Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 157 - Uncle Huang (24)

Talking about this frontier war, it is always from time to time, but it is not a major event. It belongs to the type that loses if you do n’t hit, and you wo n’t get any compensation if you hit.

Bianguan faced the grassland. As soon as the barbarians on the grassland reached winter, there was no grass on the grassland for the cattle and sheep they raised, and they began to harass Bianguan and rob the people of the current dynasty.

This behavior is shameful, because they just ran away after the harassment. When the soldiers were driven away, there was only a mess, and there was no reason to let them.

These barbarians are divided into large and small tribes. The royal family naturally lives in the largest tribe. They were not in this grassland before. This grassland originally lived another barbarian race.

It was just that the barbarian was too insignificant, and led the tribe not only to seize the property of the current dynasty, but also to take away women, kill men, and bring children back to be slaves.

You are annoying to grab things, but you really wo n’t be too serious. After all, brutal people are best at hitting the grass, the soldiers do n’t know the way, they are easy to get lost on the grassland, and they can only chase after them. give up.

But even if you grab something, you still kill.

This is unbearable.

The general who was stationed at the border at that time was furious. After reporting to the court, he directly took his own soldiers and killed all three princes of that tribe.

The old king was dead because of his son.

The royal family fell, and the major tribes that originally attached to them immediately rushed up and divided the royal family.

As a result, the new owner of the prairie learned the lesson of the previous owner.

He still directed the people below to robbery in the winter, but he was strictly forbidden to return and murder was not allowed, otherwise he would be sentenced to death.

The death penalty on their grassland is much more severe than that of the Central Plains. They are beheading, and they pay attention to quick decisions. They pay attention to the slower the death, the more torture.

For example, a rope is tied to a person’s feet, a large stone is tied to one end of the rope, and the other is tied to a tree. When the stone is pushed down from a high place, the tree will certainly not move, but people will be pushed along with the stone. And fall down uncontrollably.

One end is a stone, and the other end is a tree. Naturally, you can feel the pain of pulling the body. The best ending is that the whole person falls to the ground and falls to death. The worst ending is that the rope is tied too tightly, and the person is hanging high Both sides endured severe pain, and it took five days or so to suffocate.

This torture is very cruel, especially when it is not carried out every time, so you can hear the screams of the tortured person day and night.

Otherwise, in the difficult winter, how can you deter your subordinates who do not want to starve.

The newly born royal family is smart, the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy retreats and we advance. We just steal things and steal things, and we do n’t kill people. Do you kill the soldiers in the unfamiliar grasslands?

They think so well, it is really impossible for the border officers to hunt for thousands of miles because of some food.

Otherwise, if they are trapped in the grassland, they will ultimately suffer the loss.

Therefore, the royal family has been so shameless for several years.

But this year is very strange. I have always been consciously unable to fight the Central Plains, so I never thought about the warring royal family, and declared war directly toward the Central Plains.

Declared war.

Bianguan was caught off guard, and he could only rush to report to the court, and then apply for the army or something.

The barbarians who declared war are still as shameless as before, and the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, randomly harassing the border.

Although they haven’t directly fought yet, many soldiers have become irritable.

This shameless play, they have n’t met before, they suddenly met, want to fight back, can’t reach, want to come again the same time, their walls can not stand here, but the tribes in the grassland are all I live in a tent.

When the mat is rolled, people can sleep anywhere.

Special stinking shame.

The generals were very puzzled. Before that, they did not have to deal with these prairie barbarians. Obviously, although they were very cunning, they did not shame to this extent.

What are you doing?

General Zheng, who was in charge of guarding the border, was as silent as ever. He didn’t express his opinions, and he didn’t do much else. He just waited for the court to say that he would come down to oversee the army.

The subordinates were also used to his appearance.

General Zheng is the most loyal to His Majesty, and this is absolutely agreed by everyone.

His Majesty had just ascended the throne, and his position was not very stable. His Majesty’s brother and sister rebelled, and General Zheng escorted him, even blocking a sword for His Majesty, and now there is that cricket scar on his shoulder.

His Majesty also trusted General Zheng very much. He not only handed over his military power to him, but also sealed his daughter as the county master, and received teachings from the palace.

What a touching monarchy.

Everyone felt that His Majesty was very good to General Zheng.

But Duan Qingen knew it was not.

The General Zheng had a loving relationship with his wife at the beginning. Although they had only one daughter, they were old women. They loved treasures and wanted to hold the best things in the world in front of her.

He is probably one of the few super good fathers of ancient times.

Unfortunately, he is too successful in military affairs and has military power.

The emperor could not oust his military power, otherwise he would be discussed, so General Zheng was sent out of Beijing, but his wife and daughter were left behind.

