SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

26: Uprising

26: Uprising

"You seem nervous," Charles adjusted his coat and looked up at the man who had asked him the question. He seemed to be in his thirties; Charles knew his name—Gabriel Jones, one of the soldiers John had selected to follow the team on their mission.

"A little," he said, feeling the vehicle they were in hit another bump, causing it to shake slightly.

"It's normal. I was just as nervous the first time I was deployed," said another man with slanted eyes, James Morita, or Jim, as he had asked to be called.

"Nerves must be quickly overcome, or they can cost you dearly. Listen, kid, when the shit hits the fan, don't hesitate—just follow orders and shoot who you need to shoot. That will keep you alive." Charles nodded at the advice, looking at the weapon he had been given, a rifle modified by Howard Stark.

Shooting... He had never touched a gun in his life, but he knew how to do it thanks to some of the memories he had seen from James. He hoped that would be enough.

Suddenly, the vehicle they were in came to a stop. They heard voices—it was a checkpoint. They had passed a few before, and everyone knew what needed to be done. Charles swallowed hard and looked toward the rear door, which began to open. A German soldier poked his head in, flashlight in hand, pointing it at them.

His eyes seemed to inspect the "cargo" until he was finally satisfied that he hadn't found anything unusual, and he closed the door again.

Charles sighed, lowering his hand. Another success—a useful skill that hadn't occurred to him but was something John had told him to try before they set out.

In essence, he was simply making the soldier see what he needed to see to let them pass the checkpoint without complications—a simple "illusion" if he had to give it a name.

"I still can't get used to that," said another soldier, one named Dugan, looking at Charles in amazement.

"But it's useful," Steve commented.

Charles smiled a little. Of course, the existence of his abilities had to be revealed to the team members who weren't metahuman. After all, they would be fighting together in the battles to come. Although it wasn't explicitly stated that they were metahumans, they were presented as other super-soldiers secretly created by the United States.

It was easier and simpler to explain than having to give a long and tedious talk about genetic evolution and how it could allow the emergence of supernatural abilities.

In this way, they only had to explain the basic concept of their abilities. Of course, not everything was revealed. John had advised Charles not to disclose the full extent of his powers for various reasons, so the regular soldiers on the team only knew that Charles could make people see "things" like illusions.

Charles understood why. After all, as a mind reader, it was easy for him to know that people might be quite uncomfortable if they knew someone could delve into their most private thoughts.

Not that Charles would do that, of course—at least not without a good reason. He usually preferred to only skim some surface thoughts, but looking deeply into others' minds was something he didn't actively seek out. James was a prime example of why.

Charles, who still didn't fully control his powers, was forced to experience people's memories and feelings firsthand when he looked into their deeper thoughts and memories if he wasn't careful, which was, of course, quite bothersome.

"The captain says to start getting ready, we only have a few more kilometers to go," the hidden window in the vehicle opened, allowing Cassandra to stick her head out from the front to inform them.

They exchanged a glance before she closed the window again.

"You heard her, get pretty," said Jacques Dernier, a man with a slight French accent, as he smoothed his hair, which was a bit odd to see since he was going bald, something he barely hid with an old felt hat.

There were a few more comments among the other team members, but Charles didn’t pay them much attention as he tried to mentally prepare himself. He had expected more… action, but throughout the several-hour journey to the city of Warsaw, they went largely unnoticed. John had told them their arrival needed to be a surprise, so they didn’t make their way through by fighting.

Which, of course, was a bit complicated, but with the help of Charles and Raven, as well as some Armia Krajowa agents who contacted them along the way, they were able to make a quick and direct trip to their destination.

Everything went smoothly and calmly, which made Charles nervous.

'Just follow your orders, shoot if necessary, and do what you came to do,' his main mission was to gather information from the soldiers they would capture during the conflict, more specifically from the higher-ranking officers. The hope was to uncover secret Hydra information as well as the location where Dr. Zola was conducting his experiments.

Another reason why Charles's true powers had to remain secret for now: no matter how loyal the German soldiers were to Red Skull and Hydra, they wouldn’t be able to stop Charles from looking inside them once they fell into his hands.

After a few more minutes, the vehicle stopped, and John opened the rear doors to let them out. When Charles stepped down, he found himself inside an old and dark food warehouse.

“Alright, we’re in,” John said, gathering them around as Armia Krajowa members approached, led by a man in his 40s or 50s.

Charles concentrated, sending out a quick mental probe. When he confirmed that they were indeed Armia Krajowa members and not a trap or something similar, he nodded to John, who received the message and confidently walked up to meet their new allies.

