Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 29 - 纨 绔 (4)

When Duan Qing’en returned, he was led into the courtyard by people around Miao’s. As soon as he entered the house, he saw that his good stepmother was leaning against the couch with a white face, and reached out to take the medicine from the maid.


The messy young man Lang was striding to the couch because he was in the relief of the victims before, and the young and handsome face was full of joy: “Mother is awake, what else is wrong with you? Doctor can help you?” “

As soon as Miao got out of breath, she saw the nasty face of the stepson, and she coughed without breathing.

This time it wasn’t the usual pretending to be sick, but she was really sick with qi, and the coughing sound was not fragile and pitiful, but it seemed to shake the lungs.

“Cough cough cough cough-“

“Mother, are you okay, mother? Come and ask the doctor again!” The son was eager when he saw that his mother was sick. Duan Qingen was anxious at the moment, holding on to the coughing Miao, while asking her Girl waiting around.

“What about the doctor? Didn’t I call the doctor when I was out?”

“My wife is much better now, and the doctor prescribes the medicine again, and then the slaver sends the doctor away.” Where did the girl dare to whisper to the master and kneel quickly, “Big brother is in a hurry, slaver is going to ask the doctor.”

“Go and go!”

Duan Qing’en urged people to leave, while supporting Miao’s lie down, while facing the human side: “Bamboo, you go to hold the right card and go to the shop to support the silver, the mother’s condition is not healed, it seems that we asked Blessings are not enough. Not enough victims have been rescued. “

“Keekekeke … don’t, don’t go!” As soon as Miao, who was struggling to breathe, heard this sentence, a heartache grabbed Duan Qingen’s sleeve, and a kind mother smiled **** her face: “Mother … It’s okay, now, Kekeke … it’s almost okay now. “

“What’s your mother saying? You are coughing like this. Your son is a son. How can you just let your mother be sick like this?”

“I … kekekekeke … I’m fine, it’s just the old problem, it will be fine if I raise it.”

After Miao’s stuttering, she saw that Duan Qingen’s face didn’t seem to want to listen to her. She quickly tried to calm her breath and switched off the topic: “Er brother, why do you suddenly think of relief for the victims, but who said something to you? ? “

She had been thinking about this on the couch before. Duan Qingen grew up in Miao’s hands. To this step-son, she thought that she was firmly holding people in her palms. That’s it.

He suddenly wanted to use the money in her dowry shop to help the victims, so he was so arrogant that he thought about it, and Miao locked the old lady of the Heguo government.

Everyone said that she was old and mature. The old lady had sent her to the army before the government office. I was afraid that she said something to Duan Qingen while she was away, which made this stepson who always followed her intentions to do this. Wait.

Duan Qingen’s answer was not what Miao thought. The fifteen-year-old boy sat on the couch with a confused expression: “Nobody said anything to his son, but his son saw the plight of the victims and saw other adults’ houses.” Some people are giving rice grains, and when the victims go to get the porridge to drink, they have been saying that they will read this kind of affection for a lifetime, and they said that the Buddha will protect the adult safely and well, and the son thought of his mother. “

Speaking, he also invited me to smile at Miao’s in general: “The mother is weak and has a angina peculiarity, but every time the doctor can’t find anything, the son looks at the heart and feels uncomfortable. Then he thought of this method. , Mother, you believe in Buddha again, let’s have more good news, your body will surely get better in the future. “

Miao’s face was pale, and she barely squeezed out a smile. “Er brother still thinks about his mother. I finally didn’t hurt you for a while.”

Her heart was about to burst.

The illness is pretended, and the belief in the Buddha is because it can make people feel that she has a good heart, and it is convenient for her to build a good reputation. It is because these things are made up in vain, so that this little cub is taken seriously, and she is lost. So much silver.

If it ’s the Duanfu ’s own bank, it ’s fine. In the end, it ’s not distressing to have it in his own pocket, but Duan ’s father always refuses to let his son spend more money. Learn well, and then gave him his match.

