SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU)

3: Super Soldier

3: Super Soldier

What is an antagonist? A villain? John had studied a bit about them when he was young. They were, in part, the engine that drove the story, almost as much or even more so than the protagonist. They were the source of problems, where conflicts arose.

They could be a great Evil or simply an opposite, a passing obstacle or an impenetrable wall. Bearing that in mind, John thought deeply about all the information he had about Red Skull.

The leader of Hydra was the world's first super soldier, perhaps failed in a certain sense as Dr. Erskine had said, but it was undeniable that he possessed a strength beyond that of the average human. But that mattered little; if John succeeded in his plan, the amount of power he would gain would easily overshadow any power Johann Schmidt believed he had.

Except for the Tesseract.

John didn't know much about the artifact beyond its ability to do crazy things with space. He could see there was a deeper plot regarding the object. It was a pity it had come to this world before he could see all the remaining Marvel movies.

Well, what's done is done, and now he must work with what he has.

"Ready?" Agent Carter's voice snapped him out of his deep thoughts. John straightened his uniform, gave himself a final look in the mirror, and stepped out to meet her.

"Always ready" he winked, and she smiled. They both boarded the vehicle that had been chosen to transport them.

As John watched the landscape begin to move, he thought again about Johann Schmidt. What should he do? Should he simply kill him in their first encounter? Take the Tesseract, lock it in a tightly sealed vault, end the war, and go home?

That would be anticlimactic. How could his story start so spectacularly only to end with him resolving everything instantly?

V was right about one thing: John could never measure up to Steve Rogers when it came to morals. The man would have done anything to end the war, would have seized the chance to end Schmidt instantly, and would have accepted going home and spending the rest of his days building a happy family.

But that story would only create a war hero, not a superhero, not a symbol.

Not a super Captain America.

If John wanted to be better than Steve in these aspects, he had to accomplish much more glorious feats, things that would be etched into the collective human mind forever.

Many people were going to die, many innocent people.

But Schmidt needed to stay alive until John decided he was no longer useful.

'Red Skull, huh? Good name. Rejoice, I'll let your horrible red face appear in history books as the worst man to ever walk this world'

He still didn't know exactly how he would do it, but he already had some ideas in mind. He remembered Schmidt's character: arrogant, conceited, proud, believing himself to be a god among men and that only he deserved superior power.

He could use that. To see the worst side of a man, you just had to press the right buttons, bring him to desperation, make his world crumble around him, and then see what he's really capable of.

"You seem quite thoughtful. Is there something bothering you?" Agent Carter's words pulled John's attention away from the landscape as he turned to look at her, smiled, and waved his hand before beginning to speak.

"Many things, Agent. This is something important. I fear failure, of course, and I fear not meeting expectations. It's a heavy burden to bear" Those were real feelings.

The agent turned to look at him. "Do you regret this?" she couldn't help but ask. The experiment was risky; John's life was at stake. If something went wrong, it would mean his death or something much worse.

"No, not at all. No matter how difficult it may be, I feel it's what I must do" he looked her in the eyes and spoke carefully.

"My late mother once told me that strong men protect themselves, and the strongest protect others. I've always been a strong man, Agent, and now I have the chance to be more than that. That's why I'm here"

She looked at him for a moment before smiling. "Your mother was a very wise woman"

John chuckled. "She would have loved to meet you; I'm sure you would have gotten along well"

The car stopped; they had reached their destination. John opened the door and saw the ordinary streets and common buildings. It was truly surprising how they could hide such an important place in a location like this.

"Let's go" the agent began to guide him. John looked at the antique shop and took a deep breath. The moment had come; it was now or never.

With firm and heavy steps, he entered the place. The bell on the door made its characteristic sound. The place smelled of antiques and dust, a boring-looking place that not many people would be interested in entering.

A perfect place to hide things.

Agent Carter walked up to the counter and exchanged some code words with the elderly lady who ran the store. She smiled warmly, like a harmless old woman. John wondered if that same smile was what their enemies saw before they died.

