Supporting Characters in the Game are Obsessed

Chapter 20

If I had to say what the flower of Cyberpunk is, I would undoubtedly say that many people would mention ‘Implant Surgery’.


A technique of dental surgery.

But in this world, it holds a slightly different meaning.

It referred to any surgery aimed at modifying the body for various purposes.

Typically, Implant Surgery can be divided into two cases.

If biological materials created through artificial cultivation are used, it is defined as ‘Bioware’.

Otherwise, if metals and similar materials are used to chrome the body, it is referred to as ‘Cyberware’.

In this world, implants have essentially become a part of daily life.

To what extent, you ask? It’s common for people to have undergone surgeries that changed most of their body.

In the case of Bioware, there’s Bill who transformed his body to look younger, and conversely, Drake whocromed most of his body.


A Dwarf by race.

Honestly, I’ve seen on NCB24 news that the average height of Dwarves is gradually increasing.

But even so, for a Dwarf to be born at 2 meters tall, Implant Surgery was essential.

To add a personal note, he didn’t look remotely ‘Dwarvish’ at all.

This isn’t a statement of species discrimination; it’s simply the truth.

If anything, his neatly tied gray beard was the only feature he had that could be considered Dwarvish.

He was skilled in net hacking and also an excellent implant surgery expert, but that’s not typically a Dwarvish trait, so let’s move on.

In any case, he was incredibly skilled.

As far as I know, he performed his own implant surgeries on himself as well, excluding the impossible parts.

Just how impressive his skills were, anyone could tell without me needing to state it.

I also received a lot of help from his outstanding surgical skills.

For me, who had issues with stamina and recovery, implant surgery was essential.

I only had a very basic level of surgery.

I didn’t change an entire part to Cyberware, like an artificial arm or leg.

I hadn’t thought about it.

But there were several reasons why I could never change.

Honestly, if I had known about it beforehand, I wouldn’t have even undergone the minor implant surgeries I had up until now.

A long recovery period?

That’s one valid reason, as I had once spent a whole month lying in bed.

But it was more about.

“P-Please, Doctor!”

“If you move, it’ll hurt more, just stay still.”


Just then, a scream echoed through the room.
The pained howl of a man coming from the operating room (torture chamber).

In Drake’s workshop, the implant specialty shop.

I trembled in fear in the waiting room of the lobby.

Ultimately, when they say Cyberware surgery, it means changing part of the body to a machine.

Hence, thorough maintenance and management were essential.

Here lies a problem: in Cyberware, the process involves connecting with the body’s nerves, thereby taking on the functions of the modified body.

That’s right.

Cyberware also connects to the nerves.

How can I express this?

Every time I get a checkup, like Cyberware scaling, I feel pain several times worse than dental nerve treatment.


I should really run away now.

I thought very calmly.

My home and Drake’s place were far apart, but to be truly honest,

The reason I had been ignoring Drake’s appointments was primarily from my fear of getting checked. It was about 90% of the reason.


Today is not the day.

I tried to get up from my seat.

But before my determination could yield results,

The tightly shut door swung open wide.

A bright face of Drake appeared.

There were droplets of what seemed like either blood or some kind of fluid on his face.

He made eye contact with me through his black cyber sunglasses.

Noticing I was hesitating before getting up, Drake flashed a big grin.

His teeth, entirely coated in gold, were striking.

“Ha ha, sorry, sorry. I didn’t realize a customer would be here first. Anyway, I just finished, so come on in.”


It was already too late to run away.

While my arms were caught by Drake and I was being dragged along, I recalled.

In reality, when Drake had come to my home, wasn’t he pretending to be angry on purpose?

That way, I wouldn’t fight back, right?

…At that moment, I should have sensed the truth and fled.

But my fate was already sealed.

My lifeless feet were dragged along the floor according to Drake’s movements.

5. Because You Can’t Predict (3)

Whenever you enter, Drake’s workshop is always tidy.

Since this place is also a sort of ‘clinic’, that’s expected.

On one wall, Drake was washing his hands.

I looked down slightly.

I could see my arms and legs, already bound.

Even when I tried to exert a bit of strength, I couldn’t budge an inch.

Now that I had come this far, there was no escape.

Drake’s workshop is located in the middle-class area, South Pilly. It was in the exact opposite direction from my home.

However, even though it’s classified as middle-class, it was somewhat different from other middle-class areas.

It was right next to the industrial district, Cloud Park.

For reference, Cloud Park ranked as the most avoided area by citizens last year.

Because of that, many also said this area was practically the same as a lower-class zone.

One day, I had asked Drake why he set up shop here.

He had more than enough credits to move to a higher-class area, so it wasn’t about rental costs or lack of qualifications.

He replied.

“Hmm… Try tasting the tea. I’ve been around all of Neon City, and the air here smells the best. The metallic dust gives a nice feeling. It makes me feel alive.”

Very Dwarvish and completely crazy to say.

Even a 2-meter tall Dwarf is still a Dwarf.

…But he’s a good person.

In the end, the reason he kidnapped me to his workshop was that he was worried I wasn’t properly taking care of my Cyberware.

But still, I didn’t want to feel pain.

