superstar godfather of entertainment

Chapter 108 Top of the list! (5 more)

Chapter 108 Top Ten on the List! (five more)

There are countless loyal fans who maintain this song, so how can they be blackened by a few trolls?

Therefore, those sailors who were invited to blacken Fang Yan's new song directly gave up the business. Under the circumstances that things cannot be done, if they insist on doing it, the end will be very miserable.

After giving up this business, those trolls also began to turn from haters to fans, and directly became fans of Fang Yan, and then began to listen attentively to the song sung by Fang Yan.

After all, this is such a beautiful song, anyone who has heard it will fall in love with it, and these trolls are no exception, they all also fall in love with this song.

The more you listen to it, the more pleasant it sounds. If you have heard this song a long time ago, even if the business comes, no matter how much you pay, they will not accept the job.

After all, it would be too difficult to blacken such a beautiful song, and they couldn't bear to blacken it.

Even the trolls began to turn from black people to fans. Those who discovered this song and listened to it naturally fell in love with this song without exception.

There are more and more people listening to this song, and the various data of this song are growing faster.

All the data are growing like crazy, which directly drives the ranking of this song on the major music charts to also increase rapidly.

The song rankings continued to improve, and gradually, the song "Paper Is Short and Love Is Long" successfully entered the top [-] of major music charts.

The songs that can enter the top [-] of the major charts are basically songs that have been affirmed by many people, and it can be said that they are all high-quality songs.

Entering the top [-] on the list is also easier to be found by everyone. It can be said that it is already a very good result.

However, entering the top [-] of major music charts is just the beginning for Fang Yan's "Short Paper and Long Love".

The news spread more and more widely, and more and more people knew about this song, whether they came from hearing the news, came out of curiosity, or people who knew about this song through other means, they all flocked in large numbers on major music platforms.

Therefore, with the passage of time, more and more people listen to this song, and the growth rate of various data is faster. Therefore, the ranking of the song on the major music charts still maintains an extremely fast and continuous growth with.

The songs that can rank in the top [-] of the major music charts are all high-quality songs. The data of these songs is very good. It is naturally difficult to surpass the previous songs and improve their ranking.

But for the song "Short Paper and Long Love" sung by Fang Yan, this problem does not exist at all.

It's like those king-level superstars who release songs, they have a lot of fans themselves, as long as they release songs, there will be a group of fans who will help the songs compete for the charts.

Therefore, their new songs' rankings increase very quickly. Although they are all high-quality songs, for superstars with a fan base, their song rankings naturally increase very quickly.

But now, after several recent incidents, Fang Yan is gaining momentum, and his reputation is also very high, attracting the attention of a large number of fans.

In addition, with the help of publicity from major music platforms, as well as the hype of the media, coupled with the connection between Fang Yan, "The Voice of Nature" and Mo Xiaoqi, all these combined make Fang Yan the current The person with the highest topic is the focus of everyone's discussion.

Coupled with the fan's miraculous publicity, the combination of these made Fang Yan and the song "Paper Short and Long Love" very famous, and many people listened to the song.

Therefore, the current data growth rate of the song "Paper Short and Long" sung by Fang Yan is not at all weaker than those songs by superstars, and even surpasses them.

Therefore, the ranking improvement speed of the song "Paper Short Love Long" on the major music charts still maintains an extremely fast speed, and the ranking is still improving rapidly.

According to this momentum, as long as it takes more time, it is not impossible for this song to reach the top of the major music charts.

The ranking of the songs continued to increase, from the top [-] at the beginning, to the top [-], to the top [-], to the top [-], until they entered the top [-], the speed of improvement still did not weaken.

Although the top [-] songs on the major music charts are all high-quality songs, the lower the ranking, the lower the various data, so it is easier to surpass them.

Therefore, the ranking of "Paper Short and Long Love" on the major music charts has risen extremely fast, and even after entering the top [-], there is still no weakening trend.

After all, more and more people come to listen to the song, and the growth rate of the various data of the song is also getting faster and faster. It is only a matter of time before it surpasses the previous songs.

The song's ranking in the top [-] on the major music charts is completely different from being in the top [-].

Many people look for songs from major music lists. Being in the top [-] will give you more exposure opportunities and make it easier for listeners to find you.

However, the higher it ranks on major music lists, the easier it is to be discovered by listeners. Being in the top [-] will give you more exposure opportunities and make it easier for listeners to find you.

So being in the top [-] is a completely different concept from being in the top [-]. After all, many people can’t listen to a song for a whole day, so many times, they haven’t heard the songs behind. I don't listen anymore.

Therefore, the higher the ranking, the easier it is to be heard by everyone, and the more popular it is.

Therefore, it is completely different if the song enters the top [-] of the major music charts. However, entering the top [-] is still not the end of the song "Paper Short Love Long", because this song still maintains the same An extremely fast speed, constantly improving the ranking.

The ranking is getting higher and higher, starting from the top [-] and entering the top [-], the top [-]...

The higher the ranking, the more difficult it will be to surpass the previous songs, and more data will be required.

Therefore, when the ranking reached a certain level, the speed of song ranking improvement finally slowed down, and it was no longer as fast as before.

Of course, it is said that it has slowed down, but this is also relative. In fact, the ranking of the song "Paper is Short, Love is Long" is still improving, and the momentum is still not weak.

Soon, the song ranking entered the top ten of the major music charts. Entering the top ten can be said to be very powerful. Even if the song ranking no longer improves, the exposure rate of the song is the same.

After all, as long as someone opens the list, the top ten songs will appear directly in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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