Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 527

Chapter 527:

Now that Ron is facing Harry, he basically ignores him, and even if he does, it’s cynical.

Fortunately, Hermione is still the same as usual. In addition, Hermione is aware of Harry’s emotions. Originally, Hermione has been actively inviting Harry to join her house-elf rights mutual aid organization. Recently, Hermione has stopped mentioning this matter. .

In addition, George and Fred are also on Harry’s side. They have personally experienced how powerful the age circle that recognizes magic drawn by Dumbledore, so they know that someone else cast Harry’s name on it. Inside the Goblet of Fire, but that doesn’t stop George and Fred from supporting Harry.

At this time, Harry was in the Gryffindor common room, completing the homework assigned by Professor McGonagall.

But at this point he couldn’t get in, and Harry just dropped the pen.

Hermione noticed his movement, and Hermione stopped the pen in her hand and asked, “Harry, what’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just something I can’t write in,” Harry said.

Just then, there was a knock on the glass window next to them.

Harry and Hermione looked up and saw Harry’s owl, Hedwig, outside the window.

Harry got up and went to the window, opened it, and Hedwig flapped his wings and flew into the room.

Hedwig fell on the table, and Hermione broke the biscuits into small pieces and fed them to Hedwig.

“Harry, Hedwig has brought a letter.” Hermione said, taking the letter from Hedwig’s paw and handing it to Harry.

Harry opened the letter, he looked at the contents of the letter, and his frown finally relaxed.

“Hermione, Hagrid invited me to sit in his cabin in the evening, do you want to come with me?” Harry’s tone was a little happy, which was one of the few things he had been happy about during this time.

“I… I’m not sure. I’ll see if there are other things. I’ll give you an answer later,” Hermione said. Now that she saw Hedwig, she was thinking about whether to write a letter to her family. ” Harry, can I borrow Hedwig, I’d like to…”

Halfway through, Hermione was stunned, her eyes were blank, and she didn’t know where she was looking.

“What’s the matter with you, Hermione?” Harry asked hurriedly, seeing that peace was not right.

“Ah….it’s okay.” Hermione came back to her senses, but her expression was a little weird, and she definitely couldn’t be considered okay.

Just when Hermione wanted to write a letter to her family, she suddenly remembered that the voice that once called Xingguangyi’s name echoed in her mind belonged to her parents.

When Hermione vaguely felt that she had heard Xingguang Yi’s name before, she subconsciously searched for something related to this name in the magic circle.

“Harry, I might have to borrow Hedwig,” said Hermione.

“It’s fine, but I have to write back to Hagrid first.” Harry nodded in agreement.

After getting Harry’s permission, Hermione immediately picked up a pen and wrote a letter.

In the evening, Harry went to Hagrid’s cabin as scheduled, and Hermione was with Harry.

As for Ron, he didn’t want to talk to either of them, having not seen Harry and Hermione all day.

Although it was evening, it was already dark, and when Harry and Hermione came to the hut, they had to use the Fluorescent Flashing Charm to see the way.

Before the two of them got to the hut, the big dog in the house began to bark, and the voice was very cheerful.

When the two approached the house, they found that the door of the house had been opened, and an orange light had leaked through the door.

Harry knocked on the door, called out to Hagrid, then pushed the door open, and as soon as he entered the cabin, Fang rushed over.

Chapter 788: Ying Gran doesn’t have the habit of dating… Probably…

“Oh, Harry and Hermione, here you are. Yaya kept calling, I knew you were here, and brought out my new dessert from the back kitchen.”

Hagrid came out of the other room, huge gloves on his hands and holding a disc with hot cherry pie in it.

After knowing that Harry and the others didn’t like rock cakes, Hagrid learned to make other desserts.

“Oh, why didn’t you see Ron here?” Hagrid asked, seeing that there was one person missing.

“Ah, there are some things he can’t get through.” Hermione hurriedly smoothed things out. He didn’t want Hagrid to know about the conflict between Ron and them.

“Well, ah, so, that’s a pity, Hermione Harry, let’s try it first, this is the latest cherry pie I learned.”

Hagrid put the plate on the table, took off his gloves, took out the knife and fork, and cut open the cherry pie. The hot, crimson filling of the pie flowed out, and a sweet smell permeated it.

Smelling this smell, Harry and Hermione, who had already eaten dinner, felt drooling again at this time.

