Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 533

Chapter 533:

Just as the edited video was about to end, the door of the auditorium was pushed open, and Starlight One and Dumbledore walked in.

Xingguang walked into the auditorium one by one, and at a glance, he saw the light screen above and the figure of himself fighting.

Xingguangyi never thought that he would one day be the protagonist of the editing stream and enjoy such treatment. To be honest, he was a little embarrassed.

In the past, when I was fighting normally, I didn’t feel like being watched by the people around me, but now my image was edited into a video, and it was accompanied by music, which made Xingguangyi feel a little embarrassed, as if he was deliberately playing handsome.

“Professor Dumbledore, did you do this?” Starlight asked Dumbledore in a low voice.

“Hehehe, no,” said Dumbledore, stroking his beard.

Xingguangyi wanted to continue to ask who edited the short story, but he opened his mouth and did not ask, because he had seen the name of the editor, Deng Fuan, marked at the end of the video.

The corner of Xingguangyi’s mouth twitched. Although he hadn’t seen Uncle Deng since he entered Akagi Mao’s room, the shadow of Uncle Deng appeared around him all the time.

It is estimated that this equipment was also given to Professor Deng by Uncle Deng, but Xingguangyi didn’t know when Uncle Deng stopped playing magic and started playing technology.

In fact, when Xingguang came in, someone had already noticed him. These people lightly touched the surrounding companions with their hands, and then gestured with their eyes.

Now that the video on the light screen in the auditorium has ended, almost everyone is looking at the entrance of the auditorium.

I don’t know if it was Xingguangyi’s illusion, he felt that the eyes of these students seemed to be shining.

Dumbledore patted Xingguangyi on the shoulder and said, “It’s up to you, child.”

“Okay, okay.” Starlight shrugged.

He had actually thought about it before entering the door, what to show, anyway, didn’t Dumbledore want to shock these people in the auditorium? Then make it big.

Starlight opened his messenger bag again and took out a black metal box the size of a Rubik’s cube.


Tanabata Blue Bird tilted his head and made a questioning sound.

“You will know the function of this thing right away.” Xingguang said to the Qixi Blue Bird as soon as he lowered his head.

When he accepted Tian Tian as an apprentice in Naruto World before, Xingguang Yi constructed the scene of the Land of Light in his memory.

The function of this thing is similar to that of Xingguangyi at that time. Xingguangyi will store some scenes in his memory in it, and take it out to take a look when he feels homesick.

Using this instrument is more convenient than building the scene after he transforms himself.

After turning on the instrument, everyone in the auditorium suddenly found that they were in the universe. Although they were still sitting on the chairs, the boundless universe around them gave them a sense of weightlessness and nowhere to stay. Feel.

Before they could be surprised, two giants suddenly flew over them.

One of the giants was Ultraman Delta, but he seemed smaller than the Ultraman Delta that the students had seen before.

Beside Ultraman Delta, there is also an Ultraman with a large area of purple patterns on his body. This Ultraman has a crystal decoration similar to a crown on his head, and is matched with silver and purple patterns on his body. Ultraman looks like a prince or a princess. The color timer on his chest has two layers. The outer ring is a blue ring, and the middle is a purple hemisphere. The purple hemispherical color timer also flashes like stars.

This Ultraman is Xingguang Yi’s younger brother, and he appeared in Xingguang Yi’s broadcast of their family’s marriage ceremony before (Chapter 262). The child’s name translated into the earth language is called Xingkong.

“Brother Delta, haven’t we arrived yet?” Ultraman Star asked aloud.

“It’s coming soon, huh, but this time it’s really far away.” Ultraman Delta also said.

The two of them flew far away at this time, and they were already some distance away from the Ultra Star.

After flying for a while, Ultraman Star stopped.

“Brother Delta, I can’t fly.” Ultraman Xingkong said, with a childish coquettishness in his tone.

“Okay, it’s fine here too.” Ultraman Delta saw that Xingkong Terman couldn’t fly, and stopped, “Uncle Pant should be coming soon.”

The Uncle Pant in his mouth was actually mentioned before, that is the Ultraman (660th) who was admitted to the Cosmic Guard despite his talent as an artist. chapter two).

They didn’t make Ultraman Delta wait too long, and they saw a ball of light flying over from a distance.

This ball of light is a skill that everyone of the Ultra Clan can use to fly over long distances.

It’s just that the color of this light ball is a bit special. Most of the light **** incarnated by the Otto alien race in the Land of Light are either red or white with a hint of gold. What is more special is that the light ball of the father of Otto is Green, but the speed is much faster than the ordinary Ultraman’s light ball.