Originally thinking that he was just a young man, even if it was full of fresh stuff in Beijing, it would not waste much money. As a result, no one could think that he took the money to help the victims!

Even if he scattered a lot of money to go out, he did a good job and made a name for her. Even if Miao wanted to deduct Duan Qingen for the most private person who took the bank’s silver money privately, she ignored him. .

The most annoying thing is that she was obviously lost a lot of silver by this little beast, and she also laughed and praised him for his good work.

Is there anything more disgusting than this?

Miao is really disgusted. She barely boasted two sentences of Duan Qing’en and couldn’t go on. She tried to maintain a loving mother ’s smile on her face and said to Duan Qingen: “You are too short today. It’s on me so I don’t get sick anymore, so go back to the yard and have a good rest. “

Before Duan Qingen rested, she was so sleepy, she dared not lie down and close her eyes. What if this little beast ran out while she was asleep and went out of business, she could n’t take back the pair, only Staring so hard.

“My son was sick when he was young, and his mother took care of him before leaving the bed. Now that his mother is sick, he will naturally take care of you as if you took care of me.”

Then, Duan Qingen got up and picked up the medicine that the girl put on the table.

“When I came in, I saw that my mother seemed to be taking medicine, and my son fed you.”

Miao doesn’t want her step-son to feed her at all. She was afraid she might die. She forced others to rush out. “So many people are here to serve you. You need to do it yourself. Okay, let’s go and rest, wait till tomorrow I’m better. Come back to my yard and tell me how to save the He family brother. “

As soon as Father Duan entered the door, he heard this sentence, and immediately asked, “What saves the brother?”

As soon as Miao saw him coming in, her face was stiff again. She always praised and depreciated Duan Qingen in front of Duan Father, how could she be willing to let Duan Father hear.

She opened her mouth, obscuring Duan Qingen’s credit, and wrote lightly: “Today Qing En went to He Guogong’s house as a guest, just as He Jia’s brother fell into the water, and he helped save people.”

Father Duan has a keen mind in the officialdom, and has always been very good in handling official duties, but maybe because all his mind has fallen on his work, it can be said that he is very confused about the family affairs. After listening to Miao’s words I thought it was He Lisheng who fell into the water, and Duan Qingen happened to help call out.

“Enger did it right, saving people’s lives to win the seventh-level floating slaughter, but doing good deeds does not need to be rewarded. Although you helped He Jiage today, you don’t have to live by your own life, just get along. “

Seeing that Duan’s father did not take her seriously as she wished, Miao was relieved.

He Guogong’s prestige is so high. If the husband knows that the old Mrs. He family and Mrs. He are grateful to Duan Qing’en, it is inevitable that this will change him and affect her Song brother.

Duan Qingen called his father in a formal manner since he entered the door. When he watched Duan sit down, he replied: “Father rest assured, I naturally know, let alone I have a good relationship with Li Sheng. He fell into the water, and I should jump to save him, and if he replaced me, he would do the same. “

“Have you jumped ?!”

Hearing that his son was a rescuer from diving, the indifferent look on Duan’s face suddenly changed, and he suddenly stood up, “Junk! You obviously don’t know what to do, why do you jump down ?!”

“I didn’t go down empty-handed. Before I went down, I kicked the screen down and threw it into the water. I saw that the screen could float before I went to the rescue.”

“You! You still lose your screen !! Confused !!!”

Father Duan pointed his forefinger at Duan Qing’en, and his voice was shaking: “How did I teach you? Ah ?! I teach you gentlemen not to stand under the wall! Do you think you will be fine if you lose your screen? As soon as that screen was sinking? Drowning people would hold on desperately when they encountered anything. In case the brothers of the He family were too scared to drag you into the water? Have you thought about it? Ah? Never !!!! “

Miao originally felt that the wind blowing on the pillow was hopeless. When he saw Duan Fu’s anger, he immediately became happy, irritating his throat, and persuaded: “The husband must not blame him. Brother, isn’t he also trying to save someone? At that time, the situation was urgent and I thought about it so much. Little children, a friend or two would know it as a life-long confidant, and impulse should also be right, brother. Quickly apologize to your father … Kekeke, come on. “

She consciously said what she said beautifully. She seemed to be helping Duan Qing’en to persuade Duan’s father not to be angry with his son. In fact, Duan Qing’en had just saved someone. When it was necessary for people to boast, Duan’s father didn’t boast. He asked him to apologize, and it was strange that the boy could listen.