This was a very common operation. General Zheng accepted it and continued to be loyal to him.

If the result is not good, it is not good. The emperor is a creature that thinks on the lower body, and General Zheng’s wife and daughter are often called into the palace by the queen mother because she wants to show their respect for them.

The emperor who drank a little wine ran into the young daughter of General Zheng, who was only fifteen years old.

At the same age, he had never seen it before, and did not know that this was the only daughter of General Zheng, so he ignored her crying and dragged her to become a good thing.

Mrs. Zheng was already old. Seeing the old woman’s tossing dying, she died in the palace without a breath.

The emperor was also guilty, and quickly proposed to make the girl a concubine.

The girl couldn’t resist the death, he could only retreat and ask the queen mother to take the girl as the righteous daughter and become the county master.

The wife and daughter stayed in the capital well, but as a result his wife was suffocated and his daughter was given him something. Even if the emperor was so straightforward, he didn’t think it would be easy to get rid of it.

But if this is a big deal, what will he do?

As a result, the girl could only be kept hostage in the palace, so that General Zheng could only continue to work for him as before.

General Zheng never told anyone about this.

He couldn’t say a word even if he was so anxious to burn the palace.

Without him, the emperor would lose his reputation if this matter was spread out.

But his daughter, his only loved one in the world, was known about his loss, or it was known all over the world, and according to her nature, it is estimated that he would not survive.

Why does Duan Qingen know this secret thing, I still want to thank Wan Siyuan.

Wan Siyuan, who has entered the Queen’s Palace as a female officer, has to do daily tasks she has never done before. She is called and drank by others, but she also suffers from abdominal pain due to her weakness.

Because she hated her, she felt stupid like a pig, and the emperor would not waste her mind too much, but she did not give up or give up, and tried to make herself attract the emperor as before.

So a lot of silver was out, entrusting people to buy things for themselves when they left the palace.

The emperor knew how stupid she was and never checked her list.

Anyone who stays in the palace of Duan Qingen can write the news they found on the Wan Siyuan list in a secret way, and they can easily spread the news.

And it doesn’t expose itself.

Wan Siyuan, a perfect cover.

When Duan Qingen arrived, General Zheng with white hair was already greeting him.

Seeing him kneeling, Duan Qingen reached out and helped him up:

“The general doesn’t have to be courteous. My king has been toiling in the car all the way. He has some discomfort. He will go to rest today.”

Those who were sent by the emperor to follow Duan Qingen felt relieved.

Sure enough, Yao Yao’s temperament certainly has nothing to hinder.

They followed Duan Qingen into the room with confidence, and General Zheng outside was still cold as usual, and turned and left straight away.

When no one was there, he slowly opened his palm.

In my palm, there is a emerald green bead.

He bought it for his wife, but his daughter liked it, and the wife gave it to her.

At first, he knew that his wife had died suddenly, and his daughter was regarded as the county master. He felt wrong when he received it from the palace. He hurried back to Beijing and knelt in the palace for an afternoon.

She has always been lively and alert, and she seemed to be drained of all her anger, pale, and thin enough to support her clothes. She cried when she saw him.

The father and daughter spoke only half an hour before, and someone hurriedly said that it was the queen mother who invited the county master to speak.

After that, he was called to Shang Study.

The emperor gave him two beauties, and said that he could give him a marriage so that he could have a son to inherit the family business.

But what is the use of these.

Not to mention two, that is, twenty or two hundred beauties, neither of whom could return his wife.

The birth of a son will not offset the hardship and suffering of his daughter who was raised in the palm of his hand.

But he also knew that he could not express his dissatisfaction.

The emperor is mercy. If he does not catch it, and is grateful, saying that “the death of the wife does not matter if the daughter is humiliated.”

It is this man that he is faithful to.

General Zheng knelt down and thanked him. After returning to the barracks, he was still the same as before, but he no longer laughed and drank, and no longer remembered how much the emperor believed in him.

He just waited.

Although he didn’t know what he was waiting for.

And now, looking at Cui in the palm of his hand.

General Zheng smiled.

Laughing and laughing, tears in his eyes.

Madam, I waited.


“The Han’s prince seems to be here, elder brother, if you say we want to capture that prince, it’s all the prince. It should be in a very high position. After catching it, and then asking them for food, they don’t believe they will not give it.”

In the large tent, he was lying on the blanket in thick sweat, wearing heavy sweat, holding a map in his hand, and looking at the grassland marked above.

His younger brother was dissatisfied when he saw him like this: “Brother, you have been watching this picture since you got this picture, and I am talking to you now, can’t you just wait until we finish talking?”

“Don’t I also listen to you?”

“You were looking at the picture, brother, which girl gave this picture to you, so that you can like it so much. When I came today, I heard someone jealous.”

