Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 12 Dancing with Tang xianer

Even the Crown prince may take 5 to 10 years to cross it except Su qingxia she may take 6 to 12 years after all she has King spiritual roots.

"Humph look at him helping your enemy qingxia." said Su lan annoyed after all even she wash shock such magic thing could happen.

Su Qingxia was not at all annoyed but super surprise and a curiosity spark in her eyes.

"Your wrong he is not helping my enemy he is helping a girl That was lost when we were fighting i saw her in her eyes she was lost was doing everything forceful, and probably she was going to have a heart demon but a couple of words change her heart and like a she found something  that give her a Dao heart path." Said Su Qingxia with admiration and curiosity while Su Lan was shock so that how it was she tought

"I really have jewel as daugther you even noticed that small detail."  giggle suddenly The mother Su Qingxia didnt know when it was behind the Su girls laughing beatiful with a charming giggles.

"I must say this outsanding gentleman got my attention no wonder you felt so depressed it was because of him?" 

giggle said Su mom while Su patriarch sigh he was the one who insisted in the divorce

He even start feeling jealous of the kids his own wife was looking at the kid with admiration he cant do nothing because her wife has higher realm than him.

While Lin cheng finish fixing his music playlist in the note 20

He suddenly saw Tang wiyi  coming and bow slight with respectful and admiration eyes

"Thank you Senior." Said Wiyi very grateful while looking dazzle to his eyes

"No dont call me senior it sounds old just call me brother." Said Lin cheng in a carefree but gentle tone that exude his charm

She was daze for a moment before blushing 

"Thank you big big brother." 

she said blushing and quicky hiding in the younger generations the Tang family the girls were giggling when they saw this scene her serious and protective Senior sister would have this reaction also to a kid 10 years youger than her calling him big brother.

"Thank you"

Suddenly  hearing a gentle voice but with gratitude i look and it was Tang Xianer

I just smile gently

"Why did you help??" Ask Tang Xianer She is not stupid any person that get close to her there always

A second toughts 

"There 2 reasons specifically to be honest." I said very gentle

She suddenly tought im right no every body might think to help get a heart demom that is about produce because is hard unless your a genius.

"First i know her feeling of being out place not knowing why she was fighting for or what she was looking for, thats the same a succumbing to a whole world and unless you can see other side of the world the real truth your be lost and trust me thats not fun, by the way i didnt see it as sympathy as normal to do."

I said with some nostalgia and sincerity she was surprise of how profound that sounded and the sincerity and also why did i have nostalgia if im just a kid but after remebering the way i spend 15 years her heart moved

"And the second reason?" she ask with agreat interest

"My whole body felt your sad emotions and i didnt like it i dont know why i just wanted to see your genuine smile that is gratifying. After all life is for fun not just complicated stuff , we also should have fun after all that is a way of life and to progress, The most simple things can be the solutions for the most complicated problem in life o what we think is a big problem."  I said with a sincere gentle smile and pure eyes

She suddenly blush and her heart beat acelerated and cup of wine almost fall of nervousness for some reason when she hear my body can feel your emotions her whole sould shook after all in this world that is cruel most people forget how happy is to have emotions. But the latter part she felt as his whole soul got enlightments and shook Fun thing are also a way of living the simplest thing can be a solutions for the complicated things.

The whole world tremble and Tang xianer Catch the attention she suddenly close her eyes and a wave of energy from heaven fall down pour in her body envoloping her people knew she was about to breakthorugh The Emperor Realm! They were confuse but some have evil toughts but before the could anything a whole momentun that didnt know where it came from pressing them make them pale unable to move.

In Tang xianer she panicked because its been almost a 120 years since she could not break through which was a bad sign if you could break to the late stage when you were more tha two hundreds years is a bad for sign. like  those people who never breakthrough Emperor, from 10 that reaches King realm only 1 of the ten can make it to Emperor Realm by themselves. Unless you take a elixir bud sadly taking a elixir .can left you second side effect, so you dint want that  you must know that breakingthorugh the Emperor were talking about gaining  10,000 years extras of life span thats not joke. It must be taken carefully.

She panick because she knew that this was not a good moment to break because in the surface every one of the forces smile but they can stab you in the back, one of the reason she being stuck in her realm is because of the pressure that the matriarch title bring in fact she most always try the best to be vigilant but this time she was scared because for some reason she put down her guard a lot.

