Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 621

Chapter 621:

Little fifteen is relatively calm, she is thinking about other things: “I don’t know if the third sister’s thing is finished.”

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen,” Xiao Shi said.

The third sister in Xiao Shishi’s mouth is the No. 3 Ling Bo Li, which is the one who appeared in the middle and late stage of TV, but because of the strong intervention of the transmigrators, No. 2 Ling Bo Li did not die, and No. 3 Ling Bo Li’s body did not. is enabled.

Now No. 3 Ayanami Rei’s body has been born with her own soul, but I don’t know why, the character shown by No. 3 Ayanami Rei is almost the same as the original Ayanami Rei.

At this time, No. 3 Ayanami Rei was ambushing in a forest with her other sisters.

The time has come to eight o’clock in the evening on Friday. According to the system time set by the girl with double ponytails, the buffer zone has already begun to put traversers and other traversers near Shangguan City.

Sister Ayanami No. 3 looked at the instrument in her hand, which looked like a Geiger counter.

Originally, there was no movement on this instrument, but suddenly the value on it began to soar, and at the same time, a string of words appeared, “A lot of evil aura has been detected, there is no help, please kill yourself.”

Seeing the skyrocketing value and this string of words, Sister Ayanami No. 3 whispered, “Come on!”

The other Ayanami sisters also cheered up and stared at the open space in front of them.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in that small clearing without warning.

This person has a huge body shape that is different from ordinary people, and also has an appearance that is different from ordinary people.

His skin was red, and a head of red hair fluttered wildly behind him. He had only one eye on his face, not the one that was wounded and closed, but the one that should have had one eye. There was nothing there, just a single piece of skin, but the shape of the socket that still existed could tell that there was once an eye there.

To be honest, this person is not ugly, even with such a strange skin and one eye, he still makes people feel heroic and extraordinary.

You can imagine how handsome he must have been when he was normal.

In addition, what set off his extraordinary temperament was the whole set of golden armor on his body, on which there were several pairs of huge sharp horns.

After the red giant appeared, he remained silent for a while, then he roared: “Damn Smurfs! When I get out of this crate, I swear to take your Smurf village… wait here. where is it?”

He noticed the situation around him, and inexplicably appeared in a forest.

“Damn, what happened?” The giant was a little confused for a while.

In his memory, not long ago, he was quietly reading books that sounded extremely heretical and listening to music that sounded extremely heretical. Suddenly, a group of people broke into the house. They were the children of Guilliman, **** blue. Elf.

Next, he was stuffed into the box by this group of Smurfs who didn’t even open Geller’s stand. The world is pitiful, the box is really small, and he has to listen to those **** blues 24 hours a day. The elves tell those damned extreme jokes and extreme battle cries.

Originally he was still roaring in the box, but the next moment he appeared here inexplicably.

Even this red giant will inevitably have doubts and fears at this time. It’s not his bragging. Whether it’s his father or the four gods in the warp, if he wants to attack him, he will at least give him something. aware.

And now, he appeared here without noticing any signs.

That means that the guy who got him here is stronger than his father and the four gods.

Just when the red giant was thinking, a group of Smurfs suddenly rushed out from the jungle around him.

Oh no, the red giant, who had been tormented by the Smurfs’ extreme jokes and extreme battle cries, calmed down at this time, and he carefully observed the group of little ones rushing towards him.

True blue hair, but not wearing power armor, nor holding a bolter or a chainsaw.

“Sister Atonement?” The red giant had another idea, but didn’t the mad women of the Kambia space demon go up to fight with only cloth strips? How do you dress now?

Moreover, this group of blue little dots only hold wooden sticks in their hands, which is too contempt for him.

“Maybe I was teleported to an uncivilized planet because of the warp storm.” The red giant who had calmed down thought easily, facing the attack of the blue little ones, he didn’t even bother to do anything.

For him who has been bored for a long time, this is also a good comedy performance, so he does not want to get rid of these little guys so early.

But when the ‘stick” in the head of the little guy knocked on him, he knew he was wrong.

An extremely strong pain came from the place where it was struck.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety sixth is not a good thing


The red giant screamed in pain, hugged his calf and rolled on the ground. He never thought that being beaten by this little blue elf would actually hurt like this. It seemed that he had not suffered such pain for a long time.

And he found that when he was hit, the warp power in his body would flow away from the hit part.

The giant lay down on the ground, just in time for Ayanami’s sisters to whip him with sticks.

Ayanami’s sisters didn’t actually use too much force when they beat the giant. The sound of the stick hitting the giant was soft, but every time the giant was hit, it cried out in pain. At the same time, a large amount of purple-black energy smoke came out of the giant. emerge.

Sister Ayanami No. 3 looked at the sisters around who were beating the giant with a stick and said, “Bring a mask.”

