Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 39 - Republic of China (3)


“Hello Dean.”

The medical parade was sent away. Duan Qingen went back by himself. The doctors and nurses in the hospital would greet him along the way.

He didn’t respond when there weren’t many people, but was very patient and nodded with a smile.

One doctor used an admiring tone of voice: “The dean is so powerful that he can do this operation when the patient is awake.”

That’s not the limbs, but the position close to the heart.

“I heard that the dean returned from studying abroad before. It’s better than us.” Another doctor said.

Now that the country is suffering from strong enemies, China has long been not the attitude of “our country’s things are the best, and your foreign barbarians are rubbish”.

“No, it’s better Western medicine. Wherever it looks like Chinese medicine, it’s all feudal dregs.”

The two of them were blowing rainbow farts to Duan Qingen, but did not notice that the dean in the white coat in front of him frowned slightly, but although he frowned, his tone was still very gentle.

“It can’t be said that Chinese medicine can be passed down from ancient times to now, and there are so many books that it proves that it is still useful. Compared with western medicine, it only has its own advantages.”

Since the national gate was breached, the pride of the Chinese people has been trampled in the mud, and the glory of the previous country has long since disappeared.

Everyone aspires to foreigners’ things, foreigners’ cars, and foreigners’ paintings. Under such circumstances, western medicine can’t wait to be taken to the sky. On the contrary, things native to China have been rejected, such as Chinese medicine.

When Duan Qingen first established the military hospital, because he was mainly treating wounded soldiers, he focused on fast stitches to treat them so that he could return to the battlefield after the soldiers recovered. However, he did not recruit Chinese medicine, but this did not mean that he was like Some people look down on TCM.

At least at the school where he graduated, there are many Chinese medicine practitioners who are capable and impartial in their entire life.

“Old is a Chinese medicine master. I am fortunate to have studied for a while under his door. His medicine is really brilliant. Even some foreigners will find a reputation to see him for medical treatment.”

Instead, the two doctors took a picture of the doctor on the horse’s hoof. “For the long-term hospitalization, we also met some patients who were misdiagnosed by quack doctors, which made us prejudiced against Chinese medicine.”

Duan Qingen smiled, his expression did not seem to mind, “Nothing, I also know that you are for the benefit of the patients. In fact, there are many quack doctors in traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, but Chinese medicine is our own. If everyone now rejects traditional Chinese medicine No one believes in Chinese medicine, so naturally there are fewer people studying Chinese medicine. After a few hundred years, some people swayed under the banner of traditional Chinese medicine, and there was no real doctor to pierce and clarify. “

“Moreover, no matter how good Western medicine is, it is also owned by someone else. Traditional Chinese medicine is in our own country. If the inheritance is broken down in our generation and waited for future generations, maybe there is not much of our country’s own things, then it can be called It’s sad. “

The two doctors pondered for a few seconds.

This is indeed the case. There are still many predecessors in traditional Chinese medicine now, but if everyone later learns western medicine and discards traditional Chinese medicine, it will be passed down to generations, even if some people are doing quack medicine under the banner of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is not there, wouldn’t those of later generations think that true Chinese medicine is like that.

Those who can learn medicine naturally have read books. Duan Qingen is reasonable, and the two of them gave a thank you. “Thank you for your guidance, we have been taught today.”

During the Republic of China, most people continued various etiquettes passed down from the previous generation. Acquaintances met, strangers met, teachers and students met, and fathers and sons each had their own ways of saluting. Because there was no emperor, these salutes No one is restrained, just a habit buried deep in the bones.

And young people like Duan Qingen who grew up receiving western education mostly reject these etiquettes. This is also a trend nowadays. It is not about being polite but just wanting to show that the era with emperors has passed, and it is a new era.

If they want to save this country, they must first abandon the old decaying one.

But Duan Qingen did not feel unhappy because of these etiquettes. He just returned a ceremony in accordance with the standard posture, and then said goodbye to the two.

Duan Qingen is very busy.

His factories were set up one by one, and one after another began to make profits. Unlike those factories that mainly make money for the people, Duan Qingen’s factory set the sales channels from the beginning.


It is just enough to cover a soldier, and it is convenient to carry a quilt.

The portion looks very small but enough for one person to eat seven days of compressed food.

There are also plasters that can suppress frostbite.

These are all shipped to the battlefield. He cannot change the war, but he can make the soldiers on the battlefield better.

At least let them not froze enough to eat when they are fighting for their country, and occasionally they can feel a little sweet.

