Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 624

Chapter 624:

On the fourth day, people from outside the school began to participate.

As for Xingguang Yi, when he was writing the code, he quickly vomited in order to find bugs, and he only accompanied Hermione to match two games at the beginning.

And this girl, Hermione, played crazy for four days, and on the fifth day, it was like entering the sage mode, and she didn’t want to go in anymore.

The evaluation of points is carried out after the end of the fifth day of the game, which is the sixth day.

As soon as Xingguang called up the background data, he found that none of the top three with the highest scores were students.

The first is Professor McGonagall, the second is Professor Snape, and the third is Professor Sirius and Professor Lupin, who are tied for third place.

As I said before, because the fake Mad-Eye Moody, or Barty Crouch Jr., was beaten by a house-elf and sent to Azkaban, Sirius and Lupin temporarily served as the teachers of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

There is no need to worry about the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The person who placed the curse has already been raised. Even if the curse does not fail, the effect will be greatly weakened, not to mention that the good friends Sirius and Lupin share the curse.

This also made Dumbledore think of a good way to fight the curse. Otherwise, he would recruit a few more Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers to share the curse next school year, so don’t catch a hard scourge.

Speaking of the awards ceremony, because Snape the old bat lost to Professor McGonagall for not winning the first place, he had a bad face in the first half, but he suddenly remembered that he had won Sirius and Lupin, so in the second half Laughing all the time.

In Hermione’s words: “Professor Snape might as well not laugh.”

Excluding the teachers’ points, it is also very interesting to look at the ranking of the students. The twins George and Fred are tied for the first place, which is well deserved.

In the beginning, the two guys exploited the loophole and maliciously played double row in the single row, but they were caught by Xingguang Yi, who deducted points for the two and then filled the loophole.

It didn’t take long for these two people to engage in another moth. They got stuck in the Feitian bug and were caught by Xingguang again, so they still had to deduct points and then make up for the loophole.

In the next few days, Xingguang has been fighting wits and courage with the brothers, and the pair of live treasures were also deducted immediately because of their constant bugs, which caused their points to rise a little.

Even if the points have been deducted, the last points of the two brothers are still the highest.

The second place in the student points is a person who is a little surprising but not too surprising when you think about it. This person is Ron.

The third place in the student standings is Harry Potter.

Since all four were Gryffindor, Gryffindor added a lot of points and naturally won the House Cup this year, which is why gold and red were chosen for the decoration of the year-end banquet.

There were more and more students in the auditorium, and the chairs were almost full, but Hermione waited left and right, but Xingguang Yi never came.

In fact, Hermione had already prepared in her heart. During her time with Xingguang, Xingguang had more than once expressed her unwillingness to appear in front of everyone.

“I guess Xing Guangyi is still in the capsule villa now.” Hermione thought to herself.

But in fact, Xingguang Yi is not in the capsule villa, he is not even at Hogwarts.

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters King Arthur sleeps here

Starlight is not in Hogwarts at this time, because I heard from Professor Dumbledore this morning that someone will come to pick him up after the end of the year banquet today.

So, Xingguangyi wanted to do something that he hadn’t done before he left.

The first is to visit the coffee shop owner who provided him with work. After returning to the shelter world, although there is still a chance to come, but not as often as when he is here.

After visiting the coffee shop owner, Xingguang was ready to go to the last burial place of King Arthur.

It’s not that Xingguangyi has not been to the Memorial Park Memorial Hall related to King Arthur, and the legendary lake with the fairy in the lake.

Just went there and found nothing more magical.

And this time the King Arthur’s burial place he is going to should be more reliable than the previous Memorial Park Memorial Hall and the lake, because Dumbledore told him this place.

Merlin and King Arthur are also well-known in the history of the wizarding world. The historical materials recorded by the wizards are much more reliable than the legends in the ordinary human world.

And Xingguangyi also saw from the magical Doraemon Dumbledore a memory about King Arthur and Merlin that has been passed down for several generations. This memory came from a soldier who once fought under King Arthur.

This memory is very short and has no actual content, but it is very valuable to leave the real appearance information of Merlin and King Arthur.

What’s more important is to eliminate one of Starlight’s problems, that is, whether King Arthur is a girl after all.

Anyway, King Arthur in the Harry Potter world is not the Artoria who can’t tell the difference between men and women unless he is blind. Of course, he is not an old sword that looks elegant and handsome like a nobleman. The brave warriors of war are indeed handsome if they are to be called handsome, but they are completely different from the handsomeness of the old sword.

In addition, the sword in King Arthur’s hand also looks very ordinary, not invisible or luminous, and there is no gorgeous decoration on it.

It’s just that Xing Guangyi always felt that the overall shape of the Gryffindor holy sword in his hand was too similar to the saber in King Arthur’s hand.

Oh, and I should mention that Merlin’s shape is also the same as Dumbledore and Gandalf, with a pointed hat and a gray robe with a white beard.

