Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 573

Chapter 573:

“Last night, one of our five brave warriors had one of their own treasures stolen. They need to go to the bottom of the lake to retrieve their treasures within one hour.”

Hearing Professor Dumbledore say this, Fleur knew where her lost sister was going.

At this moment, Gabriel is under this icy lake.

Furong’s face turned paler because she was worried about her sister’s condition.

Harry, who was next to Fleur, was also a little pale, and the tension that had just eased was now surging from his heart again.

Sirius and Lupin, who were with Harry, patted Harry on the shoulder, both encouraging him.

Following the referee’s order, Furong took the other step. She gritted her teeth and plunged into the water.

After her, the remaining three warriors also rushed to jump into the lake one by one.

At the moment when he was about to enter the water, Harry put the potion prepared in advance into his mouth.

The potion allowed Harry to temporarily grow gills and webs, allowing him to move around in the water.

The other warriors also showed their abilities, and Krum, the warrior from Durmstrang, was transformed into a weirdo with a shark head.

As for Cedric, another Hogwarts warrior, his appearance has not changed, but he still moves freely underwater.

After the four brave men went into the water, their situation was immediately broadcast on the light screen.

The picture of the four people showing their magical powers underwater caused cheers from the audience, and each student was cheering for the warriors they supported.

Dumbledore was very satisfied with the live broadcast system provided by Starlight One.

“This is called technology.” Dumbledore said proudly, thinking about the introduction of the other two principals, “I commissioned Xingguang Yi to make it.”

The other two headmasters there agreed perfunctorily, not knowing what Dumbledore had to be proud of.

There was nothing exciting about the scene at the beginning of the game. Harry and the others had to keep diving. The whole process was a bit boring, but the little wizards kept cheering, even if a fish appeared in the camera and a water plant appeared, They all cheer and don’t know if their voices are enough.

The further down you go, the darker the light and the more aquatic life there are.

While Harry was carefully exploring among the aquatic plants, a water monster suddenly appeared from the depths of the aquatic plants.

This blue-faced water monster with horns on its head and fangs in its mouth looks ugly. Its scientific name is Grindylo, but don’t worry, they are also called water monsters below.

The water monster that appeared suddenly grabbed Harry’s legs and pulled Harry down desperately.

Harry had to draw his wand at it, and the water monster fired a spell.

Freed from the water monster, Harry continued to swim, and he picked up speed.

The water grass in front of him seemed to have no end, and just when he thought so, the water grass suddenly disappeared.

A village belonging to the mermaids appeared in front of Harry.

In the center of the village, there are five huge wooden pillars with five people tied to them.

They are Ron, Ginny, Gabriel, Qiu Zhang and Thea.

The other four were still able to say which hero’s treasure Ginny belonged to.

All five of them closed their eyes and didn’t breathe, as if they were dead.

No, it should be four people to be precise.

Aware that someone was coming, Thea opened her eyes secretly, and found that it was not Xing Guangyi, so she quickly closed her eyes and continued to pretend to be dead.

When Harry came here, the other three warriors also touched here.

Their arrival also attracted the attention of the murlocs, and several murlocs with tridents came to stop them.

The four warriors looked at each other and immediately decided to cooperate.

At this time, Krum, who turned into a shark monster, directly bumped into a murloc. Harry and Cedric also stopped a murloc. Fleur took this opportunity to swim like a mermaid and quickly swam to the pillar. Get your wand out and prepare to untie the hostages.

At this time, her sister Gabriel was silent, which made Furong extremely flustered.

The magic spell that is usually easy to come by, but today it was used a few times before it came out.

In a hurry, she cut off the rope tied to her sister, and Furong picked up her wand again, ready to untie the rope on Thea.

But this is a female murloc who quickly swam to Furong’s side, threatened Furong with a trident, and said, “One person can only take one away.”

At the same time, Krum knocked out a murloc guard. He came to the pillar, bit Ginny’s rope with his teeth, and immediately swam towards the water while holding Ginny.

Another murloc guard was trying to stop him a little to increase the difficulty. Krum picked up his wand and cast a spell on the murlocs.