The rickshaw pulled him to the factory, and Duan Qingen got out of the car. “Uncle Wang, I’m going to stay here for a longer time, and you’ll probably find me in the evening.”

Uncle Wang is his personal rickshaw driver. Qing En doesn’t need his time during this period. He can go to a teahouse for a while, or go to sleep for a while.

In this regard, Uncle Wang is very grateful.

He is not the driver who has n’t seen anyone ’s house. Even if the host ’s family stays in one place for a day without them, they still have to wait in the cold wind, so that the host can get back in the car as soon as he finishes his work. .

Uncle Wang was stupid and wouldn’t say any good flattery words, just smirked, “Oh!”

After watching Duan Qingen, who had taken off his white coat and wearing a western-style dress, entered the door, he turned around with a car and planned to find a tea house for tea and be warm.

Here, Duan Qingen entered the factory, and the young workers who were working now saw him with a smile on his face.

“Ms. Duan.”

“Teacher, you are here.”

They are both young and young, but they are all very skilled at work.

In future generations, letting these 13-year-old children work is to hire child labor, which is against the law and should make people laugh.

But in this world today, no one will say that Duan Qingen is not good.

After all, everyone knows that his factory has always been good for the workers, working only nine hours a day, three meals, and generous money.

Although Duan Qingen made it clear from the beginning that the factory only recruits children from their orphanage, there are always people who are unwilling to come to ask about their children or whether they can work.

“Brother, you are here.”

Duan Qingxiu came in a neat men’s clothing. If it were not for the whip **** on his head and the handsome features, his behavior would look exactly like a man.

She didn’t say much nonsense. She came straight and said, “The new drug is almost researched. Would you like to see it later?”

After speaking, she glanced at the children around her with a smile on her face: “These children really like you. Every time you come, they are as happy as the New Year.”

Duan Qingen smiled. “Children are the most grateful. They are grateful to me and naturally glad to see me.”

He walked back with his sister, walking, and suddenly noticed the men’s clothing on Duan Qingxiu, a little strange: “How to dress like this?”

“Women’s clothes are all skirts, otherwise they are cheongsams, or they are thick and thick, and it is not convenient to work, so I bought men’s clothes to wear.”

Duan Qingxiu said, tearing at his clothes, “How about, shall I be OK?”

“It’s okay.” Duan Qing’en looked at his sister, who was more heroic than a man, and recalled her weak and knowledgeable princess princess, and hesitated to say: “You will, Wenbo will come back No opinion? “

“He won’t.”

Duan Qingxiu wrinkled her small nose, and now she had the confidence to be spoiled to grow up on her face. “Brother, don’t you know that we have communication? He knows me like this, and encourages me to say that I did it right. Women are no better than Men are bad. “

“I can rest assured that.”

Duan Qingen smiled.

Speaking of which, the sister Duan Qingxiu gave him the biggest surprise.

Before Xue Wenbo went to the battlefield, she was still a little girl wearing luxurious clothes and spoiled by her family. Her biggest worry every day was what clothes she would wear to party tomorrow to make her look gorgeous, and where to go shopping to buy her favorite jewelry. .

Her mother loves her, her brother spoils her, and her husband is a hundred-pronged one. It can be said that she has had no regrets and does not need to change.

But after knowing that Xue Wenbo had abandoned the battlefield in order to defend his country, his brother began to build a factory to provide supplies for soldiers on the battlefield, and the little princess raised up was determined to change himself.

She is undoubtedly a little naive. Because she grew up abroad, she has read many love books, and she thinks that she and Xue Wenbo are the love attracted by the soul.

Therefore, when Xue Wenbo was about to change his soul, Duan Qingxiu was also willing to change himself to accommodate him.

He defended his country in front, and she was behind him.

Because the factory had to transport supplies to the battlefield every week, Duan Qingen passed along the enclosing letters used by the public for private use. Some wrote to Xue Wenbo and some to Duan Qingxiu.

Xue Wenbo will share some small things on the battlefield with his wife. He is a caring husband. He never said that I escaped a bullet today and my comrades died unfortunately, but will work hard in life. Dig some fun things to share.

For example, he once sent a letter back. Duan Qingxiu was very shy and happy to show Duan Qingen to see it. If you translate it in vernacular, this is probably the case:

[How is my beloved wife? I miss you all the time, I miss your voice, I miss the way you speak to me, but I ca n’t go back now, I must stay here to fight, but it does n’t matter, one of my comrades has learned to paint. He will teach me to paint, and I believe that sooner or later I will be able to paint you.

