularly good, playing at a quarter or so it's true speed as my fingers danced gracefully across the buttons, but the look on Lope's face - the increasing consternation and frustration as she was being easily bested - was certainly very beautiful. By the time we finished, and I received an SSS rank - only a couple "close!" and "okay!" from perfect, when I'd been learning the timing - Lope was practically sulking.

"What the hell! How are you even better at it than Xico? You have to have a copy, right?"

"No, this is my first time playing the game," I told her, and it was the truth. She grumbled and pouted and flopped down onto the couch in a thoroughly unimpressive fashion. If I had been a normal guy from this world, I had little doubt that her mini-tantrum would have killed my interest in her. For me, a foreigner to this world? I thought it was cute. I sat down next to her on the couch, letting my body hit it hard enough to make it bounce just a little.

She was still sullen. I took a (very quick) few seconds to try to work out the gender reversed version of this story, and how it would naturally be parlayed into a porno. I finally settled on, "I'm sorry, beautiful. I didn't realize Guitar Lord was so important to you." As I said the words, I leaned in close to her.

It did not have precisely the intended effect, but it did succeed in making her stop sulking. Her eyebrows raised in surprise at the word 'beautiful,' and her cheeks grew an interesting shade of pink. Her lips even parted just a little, in sheer shock at what I was saying, and she leaned back in an instinctive attempt to regain personal space that she struggled against a moment later. "H-hey, it's just a game, I don't really care," she said, trying to defend herself and make her look cool despite having very thoroughly fucked that up by sulking over a video game. She opened her mouth - to comment on the beautiful line, I suspect - but quickly snapped it back shut, thinking better of it. "We've got a bunch of games, you can try something out. Even if it's single player, or whatever."

Absolutely atrocious way to attempt to seduce an adult, but I just smiled. "Mm... if that's the kind of game you want me to play," I said. I did my best to lay it on thick, and she audibly gulped as I rose to my feet. When I started to sort through the available games, I was sure to bend at the waist, not the hips. She had a good number of video games, and it was rather difficult to quickly decipher what genre or quality games were, in an alternate universe such as this. There were no recognizable software companies (unless you count the fact that IBN apparently had a games division in this universe), and several were of genres I didn't actually quite recognize.

I eventually settled on a game that had a from-above camera, with an exploration, puzzle, and swordplay gameplay focus. It was single player, but, well - I could always ask Lope for her help on the tough puzzles or bosses or anything else I found too difficult.

The fact that the buttons weren't in quite the right places on the controller, and they had for some reason inverted the attack and dodge roll buttons in this universe, or at least for this game, meant that I actually could manage a decent approximation of needing help. It renewed Lope's self-confidence, and soon enough she was leaning forward, telling me what to do and how to play the game. Any gawky youthful awkwardness faded in the face of having a clear task in front of her: help the sexy older guy learn to play the video game.

As I finished off the tutorial boss after dying to him twice (quick reaction times don't help if you keep pressing attack when you mean to press dodge and vice versa), Xico finally entered the room. "Xico!" Lope called out, hopping to her feet in a way that suggested she was a mite embarrassed by how close she'd gotten to me - we had been brushing our forearms against one another, towards the end of it.

"Hey, Xico," Lope whispered, quiet enough that she probably thought I couldn't actually hear her. Xico glanced my way, no doubt overhearing my thoughts, bit her lip, then decided not to mention that I actually could. "I think that I've got an actual chance of scoring."


"Yeah. So, uh, after the movie's done, would you mind making yourself scarce? Your boss is sexy."

"He's not my... boss."

"Right, okay. But he's hot, right? And if I can bang him, I definitely want to. He's pretty cool. He's even better than you at Guitar Lord." Xico quirked an eyebrow at that, as if baffled that that was the sort of thing Lope prioritized. "I mean, I know you can't tell me from reading his mind, but, like, he's totally down, right? He even called me beautiful, earlier. He's not a huge flirt, right?"

"He... is a very bad flirt..." Xico replied, with some color to her cheeks.