This spell was blocked by the murloc with the trident, and the bounced spell did not disappear directly, but turned in one direction and flew towards Hibiscus.

At this time, Furong was confronting the female murloc, and she just turned her back to Krum, so the spell hit her head on, and Furong fell into a coma, and took her sister to sink together. into the water.

This scene aroused the exclamations of the little wizards on the viewing platform, and even Mrs. Maxime, the principal of Beauxbatons, held her handkerchief tightly, with a nervous and worried expression on her face.

Hermione on the shore was also very worried. She looked at Xingguang Yi and asked, “Are Furong and Gabrielle okay?”

Because Fleur and Gabriel often went to the capsule villa to play, Hermione and they also became friends.

Xingguang didn’t know if there was such a moth in the original book, but in fact Gabriel was fine, at least she still had magic cast by Dumbledore himself. Compared with Gabriel, Furong’s situation is even more dangerous, because it is unclear whether the magic that allows her to move underwater will be lifted because of her coma.

Xingguang glanced at the time, half an hour had passed, and he could participate in the competition.

So he patted Hermione on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I’m here.”

After speaking, Starlight turned around and went back to the trailer, and Hermione hurriedly followed.

As soon as Xingguang took out his mobile phone and operated it, he was about to open the car behind the trailer when he heard someone calling him.

“Hey! Star! Wait a minute!”

Starlight turned his head one by one, and saw George and Fred running towards him all wet.


Xingguangyi didn’t know what to say, these two living treasures must have swam all the way from the viewing platform, right?

George’s next words just confirmed Xingguangyi’s idea: “We thought there was something cooler and more interesting happening on your side, so we swam back directly.”

Fred wiped the water off his face and said, “For the sake of our soaking wetness, don’t let us play.”

Xingguang scratched his cheeks helplessly, sighed and said, “Okay, I’ve really convinced you two, so quickly get dry, and then we’re ready to go.”

As soon as Xingguang pressed a button on his mobile phone, a door opened in the large compartment behind the trailer, and an electric ladder was lowered from inside.

Starlight took the lead and walked in, followed by Hermione. George and Fred took out their wands, dried their clothes, and got into the car.

Entering the car, George and Fred saw what was parked inside at a glance.

It was a huge giant made of metal, and this giant full of technology was constantly impacting the senses of George and Fred.

Just when the two of them were stunned, Xingguangyi had already jumped on the fuselage and was about to enter the cockpit. He stretched out his hand to pull Hermione and shouted to the Weasleys, “Hey, don’t be stunned, you two. If you do, I will leave you.”

Hearing Xingguangyi’s words, the brothers George and Fred closed their eyes, opened their mouths in surprise, and climbed up on the steel giant and entered the cockpit.

Because this cockpit was modified by Xingguang Yimo, it is more than enough to accommodate so many people, and there is even one seat for each person.

Of course, there is only one driver’s seat.

“All done, fasten your seat belts, and prepare to go.”

Starlight reminded as he inserted the starter on the right side of the right joystick.

As soon as it was plugged in, the launcher lit up and the words “age” appeared on the screen.

In the cockpit, all the instruments were lit up, and the cabin door of the cockpit was completely closed, and the display screen instead showed the outside scenery.

At the same time, in front of the viewing platform on the lake, the little wizards suddenly discovered that another light screen had appeared.

There are some inexplicable images displayed on this light screen, and this image is actually the image inside the cab.

With the start of Gundam, the carriage of the large trailer slowly opened, and a red, white and blue steel giant slowly sat up from inside.

The cockpit changed from lying flat to sitting normally, making George and Fred scream.

The little wizards on the viewing platform also noticed that the rear compartment of the giant trailer was opened, and a huge thing came out of it.

At this time, many people reacted, and the picture on the newly appeared light screen showed that it was the perspective of the cab inside the steel giant.

When the steel giant got off the car and officially stood on the ground, the various systems inside were really fully activated.

On the console screen in front of Xingguang, a line of words “gundamage-3orbital” appeared.

When this line appeared, whether it was George and Fred in the cockpit, or some little wizards on the viewing platform, they couldn’t help but read the name.

“Gundam, is that the name of this steel giant?” Fred asked.