In addition to this comrade-in-arms, my comrades-in-arms have a lot of great characters. They admire me. One of them still stayed in school. This reminds me of my elder brother, your brother It’s the same kind of gentle and easy-to-talk. Usually, this comrade-in-arms will teach us to learn foreign languages. I learned it very quickly and was exaggerated by him.

There is also a comrade in arms who can play the piano, but there is no way to learn on the battlefield, but it doesn’t matter. I learned the method of learning the piano. Maybe we can learn together.

Having said so much, I also have some emotions. If you think about it, in your life, you can only live for decades. Since you are also living for decades, you are also doing nothing, and working hard is also living. Then why not Learn a little more while living, and enrich yourself? You may feel tired and uncomfortable when you are studying, but when you have learned it, when you are proficient in using this skill, the satisfaction in your heart is beyond words.

Of course, although I have said so much, there are actually reasons for me to learn these. I want to learn to paint and draw your beautiful face by the lake. I want to learn foreign languages ​​and wait until the end of the war. When we When traveling abroad, I am your mouth. I want to learn the piano. I heard my comrades say that there is a piano called four-handed. When the future, I am eager to sit with you. The two of us will pop out a beautiful music. As long as I think about this picture, I feel very beautiful. My beloved wife, please bear with me without my days. When the war is over, we can slowly grow old together. I will send you a bouquet of flowers every day. Just like when I was young, for our bright future, please wait patiently for me to come back.

Love your husband.

xxxx year x month **** day

There were three papers in that letter, two of which were Xue Wenbo using various words to imagine how good life he and Duan Qingxiu would have in the future, and how much he loved Duan Qingxiu.

I have to say that many people in later generations have thought too hard about the Republic of China.

It is too easy for progressive youth in this age to show love.

They used a lot of seemingly obscure words to describe their love.

Just when Duan Qingxiu and Xue Wenbo were in love before, they had asked Duan Qingen to write a love letter. Duan Qingen, a single dog, could not give any useful advice. He could only watch Xue Wenbo write down there [You are my hand, yes My heart is my whole life] and so on.

He’s not oily, he really thinks so.

This may be the unique characteristic of this era, no matter whether it is put into ancient or later generations, the love letter of this model has never appeared again.

The reason why Duan Qingxiu showed her brother the letter her husband wrote to her was because she realized her husband’s transformation after reading the letter.

As an equally progressive young man, Duan Qingxiu immediately decided that he would change.

She bought a piano, started piano lessons, learned painting, and learned the language of the country that Xue Wenbo spoke.

Later, she felt that this was not enough. Her husband went to the front with so much thought and consciousness. Although she couldn’t keep up, she could do something else.

For example, go to Duan Qingen’s factory.

When presenting this idea to her brother, Miss Duan’s request was very simple. She wanted to be an excellent factory worker.

God knows how Duan Qing’en saw her younger sister in a fluffy skirt and asked herself to be a worker.

In the end, Duan Qingxiu was not regarded as a worker, but took over the factory that produced medicines under the direction of Duan Qingen.

Anyway, she has also gone abroad and has a heart to learn. Duan Qingen gave her a lot of books, and Duan Qingxiu obediently listened to her brother and went to read the books.

The researchers in the factory can all be called her teachers. She is willing to learn, and in the long run, she may not be a researcher.

Duan Qingxiu also said, “I wrote to Wenbo and asked him if I wanted to cut his hair shortly, what he had to say, he agreed, and said I had such a good idea.”

Talking, she smiled shyly again.

Even though he was wearing men’s clothing, it looked very harsh to many workers. Duan Qingxiu was still a little girl who would be happy and shy because of her husband’s praise.

Duan Qingen nodded. “It’s good and convenient to cut short hair.”

Because neither her husband nor her brother had any opinions, Duan Qingxiu completely reconciled himself and decided to cut off his long hair after work today.

The two brothers and sisters came to the back together. This is completely different from the busy factory. It is fully equipped with facilities, pays attention to disinfection environment, and there are researchers walking around in white coats and glasses.

Most of these researchers were very busy, and when they saw them, they nodded and hurried away.

Duan Qingen followed Duan Qingxiu to the end.

There were many people standing tall and tall, similar to the roles of bodyguards and gatekeepers. When they saw them, they were released in silence.

As soon as the door was opened, the researcher who heard the noise looked up subconsciously, and saw Duan Qingen, his face immediately exulting with a ecstatic smile, “Dean, we have come out!”