And this flying ball of light is very individual, and the colors on it are like various melted paints, entangled together, and constantly flowing.

The ball of light flew to Ultraman Delta and Ultraman Star and stopped not far away. Then the ball of light disappeared, and a blue Ultraman appeared in Ultraman Delta and Ultraman Star. in front of.

The patterns on this Ultraman’s body are also very individual. Most of the patterns on the residents of the Land of Light are symmetrical, whether it is centrosymmetric or axisymmetric, in short, there are certain rules. And the pattern on this Ultraman’s body is like the light ball before him, like melted paint, silver and blue are arranged on the body very casually.

This Ultraman is Uncle Pant in Delta’s mouth, which is Ultraman Pant.

“You two have worked hard, come and pick me up.” Pan Te Altman said.

Ultraman Pan’s voice sounds like that of an uncle full of charm, but it’s just a little rude.

When he was in the Land of Light, Xingguangyi didn’t think much about Uncle Pant’s voice. Now, when he heard it again, he always felt that Uncle Pant was going to call “Blue Ace White Dragon” next.

“It’s okay, it’s okay to run out.” Xing Xing rested his hands behind his head and floated in the universe, looking very comfortable.

“Okay, then let’s go back to Ultra Star first.” Ultraman Pant patted Delta and Starry Sky on the shoulders.

“How are you? Can you still fly back?” Delta looked sideways at the starry sky.

“No problem, after a while, I feel better,” said Xing Xing.

So, the three Ultramans flew towards the Ultra Star.

In fact, the Land of Light does not only refer to the most important planet, the Star of Ultra, but also includes many surrounding planets.

Although they are far away from the Ultra Star now, they are still within the range of the Land of Light.

“By the way, Uncle Pant, did you gain anything from going to the Andromeda Nebula this time?”

During the flight, Ultraman Delta asked aloud.

When Uncle Pant set off for the Andromeda Nebula, he told Delta that he was going to Andromeda to see the scenery.

Oh, by the way, Uncle Pant’s examination to join the Space Guard failed again.

Uncle Pant always wanted to join the Andromeda branch of the Space Guard, saying that he wanted to protect the scenery of the Andromeda Nebula.

“Alas, no, there is no good scenery to see.” Panto Altman said with some disappointment.

“Huh?” Ultraman Delta did not understand, “Is the scenery of Andromeda not as beautiful as usual? Or are you tired of watching it?”

“I won’t get tired of watching it, but the most beautiful scenery has left.” Pante Altman said.

“The scenery ran away?” Ultraman Delta was even more confused.

Ultraman Xingkong shook his head helplessly, his brother Delta really didn’t understand anything.

The three flew forward together for a certain distance, and suddenly saw a spaceship parked in the universe, and there was no movement.

Looking at the shape of this spacecraft, it should be a spacecraft belonging to “ZAPSPACY”. Another very famous spacecraft under this organization is called “Panlong”. This spacecraft is the same as the Panlong, but it is painted. The difference is a vibrant green.

At this time, it was the stage of human civilization’s exploration and development of the universe. After the Panlong visited the Land of Light, human beings specially opened a channel to the Land of Light.

“Hello, do you need help?” Ultraman Delta flew to the front of the spacecraft and asked the crew inside the spacecraft.

Inside the spaceship, the crew members were very excited when they saw the Ultraman who appeared.

It was the captain who calmed down first. He said to Ultraman Delta: “Hello, Mr. Ultraman, we are going to the Ultraman Star, but the spacecraft has malfunctioned.”

“I just happen to be returning to the Ultra Star, and I will send you there.”

“Okay, sorry to bother you, thank you very much.”

After communicating with the captain, Ultraman Delta pushed the spacecraft to move on.

Fortunately, this spacecraft has a problem within the country of light. If it is stranded in the vast universe, the problem will be bigger.

It wasn’t long before Ultraman Delta heard someone calling them from behind.

“Please wait.”

Ultraman Delta stopped, looked behind him, and saw a female Ultraman flying over.

“Aunt Elif!” Ultraman Delta shouted in surprise.

“Call me sister!” Ultraman Alifu stopped not far from Ultraman Delta.

Ultraman Elf is a great beauty in both Ultraman’s aesthetics and human’s aesthetics. The pattern on her body is red and silver, and the color timer on her chest is in the shape of a four-pointed star.

She was also wearing a short pure white cloak, and behind the cloak was embroidered the shape of Andromeda with gold thread, and “The Seventh Patrol Squad of the Andromeda Branch” written in the characters of the Ott family.