"Oooo? Maybe I bring it out in him? He does kind of have that broken bird vibe," she said, glancing back towards me and humming to herself. I pretended to be completely focused on the process of rolling past some spike traps, rather than listening to a dumbass teen trying to get laid. Her tongue popped against her cheek for a moment. "So can you give me space when the movie's done?"

Xico fidgeted, glancing my way. The discussion was, I'll admit, beginning to get me hard: a teenage girl was talking with her friend about how best to get a chance to fuck me, and I was pretty sure that Xico's main question by this point was if she should give me one-on-one time with Lope, or stay around for a threesome. Her cheeks blossomed with color and she ducked her head for a second. Just tell her she's being presumptuous, and nobody's going to sleep with her on their first date.

"You're being... pres... pres... um... shuus..." I winced as I remembered she spoke English as a second language. "It... guys don't like... when you assume you can have sex with them... on their first date..."

"Oh. Yeah, actually, you're right." Lope nodded rapidly, glancing back my way. "Ah, man. I'm gonna shlick one out to him. You got any juicy pics?" Xico went bright red as she no doubt remembered that she did have juicy pics of me, since we'd taken a shared photo together post-coitus. "You do? Oh man. What'd you get? I didn't think you were one for creepshots but if you got something good..."

"N-no, nothing like that. I can't... show it... I promised."

"Huh." Lope seemed to consider that for a few seconds, then shrug, unwilling to try to badger her friend into sharing my nudes. (Or whatever she believed Xico had.) "Alright, let's go watch the movie," she said. "Hey, get yourself to the nearest save crystal, Roger. A hottie like you can come over and play later whenever you want," she added, with a grin and an exaggerated wink.

I had already been navigating towards one, so I quickly saved my game and leaned back in my seat as Lope fiddled around with the remote. She wound up sitting next to me, and Xico scooted up on my opposite side, soon sandwiching me between two horny, barely legal teens as we settled in to watch a movie.

The experience would have doubtless been even better if the movie had actually been any good. Doom Night IX did indeed have a Publicritic rating of 7.1, but it probably deserved a three, at best. The plot, if I can dare to profane good stories by lumping its tumorous wreck of a thing in with them, was largely nonsensical, with characters having literally no motivations, and whatever personality they had came more down to the actor's accent than anything about their decisions or emotions. The closest it got to being good was in the kill scenes, and only then because they were so comically over the top it was genuinely rather funny. Lope seemed to genuinely enjoy the film on its own merits, somehow, while Xico watched it like it was some strange puzzle she was trying to solve.

During the middle of the film, I was fortunately, and briefly, distracted by Lope stretching her arms up into the air for a long moment, yawning in an exaggerated fashion, then wrapping one arm around me loosely, in the classic move well-known to all young men, who often imagine they have invented an entirely new technique. I still did like it, though. Something about getting touched like this by an attractive young woman was pleasant. Xico seemed to pick up on those thoughts, because it was only a few seconds later that one of her tentacles gingerly slid between me and the couch. She swallowed and blushed when I glanced her way, and it was only by remembering that I was attempting to seduce Lope that I avoided simply kissing her on the top of the head.

"Man, pretty good film, huh, Rodge?" Lope asked, trying to be familiar and friendly yet play it cool. It mostly came off as overly tryhard, but that was nice in its own way.

"No," I said, an instinctive response like trying to dodge a punch rather than anything with intentionality behind it. The moment the words left my lips, though, I was forced to follow through with them. "It was actually shockingly bad." I quickly maneuvered to do some damage control. "But, I enjoyed myself, because it meant I got to spend time with you and Xico."

If she had been in a reduced mood from me shitting on the (very, very bad) movie, it was instantly cranked up by the accompanying statement. After all, it's easy to imagine and understand this situation: you're a young man. There's a hot girl that you're on a date with. She says she didn't like the movie - but she still enjoyed herself, because she likes you that much. Any concerns about your lack of shared taste in films is instantly kicked into the dirt to be replaced with "oh hell yeah, I am in," and judging by Lope's expression, that's exactly what happened.

"Yeah?" Lope asked.


