Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 27

Chapter 27:

“By the way, have you seen Damai?” Xia Luzhen asked.

“No, I have been exercising in the room.” Xingguang Yi replied.

“I saw him. When I was making coffee, I saw him leave. He said he was going to work.” Hou Xianxing said.

“Working, why doesn’t he work in the bakery, anyway, this is our industry.” Xingguangyi was a little puzzled.

“I know that. Damai seems to be saying that he doesn’t want to trouble Barney and Christina. He can’t help himself. Speaking of where Damai works, he seems to have sent it to me before,” said Hou Xianxing. Put down the coffee cup, took out the phone and looked for the chat record, “Oh, I found it, I said he sent it to me. Let’s take a look, Fenghuan Swimming Center, I remember he told me before that he was going to be a lifeguard or something. .”

“Lifeguard, there must be no problem with him being a pirate.”

After saying this, Xing Guangyi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“Wait, I remember that barley ate a devil fruit, right?”

Malco doesn’t use the power of Devil Fruit very often, and Starlight almost forgot about it.

“Is he all right? After eating the devil fruit, he has to become a lifeguard. Who saves who? The lifeguard sinks faster than the students.” Xingguang Yi was a little uneasy.

“It’s alright, Damai must be aware of his own situation, so don’t worry about it.” Xia Lu was really relieved, but he was not confident in his tone.

“It’s not necessarily. You think about Damai’s poor memory. The lock on the devil fruit box was his. He forgot about it and smashed the lock. Usually, he often loses and forgets. Maybe he hasn’t used the power of Devil Fruit for a long time, he forgot about it?” Hou Xianxing put down his phone and poured cold water on Xingguang Yi and Xia Luzhen.

Chapter 40 Traveling must pay attention to traffic safety


Thinking about it carefully, when Malco was in the school, it seems that he often forgets things.

Thinking of this, Xing Guangyi and Xia Lu really became more and more uneasy.

“Merco is so old, can’t you figure out your own situation? Let’s not scare ourselves.” Xia Lu said dryly, and took out a box of strawberry milk from the refrigerator.

“That’s right, if he can’t remember eating a Devil Fruit again, he won’t be a pirate with this memory.” Xingguang held his cup, opened the lid and took a sip.

“You two don’t have to worry, there are so many people in the swimming pool, even if Damai really sinks to the bottom, someone will come to rescue,” Hou Xianxing raised his head and looked away from the cartoon, “However, in case there are fewer people today , the barley has sunk to the bottom and no one has found it, so it is a little dangerous.”

I have to say that Hou Xianxing is a natural player with rhythm.

His two words almost made Xingguangyi and Xia Luzhen choked to death, successfully arousing the ominous premonition of the two.

“Lao Hou, what you said… I’ll call Damai to remind him.”

As soon as Xingguang put down the cup, he took out his mobile phone and started calling Damai.

But no one answered, Xingguang called several times, but no one answered.

The more this happened, the more uneasy Xing Guangyi became, and he even felt his right eyelid twitching wildly.

“Forget it, Lao Hou, send me the address, and I’ll go there, otherwise it will be difficult to feel at ease. My right eyelid is twitching wildly at the moment, and I always feel that something is going to happen.” Xingguang rubbed his right eye and said.

“Lao Xing, wait a moment, I’ll go too, I’ll go back to the room and change my clothes.”

At this time, Xia Luzhen was still wearing gray furry rabbit pajamas. After he finished speaking, he took the strawberry milk and ran away.


Hou Xianxing closed the comic book, and he said, “It’s a rare group activity in 609 Men’s Dorm, so I’ll join it too.”

“Whatever you want.”

Xingguang didn’t forget Dilumon’s pudding, he returned to his room with the water glass in one hand and the pudding in the other.

“Dilumon, the pudding you want.”

Dilumon was lying on the bed watching a play, and as soon as Xingguang put the pudding on the bedside table.

“Just take it out of the refrigerator, you can eat it slowly.” Xingguang Yi instructed, “By the way, you stay at home and I’ll go out.”