"Over here" the agent called him, and they soon arrived at a bookshelf that began to open towards the side, a secret door. John would be lying if he said he wasn't excited. As an ordinary person just a month ago, experiencing things like this, no matter how insignificant they might be, was still thrilling.

They walked down the short hallway; soldiers saluted as they passed and opened the doors at the end of the corridor. John saw for the first time the mythical place where Captain America had been born. Seeing it in person was more incredible than seeing it on a screen.

As they arrived, everyone stopped for a moment, everyone wanting to catch a glimpse of the first super soldier of humanity.

John enjoyed the silence for a moment before his gaze met Dr. Erskine's. He smiled and began to descend the stairs until he stood in front of him and shook his hand.

"It's good to see you again, Doctor" their encounter was interrupted by the flash of an old-fashioned camera. At least for John, fortunately, he had been prepared so he didn't close his eyes even though he wanted to. As an actor, he had to get used to being photographed, right?

"Not now" Dr. Erskine quickly pushed the photographer away.

"I'm sorry, they've been very impatient, almost like vultures" John smiled and shrugged it off.

"Don't worry, Doctor" he then turned and looked at the machine, or was it a capsule? That would be his future.

He touched its metallic surface for a moment and smiled. It was time.

"It seems like it's time. What do I need to do?" he asked the doctor, who pointed to his clothes.

"Take them off, all of them except the pants. After that? Leave the rest to us"

John obeyed and began undressing without hesitation. His body, already in good shape, had been further sculpted by rigorous training at the military base. He took off his clothes and handed them to the assistant who had arrived. He glanced at the cameraman not far away and joked with Agent Carter, who had forgotten to look away.

"Maybe you want to ask him to take another photo; it'll last longer" the agent coughed and looked away, too embarrassed to respond.

"You can flirt later; it's time to start" the doctor guided John to the metallic capsule, where he sat down and began to recline.

He settled in as best as he could, not knowing how much this would hurt.

"How does it feel?" Dr. Erskine asked, watching him adjust his position.

"It's more comfortable than I expected" John, who stood at six feet tall, thought the capsule would be tight, but it seemed larger than he imagined.

"Of course, we took all your measurements and fabricated it based on that" the new voice surprised John a bit as he turned and found himself looking into the eyes of the smartest man of the current era, according to the media.

"This is Mr. Stark; his assistance has been significant in this project. He'll be the one operating the machine once everything begins" Stark greeted him with a wave as he approached.

Dr. Erskine made a quick introduction.

"By the way, how are our energy levels?" Stark glanced at the machines and replied to his question.

"At 100%. Everything is perfect and ready to start. We might leave a few houses without power, but nothing that will stop us from doing this"

Stark looked at him and smiled.

"We're going to make history today. Aren't you excited?" At the question, John smiled.

"Like it's the most important day of my life" Stark widened his smile at his response; he felt the same way. This was like the most important day of his life.

"Then let's make history, gentlemen" Dr. Erskine intervened, starting the final preparations.

Agent Carter approached, speaking to John one last time before leaving.

"Earlier, you told me you were just a strong man, but I believe you're more than just that, John. So don't worry about what happens, no matter what it is, everything will be fine"

John smiled. "Your faith in me is flattering. When this is over, remind me to invite you for a drink"

"I'll be waiting" after that, she left. John watched her go; she had incredible hips. He knew he should focus on his goals, but he wouldn't have broken up with his girlfriend if he could keep his pants in place.

Maybe that was another point where he could never surpass Steve.

"One, two, three, can you hear me? Fine" Dr. Erskine took a microphone and addressed the high-ranking officials and other important individuals who had arrived to witness this historic moment.

As he delivered his speech, his assistants began to prepare the serum. John watched as the vials filled with blue liquid were placed into position, and he couldn't help but compare them to the V Compound.

The shade of blue in both was different but similar enough to give John some confidence in their compatibility. Of course, scientifically speaking, the fact that something had a similar color didn't mean it was remotely compatible with another thing of a similar color. But John wasn't a scientist and didn't think like one.

The needle entering his shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts. He watched the penicillin being injected and couldn't help but grimace internally; he hated needles.