“Well, Gundam age3 orbital type, this is her full name. In addition, this is not a steel giant, but a mobile suit.” Xingguang explained.

“Mobile Suit…Is there magic on it?” George also asked.

“No, this is a pure technology product, even humans can make it.”

There is also the second half of the sentence Xingguang did not say, but it will take some years to wait for humans to create it.

When Ti heard Xingguang say this, everyone smacked their tongues.

Even a little wizard from an ordinary family, after entering the wizarding world, more or less has a sense of superiority that is different from ordinary people.

But they didn’t expect that this kind of thing could be created simply with the technology of ordinary people who don’t know magic.

Chapter 840 The girls in the traveler’s hut always have something wrong when they meet

The 20-meter-high man-made steel giant walked towards the lake step by step, and every time it took a step, a slight tremor came from the ground. This shock felt that the lake water spread to the hearts of the little wizards on the viewing platform, causing their hearts to vibrate.


The Gundam age3 orbital type entered the lake without any hesitation.

In fact, Xingguangyi once considered building a dangerous wanderer. That thing is 79 meters high, and it is even more shocking when you take it out.

But considering that the ecological environment in the black lake of Hogwarts cannot be destroyed, after all, there are still murloc tribes living in it, so Xingguang gave up as soon as possible.

Xingguang Yi did not choose to let a Gundam age3 orbital type plunge into the water, but slowly immersed into the lake step by step. Even so, it set off a lot of waves.

The environment in which the Gundam age3 orbital type is located has changed, the cockpit is moved, and the voice prompt is turned on. At the same time, a three-dimensional model of the Gundam age3 orbital type appears on the starter, which simultaneously displays the current overall operation of the body. .

Entering the water, the Gundam age3 orbital thruster started to start, and a light blue light appeared on it, and the water near the thruster fluctuated obviously.

Afterwards, the Gundam age3 orbital type moved forward in the water at an extremely fast speed. Before Harry and the others took half an hour to walk, the Gundam age3 orbital type arrived in three minutes.

In the cockpit, Hermione looked around curiously. Although she knew that Xingguang Yi had been building this body, she had never entered the cockpit.

She looked left and right, trying to reach out to press some buttons next to her, but held back.

Not only Hermione, but also brothers George and Fred, and for these two boys, the environment in the cockpit was more attractive to them.

George and Fred struggled to hold their hands that were about to move, quietly watching Starlight operate.

Soon, the Gundam age3 orbital type came to the village of the murlocs, and there were no twists and turns along the way.

In fact, when they passed by the water and grass just now, many water monsters saw this steel giant. Out of their survival instinct, they did not dare to come forward to harass.

The fish people were very vigilant about the sudden appearance of this behemoth, and at the same time they were very afraid.

Holding a trident, they surrounded Gundam while maintaining a certain distance.

These murloc guards opened their mouths, and the vocal organs in their throats roared, trying to threaten the steel giant.

A murloc guard immediately went downstream, returned to his village, and called out a murloc with significantly different decorations on his body. It seemed that the murloc should be the chief or leader of the tribe.

In addition to the different clothes, the murloc looked obviously smarter, with two big eyeballs constantly rolling in their sockets.

It saw the steel giant parked outside the village, and its face was full of shock, and then complained in its heart.

There will be such a thing as a steel giant. Dumbledore’s bad old man didn’t say it. Didn’t he mean that he was a student-level little wizard? How come there is such a thing?

At this time, Harry and Cedric were still entangled with the murlocs, but suddenly the murlocs they were dealing with suddenly stopped moving and looked in one direction blankly.

Harry and Cedric also looked over subconsciously, and saw a mighty steel giant quietly suspended in the water against the faint light penetrating from the water.

“What is this…” Cedric muttered to himself.

Although Harry was very shocked, he still thought of Xingguang Yi for the first time.

“Harry, are you two okay, hurry up and get out of here with the person you want to save.”

Starlight Ichi’s voice came from the broadcast of the Gundam age3 orbital type.

“But, Fleur and her sister…” Harry pointed down, where Fleur and Gabriel lay.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.” Xing Guangyi said.

Harry nodded, he believed in Starlight One, so he carried Ron to the surface.

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