When Xingguang saw the appearance of King Arthur and Merlin, it could not be regarded as a shattered dream, but the appearance of King Arthur and Merlin was really normal and a little too ordinary.

This time along with Xingguang, there are Thea and Sachiko.

Neither of them wanted to attend the Hogwarts year-end banquet, so they followed.

What’s more, they also have a positive reason. After Xingguang Yi went through the battle of pushing the tsunami, the loss of mental strength has been made up, but the mental exhaustion has not completely disappeared.

He now sleeps very deadly after falling asleep, and basically has no response to the outside world, which makes him vulnerable to danger when he sleeps.

Even though Xingguang Yizai San emphasized that he would not fall asleep casually, Thea and Sachiko still followed.

After the changes of the times, King Arthur’s burial place has no trace of it, or, this is also King Arthur’s own wish.

This is a new skyscraper in the financial district, and looking at this new and modern building, it is difficult to imagine that this is the burial place of a hero.

As soon as Xingguang took Thea and Sachiko into the building, Thea’s strange hair color still attracted a lot of people’s attention, but the hippie trend of this era has not subsided, and people just regard it as a new hippie style.

As soon as Xingguang found a safe passage, he came to the underground parking lot from the safe passage.

There is also a very small secret door in the northwest corner of the underground parking lot, and there is another downward passage to enter.

The inside and outside of this door seem to be two worlds. The passage inside the door, whether it is a wall, a staircase or a handrail, gives people an ancient atmosphere.

There is no light in the passage, and the ancient lighting fixtures hanging on the walls do not know how many years have passed.

Thea blinked, and her eyes immediately emitted two bright lights.

Xingguang reached out and rubbed her head, and said, “Don’t use your eyes as searchlights, I have lighting equipment here.”

“Oh.” Thea nodded obediently, blinked, and returned to normal.

Although Thea still gives the feeling that no one is near to anyone, as long as Xingguang is present, her aura that no one is near will be weakened, and it will also

will be nice.

Most of the time, Starlight will keep Thea where she can see it, which makes Thea seem more and more obedient now. But in fact, Thea is still the terrifying Chaos virus.

As soon as Xingguang checked the situation in the passage, he turned to Sachiko and said, “You wait outside, the situation inside is unknown, and there may be danger.”

This kind of worry is actually necessary. Even if you enter that ordinary cellar that has been sealed for a long time, you still need to be careful, not to mention that you are about to enter the burial place of King Arthur, and you don’t know what will happen.

Although Sachiko’s physical strength is stronger than those of the wizards, and there is still a part of the Kaokaos virus in her body, compared with Xingguang Yi and Thea, Sachiko is still too ordinary.

“It’s okay, Thea is there to protect me anyway.” Sachiko glanced at Xingguang and walked in directly.

For such a long time, Sachiko still had some resistance to Xingguangichi’s attitude, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Seeing that Sachiko and Thea had both gone down, Xingguang quickly followed them one by one. He took out a flashlight to shine the light on the two people in front, and said, “You two, slow down and be careful not to fall.”

All the way safely to the bottom, there is an empty small room below, there is nothing in it, only a line of words “King Arthur sleeps here” can be seen inscribed in the corner of the wall.

This line of words is hidden in a very inconspicuous corner, and because of the passage of time, this line of words has also weathered, leaving only shallow traces.

“I didn’t expect that a generation of kings could only sleep here in the end.” Sachiko said with some emotion.

She would know that King Arthur was also muttering beside her because of Xingguangyi. As for her past experiences and past memories, she had forgotten all about her. After coming to this world for more than half a year, she had to start learning all kinds of daily knowledge all over again.

“Maybe, this rare secluded place was chosen by King Arthur himself.” Xingguang said.

Maybe King Arthur liked it more than the kind of memorial that was visited by a large number of tourists.

Of course, all this is just Xingguangyi’s own guess, he is not King Arthur, and King Arthur will not come out to tell him.

“Let’s come over and have a look? Let’s go back if there is nothing else.” Sachiko said, this dark and depressing underground environment made Sachiko feel very uncomfortable and wanted to leave here quickly.

“Wait a minute, you can leave right now.” Xingguang felt sick when Sachiko came out.

This should be because Sachiko’s previous experience was touched in her subconscious.

Starlight didn’t waste time all night, he immediately took out the Gryffindor holy sword, but there was no reaction.

Later, he took out the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, the Slytherin Pendant, and the Ravenclaw Crown, and still nothing magical happened.

“Well, it seems that I think too much. The four treasures of the founder of Hogwarts have nothing to do with King Arthur. Let’s go up.”

Putting away the four treasures, Starlight still took Thea and Sachiko back to the underground garage, and then returned to the ground from the underground garage.

Bathed in the sun again, Sachiko stretched out happily, and even had a smile on her face.

“Should we go back to Hogwarts directly, or go back after eating here?” Starlight asked Sachiko and Thea for their opinions.