Sweating carefully put the picture aside, and slowly got up. He was sturdy, his hair was sprinkled with whip, his appearance was typical of thick eyebrows, eyes high, and he was very handsome.

Although this look is not very popular in Beijing, most women prefer handsome looks like Duan Qing’en, and are gentle and gentle, and appreciate these wild beauty, but the women in the grassland tribe all like this look, Feel safe.

In addition, although he was young, he would grasp the opportunity very much. The former Khan died two years ago, and there was no heir underneath. At that time, everyone was grouped together to **** the wealth left by the former Khan.

Only he stood up and led his people to take advantage of the chaos and hit other tribes, and became a new sweat.

In these years, he successfully brought the people through the winter again. Therefore, on the grassland, his prestige is very high. Many beautiful girls want to marry him. He can receive flowers and gifts almost every day. But he was not very interested and only spent with his wife.

The higher the status of a man on the grassland, the more women there are. This is also a normal thing, but he never thinks about more women. It is inevitable that people will worry about his wife’s satisfaction. he.

Therefore, his younger brother would guess which beautiful girl sent the picture that his elder brother had held in his hands for several days and could not bear to let go.

“Not a girl, someone who wants to ask us for help.”

Dahan trusted his brother very much. The two chased wild horses together when they were young. When they grew up, his brother fought with him. Finally, he became a big man, and he and his brother became the most honorable on the grassland. people.

But this is not enough. Every winter, their people will starve to death, and their cattle and sheep will die because they cannot find food.

They can only rob the Hans of food, but this is also very risky. Just know how his ex-sweater died.

So he was always worried, but a few days ago, when a businessman from Central Plains came to their grassland and handed him this picture and a letter from the Han Chinese grandfather, he found a new way out.

When Prairie was under the control of his ex-Khan before, it was not easy to ban people from targeting Han people.

Therefore, the businessmen who came to the prairie were killed or robbed of their finances. This also caused the Han people to dare not set foot on the prairie. The ex-Khan was very satisfied. He felt that he had defended his territory.

But the sweat of this post didn’t think so.

It is not feasible to always grab Han people ’s food. Han people ’s army is very good. They were just too lazy to deal with them. If one day, the Han people suddenly do n’t want to make them neighbors. Although it will take some effort, they can definitely destroy them. Of the tribe.

As a big sweat, of course, he must look far into the future.

And this letter described to him a future in which his people can live.

As long as he makes a little effort, the grassland can get the help of the court. When the grassland is full of green grass and the cattle and sheep are fat, they will be replaced by grain.

When it’s winter, food will allow them to spend the winter.

The solution is very simple. The sweat is not unexpected, but the problem is that the Han people from the imperial court to the people rejected and feared them, and their looks were very different from the Han people. Even if they walked into the Han country, they would be killed.

After all, the relationship between the two sides is really not good.

Coupled with the previously dead businessmen, even the wealthiest businessmen dare not come to the prairie to find luck.

If there were one hundred businessmen and ninety-nine died, there was still a profitable bowl left.

Then a large number of businessmen will come to the grassland.

The problem is that the current situation is that in the eyes of the Han people, a hundred businessmen came and died a hundred. In this case, how could business people be willing to come here.

People in the tribe cannot go, and businessmen will not come. This is the problem.

But now, as long as he helps, the Han king can help them.

He also gave him a map that clearly depicts the terrain of the steppe. If it really angers the court, they can change places to develop.

It’s a big deal to come back in the winter to rob and run.

There is no loss at all, but the benefit in return is considerable.

Why not agree?

Sweating and sitting upright, Khan said to his brother: “Continue to let them keep harassing the border, but don’t attack, just let them know that we are fighting them.”

My brother didn’t understand: “But what good is it for us to do this? Harassing them, we don’t get cattle and sheep.”

Dahan smiled confidently:

“We can’t get cattle and sheep now, but we won’t lose cattle and sheep, but if we drag on long enough, we can get the security of the entire tribe.”

The grassland tribe is still harassing every day, and does not directly hit, just harass it, and hurry away.

Bianguan now gives up and does not fight, nor can it be hit directly. If this is not resolved, the court can only deliver food here.

General Zheng and Duan Qingen breathed a breath, and took the soldiers and the other side to “battle”.

Then he rightfully sought the court for food.

This time, the other party provoked first, and without repentance, even if the court did not want to fight, his face had to be sustained, and he could only continue to give.

Duan Qingen is still in front of his derelict prince, who shrinks in the room every day and often sees the doctor in and out of the General’s Mansion (where he temporarily resides).

So everyone knows that King Yao is not in good health. He has been healing since the border crossing. I heard that he still can’t get out of bed.

This is also normal, after all, everyone knows that His Royal Highness Yao has injured his leg, and his body has been damaged. It is also common to be weaker than others.

