Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 545

Chapter 545:

“My short-term goals are to ensure that house elves get reasonable wages and a good working environment, and my long-term goals include changing the law against the use of wands and getting an elf into the Department of Fantastic Creatures Control.

My current plan is to develop membership, participants have to pay two silver coins, which can be used to buy badges, and this income can be used for us to print flyers…”

Hermione has said this set of statements more than three times, but it is different from the previous situation. When describing her thoughts to Harry, Ron and others, Hermione was in high spirits and full of confidence, but now in front of Starlight, As she spoke, there was no sound, and she felt a little unconfident.

Seeing that Starlight was silent, Hermione became less and less confident, and she added another sentence, ending her words.

“I, I… I know that my ability is insufficient, but Xingguang, you have enough power, you can change the status quo, you can dominate this matter.”

Unexpectedly, Xingguang shook his head and said, “Sorry, I can’t.”

Hermione’s eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, she didn’t expect Starlight to refuse to do this.

“Why…why?” Hermione asked in confusion.

“Let me tell you, I think it is very unfavorable for your future development that you have so many governments on earth now. I will use personal force to unify your governments and transform them into a combined government. What do you think?” Xingguang Instead, he asked Hermione.

“Ah? This…” Hermione was asked by Xingguangyi’s sudden question, and she didn’t know how to answer for a while, so she could only say weakly, “But…but, the modern political structure of human beings should be relatively complete. Bar?”

“You have also seen the influence of the Kingdom of Light before, so what do you think of the Kingdom of Light compared to Earth?” Xingguang Yi continued to ask.

Hermione was speechless now.

“I am a researcher, not a sociologist, and I don’t have the ability or experience in this area, but even I can see various problems in your human society.

We of the Light are the shield of your human society and will pull you before you fall into the abyss.

We will respond to your requests, but we will not help you make choices, nor will we deliberately guide you.

Hermione, you may not realize that your choices have made the human wizarding world stand at a fork in the road. “Xingguang said seriously.

But having said that, Ultraman will also be biased when he is dealing with matters related to human beings.

There have also been aliens who have questioned the earthlings, why can you have the protection of Ultraman?

Hermione couldn’t turn her head around for a while. She had never thought that what she wanted to do was so serious, but she could still hear the refusal in Xingguang’s words.

“Then there’s no other way? Can’t you help the house-elves?” Hermione’s voice was getting lower and lower.

“I have the easiest way now, that is, I will take all the house-elves away, and I will provide them with another place to live. But unfortunately they did not ask me for help, so I can’t force them away.” Starlight said.

“That’s not going to work.” Even Hermione, who was enthusiastic about protecting the rights of house-elves, knew that if Starlight took away all the house-elves, the wizarding world would be in chaos.

Xingguang didn’t say anything, just shrugged his shoulders.

“Is there really no way?” Hermione felt that her confidence in this matter was fading little by little, she muttered to herself, “Am I being naive.”

“It’s not that there is no way. Didn’t I just say that this matter can’t be done by me, it still needs to be done by you. What you want to do is not childish at all, or a lot of things that have changed now, in the beginning It’s just a naive and unrealistic idea, the most important thing is that you have a kind heart.” Xingguangyi continued.

“I have to remind you that what you do has a greater impact on the wizarding world than you think. An affiliated race itself has more power than humans, and when you unlock their limitations, you think Has there ever been a possible war between two races?

You have a good idea, but relying only on kindness, everything is still wishful thinking. There is a famous saying that with great power comes great responsibility, but I prefer to change this sentence to say that with great power comes great responsibility. Don’t easily take on what your personal strength can’t handle.

In addition, from a bystander’s point of view, you haven’t conducted a more in-depth investigation and research, what are the needs of the house-elves in life, and what improvements are made to the extent that they can accept it.