"Well, I enjoyed spending time with you too," she said, shifting her weight a bit, noticing that Xico had a tentacle wrapped around me. Her expression was impenetrable for just a fraction of a second, then she shifted her body weight, pressing her tongue against her lower lip. I couldn't help but watch her mouth for the tantalizing glimmer of metal from her tongue stud. "Wanna make out?" She finally settled on.

Blunt, but effective. I leaned towards her, meeting her lips with mine and gingerly pushing her down onto her back on the couch. She let out a soft pant of surprise at just how aggressive I was being, as I practically pinned her beneath me with my weight. My hands slid along her stomach, slowly pushing up her shirt. She let out a faint nose of (very pleased) surprise, her eyebrows rising as my hands continued to slide up, soon slipping under her bra to caress her petite breasts. Despite my expectations, I found that her nipples were completely unmarred by any piercings - it was a pleasant surprise, since I much prefer them that way. Her own hands started to mimic my movements, sliding up my stomach to caress my abs, just flagrantly groping me with clear interest, squeezing the tense muscle there.

What particularly drew my attention, however, was the feeling of her tongue flipping up against mine. The way it wiggled in my mouth, with a surprisingly high level of talent, and also made absolutely sure to display and rub that tongue piercing every which way inside my mouth, flicking against my gums, my palate, my own tongue. The cool feel of the metal against my bare flesh was incredibly enticing, as did the idle thought that I wondered what it would feel like against my cock.

There was a squeak from Xico behind me, which made Lope suddenly pause her movements. Unpleasant as it was to feel her hands freeze up, I just kept going, gently teasing her nipples, and a few seconds later, Lope decided that she was all good with this. Her tongue got back to its pleasant wiggling around, and as one of my hands slid down towards her groin, slipping under her jeans and into her panties, teasing her lower lips, she let out a pleased hum before letting her own hand slide down, starting to jerk me off through the fabric of my pants.

I heard a click from the door, making me momentarily pause - but a visual check showed that it was just Xico using her telekinesis to lock the door. The check made my lips break off from Lope's for a moment, and she just let out a warm laugh. "Fuck. You don't even care that Xico's here?" Her fingers squeezed my dick tight. "No, wait. You're into it?"

"I want to fuck you both," I told her, one finger brushing against her clit at the same moment, making her shiver softly.

"Fuuuck, that's hot," she breathed out. "Fucking horny breeder, aren't you?" She licked her lips hungrily, then glanced at her friend and looked briefly chagrined. "Uh... look, Xico's first time shouldn't be a Lilith's threesome..." she started, then trailed off. "Oh, fuck. You've already fucked her? You two together or something?"

"U-um, not really," Xico said, quickly. "Nothing, exclusive," she clarified, and you could hear the fidget as she swayed back and forth. "But I'm fine. I like it. This is nice. Just... watching. Feeling."

I practically paused time, then, I thought so fast and slowed down time so much. One second seemed to stretch out for a full minute, a combination of rapid thought in a key moment, and my own superspeed working together to give me an absurdly exaggerated space to think in. I wanted to fuck Xico, I wanted to fuck Lope, I wanted to have a threesome with two hot teens, I wanted to feel Lope's tongue on my dick... there were so many things I wanted to do with the pair, and so many ways that I might wind up prevented from doing this one or that one due to one or the other party's hangups. I had to mentally pause and rearrange positions until I finally hit on something I thought might actually work.

I rose from the couch once the idea came together, starting to strip. Both girls just stared as I did it, Lope visibly swallowing as my cock came into view, Xico turning a lovely shade of pink as she got the idea of what I wanted. Her tongues wriggled out of her mouth for a moment, a tentative movement as if to check to make sure I really wanted what I was mentally suggesting, then she spoke. "He... wants you in front, and me in back," she explained to Lope.