The news came back to Beijing. Although the emperor was a little disappointed, Duan Qingen’s body was so broken that he hadn’t died on the road.

But knowing that he can’t last long, he can rest assured.

Recently, he was refreshed when he was in a happy event, and he was in a good mood. After walking out of the palace, he could only return to the palace after encountering any beautiful woman, and then saw Wan Siyuan.

To be honest, Wan Siyuan looks completely different now than when she met the emperor.

At that time, she was very beautiful and young. Although she had a problem in her head, her face was definitely handy.

But now, her hands are rough because of rough work, and her face is also blown by the wind with two plateau reds. She was forced to be fed with medicine and had a miscarriage, but she did not take a good rest. Instead, she had to wash in cold water in the palace. Waiting for others, his face was yellow, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old instantly.

This pair, let alone let the emperor touch her when he knew the truth, even if he didn’t know, he didn’t look down.

Wan Siyuan has never had such a pain in his entire life.

The queen treats her like a dog and asks her to do this and that every day. Even the little court maid looks down on her, calls her sister on the face, and talks about her bad things in the back. The quilt is too thin. My stomach hurts a lot, and it hurts in rainy days, but I can’t.

Such days, she never wanted to live again.

Therefore, as soon as she saw the emperor, she swooped up desperately and begged: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I finally saw you, I am Yuaner, don’t you say you want to be good to me forever?” You save me. “

“Get away!”

The emperor was startled and kicked her away in a nasty manner. The people around him hurried forward and pulled Wan Siyuan back.

Wan Siyuan still rushed forward: “Your Majesty, have you forgotten what we did before? Your Majesty, please, Your Majesty …”

The emperor really forgot Wan Siyuan before, but now she remembers it when she sees her.

Yes, I forgot to dispose of her.

He waved his hand directly: “Drag this woman to my uncle, my uncle.”

Wan Siyuan froze all over.

She looked at the emperor unbelievably, but found that the person she had always thought was affectionate towards her, looking at her eyes full of disgust.

what happened? !! !!

What exactly is going on! !!

Seeing those people drag themselves down the stick, her survival could make her brain spin quickly: “Your Majesty, you can’t kill me !!! I know many things, I know many things !!!”

What a stupid woman can know.

The emperor turned his back and walked away, but listening to Wan Siyuan shouting behind him: “Tomorrow Tengu will eat the moon! If you don’t believe it, wait another day and wait for another day to know if the slave is true Yes !! “

The emperor’s footsteps stopped.

Tengu Lunar Moon, every time the emperor appears, the emperor is the one who carries the pot.

And such a big thing, but Wan Siyuan said it out.

He looked back suspiciously, and when he saw Wan Siyuan’s affirmation, he still felt that he couldn’t carelessly and waved his hand: “Stop it.”

“If there’s nothing tomorrow, He’s alive to you.”

Wan Siyuan took a nap, but was very sure.

After all, it happened in her last life, when she was scared to hide in the house, especially afraid that Tengu would come down after eating the moon.

She can’t be wrong!

On the second day, Tengu eats the moon.

Duan Qingen looked at the moon that seemed to be gradually being engulfed, and said to Dexi: “The one in Beijing, it’s time to go down.”

Dexi promised: “Yes.”

Wan Siyuan was released soon. She didn’t say that she would be revived all her life. She only said that she had an immortality. She could predict some major events. If the emperor wanted her to help, she must be named concubine.

The emperor’s face was gloomy.

But in the end, he agreed to Wan Siyuan.

As a result, there was an extra princess in the harem.

Yan Yin is disgusted, this is regarded as the last reserved by the emperor and does not want to be dignified.

On that day, Wan Siyuan didn’t fall asleep all night.

She has finally become a princess! !! !!

She finally became a member of this palace! !!

In the future, she can still get pregnant again and become a prince.

She can start early, so that the prince who has not yet been born in this life will never have the opportunity to be born again.

Her prince will be the only child of the emperor.

Then came Prince Edward.


She gave up her position as Princess Yao, and suffered so much, but fortunately, the results were good.

Wan Siyuan thought about it all night, and fell asleep in the morning.

Fortunately, she is now the emperor’s “beloved consort”, even if she doesn’t get up early.

Just think about it.

She is the princess, hahahaha.

She was dreaming of her son becoming a prince. The dream was suddenly pushed away, and her maidservant hurried in:

“Madam, madam!”

“What! Didn’t you see Momiya sleeping?”

Wan Siyuan sat up, looking upset, and saw that the maid in front of her face was pale and knelt on the ground:

“Madam, Your Majesty, Your Majesty … He crashed …”

“The queen mother-in-law said that the concubine should be buried in the palace without a child …”

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