SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

19: Vice-Director

19: Vice-Director

(NSFW) content warning in the "middle" of the chapter)

The rain fell heavily, cold and icy, the clouds in the sky were also thicker and darker, the mud soaked the path, the screams and wails made him frown, his mother limped, her foot was not in good condition, he supported her by holding her shoulders, it was his duty, now that his father was no longer there, he had to take care of her, no matter what happened.

“Hold on a little longer we're almost there” where was almost there? He didn't know, but he had heard rumors, not very pleasant rumors. If it had been possible, he would have escaped, he would have tried to run away, but his mother couldn't run.

Another stumble and his arm burned as he supported his mother's weight on it, the tattoo they had given him was still fresh after all, it still burned and was swollen.

The soldiers hurried the prisoners, he saw how other families were separated, a boy about 11 years old was stopped by the soldiers and separated from his mother, they were being separated by sex and by age, that was bad, he didn't want to be separated from his mother but if he made a scene then not only would they be separated, they would also kill him.

He had seen it happen, they had no mercy on anyone, maybe the younger children but even they were beaten severely.

He was already 16 years old so he doubted very much that there would be any fleeting mercy for him, no, there would be no mercy for him, he knew it, they would kill him on the spot if he resisted, he could feel it.

“Listen, Mom, everything will be fine, I will find a way to get us out of here, I promise.” Somehow, he would find a way, no matter what it was, because he had promised his father that he would take care of her.

His mother squeezed his hand, looking him straight in the face.

“Don't do anything stupid, son, I'll be fine, please, just, just take care of yourself.”

His turn came, the soldiers began to try to separate them, he knew he shouldn't resist, he needed to save his strength if he wanted to escape, he needed to be as healthy as possible, even so, he couldn't help but be reluctant, he didn't want to leave her.

“Promise me, Erik!” His throat dried up at the sight of the worry in her eyes, and without being able to help it, he told a lie.

“I promise, Mom.” Then they took her away and dragged him to another place.

“Get in line!” They hit him in the side, making him line up, one of many where another dozen or so young people from 14 to the early 20s were.

The cold rain made everyone shiver, Erik clenched his teeth, he had to endure, he wasn't ready yet, but he would be, at some point, he knew it because he could feel it, the metal, he just needed to find a way, the way to control it once again, like when they killed his father.

Then he would save his mother and they would escape far away.




Temporary Headquarters, SWORD: New York

“So, what do you think? Eight floors, a basement, and nice views,” Howard said, spreading his arms and smiling. John looked at the place for a few moments and nodded.

“Well, it will work for now.” He would prefer to have his own helicarrier but that would have to wait, for now he had his own aircraft carrier courtesy of the United States, but it was really unnecessary to go to it at this moment.

Still, as a new division, SWORD needed a headquarters, even if it was just temporary.

The place quickly began to be set up, John didn't exactly have many men but Colonel Phillips did. The former Strategic Scientific Reserve had become part of SWORD and thus John was the new head of all of them.

Colonel Phillips had been... demoted, although not officially, now he worked for John but didn't really have an official position, in fact, no one really had an official position in SWORD except John.

When the strategic planning room was set up, John spread out the maps that Raven had stolen, beginning to look at the various locations of Hydra's bases.

He needed to start planning how he would do this, the main thing and something he already had in mind was to deny Hydra its ability to experiment freely with humans, he remembered that the concentration camps had been the main means by which the Third Reich had experimented in the most inhumane ways possible with its prisoners.

And in fact, many were covert Hydra bases.

He looked at the maps, the bases, and a plan began to form in his mind, one that could save millions of lives while increasing his reputation and delaying any plans Hydra had.

He wasn't worried about "losing" any "advances" or discoveries the Nazis might have made in their unethical experiments during this period of time. This world was already very different from his previous life, and even without the data obtained through the countless sacrifices made in the concentration camps, medicine would undoubtedly advance one way or another.

“I need to liberate Poland.” There were several reasons that actually converged perfectly. First of all, Poland was the place with the most concentration camps, he remembered that. There should have been at least 450 or a little more, he didn't remember the exact number but he did remember an approximate amount.

Secondly, three of the major extermination camps were actually Hydra bases. It had to be remembered that despite focusing on weapons created from the Tesseract, Hydra was still the scientific division of the Nazis. They had many other subdivisions focused on other fields, and without a doubt, the medical field was concentrated in the place where they could obtain the most test subjects.

