Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 566

Chapter 566:

Because the show didn’t start until the evening, there were not many people near the main stage.

After Xingguang left, three more people came here.

“It’s quite lively here.” One of the women with dark blue short hair said.

This blue short-haired woman is tall and tall, about 1.8 meters tall. At the same time, she has a bumpy figure, which is like a ripe fruit waiting to be picked.

She wore a pair of sunglasses on her face, covering her face.

She was wearing a white shirt with a dark blue hip skirt underneath, her two slender legs were wrapped in black silk, a pair of high-heeled shoes were under her feet, and a black coat was wrapped around her. Makes her look beautiful and coquettish at the same time very capable.

“Sister, can I go to dinner? I haven’t eaten since morning.”

Behind the dark blue short-haired beauty, a girl with slightly curly black hair spoke.

This girl was the shortest among the three and had the most immature face.

After speaking, the black long-rolled girl raised her head with her mouth open and yawned.

Because of this head-up motion, the pair of big sunglasses on her face slipped down, revealing her beautiful big eyes slightly.

It’s just that there are some dark circles around her eyes, which slightly spoil the beauty of her charming face. It seems that she didn’t sleep well last night.

“Yeah, sister. The little sister is right. We didn’t eat well last night, so we just ate a piece of bread,” said the tall brown long-haired girl among the three.

According to her words, these three people should be sisters, but the completely different hair color is amazing.

“Okay, let’s find out where to buy food.” The dark blue short-haired woman said. Her voice was very nice and her tone was very gentle, but she always felt that she was too calm and deliberate.

“Sister, now, you don’t need to speak to us in such a tone,” said the youngest of the three sisters.

“Okay, okay.” The blue-haired woman finally changed her tone, “Isn’t this already at the mission site, it’s automatically switched to work mode.”

The three of them chatted while walking, and came to the rest area according to the floor plan on the promotional page.

The three of them each bought a portion of food, found a place to sit down, and chatted while eating.

“It’s really going to cause trouble for us. Even if you want to be popular, you don’t need to use our name, and you even forged a notice.” The youngest girl crossed her legs and stretched out her fingers to take out one from the plate. French fries dipped in bolognese sauce, talking while eating.

“Don’t say that, even if she doesn’t forge the notice, we’ll come to her.” The eldest girl said, cutting a piece of steak gracefully and putting it in her mouth, then wiped the gravy from her mouth and continued. Saying, “She has something on her body that doesn’t belong to this world.”

“What’s more, we are using other people’s identities ourselves, and it doesn’t matter if we are used again. The three sisters of Maoyan can’t find them across the world.” The second sister of the three sisters said.

Halfway through speaking, the second sister suddenly touched the eldest sister and the third sister and pointed in one direction.

The eldest sister and the third sister looked over at the same time, and saw Xingguang and others.

“Hey, it’s that little brother. When we met last time, I really didn’t think that he was an alien giant.” The little girl whispered in amazement, and then asked her eldest sister, “Sister, when will we contact him?”

“Let’s wait until the current affairs are done.” The elder sister said calmly on her face.

If Xingguang noticed this, maybe the three girls would be very familiar. They are the three girls who asked Starlight to receive the newspaper on the train (Chapter 779).

After eating the food, the three sisters left.

“Xingguang Yi, what’s wrong with you?” Hermione asked Xingguang Yi.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the person who just passed by feels a little familiar.” Xingguang answered truthfully.

Hermione remembered that the three girls had just passed by, her eyes narrowed.

“Xingguang Yi, why are all the people you know are girls, do you have male friends?” Hermione asked.


When talking about male friends, Xingguang thought of the three hanging men in the dormitory.

“Yes, yes…” Xingguang said strangely.

“What’s wrong?” Hermione saw that Xingguang’s expression was not right, so she asked.

“It’s nothing, I just thought of a few juniors.” Xing Guangyi said.

“Junior?” Hermione was a little puzzled, but said nothing.

After their group finished eating, they stayed in the rest area for a long time before leaving.

The time gradually came to the evening, the sky darkened early, and all the lights of the concert were turned on by the staff, so that the main part of the concert was brightly lit.

Before the opening of the main stage, there were still singers singing on the small stage nearby.

In fact, even if the main stage starts to perform, some small singers will continue to sing, but it is very difficult to grab the audience with the big names on the main stage.