Maybe she can jump up and hit Duan’s father directly. At that time, she will add fuel to the fire, and there will be no gap between the father and the son.

And her, the stepmother who still has to help this stepson in the illness, the image in Duan’s father’s mind may be more kind and gentle.

Miao’s heart was full of beauty, but Duan Qingen didn’t hold her neck and not apologize as she thought. Instead, she seemed to be scared, and she knelt on the ground with a bang.

“Don’t be angry, your son knows something wrong, mother is not fully ill, she has angina pectoris, can’t be scared, you can’t scare her.”

Miao, who wasn’t scared at all and was so beautiful that she planned to go to the theater: “…”

Did this little boy take the wrong medicine today?

Duan Fu’s anger was just that his son didn’t know how to take care of himself. When he saw that Lisuo had confessed his mistakes and worried about Miao’s mouth, his anger was mostly gone and he sat back again: “Since you know your mother can’t be frightened, I do n’t care about her own safety and rescue people, and I do n’t want to think that your mother always hurts you the most. If you really have three strengths and two weaknesses, the most uncomfortable is her. ”

Duan Qingen knelt on the ground, looked up, and looked at Miao’s.

“Ah, yes.” Miao responded quickly and wiped the corners of her eyes with a par. “Er brother, if you have an accident, what can you do to let your mother do it for the rest of her life, you child, you are too impulsive.”

“Worrying the mother, not the son.”

His confession was still very good, and his face was ashamed: “It’s just that the son and Li Sheng are not what the mother said. We grew up together from a young age and have a good relationship. Well, it ’s like a father and Uncle Hu. The two met each other before they were lifted. For so many years, they have regarded each other as best friends. Now they are the same officials in the DPRK. They are not brothers, but brothers.

“My son believes that if today’s situation falls on his father, he will certainly do his best to save Uncle Hu.”

This remark made Duan Father relieved a lot. He and his friend, Mr. Hu, really met when they were both poor students. At that time, they hadn’t taken the exam. Now, in the blink of an eye, so many years have passed. CUHK member.

Looking back now, at that time, it was possible for them to commit their lives to each other. Even now, if anyone commits a crime, the other will surely try to keep it safe.

This is the turn of the gentleman. Although he usually does not show it, once his friend is in danger, he will definitely save him even if he may be involved.

Father Duan wanted to feel more comfortable in his heart. He used to think that although his eldest son looked similar to him, his temperament was very public and he liked Chinese food, but he was not like him.

This child was born to his wife after nine deaths, and before his death he was also entrusted to take good care of their son. The father’s affection for him was naturally deeper than his younger son, and he also added a bit of hope for him to become a talent Rely.

However, the child was not obedient since he was a child, and his talents did not follow his talents. His father was inevitably lost.

Now seeing Duan Qingen and himself who are generally willing to intervene for friends, he feels a lot more comfort in his heart.

Although this child can’t study and has a good temper, his nature is still very good.

I felt that it was indeed his child, which was in the same vein with him, and the words on his mouth were also lessened. Compared with the rebuke just now, it is now soothing.

“Dad doesn’t mean to let you ignore your friends, just to give you a little extra consideration before you do things. You are my eldest son. When you do things, think more about your home. If you have a case, I and your mother How. “

Duan Qing’en looked upset and looked up at Miao’s. “What the father taught is that the son will not be so impulsive next time.”