As soon as she heard that Xingguang Yi was going out, Dilumon stood up from the bed. She looked up at Xingguang Yi and said, “Guang Yi, are you going out to fight monsters again? I want to go with you.”

Xingguang smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed Dilumon’s head, “This time, there was something wrong with Malco’s work, I, Hou Xianxing and Xia Luzhen went over to take a look. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious, just watch over the house. ”

“Well, okay.” Dilumon could only pursed his lips and agreed, “You must take me there next time.”

“Okay, reliable little guy. Next time, let’s do it.” Xingguang said, “By the way, what do you want to eat at noon, I will drop by to buy vegetables when I come back.”

Dilumon thought for a while, then stood on tiptoe and raised his paws, and said, “Coke chicken wings!”

“Okay, Coke Wings. In exchange, take a good look at home.”

As soon as Xingguang slapped Dilumon, he put on his coat and shoes and left.

The house has two staircases, one of which is inside the house, next to the common room.

Another staircase at the end of the corridor leads directly to the courtyard.

Xing Guangyi was waiting for Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing at the stairway at the end of the corridor.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to come over, and as soon as Xingguang opened the door, he walked down the stairs to the courtyard.

“Who are you driving?”

There was a black car with no visible brand parked in the yard. It was a small commercial car.

Xia Luzhen saw that Xingguang came to the backyard by himself, and subconsciously thought that someone was going to drive.

“Driving? Who? Old Hou, do you want to drive?” Xing Guangyi asked.

“No, I don’t have a driver’s license.” Hou Xianxing shook his head, “Isn’t this your car? Come on.”

“But I don’t have a driver’s license.” Xingguang said, “Zhu Zhen, do you have a driver’s license?”

“…You are so wrong that I don’t know what to say. What are you doing to buy a car without a driver’s license?” Xia Luzhen asked speechlessly.

“I didn’t buy this car, it was a few sacks of parts that I dug out from the flea market and saved it myself when I got home.” Xingguang explained solemnly.

“Okay, as you wish, I don’t have a driver’s license. How about we fly over?” Xia Luzhen suggested.

Xingguang shook his head and said, “No, it’s daytime, and it’s too conspicuous to fly over. Although we can’t drive a car, we have this.”

Saying that, Xingguang pointed to the side of the car, where an electric car was parked.

“That’s what I made with the leftover parts after I saved up the car.”

“Are you serious?”

Xia Luzhen looked at Xingguangyi who was rummaging for a helmet in the trunk of the car. Xingguangyi seemed to really want to ride this thing over there.

“Seriously, don’t be afraid, this thing is very sturdy and won’t fall apart casually.” Xingguang assured and kicked the electric car with his feet.

“I…you…this…oh,” seeing Hou Xianxing also took out the helmet and put it on his head, Xia Lu really had no choice but to compromise, “Okay, I’ll serve you. But this electric car If you want me to drive it, I know the location of the swimming pool. Besides, I don’t worry about letting you drive electric cars.”

“Alright alright.”

As soon as Xingguang opened the courtyard door, he pushed the electric car outside the courtyard.

Xia Luzhen also put on his helmet and took the handlebars from Xingguangyi.

Hou Xianxing was the last to come out, and he closed the door smoothly.

“Pig Zhen, go ahead and don’t sit so back.”

While talking, Xingguang stepped onto the electric car. Fortunately, the electric car was not made into a single-seater when it was first made.

After Xingguang sat on the seat, Hou Xianxing also squeezed up, and now Xingguang is a man before and after.

“Okay, let’s go.” Xingguang urged.


Xia Luzhen buckled the windshield on his helmet, twisted the handlebar with his right hand, and the three of them set off.

After running on the trail for a long time, the small electric car carrying three people came to the main road.

Obviously, the rush hour has passed, and there are still many bicycles and electric vehicles on the non-motorized lanes on both sides of the main road.

“Wow, that’s not it.” Xia Luzhen saw the slow bicycles in front of them, and subconsciously wanted to honk the horn.