“Tadeusz Bór! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” John said in near-perfect Polish, extending his hand for a firm handshake that the Armia Krajowa leader received gladly.

“The pleasure is entirely mine, Captain. Your arrival means more than you can imagine.” Despite being a serious man with a deeply rooted military demeanor, Charles could sense the excitement within him, an excitement that would have others jumping for joy.

Soon, everyone was guided by the Armia Krajowa through Wola, an industrial district in the western part of Warsaw, an important place due to its many factories, warehouses, and workshops.

At the same time, it was very close to several German supply routes, making it a key location that needed to be taken in one way or another and the reason why the Armia Krajowa had begun secretly gathering their forces in the area.

They navigated through the streets until they reached a secluded complex of buildings where the provisional headquarters of the Armia Krajowa was located.




“We have men here and here, our weapons are limited, so the plan was to raid some of the supply warehouses—”

John and Tadeusz began plotting the battle plan while a hive of activity buzzed around them. Everyone seemed busy with preparations, communications, and checks.

Cassandra watched all of this with interest while feeling somewhat anxious, as she had nothing to do. After all, until a few days ago, she had just been a rich girl with no real military training, so she didn’t know how she could help with the preparations beyond staying by John's side and waiting for orders.

This was, of course, somewhat frustrating, but she understood it. She was there to fight, and as long as the fight hadn't begun, she would have to wait.

“I see what you’re trying to do, but it’s a risky plan. Let some of my men help you,” John suddenly pointed to Cassandra and that grumpy guy named James, along with three other ordinary members of his team. Cassandra hadn’t even bothered to remember their names.

The leader of the Armia Krajowa and some of his men turned to look at them with doubts, especially at her, which she didn’t like much.

“Captain, are you sure about this?” Tadeusz asked. The man hadn’t really paid much attention to the team John had brought with him because, in everyone’s mind, the only one who could make a difference in this war was Captain America.

This was understandable since, as far as the average person knew, there was only one super soldier. James's existence was still something only the high command knew about, not to mention Raven, Charles, or Cassandra.

“Trust me, Commander, you’ll want their help,” John didn’t explain much, as it was better for things to be revealed when the time came.

Tadeusz considered it for a moment before accepting. There weren’t many options, really. The Armia Krajowa needed all the help they could get. At this moment, less than four thousand of their soldiers were truly armed and had the military experience needed for the upcoming battle. There were, of course, many more members in their ranks, but most either lacked weapons or were inexperienced, having not received proper military training.

Weapons, ammunition, and equipment were what they needed most if they wanted not only to liberate Warsaw but also to keep the city as theirs once it was freed.

“We need to divide into several squads. The priority should be to take their supply bases. We must make the Wola district ours in one day.” At John’s words, all the Poles present were surprised.

One day? Although many had hoped to do it quickly, doing it in a day… might be too much.

Tadeusz thought about it before nodding in agreement. As the commander of the Armia Krajowa, he knew more about foreign news than others. He knew that with John by their side, they could do it. After all, although the Nazi regime's presence was strong in the city, they weren’t concentrated in one place. Just like the Armia Krajowa, they were dispersed.

Well, that was before. Now, most of the Polish forces were already in Wola, which gave him confidence. They could take the district if they struck hard and fast. Once they had all the German supplies in their hands, they could begin properly equipping their men and increase their numbers when the civilian population realized what was happening and decided to join them.

And they would join. Tadeusz knew the people of Warsaw were tired of living under the regime, and if given the chance, they would undoubtedly rise up with them.

“Then we’ll start when night falls.”




And night fell much faster than Charles expected.

The boy looked at the building that was their target, the headquarters of the German troops in Wola. As John had said, they had split into several squads, each with different tasks.

“Remember not to stray too far from me,” John said at his side. Charles had been assigned to follow him. Since they were going to attack the headquarters, it was obvious they would use this opportunity to capture several of the high-ranking officers there and thus obtain valuable information.

As they waited for the right moment, Charles wondered how his sister was doing. Being separated from her so soon didn’t sit well with him, but he knew it was necessary. Of course, he was a bit worried about her, but not too much. After all, she wasn’t alone; she had James by her side as well as other members of their team.

That should at least keep her safe until they saw each other again.

“Don’t worry, illusionista, I’ll watch your back,” Charles turned to see a boy just a little older than him. His name was Angelo, and he had been part of the partisan army. Perhaps mistaking his silence for fear, he spoke to encourage him.