“I’m fine.” Thea said, leaving the underground without any hidden dangers, she put on the earphones again, shaking her little head gently.

Thea does not have her own opinion in most cases, but Xingguangyi often asks her to take care of her feelings.

“I want to find a place to eat here,” Sachiko said.

After she regained consciousness, she basically ate inside Hogwarts, and now she finally came out and wanted to taste the things outside.

“no problem.”

Xingguangyi and the others have now walked out of the financial building. Xingguang has always looked around, but at first glance, they did not see a place to eat.

However, he did see a guy who set up a street stall. It is not uncommon in this city, but it is relatively rare in the financial district.

Moreover, the guy who set up the street stall was placed on the side of the road in a grand manner, and his outfit looked suspicious.

This guy has long blond hair, a ponytail tied behind his head, and a peaked cap on his head. He wears a pair of round sunglasses on his face, and he also wears a mask, but the man pulled the mask under his chin and did not act as a shield.

Just looking at the exposed lower half of his face, this person is quite handsome and should not be too old.

“Yo little brother, it’s fate to meet each other. Seeing as you are here for tourism, do you want to bring a souvenir or two back?” The man forced his throat when he spoke, but it was obvious that it was a girl’s voice.

“Huh? How do you know I’m here to travel?” Xingguang was a little interested, so he asked one more question.

“Look around here, whoever comes here is not in suits and leather shoes, like you guys in casual clothes, not the young masters and young ladies from rich families, or just running over and having fun.” The mysterious blonde who set up the stall The girl smiled and said, “How about this little handsome guy, do you want to pick a souvenir for your two female companions?”

Xingguangyi thought the blonde girl who set up the stall was very interesting, and he looked down at the goods on the stall.

At first glance, he even thought that these items were obtained from the Yiwu Small Commodity Wholesale Market.

The goods contained folding fans, small glass pendants that were worthless, little lucky bags that I didn’t know what was in them, and some other messes.

“You stuff… I don’t think there is anything special about it.” Sachiko also came over and glanced at the goods on the booth, and couldn’t help but complain.

Souvenirs Souvenirs, at least there must be something memorable, and these gadgets seem to be everywhere, without any special features.

“Don’t say that, this lady. These things look very ordinary, but they are actually blessed. It’s better to buy them and take them with you to ward off evil spirits.” The blonde girl was still smiling, not to mention what happened to the things on her booth. In this way, the girl alone makes people feel very festive.

Xingguang thought about it, he didn’t use up all the money he earned from part-time work, and he might not be able to use it when he returned to the world of shelter. Seeing that the price was very cheap, he planned to buy one or two, but he There are still some doubts.

“Pray for a blessing? What kind of blessing?” Xingguang asked.

“Of course I went to various places to pray for blessings,” the blonde girl pointed at the small commodities and introduced them, “These are the blessings I prayed in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and I have the bishop’s signature. These are from the Weiss Minster Abbey, the ones on the left are in St. George’s Cathedral. Oh, those three blessing bags are more special, they were prayed for in Glasberton Abbey, which is the place with King Arthur’s tomb.”

Before Xingguang could speak, the girl continued: “Guest, I always feel that you and King Arthur are very fateful, and you must belong to these three lucky bags.”

Listening to this girl’s words, Xingguangyi laughed a little dumbly.

It’s not that he hasn’t seen this kind of sales pitch. As long as he buys these three, the girl will probably come up with three more after a while.

But today, I came here to explore the tomb of King Arthur recorded in the wizarding literature.

It’s just too coincidental.

“Well, let’s just take these three lucky bags, what are they?” Xingguang took a look at the price of the lucky bags and was ready to pay.

“Well, guests, you can just go back and see for yourself. I said that there will be no surprises. Besides, my stuff is so cheap, even if I buy a beautiful cloth bag and go back, it is not a loss.” The blonde girl rubbed her hands very philistinely. “Thank you for your patronage.”

As soon as Xingguang bought the lucky bag, he distributed it to Sachiko and Thea next to him, and then left.

However, this little episode reminded him of one thing. After running away for so long, he should bring some souvenirs when he goes back.

The blond girl smiled and watched Xingguang as they walked away, the smile on her face slowly faded away, and the cheerful smile turned into a faint smile.

She took off her round sunglasses, revealing a pair of blue eyes.

At this time, two security guards came out of the financial building behind her, heading straight for her as if they were planning to expel her.

But the blond girl didn’t care at all. As it happened, her phone rang.

She took a cell phone out of her pocket and connected it.

This picture is actually quite common, even if Xingguang sees it, he can’t notice the problem for a while.

But this is not long after the mobile phone began to be used for civil use, where did the smart phone come from?

Chapter 900 Make a big news in silence Chapter 900!!!

The blond girl ignored the two menacing security guards, picked up the phone on her own, and put it to her ear after connecting.

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