Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 599

Chapter 599:

“Thanks, I’m not hungry.” Fangao refused.

He didn’t know what to think and looked worried now.

Wu Lu naturally heard the conversation of the three little guys behind, she smiled and didn’t say anything.

When they came downstairs, Wu Lu stopped, turned around and waited for the three children behind, holding her shoulders and waiting patiently without rushing.

After the three children had followed, Wu Lu led them into the corridor.

The room on the right that they saw when they entered the corridor was the destination of their trip. Wu Lu stepped forward and knocked on the door of the room.

While waiting, Amano Yangna looked at the door.

The environment in this residential building is similar to where Amano Yangna and the others lived, but for some reason, Amano Yangna always felt weird looking at the door in front of her, but she couldn’t say anything strange for a while.

“What’s wrong?” Amano asked.

“It’s nothing, it just feels a little strange.” Amano Yangna said while scratching her head.

“Strange? Where is it strange?” Amano Nagi was a little curious.

“I can’t tell, it just feels like something is missing from the door.” Amano Yangna said.

Hearing her sister’s words, Amano Nagi also looked up and down the door in front of her.

Soon Amano Nagi had the answer, he said: “This door is too clean.”

After being reminded by her brother, Amano Yangna also reacted.

The door of this old residential building has long been covered with various small advertisements, and the door is so clean now.

Just as Amano Yangna kept thinking about this, the door of the room was opened.

“excuse me.”

After Wu Lu said this, she stepped into the room.

Amano Yangna and the others followed closely and entered the room.

Originally, Amano Yangcai thought it would be a Longtan Tiger Den, but I didn’t expect the room to be so ordinary, a little too ordinary.

At this time, a golden woman wearing apricot-colored home clothes and an apron came up and greeted Wu Lu and the others.

“Welcome,” the woman said.

Amano Yangna raised her head to look at this beautiful and thrilling woman, and had to admit that her appearance was really rare in the world, and even the sexual Amano Yangna was attracted to her attention, and she was a little stunned.

But the next moment, the more Amano Yangna looked, the more she felt that the woman looked very familiar, and she seemed to have seen her.

“Why are you still wearing an apron? Are you preparing lunch for us?” Wu Lu asked in a relaxed tone.

Chapter 869 The Tea Party of the Witches

“Why are you still wearing an apron? Are you preparing lunch for us?” Wu Lu asked in a relaxed tone.

This relaxed tone made Amano Yangna realize that this blond lady and Sister Lu are not familiar, even if they are not close friends, they should be very good friends.

In fact, Amano Yangna herself is like this, she is very polite in front of unfamiliar people, and becomes a little active and presumptuous when getting along with familiar people.

“Yes, and no.” The beautiful woman with long blond hair had a warm smile on her face.

Seeing that Wu Lu was about to pick up the snacks in the basket on the table, the blonde woman reached out and hit Wu Lu’s hand, Wu Lu quickly retracted her hand.

“You said you were preparing it for us, but now I can’t eat it at all, you are stingy.” Wu Lu pouted, she rubbed the spot where the blonde woman photographed her back, although it didn’t hurt. .

“Look at you, you look like someone who has become a mother.” The blond woman smiled and shook her head, then explained, “These are not for you, I’m going to hold a tea party for witches this evening, Of course, if you want to participate, there is no problem.”

“The witches’ tea party?” Wulu became interested as soon as she heard the blond woman talking about it, “Is there any other female magicians?”

“I don’t know what you are usually doing,” the blond woman shook her head and said, “Didn’t I mention it to you once before, that is, Mana’s child and Ayumi. But Mana also told me, Once she’ll bring someone else over.”

“Other people? Okay, okay! I want to see magic in other worlds, too.” Wu Lu said, looking very interested in this tea party, taking advantage of the blond woman not paying attention, Wu Lu took a biscuit into the mouth.

Amano Yangna and the others never dared to talk to each other. They were still standing at the entrance, listening to the conversation between Wu Lu and the blond woman.

The more I listened, the more surprised it turned out that those with extraordinary powers were so close to them.

Well, the three of them subconsciously ignored Amano Yangna, who also possesses extraordinary power, including Amano Yangna herself.

Amano Yangna felt a little nervous. In addition to being nervous, there was also some curiosity. This is actually an emotion that people more or less have when they come into contact with unknown areas.

“Oh, that’s right,” Wu Lu swallowed the biscuits and said to Amano Yangna and the others, “This is Master Gu Yi, she used to be the supreme mage of her world, the master of Weishandi magic. , has guarded that world for hundreds of years.”