"You can rest assured sister that everything under control take your time im here to support you" suddenly a nice gentle voice sounded that make her in daze and for some reason she decided to believe and risk it even if it was dangerously for the first time she would do something out of her character, perhaps all this make her being able trust someone feeling sweet in her heart. she dispelled all the the toughts and concentrated breaking through turning deaf to anything only she and her world alone.

In the banquet A glowing light enveloping

Tang xianer and the tang girls were nervous suddenly a cute voice sounded

"Its okay with big brother and i here nothing would happen." Baishi sounded very child and arrogant but it add more cuteness to the baishi.

While Tang wiyi were surprise and for some reason she felt relax perhaps the young boy really can.

Boom! lates stage of king realm 

Boom!  The energy keep pouring and the breath dissapear

The empress in the front seat was shock a huge and Qin xianer seem to had made some determination.

While Empress look arround shock was to find that people were kneeling and bleeding from the noses extremely pale and shuddering with extreme fear and she also couldnt move for some reason but didnt felt opression 

And even the Qin patrirach and Su patriarch Lin family were already shooking they heads the didnt move because they knew the horror of this kid when they probe before and now seeing hundreds of kings realms kneeling like about to die knew the were right.

"Times are changing now there new behemoth with 200 hundreds year old" Qin patriarch sigh and a Subordinate look with longing while The Lin patriarch look quiet and complicated look on his face and heart full of regrets. Not because of any interest because of  what he had done to this grandson even himself was angry with himself 

When everyone suddenly look at Lin cheng the were speechles the boy was eating a refined way as if what is happening has nothing to do with him they must sigh what is outsanding that is outsanding!.

Empress was shock and couldnt lift her glaze from the young boy she didnt know that was already in the ship of the dangerous opposite gender attraction, and since the Emperor was not here she didnt need to be reserved. She is sick knowing that couldnt reach the Emperor realm make feel sad for some reason and seeing this kid doing magical stuff not because of bad toughts of Tang it just that she long for a longer life and spend more time with her daugther. Who in this world doesnt want more Longetivity. She felt a little jealous and also more resentment towards the Emperor she was force to married this bastard plus her qualifcation were great and she without problem would have reach Emperor realm but the Emperor sacrificed her for his life and she got poison and making her qualification roots stuck having pain sometimes in her feet and Back since then even emperor forgot about herself after there was not such thing as love.

Boom!  suddenly the energy dissapear and a majestic breath appeard Suddenly Tang Xianer was looking more and more sexy her skin look whiter like jade and baby skin with out dust like fairy that doesnt eat mortals things and even Su patriarch had the they blood boiling because of seductive she now look and even the rabbits grew little looking extremely sexy Exuding aura that can charm all the beings.

And her majestic breath Expread Early peak of Emperor realm! One almost at the middle stage of emperor omg every one had horror writing in they faces they knew that dong Empire is about to change.

"Im sorry for the disturbance"  Tang xianer suddenly stood up and said to the Empress without arrogance looking apologetic that but this gesture exude seductivness

"Is alright after all this is your bleesing." Said Empress with a slight smile in her face looking extremely gentle Tang xianer was a seductivenes as Young woman while The Empress exude a noble aura with a Milf aura different taste.

"Congratulations Matriarch Tang!"

"Congrats for the blessing!"




You know the typical flattery 

While the menss coulnt stop moving peaking from time to time to her beacuse now she look more beatiful and sexy.

"Humph did you finish seeing the only thing you knew to do is play with girls from to time to time and even we lost good son in law for your superiority."

Yi Ying suddenly snorted to her husband

And Su bo regain his clarity embarassed and looking around for if anyone hear but when he saw no one noticed he breath sigh of relief and didnt answer back wich dissapointed yi ying more after all she married for her grandpa that have a Favor to the Su family if not joke.

But they didnt know that Su qingxia hear it changing her view of father. She sigh

Tang Xianer sit down and hid her breath that dissapear like nothing, she look arround and saw the hundred of people lifting they body from the flow embarassed and as if nothing happen sitting back down Some of the bleeding wich the Empress simple ignore like never happen but Tang Xianer knew the had bad intentions and felt warm in her heart and look to see Lin cheng super handsome face, and skin brunette super fluffy and baby skin that give you the desire to pinch him felt more warm because he look and this has nothing to do with him wich she pursue her lip in charming and extended her left hand and carresed his left chick.

