superstar godfather of entertainment

Chapter 139 Justified Defense!

Chapter 139 Justified Defense!

No one expected that there was so much energy hidden in Fang Yan's slightly thin body. When facing six burly men, not only did he not lose the wind, but he directly knocked down the six opponents with lightning speed. up.

How on earth did he do this?
Almost everyone present had such doubts in their hearts, even Zhang Hongying and Wen Qing couldn't believe the scene they had just seen.

The only one who is still calm is Mo Xiaoqi, because last time when the two of them went out for a walk, they encountered such a thing once. At that time, Fang Yan took the Dali Pill, and his body immediately had a thousand pounds of strength. It was easy to deal with all the big men in black on the other side.

So at this moment, when such a scene reappeared, Mo Xiaoqi thought that Fang Yan had taken the Dali Pill again, and that's why he had erupted such a powerful strength just now.

However, although Dali Wan has miraculous effects, the after-effects are also very serious. After 10 minutes, Fang Yan will be weak and weak, and his whole body will no longer have any strength.

Mo Xiaoqi didn't know that Fang Yan's physique had improved now, so she thought that Fang Yan was so powerful, so she took Dali Wan like last time.

Thinking that the sequelae would occur soon, Mo Xiaoqi hurried to Fang Yan's side, and said nervously: "Fang Yan, let's go back to the hotel quickly, the sequelae will occur later, if other people see you look weak, I don't know what trouble it will cause."

Listening to Mo Xiaoqi's words, and seeing Mo Xiaoqi's nervous face, Fang Yan couldn't help being taken aback, but soon Fang Yan understood what was going on, and Mo Xiaoqi may have mistakenly thought that he had taken Dali again. Maru, that's why he has such a powerful strength just now.

Mo Xiaoqi's proposal was also for his sake, and Fang Yan was quite touched in his heart.

However, this time I did not take Dali Pills, so there is no need to worry about the sequelae, so Fang Yan smiled and explained to Mo Xiaoqi: "It's okay, I have improved a lot in strength now, so I didn't take Dali Pills. The strength shown is all from my recent hard work."

Um?out of practice?

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoqi was also taken aback, but she would not doubt Fang Yan's words, so even though she was still a little confused, Mo Xiaoqi calmed down and did not think about pulling Fang Yan back to the hotel.

Under normal circumstances, after a few days of hard training, it is impossible to improve the strength so much at once. Just like those special forces, it takes years of hard training before they have the strength beyond ordinary people.

However, if this kind of thing is placed on Fang Yan, it cannot be judged by common sense. After all, Fang Yan is such an excellent person. In many people's hearts, they even think that Fang Yan is omnipotent.

Fang Yan will only be better than they imagined, so no one will find it strange what Fang Yan does.

At this moment, Mo Xiaoqi felt like this. After listening to Fang Yan's explanation, she stopped thinking about other things.

The six big men had already been knocked down by Fang Yan. At this moment, all of them were seriously injured, and their combat effectiveness had been lost. They could no longer pose any threat to Fang Yan and others.

Moreover, the constant pain in the body made the six big men feel unbearable pain, and the screams one after another resounded through the scene, making countless people feel creepy.

It's really that the cry is too shrill, it makes people feel a little scared.

Although the heart was full of shock, now that Fang Yan had knocked down all six big men, and Fang Yan himself was safe and sound, Mo Xiaoqi and the others immediately relaxed.

As for Fang Yan's beating, everyone present could clearly see that it was the six big men who punched Zhang Hongying first, so Fang Yan fought back and beat them all up.

Therefore, Fang Yan's move was completely self-defense, and all the people present were witnesses, so no one was worried about it.

There was so much commotion here, and it was at the entrance of Hua'an Hotel, so soon, the security personnel of Hua'an Hotel rushed here.

"What's going on? Who's fighting here?"

After the security personnel came here, the leader of them glanced at the six black-clothed men lying on the ground before asking questions to the surrounding crowd.

Obviously, this is not the first time that such a situation has happened, so they are also very handy when dealing with this situation.

Fang Yan was the one who hit him, so at this time, he could only stand up.

However, his actions were self-defense, so even if he was investigated, nothing would happen to him.

So, Fang Yan took a few steps forward, came in front of the security captain, and said in response, "They attacked us first, and then I fought back a little out of self-defense."

Fang Yan's explanation is very clear, the people on the ground were knocked down by him, but he didn't take the initiative to hit them, but just defended himself.

Seeing Fang Yan standing up and walking in the direction where Fang Yan was walking, the security captain saw Mo Xiaoqi and the others. Although they were all wrapped up very tightly at the moment, the security captain had an impression of the clothes they were wearing, so, He instantly understood that these were all guests of Hua'an Hotel.

As the security personnel of Hua'an Hotel, they naturally have to favor their own guests when dealing with things.

What's more, Fang Yan has already explained the situation, as long as it can be confirmed that everything Fang Yan said is true, then the situation will be obvious, and the responsibility is all on the six big men lying on the ground.

Although they were beaten by Fang Yan, they were the ones who started the attack. Fang Yan was just defending himself, so he didn't have much responsibility.

The security captain looked at the surrounding crowd and asked aloud: "Everyone, everyone was a witness just now. Can I ask you whether what this gentleman said is true?"

At this moment, the security captain just wanted to ascertain the truth as soon as possible, otherwise, even if he adjusted the surveillance video, he would be able to understand the truth of the matter clearly.

Hearing the security captain's question, some of the onlookers immediately replied: "This gentleman is right. It is true that these six people are going to attack this gentleman and his party first."

After this person, other people also began to join in. Now that the six big men were defeated by Fang Yan, they didn't have much fear in their hearts, and naturally they dared to speak out as witnesses.

Most people have a sense of justice in their hearts. When they encounter such a situation, they will naturally not cover up the criminals. Moreover, the method Fang Yan just revealed has amazed many people, and even envied them. Therefore, to testify for Fang Yan, This is something that everyone is happy with.

(End of this chapter)

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