Lope let out this breathy laugh, her lips curled up in a grin. "Goddamn. Fuck, that's hot." She swallowed, practically hopping off the couch to come kneel in front of me, just staring at my dick as it twitched right in her face. "It's fucking huge. Jesus, you're lucky, my first guy had a four-inch cock," she said to Xico. "Uh... not that I'm shallow or anything," she added, to me. "I mean, I blew him too. Just, bigger is better. So I'm happy Xico got to-" I gently wrapped my hand around the back of her head, directing her forward. She took it in the spirit it was intended, letting her mouth fall open, her tongue stretching out.

It was as good as I had imagined, the wet feeling of warm flesh against the underside of my cock soon joined by the cool metal of her tongue stud. "Oh fuck," I panted out, and she hummed appreciatively at my words, her tongue wriggling happily along the underside of my cock. Each inch she got made me all the harder, watching my dick disappear past her pretty lips, that cocky brash young face now contorted as her mouth was forced open wide to accommodate my girth. My cock hit the back of her throat, but she just slid down with the easy experience of a girl who had done this a lot. There was a certain twinkle in her eyes as her throat bulged, and I just gasped in pleasure as she took me to the base.

Xico finally began to take up the part I'd suggested for her, after nervously fidgeting for a while. She got behind me, twitching with excessive nervousness, and I felt one of her tongues flash out in a single, swift lick along my asshole. When she found that the taste was perfectly fine (naturally, I had thoroughly cleaned my body off before coming over to Lope's house for a threesome), she hummed appreciatively and set to work, her tongues starting to really rim me, two of them penetrating and twisting around inside me, getting gently deeper with tentative, slow movements.

Around the same time that Xico started properly rimming me, Lope finished her long descent down my length. Her tongue wriggled around on the underside of my dick, the cool metal of her tongue stud adding a sharp spike of pleasure and a delicious flavor to the entire affair. Her soft hums around my cock sent waves of pleasure up through it, and it took a great act of will to resist just grabbing her head and grinding my cock deep in her throat. I wasn't even sure it was the right decision - while women in my world generally disliked being ground into a guy's pelvis, no guy I'd ever heard of complained that the woman had latched onto the back of his head and tried to shove his whole face up her pussy. I wasn't sure if that was different sexual styles or different physical strength, though.

Xico was the one to pull back, popping her tongues out of my asshole. I quietly sucked in a breath as Lope kept my cock buried in her mouth all the while, humming deliciously, seemingly daring me to go wild on her. "Lope... would you... dislike it if he, um... grabbed your head and held you down?" Lope made what might have been a laugh around my cock, the faint breath exhaling across my pubes, and shook her head.

"What about-" my breath caught in my throat for a moment, and I had to swallow, "-if I just held your head in both hands and started fucking your face?" She started to slide back off my cock, her tongue flicking along it as she went, and I was briefly worried I'd gone too far - then I saw the crazed grin on her lips.

"Holy fuck, dude. Is this like an older guy thing or what?" Her fingers were stroking up and down my dick, warm to the touch as they moved all along its spit-slick length. "Because it's fucking hot. Please, Mommy, let me fuck your face. Fuck that's the sexiest thing I've ever heard a guy say," she said, licking her lips hungrily. "Every boyfriend I've ever had turned into a blushing groom the second we got to the bedroom, wanting lights out, girl on top, lots of kissing, and here you are, first time, asking to fuck my face while Xico rims you, goddamn." She stretched her tongue out invitingly, wiggling her eyebrows.

I took the invitation, grasping her head in both hands and started to thrust her down my length. With Xico behind me - her tentacles soon wrapping around my calves to match the grip her hands were taking on my thighs - I didn't have much freedom of movement, but I didn't need it. Lope was totally content to let me take control of her pace, and I was totally content to do exactly that. Each slam of her face down my cock, her nose getting buried in my groin, was an absolute delight, her tongue flashing happily along the underside of my cock as she stared gleefully up at me.

I was gradual at first, my pace more forceful than furious, but that was only at first. With the way her tongue wriggled that tongue stud of hers all along the underside of my dick, I couldn't keep control, and soon enough, I was pounding away, my balls slapping against her chin as my hips idly bucked the half-inch or so forward that Xico was allowing me. "Fuck," I breathed out, unable to do anything else, my eyes rolling up into the back of my head as my pace got faster and faster. Spit flecked across her cheeks and my groin, from the sheer intensity of the pace, and some sloshed out to coat her chin, but I had maybe two minutes of that before I was furiously holding her down in my groin, leaning forward over her and just spraying hot cum all over the inside of her throat.