"Thank you."

Tang Xianer said gently


Lin cheng said suddenly blush embarassaed 

"Is the little brother embarrased?" 

giggle could be hear Like a silver bell lovely and seductive Tang xianer felt funny because this little brother has this side wich make her funny and happy, making wanting to tease him more but she knew is not the moment 

"humph you better hope were not alone OMG what am i even think" she reluctantly retired her hand and blush

What she didnt expect is that since she broke trough and was looking  more attractiveness everyone saw this movement the men were heartbroken while the one who were drooling were more heartbroken "whyyyyyyy 2 goddess 2 goddess have fall down with this bastard!!" They tought to themselves.

In the Su family side

"Bah vixen and look at him all men are the same."


Su lan said super annoyed 

"Su Qingxia look at him you just cancel engament and how much time has pass and now look at him not wasting time and look for another women skirt bah."

Said Su lan with resentment

"Do you like him Su lan?  why your always  him having opinions of he him?  he is free you know"

Said Su Qingxia with calm face but in fact she felt weird again like she lost something but she didnt tought too much about it.

"I dont think so su lan I think he is more pure than you."

said And Yi Ying who was next to her said

"Auntie what you mean?"

Ask Su lan surprise the 3 were close and Su bo went to chat with other people so the have free time to make a little secret chat

And Su Qingxia pick her ear to gossip after all her mom and her are very close.

"Since he came only look at the eyes of the Empress with clear eyes the same when he greeted Tang Matrairch have you noticed he never put air of arrogance , after doing the favor to the little girl Tang wiyi and Tan matriarch he did with a gentle smile also we women are not stupid we know that people dont give for free anything, always with second toughts so i was paying attention to Tang matriarch when she sat down  2 mins before she start to break through she ask something seriously to that child Lin cheng, probaly already had her vigilance activate as we women sometimes are in this world but with a fews words, Her vigilance collapsed and even she almost let the the wine cup fall you must know that at this realm letting fall a cup wine is impossible, this could only mean 1 thing he said something Capable of trasmiting his Real sincerity making her actual king realm emotions fluctuate." 

Yi ying analize with great interest

"also when she was Breaking through she must know how many ememies she has after she is a leader and  the whole place was with second hand stabbers having the pressure to be able to break through i saw him open his mouth said a few word with a gentle smile, wich bought confidence and trust on to make the breakthroughs almost to the middle stage emperor after that he was not even Putting  arrogance but continue to be care free as if this had nothing do with him, simple wich show how well he is as gentlemen there 2 types of men the The fake gentlemen and the real one that sometimes are women killer, first example after She touch his cheek for second he blush and was embarassed meaning he might really be pure in a good way for women if almost all of the men were  literaly drooling except for him what does this mean he is a real gentlement. "

Continue Yi Ying blushing because for some reason she admitted she was fascinated for the ex fiance of her own daugther omg when a women look at men the always look for details that might make them interest in the opposite sex and if they find the first and then find second they get hook without knowing. And more when the feel disatifised with they partner without love just for breeding.

But Su Qingxia and Su land didnt notice her action they were focuse on the point of view she provided was so accurate wow they were shock 

While Tang xianer talk with Lin cheng like back to normal as if she didnt just broke through you could see she more relax like a huge stone was put down.

"The music is about start how about to the dance hall ladies and getlemans."  said the Empress with gentle smile while every male teen were to see if they can dance with they goddess this also part of The dong culture.

Every one stood and walk through to passage that lead to another another hall to a spectacular hall with a shining floors with beatiful drawings and a beatifull Crystall roof.

Suddenly The Princess sat in the little stage to perform piano while she start it singing and very beatiful. people start it listening when it was over everyone applauded suddenly some other musical artist came start it touching nice songs

"Would you dance with me."

I said to Tang xianer 

"Do you know how to dance little brother?"

Which she respond asking with a interested face

"Of course fairy sister would you like to try with me?" I ask calmly

In fact Tang xianer loves to dance and this song is one of her favorites


she said

I grab her slippery hand nice touching and squeez it close my eyes took a deep breath Tang xianer for a moment for some reason got nervous but look calm in the surface i walk leading dance platform wich shock everyone the dignified new emperor realm is actually gonna dance with the young man and even The empress and Qin xian were moved

While Lin patriarch had a weird face "did my grandson know how to dance?" Ask himself hope he doesn't lose face secretly praying even himself didnt know why while Su qingxia for a moment look and even Yi ying was looking The tone increasing Super good making your whole body ready to dance.