Something Charles appreciated, even if it wasn’t exactly what the boy thought.

“illusionista?” he asked in barely acceptable Italian. Charles didn’t know as many languages as John, but he could understand what people wanted to say by sensing their thoughts.

“Yes, you’re a super, right? And all supers need nicknames,” the boy said as if it were something obvious.

A super, an acronym for supersoldier that the regular soldiers on their team used to refer to them.

Illusionista, it wasn’t exactly what he did, but... it didn’t sound so bad.

“Yes, I guess so,” he had also read some comics after all.

"It’s time." Those words broke the calm that had been settling around them.

It took Charles a moment to understand them, at which point John shot forward, followed by the soldiers of the Armia Krajowa.

Angelo gave him a pat on the back, making him start moving as well. The boy already had his weapon raised and, without hesitation, fired five precise shots that instantly snuffed out the lives of five men—guards who had been stationed outside the building.

Charles, still in a trance, could barely comprehend how the silent night had turned into a hell filled with deafening booms and blinding flashes. Angelo was a great help to him, as he didn’t leave him alone and forced him to advance alongside him until they entered the headquarters and the real fight began.

John advanced like a walking natural disaster, forcefully clearing the way for his men and swiftly taking down all incoming enemies. Even so, the headquarters was large, and with all the commotion, more and more German soldiers began to gather.

His shield flew, bouncing off the walls and striking different enemies in an instant. Charles was snapped out of his stupor when the shield passed in front of him, blocking an attack from an enemy who had emerged from the shadows, trying to kill him by surprise.

“Don’t get distracted!” Angelo shouted at him, and Charles gripped his weapon. What was he doing? He was here to fight, not to be a burden! With gritted teeth and adrenaline beginning to flood his bloodstream, Charles raised his rifle and took aim.

His aim was barely acceptable, and he wouldn’t have hit the target if Charles hadn’t sensed the approach of a German soldier intent on killing them. Using his powers to guide him, he didn’t need to see to know where his target was, and without hesitation, he fired. The recoil made him wince in pain, but the objective was accomplished.

The man fell dead to the ground.

Seeing the blood seeping from the body, Charles froze for a moment, visions, memories of similar situations flooding his mind. They were James’s memories, of the lives he had taken.

He thought he knew what it would feel like, that he was ready for it, but he was wrong. His hands trembled, and his heart felt like it was about to leap out of his chest as nausea flooded him, ready to make him vomit.

He had killed someone.

But the world didn’t give him the chance to process it. No, at this moment, he couldn’t go into shock; he couldn’t stay still. Using James’s memories as an anchor, he acted as the man would have in this situation, and using his military discipline, he forced himself to move, not to stand still. And so, he kept advancing, followed his comrades, and continued shooting as the German army tried to resist the invasion of their headquarters.

“Good! That’s how it’s done,” Angelo praised him as he saw how quickly he adapted to the battle, and together they followed in John’s wake, climbing floor after floor of the building while purging the place.

In an instant, in various parts of the Wola district, fire erupted along with the sound of gunfire and explosions. The night in the city of Warsaw was interrupted by the sound of the drums of war, marking the beginning of the battle for its liberation.




Cassandra ducked as shots whizzed over her head, and once they stopped, she came out of cover without hesitation, stretching out her hand and sending the German soldiers who were shooting at her flying, slamming them hard against a wall, their bones cracking clearly and satisfyingly to her.

The attack on the military facility that served as the main armory for the German army had begun at the same time as the attack on the headquarters.

James led the attack, immediately drawing all the attention, allowing the soldiers following them to easily infiltrate and begin securing the place.

Unlike Charles, Cassandra hadn’t hesitated; she didn’t freeze or stand still. As James advanced, she followed without doubt.

When the first German soldier crossed her path, she didn’t wait to be saved. Instead, she stretched out her hand and clenched it. Her victim screamed and writhed as his body twisted at impossible angles. The sight was fascinating. Cassandra had always known she could do it—break a person’s body with a thought—but she had never really tried it until now.

And doing it felt incredibly good. With a smile only hidden by the mask on her face, she forcefully cleared everything in her path. Using her powers, she opened doors for the soldiers following her, destroyed barricades, and ripped weapons from the hands of her enemies without them being able to resist.

The members of the Armia Krajowa who had come with them were left stunned by the display of supernatural abilities from both metahumans. The man who commanded them, and who had been in the strategic meeting, finally understood what John meant when he said, "You’ll want their help."