“So fast?!”

Duan Qingen stepped forward with a few moments of joy on his face and looked at the results developed by many people.

“Is it fast to production?”

The old man with white hair had joy in his eyes, his body trembling slightly because of intense excitement, and he said excitedly: “As long as we have it, we can treat many diseases and send them to the battlefield. This can save us. How many people !!! “

He came to Duan Qingen’s factory because he saw that he was continuously producing something to support the front line.

According to Duan Qingen’s factory scale, even if he does not produce those war products, he can still make money or even make more.

So, after knowing that Duan Qingen planned to develop some drugs for the injured, he came.

Now he knew he was not wrong.

“Already done experiments with mice, human experiments still have to be done.”

Duan Qingen looked at it, and was not dispelled by joy. “These are all sent to the battlefield to the wounded. There must be no accidents. They must be foolproof.”

“Human experiment?”

On the side of Duan Qingxiu’s face hesitated, Duan Qingen saw what his sister was thinking, and reached out and gently nodded her head.

“What do you want? I mean to disperse the efficacy of this drug, tell people what diseases can be treated, and then make it clear that it is just unstable after it has just been developed. Please ask people who are sick to come to the test voluntarily. We Will give a certain reward. “

The joy in the old man’s eyes did not change, and he nodded in agreement, “It should be like this, it should be like this.”

He asked Duan Qingen, “This is what you proposed, and it should be named by you. Give it a name.”

Duan Qingen: “Penicillin.”

“Just call it penicillin.”


“Have you heard? The Duan family seems to have developed some drugs that can cure pneumonia. Isn’t your mouth infected with pneumonia? Or you should try it, don’t have any money, and if anyone is willing to try the medicine, you can get money.”

“Well, my sixth son, do you want to try, I heard in the street today …”

“This child is young and our only child. What should we do if he dies? You listen to me. The dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. Hold the child to try it, in case it really heals. It’s … “

All the way down the street, everyone was discussing penicillin.

In front of a blown-out school, it was just a messy brick and tile. A ten-year-old boy was holding the child in his arms tightly, and looked at the parents oppositely.

“Yaya can’t cure it anyway, so let them take her to try it, if it’s woven, you can get money and food.”

The boy hugged the younger sister in his arms more tightly, and answered almost sharply: “Are you trying to lose her again? When Yaya was not sick, you were like selling her. Now she is sick, and again Seeing God thinking about throwing her away, the ghost believed that you really wanted to cure her. “

“Why don’t you listen to someone.”

His mother wiped a tear on her face, “Isn’t mother explaining it? Our family doesn’t have any food anymore. We might as well starve to death with our family. We might as well sell Yaya. Anyway, we can exchange some food back. She can also be full at the host ’s house. Your brothers and sisters are so young, do you have the heart to kill them all? “

“Then why have to sell Yaya, why don’t you sell me!”

The boy still refused to surrender his sister: “If it weren’t for my return last time, I found that you were going to lose her. Yaya is dead now!”

“She’s sick, and sooner or later, she’s going to die. Now she’s just suffering at home.”

His father replied with such a sorrow. Suffering made him lightly covered with white hair at his young age, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows could even kill the flies. It didn’t look like thirty, but more like five. More than ten.

To the son who was wary of them, he was not angry, but he just had the patience to reason: “If you really distress the sister, give her to us and let us take the medicine to the military hospital for injection. If she doesn’t let her go to test drugs, she will still die. “

“Yes, the doctors said that this disease is not cured, it might as well give it a try. If it’s okay, Yaya’s disease is okay, and we can have food at home. If it doesn’t, we can still get some food. . “

No matter what their parents said, their eldest son refused to agree, apparently hesitant about the last time his sister was secretly lost.

“How can there be such a good thing, helping people for free treatment does not say to return money to food.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl in her arms coughed slightly. From the cough, she could hear that she was so weak that she had no strength to cough.


The burnt and confused girl moved uncomfortably, “Yaya is uncomfortable …”

The boy was only ten years old, and he was struggling to hold a child. When she moved, he almost didn’t hold her, he sat on the tile with his butt, his eyes were bloodshot and tears: Having said that, there is no free lunch in the world, I don’t believe it! “

After he said this, there were even more tears in his eyes, but he was forcibly restrained in his eyes by the host and did not flow down.

The boy leaned against the bricks behind him, just like someone who can protect them, “I don’t believe you, I don’t believe it!”