"Commencing serum injection in one, two—" John took a deep breath. Here it began, his story, his new life, his magnum opus, his stardom. He could hardly keep from smiling.

"Three!" with those words spoken, the serum entered his veins directly.

The blue liquid began to flood his bloodstream. The pain was surprisingly intense, and he had to grit his teeth to keep from complaining.

He felt the capsule moving and rising, its metal doors beginning to close over him until his entire body was hidden inside the contraption.

He heard some soft knocks and Dr. Erskine's voice. "Everything okay in there? Can you hear me?"

"Everything's fine!"

The doctor nodded and gave the signal. Stark began to turn a round handle, and the energy began to rise.

"20%! 30%! 40%!"


Peggy watched from her seat as the light began to emanate from the small window in the capsule where John was located. She couldn't help but bite her lip and clench her fists as she saw the intensity of the light increasing.

She didn't look away, even though it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable to watch.

"50%! 60%! 70%! 80%! 90%!"

At this point of energy, everyone held their breath for a moment before Stark turned the handle completely.

"100%!!!" Then the light became so intense that it was impossible to keep looking at it.

There was a slight tremor, and nearby computers and devices sparked, and as quickly as the light flooded the room, it was gone.

Peggy opened her eyes and looked expectantly, as did everyone else present. For a moment, silence filled the room before the doors of the capsule began to open, and John stepped forward. His body seemed to have grown several inches, and sweat covered his naked torso. He took what seemed like deep breaths before smiling at her, causing her to start applauding uncontrollably, creating a wave that sent everyone cheering for the success.

He had done it. He had become a super soldier.


John had never felt so incredible in his entire life. It was like being born again, but it was more than that; it was like becoming something different, something better, superior.

He took a few steps outside and saw Dr. Erskine and Stark approaching, wanting to support him, but he shook his head, walking on his own quickly, regaining his balance.

Being taller was strange; he was at least four inches taller than before. Agent Carter arrived in front of him, giving him a tight hug with a big smile. He smiled and patted her back, pulling her out of her emotion and causing her to awkwardly step back.

To hide her embarrassment, she quickly spoke, asking a question.

"How, how does it feel?" she said, looking at his muscles, which seemed even more defined.

"Like I've been born again" he replied easily, taking the towel offered by one of the assistants and wiping himself clean.

He felt strong, very stronger.


Stark patted Dr. Erskine on the shoulder.

"A complete success, old friend" the doctor smiled and nodded, admiring the result of his work. This time, he firmly believed that things would be very different; this time, there was hope.

Handshakes began, along with camera flashes and congratulations laughter and smiles.

Dr. Erskine couldn't help but be infected by the atmosphere; his smile was the biggest he had had in years. But as with everything in his life, nothing could remain perfect forever.

His eyes found themselves looking inexplicably in the direction of a man, the only one who wasn't smiling or approaching them. Their eyes met, and Erskine felt as if worms were wriggling inside his stomach.

Before he could say or do anything, he saw the man giving him a sinister smile and making a gesture with his hand, then an explosion occurred.



Glass and debris rained down everywhere, and everyone present crouched down, seeking cover. There were screams and curses; no one could understand what had happened.

"Stop him!" Dr. Erskine's cry was heard by John, who had been attentive to the situation. He looked at the man who caused all the chaos, who took the remaining vial and raised a gun.

He could stop him; he could rush and prevent Dr. Erskine's death.

But he didn't. He watched the gun fire and Dr. Erskine begin to fall to the ground.

'I'm sorry' he apologized inwardly, but a super soldier would only become just another soldier if there were a whole army of them.

And while he decided not to save Erskine, that didn't mean he would let his murderer escape.

Faster than a cheetah, his leg muscles slightly tensed, and his body launched forward at incredible speed. He took a step that lifted him in the air, a jump that took him directly to the top of the stairs, blocking the path of the Hydra agent.

The man's eyes widened, and he raised his gun to shoot. John was faster, and with a single blow, he sent the man's body flying back downstairs.