If Zola wanted to start experimenting properly with the imperfect serum, he would need many disposable test subjects. John couldn't be sure he would be there, but it would undoubtedly be the most appropriate place.

Thirdly, there was a person he wanted to rescue and one he wanted to kill no matter what, and he could only do that by going to Poland.

“Big objectives as always,” the soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. He stopped looking at the maps and turned to find Agent Carter not far from him. It seemed she had heard him murmur.

“Agent, no one informed me of your arrival.” John walked over to her, happy to see her again he had been wondering where she was.

“I had to take care of some matters, Colonel, but I'm done now.” She then stretched out her hands towards him, hands that held an envelope. John raised an eyebrow, looking at her with an unasked question.

“It's my curriculum. I heard you were hiring.” So that's what it was about. John had mentioned in his meeting before leaving Italy that he would be looking to form a “special team.” Essentially, he only gave his basic plans and explained what SWORD would be in simple terms.

After that, he flew back to the United States and had a private meeting with the President and the Secretary of War before going to congress. She must have heard that his proposal was pre-approved from Colonel Phillips, after all, the man had been the one who accompanied him to speak with the President.

That's why he hadn't seen her with him; she had actually been “resigning.”

Which made sense because she was not directly part of the Strategic Scientific Reserve but someone employed directly by the Colonel since she came from England and was not really part of the U.S. Army, at least not in the conventional way.

John took the envelope and with a "serious" look began to read it. It was actually a real curriculum and quite a decent one at that.

“Well, you would undoubtedly be a valuable member for SWORD, Agent. There’s just one small problem.” Peggy actually raised an eyebrow, surprised. A problem? She couldn’t help but frown in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

He approached her, very close, to the point where they could feel each other’s breath. Then he pointed to a part of her resume.

“It says here that you're seeking an assistant position.” Since SWORD was new, there were no names for the positions, so she just wrote a basic one that any other division would have, besides being essentially similar to her previous work for Colonel Phillips.

“Is there a problem with that?” she couldn't help but say with some brusqueness. John smiled at seeing the flash of anger in her eyes.

“It’s a position you’re overqualified for,” his words seemed to have taken her by surprise.

It must be known that in this era, even being better than many men in several fields, women tended to have much lower positions. In fact, Peggy wouldn't have been able to work for Colonel Phillips or any other Colonel if the man hadn't decided to "take a chance" with her.

For women, it was normal to aspire to low positions, even more so when it came to the army, where the disdain towards them was much clearer and more evident.

And although it was annoying, it was something normal, something Peggy had gotten used to and learned to deal with. And although John was John, he was still a man; she didn't expect him to act too differently even if he was special in her heart.

With some doubt, she couldn’t help but speak while looking directly at him.

“And… what position do you think I should have, Colonel?”

John smiled, pulling her closer and holding her by the waist, making her blush.

“Well, I think Vice-Director suits your name, Agent. What do you think?”


“John, that’s—” she was so surprised she even forgot to keep calling him Colonel.

"It’s appropriate. You’re more than ready, and I think you’d do an excellent job," and it would save him many headaches. The truth was, John had no fucking clue how to run a division, let alone something as big as what SWORD aimed to become.

He was a soldier! He needed to be in the field. At the same time, he needed someone to handle everything else while he was out there. Of course, he would still help, but it was clear he couldn’t sit in an office all day.

Peggy began to think furiously about it. Vice-Director. Sure, SWORD was just beginning, but without a doubt, it would become the most important international division in the world. That John was the Director was expected, but her? Peggy Carter, Vice-Director?

It was crazy, but… hadn’t she aspired to something like this before? Even so, she thought it would take much longer, that she would have to do much more, not now, when she was still in her twenties.

“You… you’re not doing this for another reason, right?” she couldn’t help but ask, her throat suddenly dry. The rumors, after all, existed for a reason. She had heard of other women who made rapid advances using… less graceful methods.

She completely despised such practices. In fact, they disgusted her. Thinking that this could be something like that made her heart suddenly go cold, and she almost pulled away from John, but he held her firmly before she could.

“Do you really think I need to resort to such methods? I don’t know whether to feel insulted,” he said, bringing her to her senses. It was embarrassing to admit, but he was right. She and he, although she didn’t know exactly what was between them, it was undeniable that there was something.