When I was completely spent, I pulled out, and Xico popped off my ass as well. I could actually hear her lick her lips with all six of her tentacles, an extremely erotic sound, but... "I should go grab some towels. Don't want to make a mess."

"Oh, yeah. Smart thinking. I can go-" she started, but I was already getting dressed at superspeed, her words stretching out unbearably long, yet still legible to my power-enhanced brain.

Once dressed, I zipped down to her main house, where Judith took note of my presence with a smile. "Get a little tired of the teeny bopper party?" Was as far as she got before I'd managed to snap up a couple towels.

"Justhadaspillneededthetowels," I got out, about as legible as one can get it at obscene speeds, before zipping back upstairs. I can only imagine how disappointed she was, but, it would be very stupid to have sex with your coworker's mom, when you could instead have sex with your coworker. I preferred to be only the moderately stupid of having sex with my coworker.

It probably wasn't more than half a minute for me to come back up into the room, towels in hand. Lope actually laughed at the sight of me, but in a pleasant, friendly way - or perhaps, my horny mind simply chose to interpret it that way. "Fuck, you want it bad, huh? Want this teen pussy?" She asked, standing up and grabbing her hips before making a pelvic thrust forward in demonstration of exactly what she had on offer.

I was more baffled by it than anything else, so I tried mentally inverting the genders, and concluded that if Lope had ever had an opportunity like this with a local man, she probably would have offended the boy in question to the point of ruining it by her constant intimations of his sexual promiscuity. She hadn't quite managed to reach the level of degrading me as a slut openly, but she had the brusque and unfeeling motormouth that teenagers often do, here applied to sex.

Xico let out a small giggle in response to my thoughts, then cutely curled her tentacles up nervously as Lope and I both looked at her. I was the one to break the silence. "How about the two of you ride me? And I'm not eating a pussy I just came in," I added, with a glance over at Lope, "so first ride on my cock means no pussy-eating."

Lope and Xico exchanged a silent look, some communication taking place on the telepathic channel, before Lope turned back to me. "How about Xico goes first?"

"That okay with you, Xico?" I asked, and the girl nodded quickly, almost trembling with excitement, her tentacles waggling in that intensely cute way. She blushed at it, but licked her lips quickly and started to get naked.

Lope started to get naked too, peeling off her top, unhooking a simple, plain baby blue bra, taking off her jeans and just wriggling her way out of them. One characteristic of women in this world that I was beginning to find somewhat depressing was the absolute lack of any sexy underwear. It was all very utilitarian and basic. I got naked myself, as well, then laid the towels out on the couch before lying down on my back, waiting for the pair to get in position.

"Fuck, this is hot as hell," Lope said. "Man. Fuck. Can hardly believe this is happening," she continued, as she moved to position herself over my face, her untamed brown bush soon pressing against me as she practically smothered me with her cunt. "Come on, Xico, fucking ride this dude, he wants your tight teen pussy, right, Roger?" She wiggled her ass against my head to try to coax a response out of me, and I reached up for her thighs, holding her in place before nodding. "He nodded, Xico. He fucking nodded. He wants you to fuck him, come on, fuck him so I can get a turn."

I started to lick, then, shutting Lope up as she quivered and jerked atop me. Her hands went for my chin, doing her best to pull me up into her, her legs wobbling on either side of my head as she completely lost herself in the moment, just panting and shivering in pleasure. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a naked Xico watching the scene with wide eyes and a wagging tentacle, and I wondered if she got off on watching? She'd seemed really pure and innocent for something like that, but I supposed voyeurs have to be virgins at some point.