While eating the cherry pie, Harry asked, “Hagrid, what are you doing here with us this time?”

Although he was in Hagrid’s hut now, Hagrid looked left and right subconsciously, looking very flustered, and after confirming that there was no one else around, Hagrid spoke in a low voice.

“Harry, don’t make a sound, I’ll take you to the Forbidden Forest to see something in a while.”

“Forbidden Forest? Do you still want to go so late?”

Hearing Hagrid’s words, Hermione hurriedly raised her head and asked, the corners of her mouth were still stained with cherry jam, and she didn’t have time to wipe it.

“Well, because it’s more convenient to go at night. Don’t worry, just go in and have a look, and if it’s too late tonight, you can stay here and stay here.” Hagrid continued, but he still refused to give the real reason. .

At this moment, Hermione had a flash of inspiration, and she said, “Hagrid, shouldn’t what you’re showing us have something to do with the Triwizard Tournament?”

Her words made Hagrid stunned for a moment, and Hagrid immediately looked around to make sure no one was around, looking timid and cautious.

Seeing Hagrid’s expression, even Harry, who had realized it later, understood that what Hagrid asked him to see had something to do with the Triwizard Tournament.

Hagrid said in a low voice, “Shh, you two keep quiet. I’ll take you there when it’s later in the day.”

Although Hermione still had a lot of questions to ask, she had to wait patiently for now.

After waiting for more than half an hour, it was completely dark, Hagrid took Hermione and Harry out, and Ya Ya followed behind the three of them.

At this time, the Forbidden Forest was dark, and the moonlight could not see in. The only thing that could illuminate them on the road was the lantern in Hagrid’s hand.

Although Hermione and Harry came to the Forbidden Forest a lot, because of the fear of darkness engraved in the DNA of humans, the two of them looked at the dark Forbidden Forest, and they were still somewhat apprehensive.

After walking in the Forbidden Forest for a while, Hermione and Harry saw what seemed to be lights ahead.

At this time, Hagrid reminded the two again.

“Hermione and Harry, we’ll just watch from a distance later, but no matter what you see, don’t make any noise and ask me if you have any questions when you get back.”

Then Hagrid turned to Fang Ya and said, “Ya Ya, don’t make a sound for a while.”

There was a whimper in Fang Ya’s throat, as if to say that he knew.

After instructing, Hagrid continued to lead Hermione and Harry forward.

Everyone came to a high place, looked down, and there were many people below.

But when he saw something other than people, Harry almost shouted, but fortunately Hermione quickly covered Harry’s mouth with her hand, and her other hand also covered her own mouth, she was afraid that she would also exclaimed.

There is a huge cage below, and a giant dragon is locked in it. The dragon is going crazy now, and flames are spewing from its mouth.

And around the cage stood several members of the Ministry of Magic, who were casting spells on the dragon.

Harry couldn’t help being horrified. He also guessed what the first event of the Triwizard Tournament would be, but he didn’t expect it to be related to dragons. Is it meant to let him fight dragons? Do not make jokes.

Not just himself, he believes that none of the contestants can stand up to the dragon.

Afterwards, Hagrid took Harry and Hermione to see the other three dragons.

Every time he saw a dragon, Hagrid would whisper to Harry about the habits of the dragon in front of him.

Although Hagrid had tried his best to keep his voice down, he had a louder voice.

Fortunately, the dragons were not very safe, and there was a lot of noise, and those from the Ministry of Magic didn’t notice that someone was peeping.

After watching the four dragons, Hagrid took Harry and Hermione to prepare to leave the Forbidden Forest.

Harry was still immersed in the shock of seeing the dragon, and worried about his game.

Although Hermione was a little shocked, he still asked, “Shouldn’t Hagrid have five contestants? Why are there only four dragons now?”

“This…” Hagrid was silent for a while, he seemed to have something to hide.

After waiting for a while, he still sighed and said, “Okay, you come with me.”

Hagrid took the two children to the other direction. They went higher and higher, and finally came to a small hill with a very large pit under the hill.

At this time, there was a huge dragon lying in the pit that was even bigger than the previous four-headed dragons. Compared with the giant dragon in front of him, the previous giant dragon was like a child.

The dragon is blue all over and has white feathers on its wings, but it looks like one of its wings is injured.

In addition, the head of this giant dragon looks a bit like a bird, with two very long feathers or tentacles on the top of the head.

The dragon was asleep at this time, gasping for breath.