In fact when close his eyes it was because he bought A 50k! Mall Techniques of all dances in this world that took him seconds in to integrate with.

Suddenly Lin cheng put his left hand in his back while grabbing the soft  hand of Tang xianer 

Suddenly Lin cheng start it dancing with great charm looking extremely dominering, that even shock the audience people knew that tang xianer beatiful but what shock them is that every movement was making Her look dazzling and Lin cheng making the perfect movement and precise sometimes flirties and sometime sexy sometimes dominering sometimes gentle they were perfect, with extreme masculine aura as prince charm that shock all the women and even her Tang xianer dancing had her heart beat like a drummer boom boom lost in the dance and all the dance  with  his masculine cologne that she like it, start stop looking at us dance beacause it shock them how Lin cheng Dance with with tang xianer extremely awesomeness and awespiring.

Qin xian had flash in her eyes same goes of all the women there was no exception and the male were jealousy if jealousy could kill Lin cheng been dead long time ago, mean while the two rabbits of Tang xianer sometimes touch the chest of Lin cheng with the rabbits she was extremely shock. Lin patriarch shock his grandson knew how to dance Suddenly the melodious finish and Lin cheng finish in a enchanting posture and suddenly the applaud start it after it was a magnificient dance no every time we could see matriarch dance.

Tang xianer suddenly blush she was happy extremely happy the got back at they seat.

"Little brother this time you surprise your sister. "

Said Tang Xianer in coquetisht tone  but every one can hear her joyful feelings 

"It just a fluke."  I said

[Ding! Congrats you pass the hardest phase in mission keep it going while i saw the notification ]

i was making couples of jokes that made laugh Tang xianer after all i came from the earth there are better pick up lines etc.

"By the ways sister do you know where i can buy a place to build a residence?"

I suddenly ask bringing a important topic after all if i want to completely finish the hook up task is neccesarily

And for some reason  Tang xianer  eyes suddenly brightened for some reason 

"Oh you see we The tang family has multiple places havent used if you want i can give you place to stay." Tang xianer suddenly said cheerful

I hesitated

"Humph i tought you call me sister but cant accept this after all you did for me." Tang xianer Pouted with extremely charming face 

"Ok thank you sister." I said

"Call me xianer." said dissatisfied Tang xianer

"Xianer does your Tang family have Rank 5  alchemy ingredients." I suddenly ask 

Tang xianer suddenly look at my eyes weirdly

"Im a alchemist xianer." i said

Which inmediately shock her you must know that alchemy is the most noble status in the continent

"You are a alchemist?"

she suddenly exclaimed happy thank god the song was still on if not half people would know.

"Yes Im a alchemist." i said

"What rank is it rank 2?"  she ask with extremely curious 

"If i said im rank 9 would you believe me?" I touch my face and said

Suddenly her eyes look at me with shock face beacuse what i said unbelievable 

"Are you joking no?" She ask 

"im serious look." 

suddenly my golden flames apeard in my hand extremely beatiful alchemist rank 6 and forward used tons have fire of course in this continet the rank 7 alchemist the only more than 3 people thats why she was shock and didnt believe but now seeing this flame and she knew it was not any flame it must be super flame because golden so power full and beatiful she was surprise and she didnt know what to say. She had a O shape in the mouth you must know that she is being calling Lin cheng  little brother a alchemist at least rank 6 and the highest rank in dong empire alchemist is rank 3 that is under the imperial family. 

"I hopes xianer can keep treating me like always please."  I saw her expression change and quickly said

She saw my sincerity and was surprise a alchemy rank for other were aloof arrogant but this boy is such a person and had warm heart

"Of course little brother." said tang xianer with the extremely seductive face trying to tease me

Tock tock suddenly foots steps 

"Hello Mr lin i wanted to ask if its possible have conversation about dancing after all i really admire your way of dancing."