Xico promptly blushed in response to my thoughts and hurriedly rushed over to hop on my cock, positioning herself above it, teasing her tight sex at the tip for a couple seconds before she started to slide down. Her movements were trembling and slow, as she tried to control her downward pace but occasionally lost a bit of self control, like a coiled spring slamming down an extra inch. When she finally took me to the base, she just luxuriated in the feeling, her tight sex squeezing hard around my dick. I could feel the way she faintly trembled, her wet pants causing my cock to gently vibrate and wriggle inside her. There was even the occasional splash of saliva against my stomach as Xico drooled, which was intensely sexy in its own right.

"Hey," Lope panted out. "Hey, give me a high five. We're fucking a hottie together, sis. Spitroasting him. Arc de Triomphe-ing the guy. High five." There was a clap of hands at that point, though I'm pretty sure Xico was just holding her hand up in the air to receive a clap from Lope's, by the way their two bodies swayed and moved in response to the high five. "Fuck yeah. Ah, fuck. This is great. Damn. I wanna do this again, fuck. Or just you and me, Rodge," she added, her thighs clamping on either side of my head. "You'd like that too, right? Like sucking and fucking this hot teen cunt?"

I let out a muffled hum of agreement, and Lope just gasped in pleasure, coming for the first time atop me. "Ohh, ffuuuuck," Lope said, her voice almost vibrating with its intensity as her hips wobbled against my face. I could feel as Xico tightened on my cock, squeezing as if in sympathetic pleasure, and that in turn made me start to pump up against her, my balls slapping at that cute tight ass of hers. My hands left where they held onto Lope's thighs to instead grasp Xico's hips, starting to raise and lower her.

"Holy fuck," Lope said. "He's grabbing and pumping you, I thought dudes only did that in porno, fuck. You that into it? You're eating out a teen pussy, but you wanna fuck a different teen cunt at the same time, that what you're into?" I nodded in response, lashing my tongue against her clit simultaneously, and she let out a mewl. "Fuck. Get him to come, I want to try this guy's cock, holy hell I've never known a guy that's this horny."

In all honesty, I was getting tired of Lope's constant, extremely low-quality and vaguely degrading (but not in a particularly sexy way) dirty talk, but fortunately I knew of one guaranteed way to shut her up. I started to just really pound away at Xico, earning squeaks and gasps from the cute betentacled girl, and Lope laughed at that. "He's into it, man, he's so fucking into it, he's trying to fuck you so he can pound away at me, hell fucking yeah," she gasped out, before coming again on my face. Xico orgasmed too at about the same time, letting out a strangled squeak. The tightness of her sex, combined with the intensity of the whole situation made me come just a couple seconds after her, her spasming pussy wringing my cock out in several long movements as I shuddered and panted.

The moment I was done coming, Lope started speaking. "Get off his cock, come on, I want to ride it, I wanna ride that cock and he came in you already." She had clearly lost whatever limited control over her motormouth she had once had, and now was so desperately horny that she couldn't do anything other than desperately demand Xico move.

Xico, for her part, just floated herself up off my cock, her tight cunt making my hips rise an inch or two before I flopped back down onto the couch. Lope got up off my face pretty much the second of, then paused at my dick, staring down at it. "Uhh. Hang on a sec," she said, grabbing a hand towel I'd brought up and quickly wiping my dick down. When she felt satisfied that it was clean, she got back in position. "No offense, don't want to touch another girl's cum, you know," Lope explained, as she got in position.

She then slid down my length, letting out a long sigh. I reached for another hand towel, wiping off my face as I enjoyed - luxuriated in - the feeling of a fresh pussy winding its way down my cock. Xico watched from the sidelines, her tentacles sticking out at a ninety degree angle from one another as she watched the whole thing, hands clasped in front of her, a certain flush to her cheeks as she watched.

"Whoa," Lope said, as she noticed Xico just staring. "You into voyeur stuff, Xico?"

"I... can feel... how good you're both feeling... and I want you both to be happy, so..."

Lope let out a laugh at her friend, not a cruel one, but one amused more than anything. I decided to look at Xico and tell her my honest thoughts: That is probably the sexiest thing I have ever heard a woman say in my entire life. Instantly, Xico turned bright red, ducking her head slightly, but her smile was obvious even if it was a shy one, her tentacles wobbling a bit as they started to wag while maintaining their stuck-out position, like an oscillating V.

