Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Even in bed, he was still struggling with this issue.

After thinking hard to no avail, Xia Luzhen took out his mobile phone, turned on a certain degree and a certain call.

“Does Ultraman have the ability to teleport?”

“Does Saint Seiya have the ability to teleport?”

“Can natural-type fruits other than shimmering fruits have the effect of teleportation?”

Search these three questions one by one.

He was not convinced, why did these three guys run so fast.

But on the way to search, he found a very interesting novel.

After reading two chapters, he temporarily forgot about the search.

The whole dorm was quiet again.

Suddenly, Hou Xianxing asked, “By the way, have you all done your English class homework? I just checked the timetable. The first class tomorrow will be English class.”

After a while of silence, a desperate voice came from the dormitory.

“English class and homework? Fuck!”

“Damn it, I didn’t write it!”

“What about my time? How come so many weekends are gone?”

As soon as Xingguang got up from the quilt, he said, “Don’t play with your phone, hurry up and go to bed, I’ll set the alarm clock. When you fall asleep, hurry up and write your homework.”

Xingguang must have set the alarm clock at ten o’clock, and hurriedly burrowed into the quilt to sleep.

In his vision, get up at ten o’clock, go down and hang the game online, then spend three or four hours to complete the homework, and can play for a while in the afternoon and evening.

Thinking so, Xingguang fell asleep early in the morning.

Feeling sleepy for a long time, Xingguang opened his eyes in a daze.

He glanced inside the room, it was still dark.

Turning to look at the three guys, all of them are still sleeping soundly.

“…How long have I slept and woke up?”

Starlight picked up the phone and glanced at the time.

“It’s just nineteen… Wait a minute? It’s nineteen?”

Starlight jerked up from the bed, and he confirmed the date again, it was indeed Sunday.

So, they slept all day?

“Get up, don’t sleep, get up and make up your homework.”

This weekend, it ended with Xingguangyi and the others staying up late to make up their homework.

Chapter Thirteen You Said I’m All Ultraman Why Do You Still Have to Take Class

Early on Monday morning, as soon as Xingguang and the others got up, they packed up and got ready to go to class.

Just like before, as I said, the first session is the Eagle Language class.

In terms of class hours, there are four classes in the morning, four classes in the afternoon, and no class in the evening.

Sometimes, in order to facilitate the teaching, a course is often arranged for two consecutive class hours. Xingguang One usually calls this kind of class a “big class”.

If there are more than three classes taking this class at the same time, this class is called “one large class”.

It’s quite confusing. When Xingguang first saw “a big class” and “a big class”, he almost couldn’t understand the word “class”.

This morning’s eagle language class has two consecutive classes, that is, four small classes.

Xingguangyi and the others came out of the cafeteria, carrying steamed buns and soy milk, and went to the No. 3 teaching building while eating.

Anyway, there are people who eat while walking on the road. Apart from their good looks, the four of them are not very unique.

Today’s eagle language class is two classes together.

I don’t know about other majors. Xingguangyi’s major has only twenty students in one class, so Xingguangyi’s class 201 often takes classes together with class 202, and the two classes form sister classes.

As for why it is not called a brother class, the reason is that there are fewer boys. Class 202 has only seven boys in total, while class 201 has only five and a half boys.

Because there are only forty students in two classes, this class is held in a small classroom with only the front door and no back door.

When Xingguangyi and the others found the classroom according to the class schedule, there was already a person sitting in it.

It’s an unknown boy.

“Looks like we came early.”

Xia Lu really said, and went straight to the last row to sit down.

When passing by the strange man, Xingguang Yi said hello to him, “Thank you for your hard work, brother.”

The boy raised his head to look at Xing Guangyi, then nodded.

Why Xingguang Yi wanted to say hello to this old man, this involved the “half” boy from Class 201.

The boy’s name is Chen Mo, his name is ordinary but he is not ordinary.

Xingguang met him once at the beginning of school, and never saw him again.

Every time I was in class, I could see a strange boy coming to teach for him, presumably he was looking for a substitute.

You must know that even if you are looking for a substitute class, there may be mistakes. For example, the teacher remembers your appearance, etc., but I don’t know why. The substitute class hired by this guy has not had any accidents so far.

“It’s amazing.”

Starlight sighed as he sat down.

“What’s so amazing?” Malco asked, puzzled.

“Chen Mo, I haven’t seen anyone until now. Maybe when the school started, the first time we saw him might not be him.”

In addition to Xingguang, the four of them, and the other half of Chen Mo, there is one other boy in Class 201.

The boy’s name is Jin Meng, a cute little fat man who is keen to work hard to make money. Not in class yet.

One after another, there were more and more people in the room. Seeing that it was almost time for class, Teacher Yingyu also came in.

Xingguangyi and their Yingyu teacher is a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties. He wears glasses and looks very smart. His name is Shen Dazhe, and students often call him Brother Dazhe.

Shen Dazhe studied in Hair Country in his early years, worked in Eagle Country for a while after graduation, and finally returned to Shenzhou Country as a teacher.