“No, I didn’t mean that, it’s just…” she was just nervous.

“Just what? Or are you having second thoughts?” With their faces so close, their lips almost brushed, their eyes locked, making Peggy’s heart beat faster.

Feeling his arm around her waist and the warmth of his body, she didn’t know how to react.

Her eyelashes trembled, and she couldn’t help but lick her dry lips, forgetting how close they were, and ended up brushing John’s lips.

John took that as a sign and closed the distance completely, making her eyes widen in amazement as she felt his lips against hers once more. She wanted to resist, but her body was more honest, and she ended up wrapping her arms around him.

It was a bit frantic, so much so that somehow she ended up sitting on one of the desks in the room. Feeling his hands caressing her back made her mind go cloudy, and she couldn’t help but lift her legs, pulling him closer by wrapping them around his waist.

Her body was burning with heat, and she almost wanted to tear off her uniform. Due to her action of wrapping her legs around him, their bodies pressed too closely together, and she felt something, something large, pressing directly against her crotch. This brought a small spark of consciousness quickly back to her mind.

With an extremely red face, she broke the frenzied kiss, though John continued to kiss her neck.

“W-wait,” she said, though she still clung to him tightly. No, she couldn’t continue. They hadn’t even confirmed what they were to each other. What kind of woman would she be if she let this go on?

Though John was a bit excited, he didn’t push it too far and spoke softly near her ear.

“Even though you’re saying wait, why are you still holding on so tightly?” Peggy had no words of defense against that.




Raven was bored. Ever since they arrived in New York again, things had been slow, peacefully slow. Going from the excitement of the battlefield to watching an office being set up was certainly a change… a boring one.

Still, she didn’t complain too much. God knew they needed moments of rest. Her body certainly appreciated it. Even if the wounds she received while transformed diminished in severity once she returned to her original form, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t leave marks. She welcomed the free time to recover, not wanting to be left behind or sidelined because of an injury. That would suck.

A soldier was a better soldier when healthy. John had told her that a long time ago, and she remembered it.

She blinked when she finished the last page of her comic. Was it over already? Maybe she should get a book like John suggested. She sighed and stood up. She needed some dollars if she wanted to get something else. That rich guy, Howard, had gone off who knows where, and James had said he needed to drink something, so he wasn’t around either. Not that she would have asked him for anything anyway.

She left her private office, which was more like a private room for her to do whatever she wanted, and went to the main room John called the planning room. He had asked to be left alone while he assessed the situation, but Raven didn’t think he’d mind if she interrupted to ask for some money.

In fact, should she ask for a salary?

With those thoughts, she didn’t even bother to knock and opened the door directly. But before she could speak, a sound interrupted her.

“Ooh! Mmm~”

She blinked, her face turning beet red at the completely unexpected scene before her. The two people were facing away from her, doing things that shouldn’t be done in an office. The sight was so surprising that she forgot why she was there and stood still for a moment.

Then she snapped out of her stupor as she saw an object flying towards her. With reflexes honed through tough battles, she raised her hand to catch it before it hit her face.

When she opened her palm, she found a piece of slightly damp black underwear.

She opened and closed her mouth before quickly shutting the door and almost running away.

‘Wait!’ She stopped when she saw one of the workers passing by in a distant hallway.

She shook her head and looked back at the door with irritation. Did John not remember that this place was full of people working?! What should she do? She could just leave, but what if someone else came by?

She couldn’t be the only one looking for John for something, right?

She debated for a few moments before clicking her tongue and standing in front of the door about three meters away. It would be really bad if strange rumors started spreading around here. She didn’t want John’s reputation to be tarnished by something like this.

So, she shouldn’t allow anyone to take a peek.

“You better pay me for this,” she muttered, wanting to bury her face in her hands. Then she remembered she still had something in one of them and almost squealed. She quickly took it and threw it into a corner where it wouldn’t be visible.

“Double! You have to pay me double!” she muttered through gritted teeth.




John, of course, heard someone approaching and almost stopped. But when he identified it as Raven, he decided to continue. If it had been someone else, it would have been dangerous, but knowing the girl, she wouldn’t spread silly rumors. He hoped she would just get scared and run off with her tail between her legs. That would surely serve as a lesson to learn to knock.