The kindness exerted on others should be carried out step by step, rather than shouting big slogans when they come up. ”

“I… I understand…” Hermione nodded, her head was a little confused. On the one hand, she really hadn’t thought about it, and her actions might even trigger a war between the two races. On the other hand, Starlight Once again he gave himself advice.

Hermione’s eyes wandered around with her head in a mess, when she suddenly realized that the room she was in was the hot spring built by Starlight to improve the lives of the house-elves, which made Hermione Min vaguely caught something.

“You don’t have to worry, anyway, you are still young, you can slowly practice and gain experience. But I also want to remind you that this matter can be regarded as your career, but it cannot become your obsession, don’t let this matter It affects your judgment.” As soon as Xingguang continued, he was going to pat the back on the shoulder, but he remembered that he and Hermione were not too familiar, so he gave up.

“What…you’re not getting older…” Hermione muttered, but she couldn’t help thinking of her previous actions. She seemed to be too aggressive in some ways because of the house-elves.

“That’s about all I want to say, at least for this academic year, I’ll still be at Hogwarts if you need help with anything you can come to me.

Regarding the house-elves, as long as you can stay true to your heart and continue to treat them with kindness, instead of turning it into a show or a bargaining chip for yourself, I’m always here to help. ‘ Starlight had always promised Hermione.

“I…” Hermione looked at Xingguang’s serious and lovely face, something was brewing in her heart, “I promise!”

Xingguang smiled, put on the mask again, and went back to work.

“I’ll help too!” Hermione exclaimed.

“No, you leave quickly, there’s so much dust here, there’s nothing you can do to help now.” Xingguang didn’t agree, and drove Hermione outside.

Hermione’s little face flushed red, and she finally puffed out her cheeks and left.

This hot spring took Xingguang a day or three to complete. After that, if Xingguang ate in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, his food would be much more luxurious than others, even if he ordered very simple The meals are the same.

Because Starlight went to the Hogwarts kitchen alone to ask for other things, the house-elves could only use it to express their gratitude.

During this time, Hermione also changed. She no longer actively pulled others into her organization, but started to contact other house-elves through Dobby, the house-elf, and listened to their needs and ideas.

Although there has been little success so far, Hermione has not given up.

Another day, Hermione, who had no classes, came to the Capsule Villa with her homework to find Xingguang Yi.

Xingguang One has delicious food, delicious drinks, and many technologies that are not accessible to human society at present, and there is also a gentle Xingguang One. In addition, Hermione’s reputation was almost ruined because of the report of that unscrupulous female reporter, and she was uncomfortable in the Gryffindor lounge or other places, so she just came here.

She first went to say hello to Hagrid, and then came to Starlight One.

“Um…what are you doing?”

Hermione pouted, with a pen on her upper lip, and asked Xing Guangyi.

She was lying on the coffee table, her elbows resting on the coffee table, her hands were cupping her cheeks, and in front of her there was a piece of parchment with two lines written on it. This was her homework.

At this time, Xingguangyi was assembling an instrument in front of the workbench. Because Qingniao and Thea are usually in the living room on the Qixi Festival, Xingguangyi did not move the nest after putting the worktable in the living room, and was here to accompany them.

As soon as Xingguang heard Hermione’s question, he assembled the last step in his hand before answering: “This is an energy storage, used to store excess energy.”

This device is mainly made for Thea. Although Thea can almost control the body now, but because of Thea’s special situation, she can’t stop the power furnace, and can only maintain the power furnace to a minimum degree.

But even with the power running at a minimum, a lot of excess energy is produced.

And Thea has no way to use this energy to strengthen her body for the first time, and the excess energy has gradually affected Thea’s body.

After a while, Thea had to rely on starlight to draw out the excess energy in her body.

So Starlight planned to make an energy storage device to store excess energy.

The shape of this energy storage device is exactly the same as Xingguang Yi’s color timer. After all, the color timer is also an energy storage organ in essence.

“Thea, try it.”

As soon as Xingguang got up from the workbench, he came to Thea and handed the energy storage device to Thea.