“Well, you can correct your mistakes and be good at it. Although you put yourself in danger, but it’s also for friends. If your father can understand it, you can make ends meet, but since you already know something wrong, I will reward you. Something, tell me, if there is anything you want, if I have it here, I will reward you. “

Miao was already furious, but now when he heard that Duan’s father wanted Duan Qingen to pick things for reward, it was even frustrating.

Her Song brother was clever and clever since she was a child, she studied hard, and made many noble children. She did not get the reward from her husband. Why did Duan Qingen do something wrong and admit it?

Too unfair!

The sea of ​​vinegar turned in her heart, but Miao couldn’t say what she said, but she also supported with a smile, “What your father said was that Elder Brother saved the person. It should be rewarded. In this way, what the mother has, you have What value do I give you? “

“Really ?!”

The face of the boy kneeling on the ground immediately showed an undisguised joy, and the gloom in Miao’s heart gradually dissipated, and the secret road was indeed unpredictable. If Brother Song heard this, he would definitely say The words “where good deeds should be done, and where you need to be rewarded” should be praised for his pure heart.

Nowadays, gentlemen do not care about copper smelly things, and Duan Father is naturally such a person. Duan Qingen is used to it. If he asks for expensive things at this time, he will inevitably be a little unhappy.

While she was gloating, she was expecting Duan Qingen to ask for valuable objects quickly, but her father did not expect this, and she just looked at the elder son’s cheerful appearance and felt relieved.

Before that, he had been busy in the chapel and had no time to cultivate feelings with his son. When he met, he was either asking for homework or reprimanding. This was the first time he said something to appreciate. I didn’t expect this boy to be so happy.

He had kindness in his eyes, and couldn’t help showing a smile on his face. “Of course it is true. Father and mother can still lie to you? What do you want? Just say, as long as I can give it, then Here you are, okay, get up and talk, it’s not too cold to kneel on the ground. “

Duan Qingen did n’t mean anything at all. Ma Liu stood up, and the smiling tiger teeth were exposed. “Then ask the father to go outside the city and apply some porridge to the victims. The mother is not good. We will save some more victims. She gave her mother a blessing, and she was uncomfortable again. She had a bad cough. The son looked at the heartache. Today, he has taken the silver out and replaced it with food for the victims. This will see the mother better. “

Father Duan has just returned. He didn’t know about it yet. He turned around and looked at Miao’s with a little care: “When I entered the door before, the people said that you were unhappy, and I was only treated as your old fault. It turned out to be so serious, but the doctor had come to see it. If it didn’t look good, I would use my name to go to the palace and ask a doctor to see it. “

Miao had no illness at all. She used the outside doctor she gave to Yinzi to help her conceal her. She was anxious to say that she had committed old ruins. If the doctor in the palace came, she would not help her. Hide it.

Fearing that Mr. Duan really found a doctor, she hurriedly refused: “It’s just some old problems. Wherever you need to bother with the doctor, it’s better to raise him.”

“You have been on and off and you ca n’t get better. It ’s not a drag. Since the doctor did n’t look good, then as Engeer said, our family will give some food out, and ask for blessings, not others. Please be safe. “

Father Duan didn’t manage the inner house very much. Duan’s family was always in charge of the house. Those who were in charge of the house were always the same. Miao’s was afraid that they would not dare to get money from it.

He doesn’t care about the house, naturally he doesn’t know the steward’s hard work, and opens his mouth to the person who is serving him: “When you go to Liu butler and get the right card, tell him what I mean and ask him to pay five hundred two from the account. , Go to rice and congee. “


The man was about to step down, but Duan Qingen, who was still standing, called him directly. “Why is it so troublesome, I have the right card here. You can give it to the housekeeper Liu and ask him to pay the silver.”

Miao’s eyes widened for a moment, and then healed quickly. Under the quilt, he twisted his hands tightly on the quilt.

Liu Guanjia’s pair is the pair in Fuzhong’s book. Duan Qing’en’s pair is her private library’s pair. Can that be the same? !! !!