When i look to who was the sweet voice talking ,It Was the stunning Qin xianer !! Her beatiful golden dress Nice Rabitts that are slightly inferior to her mother with the charm of extreme youthfulness 

Suddenly a elder of Tang family came it was the inteligent beauty she said something to Tang xianer which reluctantly to got up and said to me

"Little brother i'l be back." she went straight where the juniors girls idk what happen but it looks serious.

"Of course im free" i said with smile.

"Nice." she for some reason look a little excited 

"And even if you want to talk about music and song." i also a little i said with carefree smile

"You know about melodies?" Suddenly her eyes brightened and ask curiously.

"Yes For example...."

i start it talking the more she listen the more shock after all in my university i took extras classes for music.

She was suprise and we start  it chatting for couple mintues changing ideas 

Su side

"look all men are the same it was different but look here you girl talking now with the princess what a douche." said Su lan

"Su lan do you like Lin cheng you always saying bad stuff of him." Said SuQingxia

"Bah maybe is you that likes him since your  always defending him."  said Su lan blushing 

SuQingxia blush and Yi ying show a knowing smile what cute girls she tought

Empress look at her daugther and was shock her daugther was happy laughing

"And look like she found a thing she is interested in" Spoke to himself she suddenly felt that she really wanted to have a conversation with the young boy after all even if she is the empress she sometimes is bored with nothing else. To do

"Wow your right o god It look line you have listen to diferent music i really wish to listen to some of those." Said Qin xianer longin eyes

"I can actually show you if you want here."  suddenly i put two ear buds in her hands

That i actually bought a pair that cost

[Ding! 250 coins use mall extra use]

"What i do with this" she ask with a confused expression

I suddenly grab them and grab her face and she got panic she start thinking what is he doing is he gonna kiss me how dare he im not ready plus he is just stranger why can i slap o god am i not ressisting? A lot messy toughts suddenly sher felt his breath and his masculine cologne o god it let shock she like his smell. Suddenly when he was getting close he took a step back say now he came left and she felt a little relief and a little lost 

"Are you ready?" i ask 

And she suddenly touch her Red ear from the blush and realized he was putting does thing on her.

"Yes"  Qin xian said

Suddenly i put the melodies whith bachata of rome santos and she was shock and she was all excited with happy smile she could never get used to this and she blush all of sudden with happines.

"Omg this was so awesome ive would never imagine there so many melodies those songs" Qin xianer grab my My Hand and squeez it and i blush all of sudden she soon realized it and put way her hand and blush

"Sorry i was to excited." she said in a mosquito voice.

"Is okay i sometimes i dance alone when im listening songs." Lin cheng said truthfully

Giggle giggle Qun xian couldn't stop laughing atracting gaze arround after all she's is a beatiful Princess

"You see  another vixen humph." said Su lan 

This time Su Qingxia didnt say anything was at lost for some reason after all she saw when the Qin xianer grab Lin cheng All happy

Tang side 

What happen Runrou ask? Tang Xianer

"Matriarch is the shang dynasty i hear there bunch of groups on they way to here."Said Tang Runrou

"Hmmm its okay hmm im here." Said Tang xianer exuding emperor realm momentum

"Matriarch you how is possible?" Tang runrou suddenly became excited 

"But why are they coming? "

Tang xianer Ask

"i dont know to be honest it was just from talisman i came to notified  but now that i know you in the emperor realm im relieve." Tang runrou said

A couples of miles away from the Dong Empire a bunch of group dress in golden and purple looking a handsome but with a arrogance more arrogance than  the crown prince of Domg empire, he is flying with a shuttle.

"Dad i heard that daugther rof the empress is a beauty all over the country and even the empress is all over the country" said The crown Prince 

"Hahaha you kid cant think of anything else but i get your idea after all i already broke through and our ancestor 2 to the first level of sovereign Emperor." said the emperor with extremely arrogant if you were here you would see that even the Crown prince have king realm and he look like someone of 25 in facts is already over 70 years old it happen that people discover a blessing is disguise the secret realm.

In the Dong banquet the Empress was seating when a messenger  came told her something making her face change for a moment she suddenly look at her daugther who was laughing she tought could this boy help its hard to tell without benefits sighs.

"O god stop it im gonna die what a embarrasment".  gigle like a silver bell

Qin xian try to recovered her mood in her days she always quiet but never has she feel like today.

"His highness your majesty calls you A servant suddenly."  A servant said to Qin xianer

"Oki she look relectutantly stand up and well Mr. Lin i'l have to retired." said Qin xian

"Go on."