They were facing each other, a rickshaw was passing by this side, the people on the car found the situation here and called for parking.

The rickshaw stopped and came down alone.

He wore a shirt on the upper body and western pants on the lower body. Even though these clothes were not very tight, he could see that he was slender, with wide shoulders, narrow waists, and long legs. The aesthetics of the people of this era have not yet formed. It has a temperament, and it looks like a young man who came out of a wealthy family and experienced a good education.

As soon as they saw the young masters who were different from them came down, both the boy who had bitten and refused to let go, and their parents subconsciously closed their mouths and said nothing.

Duan Qing’en didn’t say much. He just reached out to the boy with a clear goal, “Can you show me this child? I’m a doctor.”

The boy-wolf eyes watched Duan Qingen up and down carefully and cautiously. Maybe it was his gentle temperament that made him relax his vigilance. Maybe it was that he and his sister didn’t have anything to make this young master plan. In the end, With her arms stiffened, she exposed the sister she had been protecting.

When he saw Duan Qingen opened the box he was carrying, all of which were expensive medical equipment, he relaxed, and at the same time he was anxious in his eyes, and hurriedly took the symptoms of his sister’s illness and those of the previous doctor. When the diagnosis was clear, I looked at Duan Qingen who was consulting her sister with a weeping voice: “Doctor, can my sister be cured?”

“She had been very energetic before. Although she had a fever, she was still able to work. It was these days that she was hungry and hungry for two days before she suddenly became like this.”

He was tough before his parents, but he subconsciously begged in front of the person who was likely to save his sister’s life.

It’s not against weakness but strength, it’s just that he has been too uncomfortable.

First, the younger sister had to be sold to someone else’s house, but he managed to stop it. Then he took out his own food to make his parents give up the idea.

If he didn’t read books, and didn’t know how to sacrifice, maybe he didn’t feel that there was nothing to sell his sister who hadn’t eaten, but when he read, he knew.

He knew this was wrong, and knew where his sister would be sold.

That day, he knew when the parents brought him back to take his sister away.

This man did not buy a sister to be a girl, but to be a woman.

She is only five years old and a small one.

This is not a question of dignity. It is a question of survival.

After a while, he stopped working every day and took the money home, hoping to keep his sister in this way.

Finally, the parents let go, they no longer said they would sell their sister.

But she was sick.

He took the accumulated money and asked the doctor to see her, but every doctor who saw her shook her head and said that it could not be cured, and only had a few months to live.

He is not reconciled, his sister is so obedient, even if he is ill, he will obediently do things, and put his finger in his mouth when he is hungry. It is never fun to cry, even if he is hungry, it is silent Tears.

When there was not enough food, she was clearly hungry, but she whispered to him: “Brother eats … I am not hungry.”

Compared with other children in the family, the two have a better relationship, because they were given to the headmaster Ma by parents who could not afford them when they were young. The headmaster Ma is very good. He established a primary school to teach children free of charge and know their brothers and sisters. Because he couldn’t afford to be thrown away, President Ma left them with him, named them, taught them to study, and later the principal died before the parents brought them back.

Because they did n’t grow up with their parents, they would inevitably suffer some neglect. He is old and can go out to work and make money, but his younger sister who is a girl is not enough. Even if he tries hard to protect her, father and mother She will also be abandoned in the first place.

He had long mistrusted them.

The boy thought of it and leaned a bit on the tiles.

If the principal is there, he will be able to protect them.

But he was gone.

So he wants to protect his sister!

Duan Qingen looked away from the little girl and looked at the boy in front of him, “Do you know the military hospital?”

The boy’s eyes suddenly became alert again, “I don’t know, you give me back Yaya!”

Apparently, he regarded Duan Qingen as a group with his father and mother.

Duan Qingen didn’t avoid the hand that he stretched out, but delivered the little girl to the boy’s arms very cooperatively, watched him hold his sister with his thin arms, and then said, “I know you think There is no good thing to lose the pie, but the military hospital gives people free injections to test drugs, and we have never covered this. Your sister’s situation can’t last the day after tomorrow. If you agree to take her for injection, she Half of them may survive. If you do n’t take her, she may not even have half. Seeing what you just said, you should have read the book. You should know how to choose. “

The boy’s eyes showed a painful look, and the tears that he had been holding back fell down and fell to the ground.

He knelt sharply on the ground, put his younger sister aside slightly, kneeled in front of Duan Qingen, and gave him a head scratch.