After taking a look, Hagrid immediately pulled Harry and Hermione away.

On the way back, Hagrid explained to Harry and the others: “I don’t even know what this dragon is called, it was brought here by Professor Dumbledore, and I also learned about it from my friends. What happened. This big man seemed to appear suddenly. Many Aurors from the Ministry of Magic passed by at that time, but there was no way to take this big guy. It was Professor Dumbledore himself who made this big guy quiet.”

Hagrid touted Dumbledore secretly again, and then continued: “Professor Dumbledore then brought this big man here, and took care of it himself. Besides, don’t worry, Harry, this big man is for the fifth man. It’s a spare for a contestant, you won’t encounter it.”

“Hagrid…” Harry swallowed, “Hagrid, are we going to fight the dragon?”

“I’m not sure, but with Professor Dumbledore here, you won’t be in danger.” Hagrid said affirmatively, “I introduced you to those giant dragons before, you can go back and look for them according to their habits. There are ways to deal with them.”

Harry was silent, still worried.

It was very late now. Harry and Hermione spent the night in Hagrid’s cabin. Hagrid’s sofa was bigger than the bed.

Hermione lying on the sofa couldn’t sleep either, tossing and thinking about something.

From the moment the Goblet of Fire happened, she had a vague feeling that something was starting to get out of control, which was purely her intuition.

In addition, she sent letters to her parents. In addition to ordinary communication, she also asked her parents to ask Xingguang Yi’s identity from the sidelines.

It’s just that she didn’t tell her parents the specific reason why she asked Xingguangyi.



Starlight looked at the Grangers with a little surprise while brewing coffee.

“My parents… My father is a researcher, my mother is a doctor, and I am the only child in the family, but I have two cousins and two cousins.” Xingguangyi introduced his family situation, but he didn’t know the Granger couple. Why are you asking these, it’s the same as the census.

“You came out to work at such a young age, don’t you care at home? After all, you are also of school age,” said Mrs. Granger.

Before, the Granger and his wife just thought that Xingguangyi was a good child. Now, after getting to know him for so long, they felt that Xingguangyi was a really good child.

“Haha…” Xingguang smiled politely and continued, “Don’t look at me young, I actually graduated from high school.”

“Looks like you’re studying pretty well.” Mr. Granger’s eyes lit up.

“Ha… so-so,” Xing Guangyi replied.

“By the way, I haven’t asked yet, where is your home.” Mr. Granger continued to ask.

“In a very distant place.”

“Very far? Not in Eagle Glen?”

“Not here… I mean not in Eagle Glen.”

Starlight is struggling to cope with the Grangers’ problems.

After Xingguang Yi had prepared a meal for the couple, the conversation of one-sided inquiries came to an end.

Xingguangyi was also relieved, he did not understand why the Grangers suddenly asked him about his personal situation so enthusiastically.

However, the Grangers are also good people. They have been to other people’s houses to eat before, and Mrs. Granger often brings her own snacks to give Xingguang a copy, so Xingguang Yi still answered all that she could. .

It made Xingguangyi think that he was going to help out on a blind date, but Ying Grann should not have the custom of blind date… Probably…


“…To sum up, this is the general situation of Xingguangyi. Your mother and I suggest that you come back this Christmas to meet him. I believe you will become very good friends.”

“It does not make sense….”

Hermione looked at her parents’ reply and felt a little overwhelmed.

Her parents seemed to have completely misunderstood, and Hermione was also a little puzzled. She could see from this letter that her parents seemed to have unusual enthusiasm.

However, Hermione still learned a little bit about Xingguang Yi from the letter, but she didn’t know whether this Xingguang Yi and the one written on the parchment were the same person.


Hermione scratched her head and sighed. She decided to write another letter to her parents. This time, she wrote the matter directly, and then asked her parents to ask whether Xing Guangyi was also in the “Devil World”.

It’s just that Hedwig just flew back today, and Hermione was embarrassed to let Hedwig fly again today.

So Hermione could only change to another owl, or send the letter another day.

Hermione reached out and stroked Hedwig’s feathers, put down the letter with the other hand, grabbed a handful of nuts and put them to Hedwig’s mouth and fed them to Hedwig.

Hedwig pecked at the nut very gently, not hurting Hermione’s palm.

Harry wasn’t in the Gryffindor common room at this time, and he was still thinking about ways to deal with the dragon in the library.

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