In fact, when he noticed she was staring dumbly, he intentionally threw Peggy's underwear at her to get her to leave quickly.

It worked, but unexpectedly she stayed outside not too far away. Was she on guard? It seemed that his loyal companion was more considerate than he expected. In that case, he wouldn’t miss the opportunity presented to him.

Of course, he heard her mumble and swore he’d make it up to her later.


Peggy let out a squeal when her underwear was removed. In a panic, she used her hand to cover herself, which also made her feel the bulge in John’s pants pressing against her.

John smiled at her panic and released her lips, then looked directly into her eyes.

“If you want me to stop, you can say so.” Of course, he wanted to continue, but if she really didn’t want to, he would stop for today.

Peggy breathed heavily, her body burning. She could feel the liquid dripping between her legs. It was embarrassing to admit, but just the touching session had made something happen that she had never felt before. She didn’t realize she had actually climaxed, as sexual education in this era was extremely limited, and no one really talked about it.

Even masturbation was a taboo, so she had never done it.

This was the first time she experienced so much. She felt like she was floating and couldn’t control herself even if she wanted to, and above all, she didn’t want to stop.

She should stop. It wasn’t right. They weren’t married; this was an office, for God’s sake!

And in the middle of an “interview!” What if someone found out? She couldn’t even face anyone else in that case.

It wasn’t right; they shouldn’t continue. Yet, she felt her legs clamping down tighter around John.

This wasn’t what a lady should be doing. If her mother saw her now, how disappointed would she be?

But did that really matter? Her mother had always been against her at every turn; what did it matter if she was against this as well?

She swallowed hard as she felt the bulge pulsing against her hand, burning, just like she was.

Unable to help herself, her hand turned, her palm beginning to caress it. It felt huge; would it really fit?

Feeling her movement, John didn't lag behind. His hand quickly slipped under Peggy's half-removed shirt, without hesitation, he caressed one of her breasts while his other hand explored the inside of her thigh.

Feeling his touch, Peggy licked her lips.

“Someone could come,” she tried to find an excuse.

“I have quite good hearing; I can hear anyone approaching,” John argued quickly. Peggy tried to come up with another excuse.

“But you’re my superior; this isn’t right. Besides, if I get accepted into SWORD, this would be even worse.” Although she knew it wasn’t the case, others might not see it the same way.

“Then we’ll just have to keep it a secret,” John replied swiftly, kissing her neck and making her shiver.

A secret? Well, she was very good at keeping secrets... No! She shouldn’t, but...

John skillfully moved aside her bra and began to play with her breasts. They were larger than he expected and apparently much more sensitive than usual, as Peggy shivered when he touched her nipples.

She arched her back, making it easy for John to reach one of her nipples with his mouth and begin to suckle it gently.

Peggy felt a flood of new sensations; if she felt good with her clothes on, without them she was even more sensitive. She almost let out a loud moan, which made her raise both hands to cover her mouth. A big mistake, as her bare pussy rubbed against John’s crotch, making her open her eyes wide.

She felt her legs trembling uncontrollably, as well as her whole body, with a shiver running through her as another gush of fluid stained her legs. Shame filled her completely at the thought that she had actually “urinated” again at a time like this, but being so sensitive, that shame was quickly forgotten as she felt John playing with her breasts. Unable to help it, her hips twisted, rubbing her Pussy against John's bulge.

“Last chance, tell me to stop,” John said seriously, his voice rough making Peggy swallow hard.

This time, her brain no longer wanted to find excuses.

‘Fuck it!’

her hands took his face and brought it close to her, their lips joining once more with force, their tongues twisting together in a chaotic dance. For John, this was all he needed to know. He quickly unfastened his own pants and with a swift and practiced movement, easily pulled them down.

Peggy froze for a moment as she felt something thick and long pressing against her bare crotch. It was like a burning rod against her skin, but not in an uncomfortable way. Slowly, she looked down to see it.

Although she had seen some illustrations in books, it was very different seeing it in reality, very, very different.

She felt John rubbing against her, her pussy becoming even wetter due to her heightened sensitivity. Peggy bit her lips and shyly lifted her skirt so it wouldn't get in the way too much, increasing the skin-to-skin contact.

John removed the top part of her clothing, exposing her torso, and took off his own shirt. Peggy admired his bare chest, running her hands over it with desire.