Captain America wasn’t the only monster who had arrived in Warsaw.

And the man couldn’t have been happier about it. Without hesitation, he and his men began to follow Cassandra, covering her back as best they could while the girl went wild, destroying any German resistance in the place.

Of course Cassandra did not forget why they were there, she was careful not to destroy the weapons and supplies they had come to steal. With each passing moment in the fight, the girl began to understand more and more the extent of her telekinetic ability. Before, she had never been able to use it to its full potential for fear of being discovered, but now? Here and now, she could do whatever she wanted—let her imagination run wild.

She could feel the bullets approaching from behind her, and though her body wasn’t quick enough to dodge them, she didn’t need to. She extended her hand, and as if an invisible wall stood between them, the projectiles stopped in midair, just inches from hitting her.

“That was dangerous,” she said, but the joy in her voice seemed to contrast with her words.

Then, in an instant, the bullets changed direction and flew back at high speed toward those who had fired them, their bodies pierced cleanly, spraying blood around them.

Concentrating, Cassandra began to sense the things around her. Like an orchestra conductor, she started moving her hands and let her powers work freely as all sorts of objects began to rise into the air.

When they shot at her, something was always there to block the bullets. When she needed to attack someone, something was always there to be her perfect projectile. It was like a tornado of destruction that caused the enemies facing her to flee without hesitation.

She had never felt so alive.

of course it was then that a bolt of blue lightning was fired at her. Cassandra frowned as she sensed the projectile turning anything in its path to dust, and she had to move to take cover since her telekinesis struggled to control the unknown energy.

“Hydra weapons,” she thought, recognizing them from what John had told her, as well as from the news that had spread about them.

Without hesitation and with much more delicacy, she pushed the Polish soldiers who were following her back, out of reach of the new attackers.

There were more shots accompanied by that blue light. She took a quick glance out of her hiding place, seeing three Hydra soldiers with the special weapons attacking in her direction. She wondered if there were more, but they were probably trying to kill James or something like that.

She tried again to control the blue light projectile without success and decided to change her approach, targeting those who carried the weapons. Without them being able to avoid it, their bodies twisted and broke into pieces.

"How soft~" she mocked, stepping out of her hiding place and, with a wave of her hand, drew the bodies toward her, beginning to remove the special weaponry.

"Hey! Take this," she said, throwing the energy weapons to the soldiers following her. The men didn’t hesitate to take them with delight.

She then continued moving toward the direction where the sound of gunfire intensified, leaving behind the bodies of her dead enemies without a second glance.

Whether it was the first man she killed or these last three, the feeling was the same—no remorse or sorrow. She didn’t care about them at all.





In case anyone didn’t notice, I don’t want to drag out the military conflicts as much as I did in the early chapters. If all goes well, this chapter and the next should cover everything necessary before we move on to the "rescue" of Erick and the confrontation with Shaw.

Of course, plans always change, so I won’t say with certainty how long something will last again. If I think I need to add some things, I will, even if it extends the duration a bit..

Putting that aside, I want to know what you think, what you expect to see, and what you want to read? I have many ideas, but probably not all of them will be fun to explore and may require different amounts of time to prepare. For example, This chapter could have come out much earlier, but instead, I spent all my free hours outside of work reading about Warsaw, the uprising, and learning about history as well as a bit of geography and geopolitics.

I even watched some documentaries and movies on the subject, which I didn’t actually enjoy that much.

It brought back memories of when I started this story and delved into research about conflicts in northern Italy. But I know it can be quite heavy for some to read about all that. After all, this story is not about war but about the MCU and the X-Men (metahumans) and a very different Captain America trying to do the right thing, sometimes doing it in the most wrong ways, which could or could not blow up in his face.

So I want to know what you really think, because as you know, you’re supporting me much more than I can thank you for, and the least I can give you is a story that is fun to read. So comment and give ideas if you think you can contribute something interesting. I’m always open to feedback.

(By the way, I hope to bring a new illustration soon. I haven’t been able to draw much due to work, so I can’t give an estimated date, but the desire to draw has been building up.)

(Charles’s nickname is provisional. I thought about giving him the classic Professor X, but I don’t see how that would naturally come about with how things have changed in the story. Let me know what you think about that.)

Illusionista = Illusionist

Regards, like and comment, you know I read them. If there’s any error, point it out, and I’ll correct it immediately.

Finally remember that You can already find the next chapter (and several more chapters) of this story on Patreon ( ) All the support received is appreciated ;D

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