Father Duan also blinked his eyebrows: “Why do you have a pair of cards in your hand, and what are you going to do against the cards before you are married?”

Miao’s body shook, and she was looking forward to helping Duan Qingen’s hand to return to Duan Qingen. After this time, she no longer thought about what makes Duan Qingen’s money to support him.

According to this prodigal dispersal law, I’m afraid he has no money in his hands before he loses it.

But Duan Qingen didn’t support him as much as Miao thought, but replied with no guilty conscience: “Mother gave it to me.”

He only said that he had given away rice grains before, so such a straightforward reply, Duan Father naturally thought that it was the match between Duan Qing’en and Miao’s before, so he stopped asking.

She has been nervously raising his heart and waiting for him to ask Duan Qingen to return the pair to herself after she finishes. She will later use Duan’s father’s words as an excuse to not give the right Miao: “…”

What happened to the father and son today, one is more unpleasant than the other.

It really distressed her own silver. Miao’s face squeezed a reluctant smile and pulled Duan’s hand softly and weakly: “There aren’t many advances in the government. Why bother to pay for my expenses? Come on. “

Father Duan didn’t mean to distress the money at all, only soothed Miao: “Life is alive, these money and wealth don’t bring death or take away. In the end, people are the most important thing. Hello, it’s okay to spend some money. “

The problem is that she is not ill at all!

This is still her own fortune, and she is really ill and mad.

Miao is already about to die, but Duan Qingen is not enough. “This is the thing the son wants to ask his father, and the mother is here …”

With a smile on his face, he seemed to be coquettish. “Last time when I came to ask my mother to ask Anshi, my mother got a set of pearl head and face, saying that it was fully decorated with ninety-nine South Sea pearls. Each pearl is round and smooth, and it looks very elegant. If the mother wants to reward me, she will give the son the pearl head and face. “

Miao: “…”

That set of pearl head and face was commissioned by the craftsmen to pay a large price, and the pearls were selected by her one by one to ensure that all of them were fine, so that this year Duan Father was promoted to another level and the New Year When she was going to meet the queen, she created it to look good.

Such a good set of head and face, she never wore it once after she got it. She was thinking about it. She wore it into the palace several times. When Song Brother got married in the future, he left it to his daughter-in-law. When he went out, there was light in Song’s face as a husband.

If Duan Qingen were to go now, she wouldn’t vomit to death.

I do n’t want to give it, the words are released again. Father Duan is still sitting here. Even if she wants to refuse, she can only come politely.

Miao endured the urge to vomit blood and covered her mouth with a smile: “It’s not that the mother doesn’t give it to you, it’s just that you are an unnamed brother. What do you want this woman to wear on his head and face? The head and face are not good for girls outside . “

Upon hearing this, Father Duan remembered that Miao had told him before. Duan Qingen likes to run to those pickled places. She is a woman who ca n’t say such things. Let him be a father ’s advised son. Do n’t It’s not good to be out of the room or to have a sister-in-law without getting married.

He wants a head and face, is it really for a woman outside?

The reprimands of Duan Father ’s reprimand have not yet been exported, Duan Qingen said first, “Mother is joking again, and the sons are all sons and daughters. Usually, they are not playing Cuju or playing polo, and they are all sweaty. Where is a girl willing to go with We speak. “

“I’m not married now, and I will have it in the future. My mother’s head looks really good. As long as my son thinks about my lady wearing such a beautiful head in the future, she can’t stop rejoicing, and can’t wait to welcome the bride in the door tomorrow. “

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Before the father’s anger was up, he was suppressed by the laughter, pointing at his son and laughing at Miao: “It seems we should give this boy Zhang Luo a marriage, look, we haven’t opened our mouth yet, he himself first Anxious. “

Miao’s internal injuries and smiles reluctantly a lot. “What the husband said is that it’s too old now, so I’ll search carefully among the noble girls in Shengjing, and I’ll definitely find a good one for En brother.”