Then, slowly, she lowered her other hand and timidly touched his cock. Swallowing hard, she gathered her courage and tried to hold it, but her hand was not enough to fully envelop it.

“It’s a bit big,” she said softly, making John laugh.

“Just a bit?” At his words, she blushed, but also gathered some courage and spoke.

“Just a bit,” she joked.

But that courage waned as she felt his member throbbing in her hand. Could she really take it? At this point, that question no longer mattered.

Timidly, she used her hand to press it against her and rubbed it a bit against the entrance of her hole.

“What are you waiting for?” she couldn’t help but say as she felt her own hips moving uncontrollably.

John smiled but did not act, even though he wanted to. Not yet; it wasn’t the time.

“You need to ask for it.” Up until now, she hadn’t explicitly said it, and he wanted to hear it.

Hearing him murmur that in her ear, Peggy trembled.


John didn't say anything else, and seeing him motionless, she gritted her teeth and, with extreme embarrassment, spoke.

"I want it," she whispered.

But John didn't move forward; instead, he brought his ear closer and spoke.

"What? I don't think I heard you well." Peggy's eyebrows furrowed. Didn't this guy say he had good hearing? Swallowing her saliva and shedding all her embarrassment, she spoke louder.

"Inside! I want it inside!" She didn't know any other way to say it since dirty words weren't something much taught these days.

John decided that was enough. Without hesitation, he adjusted himself, moving his hips back just enough for the tip of his Dick to align with Peggy's pussy entrance. He looked into her eyes, seeing her astonished gaze at the half-centimeter separating their union.

With that clear view of her face, he pushed without hesitation. The juices she had released worked quite well, but even so, John encountered an unexpected obstacle in his path.

He thought maybe it was because Peggy was tight and pushed harder.

"W-Wait! Ugh!" Seeing her eyes watering, John stopped for a moment, somewhat doubtful, and looked down to notice a faint red thread of blood mixed with her pussy's fluids.

Huh? John blinked, only now understanding why she seemed so inexperienced. Someone stupider might have asked if she was really a virgin, but that would only ruin the moment completely since it would be like telling her he thought she had slept with others before.

Instead, John was wiser and adapted. His hand skillfully moved down, beginning to caress her clitoris. This movement took Peggy by surprise, making her moan and look at him. John smiled at her and quickly kissed her neck while his other hand grabbed one of her breasts and caressed her nipple.

"Just relax," he said softly, beginning to stimulate her, which worked quite well since he could feel her body squirm and her pussy get a little wetter.

Slowly, he began to push when he felt her legs wrapping around him tighten a bit more.

Peggy felt him enter her slowly, her mind blank. It hurt, but at the same time, everything else felt so good. She never imagined that touching her body this way could make her enjoy it so much.

With every centimeter deeper inside her, she could feel that previous sensation returning. It was embarrassing; she had already done it twice before, but why again? However, she stopped asking herself questions like that when John gave one last push, and she felt the head of his cock hit something inside her, something different from what she had felt before, something that made her back arch and her body tremble uncontrollably.

“Oh God!” she babbled, and John resisted the temptation to tease her a bit.

It had happened again; she felt the liquid trickle down her legs, but this time she couldn't pay attention to it, her mind more focused on enjoying the pleasure she felt.

John stayed like that for a moment, letting her get used to it but without stopping playing with her body. After all, the stimulation was a great help.


Her hands wrapped around his back; it was unfortunate that she couldn't really scratch him, though not for lack of trying. She really tried.

Feeling it was the right moment, John began to move slowly, making her squirm a bit more. Her wide hips, not wanting to be left behind, tried to move too, but she was a bit clumsy, so John set the pace.

The desk Peggy was leaning on shook as John started to thrust harder and harder. The wood creaked, but neither of them cared. Peggy moaned louder and louder, and John would have stopped her if he didn't know that no one would hear. After all, the room they were in was quite far from other rooms, and if anyone came, Raven would undoubtedly stop them before they could get close enough to hear.

John played with her breasts, her delicate white skin reddened as he squeezed, pinched, and stretched, making her wonder if his hands would leave marks. But that was okay; she was his now, after all.

At this point, John lowered his hands, deciding to change the position a bit. He grabbed her legs and lifted her off the desk, then in a quick movement, let her drop onto his member while still holding her up.