Xingguangyi and the others came here half an hour before the opening, but it was already full of people.

No way, Xingguang first class can only stand.

After waiting for a while, the band in the hot field came out to perform, and the audience off the field followed.

Hermione and Sachiko seemed to enjoy the loud and cheerful atmosphere, and Thea was happy because she liked music.

Tanabata Jade Bird was startled by the sudden burst of boiling voices, and the small head retracted into Xingguangyi’s arms and did not dare to come out.

As for Xingguang Yi, he didn’t like this kind of overly lively occasions, but he wouldn’t put a face on other people’s interest.

The atmosphere of the scene became more and more hot, and the singers and bands on the stage also took turns to perform on stage.

Finally, it was time for the popular female singer to appear.

To be honest, Xingguang has not remembered this person’s name until now.

A look at the hair color and looks, very good, ordinary people, do not need to remember.

As soon as Xingguang observed the female singer, he suddenly noticed that the female singer had a small cross hanging on her waist, and a round green thing was inlaid on the small cross.

Xingguang, who felt that something was wrong, took out a telescope from the laboratory space and used the telescope to look at the female singer again.

Xingguangyi always felt that the green thing on the cross looked familiar, so he began to observe carefully and recalled what it was.

Soon, Xingguang remembered.

“Fuck, it’s Peace Star!”

Chapter 832: New Changes in the Form of the World’s Witness

“Fuck, Peace Star!”

Hermione heard Xingguang Yi’s exclamation, so she turned to look at Xingguang Yi.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Hermione asked with concern.

“I think I know why this female singer is being stared at by the thief cat’s eye.” Xingguang handed the telescope to Hermione, “Look at the cross on her waist.”

Hearing Xingguangyi’s words, Hermione took the telescope and looked towards the female singer on the stage.

Thea also heard what Xingguangyi said. She squinted her eyes directly, and another window popped up in her field of vision. The pattern in the window kept getting closer, and finally locked on the cross on the female singer’s waist.

“Hey, is there any telescope left? Give me one.”

Sachiko, who is mortal to the naked eye, can’t do what Thea does. She took a picture of Xingguangyi and also wants a telescope.

“Isn’t it just a cross? It feels very ordinary. Of course, I have never seen a small green disc on a cross. But now the cross has become a popular symbol, and I don’t know what it is deconstructed. , you don’t need to worry about it.”

Hermione was a little puzzled, not knowing why Xingguang Yiyi responded so much, and at the same time she handed the telescope to Sachiko.

“The problem lies in that small disc. That thing is called the Peace Star.” Xingguang explained, “This thing called the Peace Star has the power from the constellation and can realize any wish.”

Speaking of which, Xingguang couldn’t help but want to complain, it’s really old, but if I think wrong, the broadcast time of “Tiejia Xiaobao” seems to be around 1997 or 1998, and now he The era is 1994.

“Any wish is possible?”

Hermione and Sachiko exclaimed at the same time. Together with Thea, the three girls turned their heads to look at Xingguang Yi at the same time, and everyone’s eyes glowed with different lights.


Even the Qixi Blue Bird in Xingguangyi’s arms looked up at Xingguangyi.

“Let me think about it… It seems to be saying that, except for the wishes related to other peace stars, it seems that any wish is fine. But I think there should be an upper limit to this kind of wish, it can’t really be any wish. Realized.” Xingguang scratched the chin of the Qixi Blue Bird and said.

In fact, Peace Star is really buggy. Although Ultraman’s scientific research is very unreasonable, it involves the conversion of energy and matter, and it is not a creation out of thin air.

But the Peace Star can really be created out of thin air, and Xingguang remembers that the Kabuda giant made a wish to the Peace Star to get it.

However, Xingguang guessed that there should be an upper limit to the wish made by Heping Xing. Just like Dragon Ball, the wish cannot exceed the ability of Shenlong.

The main “Tiejia Xiaobao” is a special film for Xiangxiang, and there is not much description of Pingxing’s wishing ability in it.

In Xingguang’s first impression, Peace Star displayed a relatively strong wish-making ability, one is to summon the Kabuda giant, and the other is to repair the city.

The rest of the time, Kabuda and the others often make small wishes, such as asking for a glass of water, healing wounds, repairing the truck, restoring Tiandelina’s chest, and so on.