Before she was afraid that Duan Qingen would marry his wife and start a family and overwhelm her son, she deliberately pretended not to know that such a big boy should look for a woman. I thought that when Duan Qingen was too old, he did n’t get married. If someone asked, he said It was his family who had been optimistic about some people, but they suspected that Duan Qingen had no fame and only knew how to play around.

If the marriage is not successful, how can she reveal the woman’s side, then she will take herself out, Duan Qingen is too old to be worthy of those good-looking noble ladies, and he is not married at his age There are not many women, even if there are, either the hostess is too lazy to show off, or the family history is not delayed, or the marriage contract has been withdrawn due to changes, in short, it is not good.

By then Duan Qing’en herself could not do anything about it, and her wife’s clan was still unable to help her. She would then find a good wife clan for her Song brother, but it was not easy to suppress this person.

It’s better now. After losing the head and face, he still had to help Duan Qingen find his wife.

Miao only felt that the maliciousness against her today was too great. When she found that she was going to lose something, she wanted to open her mouth to rescue it. As a result, not only was the previous loss not recovered, but she lost another wave. .

Although she believed in the Buddha to pretend to act like a god, she also believed in some ghosts and gods. What was wrong with her today made Miao’s heart whisper. Although she was in pain, she didn’t dare to revere her.

Endure the heartache and let the girl take her own set of pearl head and face, and watched Duan Qingen take a smile with a satisfied look, Miao’s heart was bleeding.

Her pearly face! !!

It was all South Sea pearls, and each one did n’t know how rare it was. Even her mother did n’t have such a good thing. It was Duan Fu who was promoted. She wanted to make a good appearance in the palace and bought it with heartache. .

Now it’s cheaper Duan Qing’en, a hairy boy who doesn’t even have a woman.

Miao’s heartache, Duan Qingen smiled very happy, even rare approaching Duan’s father: “We all admire me together, saying that there is no son in Man Shengjing loved by my father and mother like me, Although I didn’t say it on my lips, I was very proud of it. Looking at Sheng Jing, it really is the most comfortable life for my son. “

Father Duan is very popular with his elder son’s attitude. Does he just want his son to be rewarded? Now looking at Duan Qingen’s silly look, his eyes have a deeper smile. “My mouth is sweet, but my homework is most important. I have a wolf pen in my room, and the pen is made of a whole piece of jade. I feel warm and warm in my hand, and it is cool in summer and warm in winter. I just hope that you can read and practice more words and become successful as soon as possible. “

“Really give it to me? !!!”

The smile on Duan Qing’en’s face was even heavier. “My son can look at his dad’s wolf for a long time. It is too bad to write. The dad really hurts me most. I also like and respect my dad the most.”

He hurriedly saluted to his father, “Can I pick it up now?”

Father Duan saw him laugh, and he couldn’t help laughing, “Go, go, you child can’t hold back.”

After that, the teenager, like taking the wind under his feet, hurried out of the door. Before Duan Father laughed, he was really young and anxious. Then he suddenly turned around and poked his head and smiled at Duan Father’s face: Dad’s business is busy, and he is rarely available, and his mother is sick again. If you feed your mother to take medicine for yourself, you are a court official, and you will not be wicked. Maybe your mother will be better if you drink the medicine you gave yourself. “

Father Duan couldn’t help crying, not very harshly reprimanded: “Promote the narrow ghost, dare to make fun of me and your mother, do not hurry up to get your wolf a pen, and then dare to make trouble, I will not give you that pen.”

Duan Qingen smiled with a hippie smile, turned around and ran away, not forgetting to leave a sentence: “The medicine bowl is still on the table, and it is not much effort for the father to give his mother a spoonful of spoonful.”

“This scumbag.”

Duan Fu cursed with a smile, turned his head and said to Miao: “The son is old, dare to match us up.”