“Children, the weather is nice today, let’s order some classmates to endorse.” Shen Dazhe suggested.

As soon as Xingguang looked back at the snowy window, he pushed up his glasses, indicating that he was used to it.

Although Brother Da Zhe didn’t memorize the text he left last week, Ultraman’s short-term memory was okay, and he should be able to memorize it by looking at it himself. And at the time of the Kingdom of Light, I chose the language of the alien planet, which included the eagle language, so I was not worried about the eagle language.

The lingua franca of Malcolta’s world is Neon plus Eagle, and his Eagle level is okay.

Not to mention Hou Xianxing, before he said his identity as a Saint Seiya, he always regarded himself as a foreign student, and his level of eagle language would definitely not be bad.

The only problem with English in dormitory 609 is Xia Luzhen. Thinking about it, he just spoke the neon language in the Soul World. It was hard enough for him to come and let him learn Chinese dialect, and now he needs Yingyu.

You see now, Xia Lu really buried his head like an ostrich, for fear that Big Zhe would pick him up to endorse him.

Anything scary.

Brother Da Zhe saw Xia Luzhen who was pretending to be an ostrich at a glance.

“Azhen, get up and carry your back.”

Xia Luzhen could only stand up reluctantly.

Brother Da Zhe knew that Xia Lu was really worth it, so he let him go after seeing him recite two or three sentences.

After picking three more people in a row, the endorsement session ended and the formal lecture began.

Da Zhe’s level is very high. For students, Da Zhe has no shortcomings except that he is strict and smells like smoke.

What’s more, being strict with students is not a disadvantage in itself.

Soon, forty-five minutes of a class passed.

Brother Da Zhe has no problem with procrastinating the class. As soon as he heard the bell ringing, he announced that the get out of class was dismissed, and then went to a place where no one was smoking.

“Ah, saved.”

Xia Luzhen was lying on the table. For him, taking eagle language lessons was more tiring than fighting monsters.

This morning is all eagle language class, so there is no need to change classrooms.

At the end of get out of class time, it is time to go to the toilet to go to the toilet, and those who don’t go to play mobile phones in the classroom.

Suddenly, Xingguang Yi’s phone vibrated.

He quickly called up the app connected to the monitoring satellite, and the alarm on it told Xingguang one thing – another monster appeared.

“Brothers, there are monsters again. I’ll go over there. If Brother Dazhe asks me later, please tell me the reason. You make up the reason.” Xingguang lowered his voice and said to Xia Luzhen and the three of them.

After saying that, Xingguang quickly left.

Shortly after he left the classroom, the bell rang.

As it happened, the students all returned to the classroom, and there was no one in the toilet.

As soon as Xingguang ran into the toilet, he inserted the transformation card into the transformation device, and shouted: “De…”

As soon as he shouted a word, the compartment door behind him opened, and a teacher came out wearing a belt, and the teacher gave Xing Guangyi a strange look.

Xingguang hurriedly hid the transforming device in his pocket, waited for the teacher to leave completely, and then took it out again, shouting: “Delta!”

I saw him transformed into a streamer and flew away.

At the same time, Shen Dazhe had just finished smoking and returned to the classroom.

“Children, come back.”

As Shen Dazhe spoke, he glanced at the house.

Soon he found out that Xingguangyi had not returned.

Because Xingguangyi sat next to Xia Luzhen in the last class, it was more conspicuous.

“Where’s Ah Xing? Why hasn’t he come back yet, please remind me with his cell phone number.”

As soon as Shen Dazhe asked about Xingguang Yi, Xia Luzhen, Melco and Hou Xianxing raised their hands at the same time.

Xia Luzhen: “He went to see a doctor.”

Malco: “His parents are here.”

Hou Xianxing: “The head teacher has something to do with him.”

As soon as the three of them said the words, they realized that they had said the wrong thing. The three looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


Xia Luzhen: “The head teacher has something to do with him.”

Malco: “He went to the doctor.”

Hou Xianxing: “His parents are here.”

Facing the three people’s answers, Shen Dazhe was silent for a while, and then said: “Okay, it’s quite neat, just remember the right words next time. Also, remember to tell A Xing, let him come quickly. If today If you don’t come again in the morning, write an eight-hundred-character Yingwen review and come to me, otherwise it will be treated as truancy.”

Chapter 14 The real first battle

It’s half past nine in the morning.

Like Zhongzhou, Xuanqingjiang Prefecture, which is far in the northeast of China, is also full of snow.

It’s just that the snow flakes in Xuanqing Jiangzhou are bigger and the sky is colder.

At this time, in Xuanqingjiang University, most of the students here were also in class.

The heating in the room is hot, making people dizzy and want to sleep.

In a certain lecture hall, a student sitting by the window was lying on the table boredly, looking out the window dully.

At this time, he saw a huge white machine suddenly appear next to the foothills outside the campus.

This machine, which looks like an inverted milk tea cup, is steaming white steam all around, and a pair of mechanical hands and feet stretch out from the body.

The robot took a step and started walking towards the school.

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