Xingguang’s eyes narrowed, and he saw that Xia Luzhen’s thumb was pressing the button that seemed to be a horn, and Xingguang hurriedly shouted, “Don’t press it!”

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, Xia Luzhen pressed the button.

But there was no whistle sound as Xia Luzhen thought, he just felt the body tremble slightly.

In the place where Xia Lu really couldn’t see, that is, at the rear of the car, there were six air jets sticking out.

The next moment, flames spewed out of the air vent.

Just hearing a “boom”, the electric vehicle flew up with three people, and there was a long tail of smoke behind the buttocks.

This frightened those who followed behind.

“Fuck! The electric car flew!”

Chapter 41 Just smile when you’re embarrassed

“Fuck, fuck! Xingguang, you idiot, what are you doing with the accelerator button on the horn button!”

“I just remembered it too! Be careful, be careful!”

The electric car didn’t fly high at first, and there was an overpass on the road ahead, and the electric car was about to hit it.

Xia Lu really didn’t know how to control the electric car, so he could only press the handlebar back by feeling.

Fortunately, he made the right bet, and the flying height of the electric car has indeed risen.

On the overpass, a man was holding a mobile phone, and he kept apologizing to his girlfriend on the phone.

“Baby, baby, it’s my fault this time. You give me one more chance, I’ll never lie to you again, I’m going to lie to you again, I’m… FUCK!”

“What are you scolding people for!” The **** the other end of the phone was about to lose her anger, but when she heard this, her anger rose again.

“No… No, baby, I’m not swearing. An electric car just flew over my head!” The man wiped his sweat with lingering fears.

“…Bum **** bum, you big scumbag, you’re still full of lies.”

“No, no, no, baby. I really didn’t lie to you, listen to me, hello?”

The other side had already hung up the phone, leaving the man alone in the wind.

Xia Luzhen and Xingguang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the pedestrians who had managed to avoid the overpass just now.

However, the mentality of the two people was still a bit broken. Xia Luzhen was thinking about the operation method of this thing, and Xingguangyi was thinking about how to deal with this matter afterward, trying not to make it a big issue.

Unlike the two of them, Hou Xianxing was quite happy at the moment.


Because it is flying in the sky, the speed of electric vehicles is very fast.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the swimming pool where Melco worked part-time, it took less than half of the estimated time.

Before arriving at the swimming pool, Xing Guangyi asked Xia Luzhen to park the car in an unmonitored place.

In a quiet alley, an electric car slowly landed.

Xingguang Yixia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing got off the electric car. Xingguang threw the electric car back to his laboratory space, and even threw the helmets of the three people into it.

Hou Xianxing stretched his waist, a little unfinished.

Putting the matter of flying electric cars aside first, Xingguang and the others have not forgotten their purpose of coming out today-they came out to find Malco, to prevent him from drowning due to poor memory.

Walking out of this small alley without surveillance probes, this alley is still a long way from the “Fenghuan Swimming Center”.

Soon, Xingguangyi saw the billboard of this swimming center.

“It’s really big.”

The big sister in the swimsuit in the advertisement is really… ahem, I mean the scale of this swimming center is really not small.

As soon as Xingguang wiped the nosebleed that did not exist, he followed Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing towards the swimming center.

When I came to the swimming center, although the hall was very imposing, the area was not as big as Xingguang thought. It is estimated that all the space is for the swimming pool.

The three people came to the front desk, and Xing Guangyi told the waiter at the front desk that he was here, and reported the name of Malco by the way.

The waitress knew about Malco, and she pointed Xingguang and the others in the direction of the d3 staff passage. and instructed them both.

“Thank you.”

After thanking them again, Xingguang and the others walked over in the direction pointed by the young lady.

As soon as they opened the door through the d3 channel and came to the swimming pool, the three of them heard a cry for help.

“Someone! Someone sank to the bottom of the pool.”

Xingguang is not good, are these people a step late? Did Malco really fall into the water?

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