Ultraman Alifu is the captain of the seventh patrol team of the Andromeda Branch of the Space Guard. He is a very powerful Ultraman and is currently single.

At the same time, she is also the most beautiful scenery of Andromeda in the mouth of Pante Altman.

It’s just that Ultraman Delta didn’t know this. He really thought that Uncle Pant was just looking at the scenery, and he even thought so to this day.

“Delta and the starry sky, why are you two here?” Ultraman Alifu asked, “Also, what’s going on with this spaceship?”

She deliberately didn’t look at Ultraman Pan when she was talking, and Pan Te could only scratch his head awkwardly.

“We are here to pick up Uncle Pant. This spaceship is human. Their spaceship is broken. I will send them to the Ultra Star.” Ultraman Delta said obediently.

“That’s it,” Altman Eleven nodded, then reached out and patted Pant’s back, but this time it was not light, “You just watch the children work, you push!”

“Okay okay, I’ll push it.”

Ultraman Pante could only take over the work of Ultraman Delta, and the group of four continued to fly to the Ultra Star.

“Aunt Elif, aren’t you stationed in Andromeda? Why are you back?” Delta asked curiously.

Pant, who was pushing the spaceship, was also listening.

“Sister!” Elef repeated again, and then said, “This time I’m coming back for a normal vacation, plus reporting to the headquarters, it is estimated that I will stay in the Land of Light for a while.”

This memory image is not important so far, but this image was prepared before, and now it is temporarily taken out, Xingguangyi is too lazy to delete the previous one.

Looking at these scenes, Xingguang fell into a nostalgic emotion again and again, and did not know what happened to Uncle Pant, Aunt Elif, and Xingkong now.

Although Xingguangyi felt that this image was nothing, for the wizards in the auditorium, this was definitely the first novel experience they had experienced in their lives.

In their era, humans just entered space not long ago, and they have now left the earth through this realistic image and leaped to the m78 nebula.

As the four giants moved forward, the surrounding aircraft suddenly increased, and a huge bright planet appeared in front of the wizards.

Chapter 795: Long ago, there were people on the track

As the four Ultramans advanced, an extremely huge and bright planet appeared in front of the wizards in the auditorium.

This planet is many times larger than the earth, and there are structures like land plates floating around the planet.

At this time, there were gradually more and more aircrafts of various sizes around. In addition to these aircrafts, there were also many aliens who could physically traverse in space.

The closer the four Ultramans got to the Ultra Star, the more wizards could feel the hugeness of the planet.

Looking closer, those things that look like land plates have tall buildings above and below them.

“You guys go back first, I’ll go to the airport with Pant.” Ultraman Alifu patted Ultraman Delta on the head and said at the same time.

Delta and Xingkong did not leave the scope of the Land of Light, so there was no need to go through special procedures after returning.

Both Elif and Pant just came back from the Andromeda Nebula, and Elif came back on the grounds of leaving the team for vacation, so she had to go to the airport to register.

In addition, the spacecraft in need of maintenance should also be brought to the airport and handed over to a special department for processing.

“It doesn’t matter, we have nothing to do anyway.” Delta Altman said.

“That’s it, then you follow me.” Elif nodded in agreement.

In the process of approaching the airport, compared to the surrounding environment, even the giants became smaller.

It is really suitable to describe the surrounding buildings with ten thousand zhang tall buildings. The buildings here are definitely so tall.

In addition to being shocked, the wizards now feel a sense of insignificance in their hearts.

Especially adult wizards, they always think that the big magic world is only a small corner of the universe. And after that, some of them were afraid, while others felt that the sky was wider.

Not to mention the complicated emotions of the adults, the little wizards are excited except for the shock.

Isn’t that much better than Beauxbatons’ “Ah~~” and Durmstrang’s crutches?

It’s really worth comparing goods. In this comparison, the programs performed by the other two school delegations are really comparable to each other.

As soon as he spoke, Ultraman Elf brought the others to a nearby airport.

There are many airports on Ultrastar, the largest of which is located near the headquarters of the Space Guard.

Although the airport where they landed now is not the main airport, it is still very huge and very lively.

All kinds of spaceships are lined up according to the size and model, and they are registered one by one, and the aliens who fly over alone also have their place in line.

This kind of queuing is not flat, but starts from the air, gathers towards the airport, and then spreads out in all directions from the exit of the airport, which looks very spectacular.

Seeing that Pant was holding a spaceship in his hand, the staff of the airport immediately flew over and asked Pant and the others about the situation.

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