Thea took over the energy storage device. She looked at the energy storage device like a triangular crystal and remembered the color timer on Xingguangyi’s chest.

Thinking about the position of the Xingguang-color timer, Thea didn’t wait for Xingguang to speak, and put the energy storage on her chest. The energy storage was directly attached to Xia’s chest, crossing the energy protective layer of the mimetic clothes. , connected with her body, from the outside, part of the triangular crystal is exposed outside the clothes.

After the energy storage connection is connected to Thea’s body, Thea begins to try to store the excess energy in her body in it. With her move, the triangular crystal also became agile and shimmered a little.

Seeing Xingguang give the crystal to Thea, Hermione felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Suddenly, Hermione asked, “By the way, Xingguang Yi, have you decided to go to the Christmas ball?”

She noticed that when Xingguang turned to look at herself, she immediately lowered her head and stared at her parchment. At this time, the words on the parchment seemed not to be written by herself.

“I still don’t want to go, why are you asking this?” Xing Guangyi asked.

“No… nothing…” Hermione replied falteringly.


Xingguang snorted briefly, glanced at Hermione in confusion, and then took out the instrument to check the operation of the energy storage on Thea’s chest.

“There’s nothing wrong with running, how are you feeling, Thea?” Xingguang asked Thea.

“Feel?” Thea tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, “It feels very comfortable.”

“That’s fine.” Starlight nodded as soon as she heard Thea say that.

At this time, the doorbell of the capsule villa was rang.

“Oh? Who else would come here?” Xingguang muttered as he came to the door and opened the room door.

“Good morning, Koichi.”

As soon as Dumbledore stood outside the door and greeted Starlight, he still had a smile on his face as always, making it impossible to guess who he wanted to smack next.

“It’s almost noon, it’s still early…” After getting acquainted with Dumbledore, Xingguang gradually became more casual, and suddenly he reacted, and quickly asked, “Wait a minute, Professor, have you left school already? ?”

Before Dumbledore entrusted Hermione to deliver the box containing the Ravenclaw crown to Starlight One, Starlight One thought Dumbledore had left the school to find the Horcrux.

“I haven’t left yet, but it’s just these two days. I plan to leave after I have arranged the school affairs.” Dumbledore said, he looked into the living room, when he saw Hermione, Dumbledore Lido’s smile grew even brighter.

With this smile looking at Xingguang, he was terrified. He hurriedly welcomed Dumbledore into the room and asked at the same time, “Professor, what are you doing here with me this time?”

“I came here to hear your opinion.” Dumbledore found an empty sofa and sat down.

“My opinion?” Xingguangyi was a little puzzled, but he poured Dumbledore a cup of tea first.

Dumbledore glanced at the teacup in front of him, and said a little disappointedly: “Ah… no sugar…”

“You should eat less sugar. Eating too much is not good for your health.” As soon as Xingguang sat down, he took a sip of tea from his large Fuguang tea bottle. When he went to Dumbledore’s office before, the tea he drank was so sweet. Pain.

Chapter eight hundred and ninth self-cultivation of blind date master Dumbledore

After taking a big gulp of tea, Xingguang continued to ask: “Professor, you said you wanted to hear my opinion, what is my opinion?”

Dumbledore took a sip of the unsweetened tea in disappointment, and immediately put down the cup.

He glanced at Hermione intentionally or unintentionally, and then said, “That’s it, haven’t you killed Voldemort…”

Hearing Dumbledore’s words, Hermione interrupted Dumbledore directly without paying attention to her politeness at this time. Her little face was full of incredible expressions, and she exclaimed: “Voldemort was wiped out by Starlight?!”

Although Hermione knew that Starlight is very strong, since he entered the wizarding world, people around him have been exaggerating how terrifying Voldemort is, so that she now hears that Voldemort was destroyed by Starlight, and has an incredible feeling.