“Sir, I know that you are a good doctor. Please help me to save my sister. She is only five years old. She is very good. Please, sir …”

“Her name is Zhang Ruiwang. It is Ruixiu Zhaofeng. She hopes that the country is rich and strong. Her name is from the principal. The principal said that she would be good. She couldn’t die. She was smart. She learns very quickly. In the future, she can be a teacher and a principal … “

Duan Qingen looked at the child who had collapsed for a moment, and looked at the person standing beside him.

It was an old man with white hair and blood on his body, and blood was dripping from his shoulders.

He was very angry at the scene in front of him, and yelled at Duan Qingen: “Do not bully my students!”

“You people! You don’t even let the children go, you will be punished, you will be punished!”

His thoughts were obviously very chaotic. He repeatedly yelled at Duan Qingen and raised his hand to beat him again. After passing the hand from the young man, he turned around again, watching the boy’s love and distress.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, Richie, run quickly, run with your sister, find a place to hide, and hide well, there is me here.”

“Rish, good boy, do n’t cry. I told you guys do n’t shed tears. Crying only makes the enemy feel that we are weak and deceptive. School is okay. As long as you are alive, we will not lose. Run, I stopped them. “

Duan Qingen looked at the old man who was constantly soothing the boy and turned to look at the rickshaw. “Uncle Wang, take these two children to the military hospital.”

The two children were taken away. Their parents looked at Duan Qingen for a while, but in the end they still remembered the money they could get from the test, and hurried to chase the rickshaw.

Only Duan Qingen was left in front of the bombed school.

He looked at the old man. He should have died unconsciously. The long state of wandering made him a little unconscious. When he saw the boy and his sister running away, he stood there watching him, his face relaxed, and his mouth He murmured, “Yes, that’s it, run quickly, as long as you survive.”

A scavenging teenage boy passed by, his face was shocked, and he hurried forward to block the child in front of him: “Don’t go! The devil kills someone in front, they kill someone when they see someone, you hurry up Run, they have to drop a bomb !!! “

The child couldn’t see him. If he continued to walk forward casually, the old man was anxious. He desperately came forward to stop him, but he was stuck in place and couldn’t move. He could only stamp anxiously.

“Don’t go there !!! The devil is in front and will kill you !!!”

“Don’t you know me? I’m the principal Ma, I’m your principal, why don’t you listen to me, don’t go over–“

This sentence is almost heartbreaking.

The old man knelt on the ground, grabbed his hand towards the child, and the old tears crisscrossed: “Don’t, don’t kill my students, they are all children, they don’t understand anything, don’t kill my students … beasts !! You are all beasts !!! “

“Don’t kill … don’t kill … they’re still young, they just recognized, they’re children, you come to kill me !!! Kill me !!!”

Duan Qingen closed her eyes, squatted in front of the old man, and slowly lifted him up.

“Principal Ma.”

The old man followed him blankly, and the moment he was touched by Duan Qingen, it was as if someone had helped him clear the fog and let him face the world soberly.

He opened his eyes and saw a broken brick where the school was supposed to be.

Yeah, he’s dead.

The devil entered the city, and when he saw someone, he killed him, and went to their school to kill his students.

How could he let them kill his students.

Those are little dolls, well-behaved and hardworking.

He tried to stop him. He hugged a devil’s leg and tried to stop him.

Then, as soon as he had a headache, he lost consciousness.

Principal Ma touched his head, as if he felt a large empty hole there.

He turned around and looked at Duan Qingen, “I’m dead.”

“Yes, you are dead.”

“Let me show you the school in the future?”

Duan Qingen stepped forward, took his hand gently, and brought him closer to an aperture.

There was a class showing up. The teacher stood on the top and asked the questions. The students below were wearing uniform school uniforms, looking pale and looking up at the blackboard.

The soothing bell bell rang, and the young teacher standing on the podium turned around, while packing her textbooks, said:

“Okay, class is over. The physical education teacher is sick next class. Replace it with my class. Remember not to go to the playground. In the next class, we will talk about the last test paper.

A student shouted:

“stand up!”

The students in the entire classroom stood up violently, and the childish voice was crisp and neat:

“goodbye teacher–“

These sounds seemed to accompany infinite hope, and fell into his ears, making him feel that the child’s voice is the world’s best and most reassuring voice.

Among the numerous flowers, the door slowly opened, and the old man stood in front of the door and walked in while watching the children, showing a loving smile.

Even if these children are not his students, he is willing to love them and protect them.

He responded to them with a contented smile:

“Good boy.”

“Goodbye, see you again.”

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