“Oohhh, OH!” Peggy's eyes widened. If she had felt he reached the deepest before, now she truly felt he was stretching her. Then John began to lift and lower her quickly, making her breasts bounce up and down uncontrollably.

Peggy clung to him desperately, trying to keep her rationality but completely losing it. Her thighs tensed as she came once more, forming a puddle at her feet.

Once he realized she was no longer uncomfortable, John let himself go a bit. Now it was he who sat on the desk with her on his body. His hands gripped her ass tightly, and without hesitation, he increased the pace, making her bounce up and down.

Being inside her felt incredible. She squeezed much tighter than the average woman, and her physique was a delight to his eyes.

But it still wasn't enough. The combination of both serums had given him immense stamina. Before going to war, he needed an entire group of dancers to feel barely satisfied. Peggy was spectacular, but it might be excessive to keep going until he could finally come. In fact, she kept coming while he still felt far from being able to.

Peggy felt her vision blur. Her pussy tightened, dripping more fluids onto John. How long had they been at it? She didn't know, but with every passing second, she felt her consciousness fade a bit more, pleasure and exhaustion mixing, making thinking an impossible option.

She felt John suck her nipples while gripping her hips and lifting her body easily before lowering her forcefully, making her arch her back as she was filled completely once again.

Then he did it again and again.

At some point, she stopped trying to keep up with him and just let him use her body as he wanted, bouncing her up and down, her butt cheeks trembling with each impact.

"Mmm!~ J-John I-” her babbling was cut off by the next thrust. She wanted to tell him she couldn't take it anymore, but he kept pounding inside her, making it impossible.

John felt Peggy losing more strength, so he caressed her clitoris with his hand while sucking on one of her breasts and increased his pace. If she was going to pass out, that was fine; he'd let her have a great memory of this.

Feeling John's touch, Peggy's eyes opened, and only moans left her mouth. Her sweat-soaked body trembled one last time before she felt the liquid trickling between her legs and everything around her began to darken.

Feeling her body go limp, John slowed his movements. He couldn't help but sigh a bit. If this weren't Peggy's first time, he would have continued even with her unconscious, but since it was her first time, he couldn't overdo it. Slowly, he lifted her off him, pulling out with an audible squelch. She moaned; she wasn't completely lost.

He laid her on one of the desks, admiring her naked form. His cock throbbed, and he frowned, feeling somewhat frustrated he couldn't finish. Then he looked at her breasts. Well, she wouldn't complain if he used them, right? After all, at this point, they were more his than hers.

Even so, he pinched her cheek with his fingers, making her babble and look at him, confused.

"Do you mind if I use this?" he asked, and the woman barely babbled something that John took as a "I don't mind."

Then he climbed onto the desk and then over her, taking her breasts in his hands and wrapping his cock between them. They were quite comfortable. Without hesitation, he began to fuck them, squeezing her nipples, making her regain some sense from the unexpected pleasure and pain.

"J-John?!" As her vision cleared, Peggy saw his cock sliding in and out from her cleavage, the tip reaching her face and hitting her nose.

In quick succession.

"You had a lot of fun, but I still have some energy left. How about you help me out?" he said, taking her hands and making her squeeze her breasts around his cock.

Peggy didn't know what kind of act this was, but she decided to go along with it without hesitation. Squeezing her own breasts, she let John have his way for who knows how long until she heard him grunt. Then, with wide eyes, she felt something warm, thick, and sticky hit her face.

Unable to stop herself, her tongue darted out, catching some of the white liquid.

If John could have, he would have taken a picture. Too bad mobile phones didn't exist in this era. Well, his great memory would have to suffice.

John sighed and lay down beside her, his penis still hard but it would have to do for now.

He couldn't help but wrap his arm around her shoulders, making her head rest on his chest, and he joked a bit.

"Well, Miss Carter, I think the position is definitely yours." That made her punch him in the face, but it was worth it.





Well, I thought it was a good moment and I felt like trying it. My second attempt at NSFW, what do you think? I hope I managed to convey what I wanted adequately, and I hope to translate it well too.

If there are any mistakes, please point them out. Translating something normally is complicated, but doing it with NSFW becomes doubly so, which means double the possible errors, and that can completely ruin the experience.

Remember that you can find the next chapter(and some more chapters) of this story on Patreon ( All the support received helps me a lot ;D

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