The sisters took out a gas mask from behind and put it on their faces.

Sister Ayanami No. 3 also put on a mask for herself, and at the same time shouted behind her: “It’s your turn.”

Another group of Ayanami sisters rushed out of the grass. They were carrying things similar to vacuum cleaners, and they were holding long-handled rods to collect the black smoke that came out.

“You!” The giant who felt the rapid loss of power in his body panicked. He raised his hand to release the magic, but found that he couldn’t concentrate to release the magic at all.

So he could only raise his fist, wanting to knock these little guys away, but despairingly saw that his arm was easily blocked by the little wooden stick that was not much bigger than the toothpicks he usually used.

He understood that all this was done by this stick.

At this moment, he really wanted to face those **** Smurfs again, no, compared to these little ones, those Smurfs looked really cute.

In fact, he only guessed half of it right. In addition to the stick in their hands, the sisters Ayanami had a lot of equipment on their bodies.

He couldn’t escape, he couldn’t escape, the red giant fainted with a black eye in the midst of incomparable grief.

Seeing him pass out, Ayanami’s sisters knocked even harder.

It wasn’t until the detector in Sister Ayanami’s hand no longer displayed the value, that the sisters Ayanami stopped.

In order to prevent the giant from waking up and making a mess, the sisters Ayanami took out another rope, tied the giant, and took out a box to stuff the little giant inside. After being beaten by sister Ayanami, this little giant has shrunk a lot, and now it is only about four meters tall.

And those sisters Ayanami with vacuum cleaners have also collected all the dissipated black energy. Sister Ayanami No. 3 found an empty place and took out a square machine that was as high as one person.

Sister Ayanami, holding a vacuum cleaner, lined up to install the vacuum cleaner can on this machine, and the black energy in the can was completely incinerated in this machine.

After a while, each Ayanami sister completed her task. They put away their equipment and stood aside to rest. Some Ayanami sisters even waved their little hands to fan themselves.

It didn’t take long for a forklift to drive over, and sister Ayanami was sitting on it.

“I’ll leave it to you,” said No. 3 Ayanbury.

“Don’t worry,” Sister Ayanami in the driver’s seat gave her third sister a thumbs up, “Leave it to me, oh right, if I don’t make it to the dinner party at night, remember to leave me some fried shiitake mushrooms and apples. Pie and blueberry peanut sandwiches.”

Sitting in the driver’s seat, this Ayanami sister, who feels a little warm and heroic, is No. 4 Ayanami sister.

Sister Ayanami No. 4 manipulated the forklift to lift the box containing the giant, and then set off to leave. Not long after driving out, the whole car flashed and disappeared.

“Okay, let’s go back to rest.” Sister Ayanami No. 3 greeted her other sisters.

“Okay!” Ayanami’s sisters cheered in different tones.

Looking at her sisters, the third sister Ayanami had a faint smile on her face, and the famous scene “Ayanami Rei’s Smile” appeared again.

However, since there are too many Ayanami here, it is estimated that the famous scene will be reproduced two or three times a day.

Just as Sister Ayanami No. 3 opened the portal to bring her other sisters home, the forklift driven by Sister Ayanami No. 4 instantly appeared outside Dutian Village and drove along the road to the village chief’s house. .

“Like that cruel angel~~ boy~ let’s become a myth~~”

The flat road repaired in Du Tian Village and the surrounding environment made sister Ayanami No. 4 feel very good. She slowed down her driving speed and hummed a song while driving.

The voices of Ayanami’s sisters are so good, even if there is no accompaniment, a simple humming will make the audience’s ears feel very pleasant.

When sister Ayanami No. 4 sang “But you only stare at me~smile at me~”, I don’t know what I remembered, interrupted the singing, and smiled madly over there.

After laughing for a while, Sister Ayanami No. 4 quickly came to her senses, raised her hand and wiped the non-existent saliva from the corner of her mouth.

After that, she drove again and soon arrived at the village chief’s house.

Before getting off the bus, Sister Ayanami No. 4 put on a courier’s coat and a peaked cap. After changing her clothes, she opened the door and jumped out of the driver’s seat.

“Uncle He, are you there? We have your courier!” Sister Lingbo No. 4 said while patting the door.

Hearing her call Uncle He like that, it’s obvious that she knows her, so her clothes should not be used for disguise, it should be just playing cosplay.

Soon, the door was opened, and Uncle He came out wearing home-made clothes.

“Yo! Hello, Uncle He!” Sister Lingbo No. 4 gave a very energetic salute and said, “Here is a copy of your courier, please sign for it.”

Uncle He frowned slightly. He didn’t remember what courier he had, and the courier was delivered by this blue-haired little girl, so it was estimated that there would not be any “good goods” in it.