I smile gently but for some reason i felt my spine shivered and when i look back a beauty with seductivines is looking at me with smile but that is no smile.

"Xianer why are you standing all daze are you okay." I knew what was she thinking, i must  slick this time and slide this problem easy after all if not this could make her think im a dog.

"Are you having fun with the princess Lin cheng?"  she ask Tang xianer wtf im doing why im a lttile unpleasent wtf i just met 2 times what am i even thinking

"Actually it was a well nice exchange of between The princess and i while i wait it for you."  said but with calm and Innocent face 

Seeing my innocent face she toughts he is right he never trying to hook up bah probably that little girl what am i even thinking i might look unpleasent

"Are you there xianer?" i ask

"O yeah." Tang xianer reacted quickly

"Xianer i was thinking since you left give you a token to that were i come from, friends must have it if not it doesnt count." 

I quickly said continue to divert the attention

"You see last time it was not even a gift this one is a little personal i hope you dont mind" 

I said taking a pink Iphone X pink with Cat cover looking extremely cute 

And handed it to her to her after hearing that i was thinking of how to give a gift since she felt sweet she forgot about everything and the best o

Part is that she hear where i come from people need to have this thing to show the friend ship so she tought must be important 

I hurriedly took my also cell phone and she was confused she has saw sometimes looking at this device magic tool and always felt curious

She flipped the iPhone X looking extremely curious

"Well you see this not only a token the reason why i said beacuse it has functions for example no matter where you you can comunicate in different forms." I explain

"Like a comunication talisman" she ask

"Yea but better for example here press this bottom you see when you press it turn on also look at your screen send her a photo of what we were eating and also stickers"

"Press gently where its say new message"

She press it and was surprise in the chat there Was a name Lin cheng send you message

I start it explaining to her calmly of how  lshe can chat with me with through message also she quckily learn how to text wich was surprise until i show her that we can also talk through voice which shock but when also show her that she can take photos and save them she was surpise and she also take this a business if were to make a lot money 

"You see we can al chat through camera." i said

And she was shock

"wow o god this amzaing i love it."

Said tang xianer when she was about to ask were do i get this 

"Wow brother you actually give a iphone x if im not wrong there less then 10 in this world and you sopppsed to give to only close people and confidantes hummm." Baishi looking at the x iPhone with extremely cuten eyes  she said but well is a white like half truth and half lie

When Tang xianer that only people you can trust can give it and also that there probably less than 10 she felt sweet 

She didnt care if it was business she only wanted for her alone make feel special like  a lover would share his important thing to his partner because in only hers/his tang xianer gently Caress the phones

"Is this thing that important." murmerd tang xianer not really asking but baishi still responded

"Of course sister you must know that no matter where you are even if other continents you can text and comunicate and also share your location in case you need help." Said Baishi with a voice that show you know that normal but her 8 years girlish childish voice it make you laugh and look at it very cute

This time Tang xianer grip a little more tightly shock it can also show how important this thing is she look straight at Lin cheng 

"I sister to be honest it was also my selfishnes for some reason i tought if i was not here or you need help you can ask me plus i tought we could comunicate." Lin cheng Blushing but with a sincerity in his eyes of course this the help of his charm spoke

Tang xianer pursuer her lips because this time actually he has a second tought but what she didnt dislike it at all and more importantly he admitted without hesitation looking at him all embarrased and found it funny.

"So the little brother wanted to get closer to his sister." said Tang xianer a with giggles and a teasing tone but a different color in her a eyes with different color he is honest at least for some reason she defend him if he has saw 2 toughts even if it were un clear tought at least she felt it that way.

Suddenly a boom!!!

Sounded interrupting the cheerful atmosphere in the banquet.

"The emperor of shang empire pays his visit to his majestic!"

A  extremely arrogant voice sounded and the people around shock some were panic because the force and the voices sounded with extremely disdain they knew were about to have a big problem. And they might be involved and even Tang xianer face change a little beacuse that was a late stage emperor but she quickly dispelled the idea

[Ding! Task repelled the enemy and help the Empress obtaining her favor]

[Ding! Reward favor of the empress and admiration of people]

Suddenly everyone stood and came 

"Why is the friend from a far came to me empires?" said the empress very gentle when everyone stood up and went out.

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