“Supreme Mage”, “Master of Magic”, “Guarding the world for hundreds of years”, these words all stimulated Amano Yangna and the three of them.

They did not doubt the authenticity of this statement, after all, who would doubt a powerful magician who could freeze an entire street with a single fist.

The more they knew that Wu Lu was telling the truth, the more nervous the three of them became. The three of them had never been in contact with such a powerful person in the past world or this world, so they would naturally feel nervous.

In addition, this person is more than 500 years old, and now he looks so young.

“I told you not to introduce me like that.” Gu Yi glared at Wu Lu lightly, then looked at Amano Yangna and the others, his eyes swept over them one by one, and stopped on Amano Yangna’s body for a while. .

Afterwards, Gu Yi said with a smile: “How are you, little guys. I’ve been listening to Wu Lu talking about you, and I’m familiar with your various situations, of course it’s one-way. Look at your appearance. It should be Wulu who brought you here without telling you anything, but don’t be nervous, just get to know me, you can just call me Aunt Gu Yi.”

Amano Yangna nodded, and at this moment, she suddenly remembered that she had seen the blonde woman in front of her in the store before.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Yi noticed Yang Cai’s expression, so he asked.

“Nothing.” Amano Yangna quickly shook her head.

“Okay, you can just sit down first, I’ll prepare tea, and lunch will be ready soon.” Gu Yi turned and went to the kitchen.

Wu Lu found a place and sat down carelessly, she patted the sofa, and said to Yang Cai and the others, “You can sit too, it’s fine, it’s fine, just like being at home, Gu Yi won’t care. ”

“That’s what you said,” Gu returned to the living room with the tray, and she placed the items on the tray on the coffee table one by one, “but she’s right, you three little guys don’t need to be cautious.”

After finishing this, Gu Yi sat on the other sofa and asked Wu Lu, “Tell me, what is your business with me today?”

“Actually, it’s nothing. Didn’t I plan to adopt Yang Cai and Xiao Nagi.” Wu Lu said.

Gu nodded and said, “I know this, but I just hope you are ready. It’s time to put aside your carefree temper.”

At this time, Gu Yi noticed that Wu Lu only said that he would adopt Amano Yangna and Amano Nagi, but there was another child.

Gu Yi also guessed what Wu Lu was going to talk to him about today, and it was nothing more than the problem of the remaining boy named Fan Gao.

But Gu Yi didn’t quite understand. Since Wu Lu had considered Fangao’s affairs, why not adopt Fangao directly.

Gu Yi was about to ask, but suddenly she saw Amano Yangna looking at Hodaka, and now she understood.

“I understand.” Gu nodded and said.

“Ah?” Wu Lu was a little dumbfounded, she didn’t say anything yet, what did this old lady understand?

Hina, Nagi, and Hodaka were also a little puzzled. Why did they start playing dumb questions again? Could it be that this is how magicians talk to each other.

“These two children will be inconvenient in the future.” Gu Yi continued.

Yang Cai and the three of them were still confused, and Wu Lu understood Gu Yi’s thoughts.

Gu Yi already knew what he was going to talk about this time, and he also knew the reason for doing so.

Wu Lu originally wanted to adopt all three of Yangcai and the others, but she suddenly thought that if she and Yangcai and the other three really became a legal family, it would cause trouble for Yangcai and Fangao. .

If Hina and Hodaka intend to start a family in this world in the future, they must dissolve the relationship between them and Ulu.

So Wu Lu simply planned to find another person to adopt Fangao. Adoption was a must, otherwise it would be troublesome for these three underage children to do a lot of things.

The candidate Wu Lu was looking for was Gu Yi.

“Hey… I really don’t know what you think, at least discuss it with this child before coming here.” Gu Yi said helplessly, and set his eyes on Fan Gao, “In case this child thinks you are biased, Just throw him to someone else, I’ll see what you do.”

Fan Gao lowered his head, he now understood why Wu Lu brought them here today, and at the same time his mood became a little weird.

Wu Lu scratched her head, but she didn’t take this into consideration. She hurriedly looked at Fan Gao, but Gu Yi interrupted just as she was about to explain.

“Hello Fangao, I hope this matter will not cause you to misunderstand, so let me explain it. Here, even people who are not related by blood, if they become brothers and sisters in the legal sense, wait until they think about it later. If you want to get married, there will still be some more troubles. So, Wu Lu, she plans to entrust me to handle your adoption procedures.” Gu Yi introduced.