“Okay, I got it, thank you for your hard work.” Uncle He nodded and said thanks, but neither his tone nor his expression gave people a sense of gratitude.

However, Sister Lingbo No. 4 was not surprised. She was just about to get on the forklift to put the box down, when she saw Uncle He directly stepped forward and picked up the box, and then carried the box back to the yard.

“Then I’ll go back first.” After saying that, Sister Ayanami No. 4 got into the car again, started the forklift and left. When driving to a place where no one was paying attention, the forklift flickered and disappeared.

Uncle He put the box on the ground and closed the courtyard door behind him.

After making sure that no one would see it, Uncle He opened the box.

He just said at first that he didn’t expect that it was really not a good thing.

“Magnus…” Uncle He looked at the unconscious Magnus inside and felt a little troublesome.

Uncle He began to look on the box to see if there was a courier note. He wanted to return it.


As time went on, the sky gradually became darker, and in some streets in Shangguan City, small vendors also set up their stalls, and the lights were lit up one after another, and the whole street was lit up like this.

Some people may think that this kind of stall along the street is not clean and obstructs the appearance of the city, etc., but it is definitely lively and full of fireworks.

Especially today is Friday, there are many more people than on weekdays, whether it is the vendors who set up the stalls or the people hanging out.

On a crowded street, the road was basically blocked by pedestrians coming and going. Most vehicles saw the situation on the street and took a detour. One or two cars that strayed into it could only move slowly with the crowd. .

There are two very conspicuous figures in the crowd, the reason why they are conspicuous because their height is too outstanding.

Daisy 023 and Kerr 141, who are more than two meters tall, are not just tall, they stand in the crowd like little giants.

The Spartans are still on vacation today. Compared with George 052 and b312, who are reluctant to run out, the two of them are more willing to go out for a stroll.

George 052 wanted to know more about the various situations in the world and the Bureau of Abnormal Situation Investigation, so he planned to stay at the base during his vacation these days, either visiting the base or checking information.

As for the kid b312, he said that he didn’t want to be surrounded by people and looked at like a giraffe in the zoo, so he didn’t come out.

Daisy 023 thinks this kid’s words are quite poisonous, but it makes sense.

It’s just that Daisy 023 and Kerr 141 don’t care, just look at it, and how can you lose two pieces of meat.

“Uh~~ This is really delicious~~” Daisy 023 sighed, the food in her mouth hadn’t been swallowed completely.

Looking at her happy face, she thought she had eaten some delicious food, but what she was holding in her hand was a mediocre box of takoyaki, which was a bit bigger.

This kind of snack that ordinary people eat too much and even get tired of, is quite delicious to Daisy 023.

You must know that for a long time before the crossing, her food was the paste or gel-like nutritional paste, and sometimes the battle was so fierce that she didn’t even have to eat the nutritional paste.

So now come out and hang out all the way, no matter which snack it is will win the love of Daisy 023 and Kerr 141.

Although Kerr 141 does not like to eat like Daisy 023, she is still a girl after all, and tasting delicious things in her mouth will also make her feel happy.

“Keer, look, that person’s food seems to be delicious.” Daisy 023 began to look for the next food before the sauce on the corner of her mouth was wiped off. She quickly patted her companion and pointed to it. one direction.

Kerr 141 looked over. It was a shop facing the street. There were many tables and chairs outside the shop. Two very tall girls were sitting next to one of the tables. A huge bun was placed on their table. .

“Yeah.” Kerr 141 nodded, it did look delicious.

Kerr 141, who had such an idea, her expressionless face now looks a little cute.

“Right, I just said it looks delicious.”

Daisy 023 pulled Kerr 141 to untangle the crowd and walked over there.

Walking to the side of the store, Daisy 023 looked up at the signboard, which read “Chrysanthemum downstairs”.

Don’t ask her why she can understand it, just ask her because she was trained as a child.

It’s not a lie either, their second phase of Spartan training was not for the Covenant war, but for the increasingly rampant separatist forces on the planets.

And these planets don’t necessarily use the same language, so in order to facilitate their actions, the cultural lessons they learned in the second phase of the Spartan warriors included a variety of languages.

Daisy 023 wrote down the name, and he glanced at the store. The store was already full of people, and there were only one or two seats left. Although it was possible to sit, it was not as comfortable as sitting outside, and it was slightly cooler.

Thinking so, she pulled out a chair and sat on it.

Kerr 141 came to the opposite side of Daisy 023 and dragged out a chair to sit down.

“Good evening, the two guests need something to eat.”

Not long after Daisy 023 and Kerr 141 sat down, someone walked out of the store. She handed the menu to Daisy 023 and Kerr 141 while she was talking.

This is a girl with rose-red hair. Her cheeks are a little immature, but her figure is well developed.

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