"Hey, come on," Lope said, reaching down for my head and turning me to face her. "I waited my turn, I gave you a blowjob, give me your undivided attention." It was bratty, selfish, but, there is in my own world a time-honored porno method of dealing with sexy brats: I grabbed her by the hips and twisted her around until I was on top and she was on her back. "Whoa, somebody's horny. You like me that much, Rodge?"

I just brought my hand down towards her groin, rubbing my thumb against her clit, making her let out a faint squeak, her whole body twitching beneath me like I'd found her pleasure button and started pressing it. "I like being on top," I decided on, and just started ramming away furiously, figuring (correctly) that nobody but the most obscenely insecure boy would complain if their partner got on top of them and started pounding herself silly on his dick. Lope started to moan, casting her head back, her brown hair becoming a messy tangle of black and sweat as she got fucked positively senseless on the bed from my sheer, forceful strokes.

I admired her naked body like this, the way her pale skin shone with sweat, her tattoo, her lithe athletic body, her petite, soft breasts bouncing with each thrust. My hand grasped her by the hip to hold her in place as I rammed away, going just absolutely ham on the girl underneath me.

One thing about the women of this world that is particularly sexy is that they can get embarrassed about coming too much. The flush of her cheeks as she wiggled around beneath me after her fourth or fifth orgasm, my own nowhere in sight as I furiously fucked away, just pounding her tight pussy relentlessly, playing with her clit all the while, was absolutely delicious. Her mouth opened and closed as she considered just begging for me to come already, but refused to on the basis that it would damage her self-esteem. It was so, intensely, sexy. I grabbed the back of her head and yanked her up into a kiss, enjoying the limp and pliant feeling of her own tongue as I flicked mine around inside her mouth, her tongue stud rubbing against my tongue as I rammed relentlessly away at her pussy.

A bit of saliva dripped out of the side of her mouth, from our long kiss, and she quietly swallowed the drool in her mouth as the couch squeaked loudly, the noise echoing in the room, wet and forceful with each progressive thrust. I broke off the kiss to admire her features in that moment, gently brushing my hand against her cheek. She gasped. "Kuh, come alrea, already," she panted out.

"Maybe your pussy's not good enough," I teased, and I could feel the way her cunt clamped down tightly, her eyes flicking desperately over to Xico to confirm that I was just lying. Xico blushed and averted her gaze, her tentacles stopping their wagging.

"My pussy's, fucking great," she claimed, almost begging for approval. The sound of her words was sweet ambrosia, the way she was so absolutely, absolutely desperate to hear me tell her sweet words to reassure her made all the time I spent listening to her ham-handedly try to come off as a cool, confident girl who knew her way around the bedroom completely worth it. You could practically see the tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes.

My thumb on her clit paused for a moment, dragging it out with anxiety as she panted beneath me, having just a hint of time and space to think. "It is, you're right. I just want to enjoy it extra long." Then I went right back to ramming away and frigging her clit, and she pretty much immediately came. "I don't have that many orgasms in me, and your tight teen pussy-" I borrowed her turn of phrase to make up for being a tad cruel there, and instantly Xico's tentacles went back to wagging happily as she basked in Lope and I's shared joy, "-is absolutely great."

Lope was well and truly out of dirty talk by that point, just sputtering out an approximation of agreement as her eyes rolled around in her skull. It was beautiful, the way her skin grew flush and slick with sweat, little tingles of movement as her cunt gripped my dick tighter and tighter inside her. Orgasm after orgasm hit her until I was completely out of self-control and just bottomed out inside her, sighing as I found sweet release in her pussy. She shivered and jerked gently in response to the feeling, and I finally pulled out, simply collapsing onto the couch, panting heavily as I slumped down on it.

"Hey, 'f you wanna, come over," Lope managed to slur out, some minutes later, "you know, whenever. We can fuck. Or do stuff. Whatever... fuck, that was great. Never had cock like that before."