There seems to be a very strange wish mixed in, but don’t worry about it, this is the charm of Zigongxiang.

“Make a wish…”

The three girls, including Thea, began to fantasize about what they should wish for.

“I don’t know where the cat’s eye is hidden now?”

Xingguang glanced at the crowd, glanced around and found no special people.

The current scene has been extremely lively, and if you don’t speak loudly, you can’t hear it at all.

The female singer on the stage danced and sang, and the veiled dancer around her also twisted her body to the music.

“Isn’t your little sister ready yet? I’m about to stop dancing. I feel cramps in my calf and stomach.” The second sister of the three sisters said in a low voice. She was covered by a veil, and no one could tell that she was speaking.

“Immediately, give me another fifteen seconds.” The little sister’s voice came from the earphones, “But I think our elder sister is very happy dancing.”

“Huhu, it’s a rare pleasure, I haven’t danced for a long time, take this opportunity to release the pressure.” The eldest sister said, “Lixiang, because you are still a private detective, you get cramps even when you dance, you should exercise. ”

“My stamina is very good, but if I can’t dance, I can’t dance.” Lixiang, the second eldest of the three sisters, said, sticking out her tongue at the same time.

“Okay, eldest sister and second sister, I’m ok here, I count three and you’ll do it.”

The younger sister’s voice appeared in the earphones of the eldest sister and the second sister.

“Three, two, one! Do it!”

As soon as Xiaomei’s voice fell, the equipment arranged around the stage suddenly started, and a large number of fireworks came out. The surrounding of the stage was covered with fire trees and silver flowers for a while, obscuring the vision of the audience.

The female singer in the field was also taken aback, stunned for a while, but did not respond for a while.

At this moment, two dancers not far from the female singer suddenly rushed to the side of the female singer.

One of them took the cross from the female singer’s waist without the female singer’s attention.

At this time, the female singer also reacted, and she screamed: “Who are you? Help!”

Hearing her voice, the staff in charge of security did not care to stop the fireworks machine and rushed to the stage facing the fireworks.

At this time, the two successful sisters suddenly took out the hook gun from nowhere and fired it at the top. The hook gun brought the two to the steel frame above the stage.

At this time, the audience didn’t know what happened, and they saw two Miaoman figures rushing out of the fire tree and silver flowers, flying to the top of the stage.

The accident in the field has been passed to the backstage, the music has also been stopped, and the scene is not so noisy in an instant.

“Who are you!” a staff member shouted.

“You have all used our identities, don’t you know who we are?”

As they spoke, the two people standing on the steel frame above the stage tore off their dance skirts in sync, and under the dance skirts was a tight-fitting one-piece suit.

“Ah, it’s really this classic attire, don’t these two feel cold?” Xingguang muttered.

The two people standing on the steel frame are wearing the iconic tight-fitting one-piece suit of the three cat-eye sisters, which can outline the wearer’s figure to the greatest extent.

But in Xingguangyi’s view, this kind of clothes basically has no other use other than the outline of the figure, and the defense ability is basically zero.

Coupled with this cold weather, it must be very cold to stand on this clothes.

In addition to the clothes, the two girls were covered with gauze, so they couldn’t see their faces clearly. But the hairstyles of the two were not blocked, one of them had short dark blue hair and the other had long straight brown hair.

This inevitably made Xingguang murmur again. He remembered that among the three cat-eye sisters, the one with short hair should be the younger sister. As for the short-haired girl in front of her, it can be seen from her figure that she is more mature than the girl with long straight brown hair next to her.

“The phantom thief cat’s eye is actually a woman, and there are two more people?”

Hermione on the side exclaimed, from a distance, she could see the mature and plump figures of the two girls who were so good that they exploded.

After exclaiming, Hermione turned to look at Xingguang Yi.

“You don’t look surprised, have you known them long ago?”

Hermione noticed Xing Guangyi’s expression, Xingguang’s eyebrows were raised and there was not much surprise on his face.

“Ah, I don’t know what to say.” Xingguang scratched his cheek, thought for a moment, and said, “I do know them, but they don’t know me. By the way, there are actually three people around the stage. The problem with the fireworks machine is the third person’s fault.”

At the top of the stage at this time, the second sister of the three sisters suddenly felt a different kind of excitement in her heart as she looked at the crowd of mountains and tsunamis below the stage.

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