The vial in his hands flew, falling to the ground and shattering, spreading the serum everywhere among the debris from the explosion and glass.

The Hydra agent let out a groan; his vision blurred, his broken jaw preventing him from using the poison pill he had replaced one of his teeth with.

He tried to reach his mouth to break it with his fingers, but a hand with a grip like iron stopped him.

John arrived beside him and looked into his eyes, then forcefully yanked out the fake tooth.

"Not so easy, friend" he said, lifting his head to see Agent Carter approaching.

"How's the doctor?!" her concerned voice was extremely convincing; he had practiced after all.

She looked at him and sighed, shaking her head, her sad gaze genuine.

John lowered his gaze and clenched his fist, then with anger, he grabbed the Hydra agent by the neck and dragged him to Agent Carter.

"What should we do with him?" he asked.

She looked at him and replied

"Leave him to me"




John saw the blood coming out of his arm and almost frowned. The nurse removed the needle and began sorting through the dozen vials of blood carefully.

"Is this enough?" he asked with feigned concern.

Agent Carter, who had been by his side throughout this process, sighed and replied.

"We don't know. Without Dr. Erskine and with the serum lost, your blood is the only hope we have to try to recreate it, but that could take years or even decades"

The loss of the doctor had been a severe blow to the project; without him, their research was almost completely lost.

John stood up and watched the blood samples being taken away for storage; the moment for the second step of his plan was approaching.

"Has he said anything?" he asked, and Carter knew whom he was referring to.

"It's tough, but sooner or later, everyone talks. I promise we'll find out who's behind this" she tried to console him.

John clicked his tongue.

"We both know it's Hydra. The doctor talked to me about them; they've been after him since he was rescued. They didn't want him on our side, and if they couldn't have him, no one would"

Hydra, the reason all this began. Peggy knew they were dangerous, but it seemed they had underestimated the extent of their forces.

John saw the colonel arrive with more people; it seemed the time had come to discuss their future.

He soon approached them, listening to them talk about Hydra.

"So what are you going to do about it?" in response to the question of one of the senior officers the colonel replied firmly.

"I had a talk with the president. From now on, the Strategic Reserve no longer has a "scientific" in his name. We'll fight head-on and take care of Hydra as we should have done from the start"

He turned to Agent Carter. "Pack your bags, Agent; we're leaving, and you too, Stark. We need you. We're heading to London tonight"

Seeing that it was time, John intervened. He didn't know if he would be able to convince the colonel to let him go with them early, but he wanted to try.

"If you're going to fight them, then I must go with you"

At his words, the colonel looked at him with clear anger in his eyes.

"You're just an experiment; you have no place in this war. You'll go to Alamogordo; perhaps there your blood will be more useful to us than lying in the dirt of the battlefield"

He began to walk away, but John needed to insist on this.

"General, with all due respect, I'm a super soldier. You saw what I can do, the power I have—" his words were interrupted.

"The power in the hands of one man does us no good, Sergeant, so I don't care if you can bend steel with your hands or kill a man with a single punch. I asked for an army, not a single soldier"

John looked into his eyes and knew this stubborn old man wouldn't change his mind. How stupid. What did it matter if it was just him? Even if he only had the Super Soldier Serum running through his veins, he could be considered a one-man army.

Once he had the Compound V in his body, he would do more than just bend steel and kill a man with a single punch.

Still, he took a step back; antagonizing the army while trying to make history within it served him no purpose.

The colonel gave him one last look before leaving.

The man who had been talking to him approached John with a smile.

It seemed like becoming a circus monkey was still in the script.

No, Steve might have been content with being a circus monkey. John, John would be a star.

"I think he's wrong, I think he's forgotten what the real goal is, the path is clear Sergeant John"

The man looked at him with a smile, a smile that only those capable of seeing great opportunities have.

"You're a Super Soldier, a real one. I've seen what you can do, that power in your hands. I believe it's only fair that the whole world sees it too" his smile grew wider.

"A man like you will give security to the masses, to the people. The youth will rush to enlist knowing that you are on our side, that there's a super soldier fighting alongside us. Something like that isn't kept under wraps; it's not hidden. You, sir, can be more than a soldier; you can be a symbol"

He took John by the shoulder.