Xico wore an abashed smile as she saw my cock twitch in response to Lope's words, and no doubt could tell part of me wanted a round four, but the rest of me was far, far too tired to keep going right then and there.

* * *

The next Monday, I was back at the office, Xico having not arrived just yet, when Mira poked her head in through the door. "Heeey, Roger," she said, smiling. "I was wondering, do you have any opinions on Star Drive 3?"

"No. What is that?"

"It's a space sim game for the Dravidia."

"I don't even have a Dravidia, so..."

"Great," she said, with a big smile, stepping inside and presenting to me a large bag, simply placing it next to my desk. I glanced inside and... there was a home console Dravidia, plus at least two dozen games. "Some of the high rated games, across a bunch of different genres, since I didn't know what you liked."

"This is..." I started, considering arguing with the gift. After all, it was clearly an attempt at emotional manipulation.

"What it is, is something that cost me less time than any argument you want to make about it. I told you, I make a million bucks in two hours, that means in less than ten seconds I make the full value of this console. Consider it a welcoming gift."

"First of all, that's stock appreciation, so you get that whether or not we spend the time arguing." She looked taken aback, though in a feigned, overexaggerated way. "Second of all, this is obviously an attempt to buy sex with me. I'm not so shallow you can buy me for a couple hundred dollars."

"Whoa, whoa. Don't think of it like that. I'm giving you a gift, so you think I'm nice and generous. If you happen to think that nice, generous people are more attractive than mean, selfish people - and, who doesn't? - and that makes me more attractive to you, then great. If you decide to have sex with me because of that, even better. But it's just a no strings attached gift. You can even think of it as an apology."

"I don't think I was ever upset with you for not buying me enough video games," I said, glancing down at the bag.

"Maybe you should have been," she said, with a smile. "Honestly, I heard from Penny that you like video games-"

"Penny?" I asked.

"Yeah. Penny. Penelope Baker." It took me a fraction of a second to calculate the meaning of those words, but she recognized it anyway. "You thought Lope was just her real name."

"Hey, this is a different universe, is it any weirder than Xico?"

"I guess not. Anyway. I thought it'd be a nice welcome-to-the-office present. It really isn't intended to get you to sleep with me, except in the normal way that any other time you're nice to someone, you're trying to get them to sleep with you."

I started to argue that you can be nice to someone for other reasons, before remembering the fact that over the past week or so, I had been almost exclusively nice to people I wanted to sleep with, for the purposes of sleeping with them, so I decided to let it slide. "Well, thank you, then."

"You're welcome," Mira said, smiling brightly. "Just trying to help this handsome devil get himself settled in. And, hey, if you need any help installing the games... playing the games... you know, it'd be a great opportunity to invite you over to my place. We could talk. Brush hands. Maybe, eventually, it could lead somewhere?"

"Thank you for the offer, Mira. Now..." I waved her off. "Go."

* * *

My experience with Lope made me feel like perhaps I had been too harsh with Kate earlier. We'd only had some mild conversation for her to fumble around in; it wasn't fair to judge her just off that. It was hard to start off a conversation with somebody you barely knew, with no particular subject matter to muse on. Perhaps doing something fun together would be nice. Of course, she sent me sexy photos and a confirmation of "can i cum ovr 2 suk ur cok?" before actually showing up at my doorstep, so I was only in the mood to get my dick sucked when she actually did arrive. Once I had come down her throat, though...

"Hey, I just got a Dravidia," I told Kate, as she noisily gulped and swallowed to get the last cloying remnants of my cum cleared out of her throat. "It's got two remotes. Want to try playing something?"

The brightened look on her expression told me she really did. I felt particularly bad about my firm brush-off of romantic interest earlier, seeing her like that, and soon enough I had a naked superheroine sitting next to me on the couch, competing with me in Custom Argo Kart Racer as we spun around a desert-themed course full of cacti and what looked vaguely like tusken raiders. I lost on account of getting eaten by a gigantic worm because I was trying to take a short cut and didn't realize there was a gigantic worm that would pop out of the ground and eat you for doing that.

Still. She left seeming much happier than the last couple times I'd invited her over, so I felt much better about things between us.

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