When Koichi mentioned the word marriage, Hodaka and Yangna’s faces flushed together. Yang Cai also lowered her head, only staring at her own toes, not daring to look at others.

“I’m really not ready. After all, Wu Lu didn’t tell me about it before, but I will learn to do my due obligations. This is my guarantee, and the rest is up to you. idea.” Gu Yi continued.

Although Gu Yi didn’t make a 100% guarantee, her words had a convincing magic power.

“Fang Gao, I’m sorry I didn’t consider your thoughts. I asked Gu Yi to adopt you, not to throw you to Gu Yi. Your life will be the same as usual, living with us.” Wu Lu said, “Now I want to hear your thoughts.”

“I…” Fan Gao was a little stuck, this matter is important, but it’s more or less affected his future life.

In fact, he really wanted to say that even if he lived by himself, it was okay and he didn’t need to be adopted, but he didn’t have much resistance to being adopted.

Everyone around looked at Hodaka, waiting for him to make a decision.

“I… I have no opinion.” Hodaka hesitated until the end and could only say that.

“That’s great!” Wu Lu said, “But Fangao, don’t be stressed, you can tell me anything, don’t keep it in your heart.”

“By the way, give me that thing.” Gu Yi suddenly interrupted Wu Lu.

“What?” Wu Lu didn’t respond for a while.

“What to prepare, let me see what to prepare for adoption.” Gu Yi said.


Mei Weiai stretched her waist while sitting in her office chair.

She is the only one in the office now, so she is so comfortable.

Her high heels were tossed aside, and her feet wrapped in stockings stepped on the slippers prepared in advance.

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time and still typing on her stomach, Mei Weiai felt stiff and uncomfortable all over.

She got up from her chair and strolled in the office. She came to the window and looked at the scenery inside the campus through the window. At this time, it was the recess time, and many students came and went on the road.

The other three in the same office as Mei Weiai are not here now, and they all have their own business.

A student in a freshman class at the Art Institute that Miri brought had a fight, and she had to deal with it.

Kushina had a class this afternoon, and she went to class.

Gong Mingai, also known as Miyano Akemi, has nothing to do today, so she stayed at home with her sister.

Stretching, doing exercises, and activities of the cervical spine that are somewhat uncomfortable.

After doing this, Mei Wei’ai, who felt much more comfortable, went back to the computer desk, ready to finish typing her manuscript.

Fortunately, there was not much left of the manuscript, and Mei Weiai bit her head and edited a few sentences before completing the manuscript.

“Save! ok! I’m free!”

Before there was a problem with the word document, Mei Weiai quickly clicked save, and then cheered with open arms, not looking like a teacher at all.

She had been hacked by a word document once before, and she wrote thousands of words. As a result, when she clicked save, the document was stuck, and there was nothing left.

After that, Mei Weiai developed the habit of saving every ten words.

Mei Weiai, who had nothing to do after finishing her work, opened her small drawer, took out snacks from it, and played a TV show on her mobile phone, watching it while eating.

If this is in a normal teacher’s office, this is definitely not appropriate, but this teacher’s office is not normal.

The whole room is all her own, and they are all out now, so Mei Wei’ai is a little unscrupulous.

Just looking at it, Mei Weiai thought of Xing Guangyi, the little boy who had been making trouble for her, or it should be said that the two were making trouble for each other.

There is no news of Xingguang Yi so far, and Mei Wei’ai is a little worried.

“I feel like the potato chips are tasteless.” Mei Wei said while chewing the potato chips.

Although the package of potato chips she ate had “original flavor” written on it, her condition was so serious that she was so distracted that she didn’t pay attention to the packaging of the snacks she took.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, which shocked Mei Wei’ai.

She quickly turned off the TV show on her mobile phone, swept all the snacks on the table into the drawer, and hurriedly changed her shoes.

After doing this, she hurried to the door to open it, and she almost stabbed her foot.

“Hello, what’s the matter… What, it’s you.”

When she opened the door and saw the people standing outside, Mei Weiai breathed a sigh of relief, and even her shoulders drooped down.

“Hee hee, I’m sorry to bother you, Aiko-sensei.” Mana outside the door said with a smile.

“Okay, don’t stand outside and say it, come in.” Mei Weiai welcomed Mana into the office, closed the door with her backhand, and then returned to her position, kicking off her high heels.

Mei Wei’ai naturally knew Mana. The two new classes, Class 211 and 212, of the World Education Academy, were led by Mei Wei’ai. Mei Wei’ai couldn’t do things like she didn’t know her students for the time being.

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