"So what do you say? Do you want to fight in the most important battlefield in this country? Or stay locked up in a dusty laboratory?"

In these circumstances, there wasn't much more that John could do. He had to wait for his moment, and until that moment came, he could also pursue his real dream. After all, he always wanted to be a Super Star.

With a genuine smile, he took the man's hand and replied

"Of course I want to fight"

The man shook his hand excitedly.

"Then congratulations, you've been promoted"


From the sidelines, Carter watched them walk away with resignation. She hadn't heard everything they had talked about, but she knew it wasn't what John had hoped for. He deserved to go with them, to fight by their side.

But the colonel had let the project's failure and Dr. Erskine's death blind him.

Unable to do anything else, she began to walk away to prepare her bags. She needed to find a way to convince the Colonel, but that wouldn't happen today. Until then, she hoped John would be okay.




John had been assigned to a room in a nice hotel in Brooklyn. That afternoon, he had seen the colonel leave with his men; he had been left behind.

He was still in the army, but no longer as an ordinary soldier.

"It seems everything has gone according to plan" While starting to participate in the war beforehand would have been better, how things turned out wasn't bad either. After all, his intention had been not to deviate too much from what he knew until the moment when Compound V ran through his veins.

Well, that moment was now.

He closed all the windows, secured the curtains and the door, even placed a piece of furniture in front of it.

Then he took out his suitcase of personal belongings and broke one of the sides. When he decided not to take Compound V immediately, he had searched for ways to hide it and avoid losing it.

The best option was to keep it close at all times, and fortunately, he could bring his suitcase, which wasn't too large, with him almost all the time.

Before joining the army, he had carefully unstitched a part of the suitcase and tucked the Compound V box between the foam padding inside. The box was small and hard, so there was no risk of breaking the vial if the suitcase was shaken a bit.

He managed to make everything look normal and easily sewed the suitcase back up. While he wasn't an expert seamster, he still knew enough not to ruin it.

Now he took the suitcase and without worrying about its appearance, tore the leather it was made of and took out the vial box.

He opened the box and saw the Compound V in it, as bright and blue as the first time he saw it. He quickly took out a syringe he had prepared in advance and plunged its needle into the top of the vial, starting to extract the Compound V.

Once he didn't leave a single drop, John placed the needle tip directly on his neck, where the jugular vein was, took deep breaths, and gritted his teeth.

It was all or nothing.

The needle sank into his neck, and the blue liquid began to flood his bloodstream.

It was as if molten iron began to run through his veins.

He widened his eyes, almost started screaming, gritted his teeth, and kept injecting until there was nothing left. He let go of the syringe and fell to his knees.

His fingers squeezed the metal base of the bed, easily deforming it. The gripping force was so strong that the deformed metal began to change color to a dark red hue.

John raised his head and opened his eyes, letting out a muffled scream as he felt something change inside him.

Every cell in his body seemed to struggle intensely for a brief moment, then his DNA began to change once again.

His eyes began to turn a bluish-green color, replacing the previous pale green.

He felt his muscles contracting, his bones cracking, and his heart beating strongly.

Then, as quickly as it all began, it stopped.

The pain, the discomfort, everything.

He breathed heavily, sweat dripping from his face, swallowed saliva, and looked at the palms of his hands.

Had it worked? He clumsily got to his feet and dragged himself to the bathroom, where he looked at himself in the mirror. His face remained the same, his body previously altered by the super soldier serum as well; perhaps the only noticeable change was his eyes.

His pupils had changed color slightly.

But other than that, there was nothing strange, no tumor, deformity, or anything like that.

He raised both hands and looked at his arms, then clenched a fist and opened the palm of his other hand. at a speed faster than a bullet, his fist shot forward, hitting his own palm.

The air broke, a Super Sonic boom occurred, creating strong vibrations in the room and sending strong gusts of wind.

John looked at his palm and then at his fist, smiled, smiled so much that he began to laugh out loud.

It had worked.

He had succeeded.




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