Miao also laughed with a loving mother, but had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, the next second, Mr. Duan stood up, took the medicine bowl himself, and sat down in front of the couch: “Engel also said, I’ve always been busy with business, and you’ve only been in a hurry when you are sick. Today, the lady let Come and serve your father once. “

Then, he took a tablespoon of medicine and handed it to Miao’s mouth, smiling consciously and thoughtfully: “Mother, come, take medicine.”

Miao looked at the medicine in the spoon and opened her mouth with trembling.

Traditional Chinese medicine is bitter. She used to pretend to be sick, so she asked her doctor to prescribe medicine for her to drink. She couldn’t bear the smell, and squeezed her nose into her throat.

But now, her husband wants to feed her with medicine by herself. As a weak woman who often drinks medicine, can she refuse?

It must not be.

So Miao tried so hard to keep his face from collapsing, opened his mouth and drank this bowl of bitter medicine.

Father Duan got his son coquettish today. He was a little excited. He wanted to talk to her when she finished drinking the medicine, but Miao suffered too much today and was struggling. She was too weak to deal with her husband. Glancing said he was going to sleep.

Duan Fu, who had planned to talk to her about how he likes his son so close, had to regret to take up a enthusiasm, help Miao’s quilt, get up and leave the yard.

As soon as I was out of the door, I saw the second son Duan Qingsong rushing forward, suddenly came up with an idea, and stood there waiting for him to come over.

Duan Qingsong was walking this way, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that his father was looking at himself, and quickly stopped to salute: “My son pleases my father.”

“Get up.”

Seeing that Duan’s father had a mild temperature, it seemed that he was in a good mood. Duan Qingsong also relaxed a bit. “Only when the son came back from the poetry society and heard that his mother was ill, he came to see if his father came to see his mother?”

“Yes, I’ll see your mother when I’m on duty.” Father Duan smiled and looked at his young son who was fighting. As soon as Miao entered the door, he conceived him, so he was only one year younger than Duan Qingen. He loves reading, not like his brother who enjoys playing.

For this little son, Father Duan also loved his father. “You don’t have to go in. We just came out of it. Your mother has already fallen asleep, and now it’s disturbing her to go in.”

“Yes, that son will come back tomorrow morning to greet his mother.”

Father Duan thought that when he was very young, he advised: “You don’t have to get up early in the morning. If it’s a bit cool today, it’s better to wait a little warmer before going out.”

Duan Qingsong was taught by his mother since he was a child. After hearing this, he quickly expressed his loyalty. By the way, he gave his elder brother Duan Qingen some eye drops: “Mother is sick, as a son of a human, how can a son just enjoy the fun alone? . “

He thought about it this way. Why did my father have to remember that his elder brother enjoyed himself all the time, relying on his mother’s affection for not being pleased, but he looked up, and his father’s expression was a little weird, but he didn’t seem to treat his elder brother. Anger.

Father Duan did not get angry. He just felt weird. As a father, he proposed to get up later for his son’s health. As a result, he returned to the top of the road, if only Duan Qingen had not talked to him sweetly. Anyway, he stayed at home for a long time not as long as Chao Tang, and this is how he gets along with his sons on weekdays.

But I just felt the feelings of my father and son. Now I run into a wall with my younger son, and my mood is very complicated.

After thinking about it, Father Duan said, “I heard your mother said that you have been studying very seriously recently. This is very good. If you have anything you want, tell me that if it is for your father, it will be given to you as a reward. “

He was a little bit thoughtful. Now, the younger son may be looking at himself with a surprised look like Qing En.

Duan Qingsong was indeed happy, but when he was over, he calmed down quickly.

He definitely wanted his father to think he was a disrespectful person, had good character, and was completely different from his elder brother.

“Study should be serious, and the son is just doing what he should do. Where is the father’s reward?”

The expression on Duan Father’s face was inexplicable for a moment.

Duan Qingsong respectfully saluted and said, “Congratulations to my father.”

Father Duan was sent away by him in such an orderly manner, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

After all, let’s go to Eun Ge to show his father’s love.

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