After a brief moment of surprise, she began to wonder when Starlight One had destroyed Voldemort.

“Wait a minute Professor, is it okay to say this directly?” Xingguang asked.

Hearing this, Hermione quickly raised three fingers and assured: “I won’t say it, my mouth is very strict.”

“Haha, it’s okay, since I said it here, it means that I have a plan.” Dumbledore smiled lightly, making it unclear whether he was brewing some bad idea, or whether it was really ahead of schedule. Entering dementia.

“Well, since you said nothing, Professor, I don’t care.” Xingguang shrugged. Anyway, he had already solved the most difficult part of fighting against Voldemort, and left the rest to Deng. It’s good for the original residents of Bli to solve it.

“And then, I was a little hesitant about dealing with the Death Eater remnant.” Dumbledore continued, “I originally planned to keep some Death Eaters, to train Harry and the wizarding world. The new generation, of course, including you, Miss Hermione.”

“Me?” Hermione pointed to herself subconsciously and questioned when she heard that it was about herself.

Her clever little brain couldn’t turn around for a while when she heard such an important thing.

“I originally planned to do this, but now I have another opportunity to wipe out all the Death Eaters, so I am a little hesitant and want to hear your opinion.” Dumbledore looked at him. Xingguang Yi, he picked up the cup and continued drinking tea, waiting for Xingguang Yi’s answer.

Xingguang didn’t think too much, and replied directly: “Since it can be wiped out in one go, what are you waiting for, let’s play it first.”

After answering, Xingguang slowly spoke his thoughts again and again.

“Although in many film and television works, only setbacks, disasters, and even death can train people, but I don’t like this. It is better for people to live in peace than anything else. In order not to let innocent people suffer casualties, even in the future Without the opportunity to hone, I have to eliminate this hidden danger first.”

Dumbledore nodded and said happily: “It really is you, just as I guessed. Since you have said so, let’s do it all.”

After speaking, Dumbledore kept staring at Xingguang, which made Xingguang feel nervous.

Xingguang can only say: “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Haha, in fact, I still need your help in this matter.” Dumbledore said happily when he saw Starlight responded.

“Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Mad-Eye Moody’s been in the school, you know that? Oh, yes, Barty Crouch Jr. is a Death Eater, super loyal kind of.”

Dumbledore also explained it specifically, but this is more like saying to Hermione.

Hermione felt that her head was dizzy now, that the crazy Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was actually a Death Eater pretending to be.

He now had countless questions in his mind to ask, but he held back and listened quietly to Professor Dumbledore.

“Ah? I know about this. Wait…Isn’t that what I told you?” Starlight scratched his head, wondering what medicine Dumbledore’s gourd was selling.

“Oh, yes, so you told me, it seems that you are really old and can’t remember things. The next thing is about you, after you appeared at Hogwarts, Barty Crow Jr. Qi felt that you were the biggest obstacle to the plan, so he wanted to get rid of you.” Dumbledore said.

“Get rid of me?” Xingguang was stunned, “This little Barty Crouch is too optimistic.”

“You don’t blame him, after all, they are extremely loyal Death Eaters themselves, and their plans have reached the point of desperation. When they meet such a powerful obstacle as you, they will not be timid but will be even more crazy.” Dumbledore instead Persuade Starlight One as if he were on the same footing as Barty Crouch Jr.

“Then, I secretly added a fire, and I secretly hinted to Barty Crouch Jr., saying that you are not that strong in a human state. So Barty Crouch Jr has a An unrealistic delusion.”

Dumbledore cracked a smile, looking like he had a plan.

Starlight opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, the old man Dumbledore was really bad.

But what Dumbledore said was not wrong. He was indeed not as strong as Ultraman in a human state, but he was not that strong, and it did not mean that he was weak. He was really underestimated by Barty Crouch Jr.

“Then, Barty Crouch Jr. plans to join the other Death Eaters to get rid of you,” Dumbledore said.

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