Suddenly, a curious thought popped into my head.

“Hey, Drake.”


I calmly asked Drake, who was preparing various things while turned away.

“I’m curious about one thing.”

“Ha ha, go ahead.”

“I think if it hurts this much, it’d be more appropriate to use general anesthesia instead of local anesthesia, don’t you think? I’m right, right?”

Even I thought my statement was valid.

Logically, it was flawless.

“Ha ha, well…”

With a short chuckle, Drake looked at me.

“While that’s true, it’s different in Neon City. There are many clinics that steal organs while the patients are under anesthesia.”

Drake slowly approached me.

In his huge hands, he held various maintenance tools that I couldn’t identify.

Even his hands were made of Cyberware maintenance tools.

In short, it was seriously terrifying.

“Because of that, it’s become an unspoken rule to give minimal anesthesia for simple surgeries and checkups.”


But what does that have to do with me?

“…Wait, then that doesn’t concern me, right? You know I always trust and believe in you! We’re comrades! Let’s just do general anesthesia.”

“Ha ha! Siwoon…. Siwoon.”

Why’s he laughing so nervously?

Along with his hearty laugh, his tied gray beard shook continuously.

“A weak body like yours will suffer from aftereffects if I do general anesthesia. Just ‘bear’ it a little.”

Drake, what do you mean by that….

‘Just a little’ is not the case.

Suddenly, peaceful classical music began to play in my ears.

[To ensure the mental well-being of human ‘Lee Siwoon’, I’m playing classical music. I sympathize.]


Memories I had buried from my time in Korea started flooding back.

…The dentist.

The classical music playing in the background.

And the roaring sound of the drill.

Ugh, my head.

I genuinely felt like I was developing PTSD.

……Phew, alright.

Let’s calmly assess the situation.

Where did I get my implants?

All my joint areas like wrists and ankles, knees.

And skeletal lines like the spine.

All of them were close to the nerves.


I’m screwed.

No, let’s get a grip.

I need to find what I can do in this situation.

“Wait, Catherine! Andrea! They need checkups too!”

I couldn’t die alone.

“I sent a message to Catherine when I brought you here. She’s coming tomorrow. Andrea came by the other day and got checked.”


Was this fate I couldn’t escape from?

“…Well, if that’s the case, then it can’t be helped.”

I decided to accept my fate.

Drake’s huge shadow obscured my front.

“Oh, and.”

“What now?”

If it wasn’t an intention to prolong my mental agony, then I’d prefer that he just finishes it quickly.

“While we’re at it, let’s add one more implant.”

“Excuse me, wait! Doctor……!”

That’s definitely not happening.

I focused on channeling my emotions from my core into my voice.

I have to survive!

“When I called you last time, I mentioned that you know my constitution. If I have surgery, I need to lie down for a while.”

“Ha ha ha! Don’t worry about that.”

This is my problem.

How can I not worry about it?

With a crash, Drake dumped the tools he was holding onto a small tray next to me.

Shiny instruments captivated my attention.

“Seriously, don’t worry, there are ways around it. Someone requested this from me specifically.”


Who on earth?

Who would make such a crazy request?

Catherine? Andrea?

Or it could be—.

…Honestly, too many people came to mind.

Could it be someone from the Monolith side?

Or maybe someone from No Answer….

Too many humans (and all kinds of races) who care about my suffering body.

While it felt nice that they were worried,

I sure didn’t want them to show their gratitude like this.

“You won’t have much strain on your body.”

From somewhere, Drake pulled out a fancy mechanical storage case. It looked thick and like it had a sturdy lock.

When he entered a simple authentication procedure, the box began to open slowly.

A white mist seeped slowly from inside.

What’s that?

Silvery… muscle?

That small muscle mass looked like it could be either Cyberware or Bioware.

“This is a new product from Black Monolith Corporation that hasn’t been released in the market yet.”

“Have the clinical trials been completed?”

“It looks small and ordinary, but they say its efficiency surpasses existing artificial muscles by leaps and bounds.”

But I asked whether the clinical trials had been completed!

Why didn’t he answer my question?

“I’m going to install it between the muscles. It’ll hurt a bit until it settles, but it’s alright.”

I’m the one undergoing surgery.

Why is he deciding what’s alright?

Anyway, whatever he was saying,

I only heard it was going to hurt a lot.

“Someone who requested me to do this sent this too. That’s why I told you not to worry.”

Drake pulled out another object from inside the box.

It looked like a small ‘ampule’.

…That looks familiar.

I’d used that type frequently in the past.

It was a therapeutic product filled with nanorobots.

I even had a few stored at home for emergency use.

From the red color, it looked like it was the highest quality line.

“You should be grateful for the person’s intention.”

“Can’t you consider my opinion?”

“Ha ha, now, don’t move.”

How am I supposed to move when I’m tied up?

I regretted again.

I should have hurried and run away when I was sitting in the waiting room.

“It’s just a simple checkup and surgery. Relax.”

“Oh, don’t come…!”

I said don’t come near me!

I let out a silent scream.


“…I wonder if it went well.”

“Hey, Boss. This time—.”

“Ah, I’ll check later.”

Once again, someone laughed silently.

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