Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 17 Beasts tide

If Lin cheng knew what Baishi was thinking he probably wouldnt know wether to cry or laugh.

"Look this a jacuzzi with water bubbles and this is a big pool you see we can swim here let see the bedrooms here its there are more than 10 bedrooms each with bathroom." I was so excited That i could see different luxurious bedrooms, i saw a Room that has no way to open only when i come does it open to me and here it was all the cameras in a radious of 1k miles!, Wow incredible.

"Brother i like it here plus the aura is better." 

Said baishi With happy face. 

We walk through the second floor saw all the beds and rooms, also the balcony so amazing we walk and suddenly we went to the kitchen i open the refrigerator and it  actually had food inside.

[Ding! The food cost 10k monthly for the hous.]

I said it was okey there was all types of delicacies i was happy  i knew this was crazy. I suddely went oustide while baishi junp around the house checking ervything very cutely and i turn on the buggati right away i went through the side ways which shock me because it was bigger and with cement of the drive way looking extremely appealing with green color, i keep going and on right side of the house i enter a under ground parking for the house there's so much space that I can put 10 cars here so amazing. I park the buggati and walk and toward  was a elevator wow!, With 3 floors actually as option the parking is the first floor and the second one this elevator lead to the middle of the house look amazing. I suddenly was happy.

I suddenly walk out to the other side of the back it look beatiful green and it had  Like a circle with phoenix platform it look very artistic it really look beatiful with different landscape also honey flowers arround some of the spots in the house.

I keep walking until i went back to the house and check where in the second floor actually was empty room different from other that seem perfect to do alchemy beacuse it ha slike a super ventilator that can push the air outside of 10 miles aways form the house has also like mini washer for the hands, i went back to the front of the house, every single land in front of the house had like bricks but as floor looking very majestic and in the froont door there was actually a Phoenix fountain! With water that look extremely cool i must say im impressed this can acually work with energy if Qi.

I went back ti the room that i decided to call it alchemy room.

I sit down 

I took out the golden cauldron with phoenix emblems out.

Put it in the middle and went out side, fast and sit in the middle of the martial phoenix emblem.

Suddenly Boom! the whole Tainwu Continent tremble Energy evolving around me Suddenly i click

[Ding! Congrats for host and the upgrade of Real to Overlord King Realm Ealy stage]

During this whole time the continent tremble beacuse after all Theres only been a one Overlord King Realm in this continent who would have tought that today another Overlord King Realm would be born.

In the central of The Tianwu continent a Man in a robethat look handosme but had an arrogant face was shock.

"Some one break through the Overlord realm realm but i cant see where he came. He might fight for my throne i must be calm im in the middle stage of Overlord king realm He is only in the early stage perhaps we can be friends if not we could only be Enemies." said the middle age men with a vicious light who would have tought  that because of his stupid thinking he would lose everything.

He is the Owner of the sky league and the only overlord of this Tianwu continent every elder of the Sky league under his command has cultivation base of the late stage of the Sovereign realm, and but the can live for up to 30k years which is crazy also the had thousands of emperor realms as guards and king realms as servants iscrazy. A big force must said the Great elder is half step Overlord king.

Suddenly the middle age man call someone and a person that look like he is in his 25 but is actually 320 years old but what shocking is that he is in his late stage emperor was about to reach the sovereign realm.

The young man suddenly knelt

"See master"

The maste of course is call Wang Wu

And this disciple is call Lei Ku beacuse he uses electricity also the master uses thunder atribute.

"Here, i need you to explore the continent i think there's a new overlord king." Said Wang wu seriously.

"Yes master."

Lei ku wash shock another Overlord King realm that another person like his master incredible after he left he the place, his face wasreplace by arrogance. And took 2 early stage of sovereign as body guards.

Dong empire

The streets were in conmotion because of the phenomenon.

Lin cheng villa.

"Wow i feel fantastic i feel different from before no i can check half of the continent i want to." I was happily but i knew for long time i wouldnt be possible to upgrade my realm.

"Check status" I said.

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Overlord King Early stage/10billion upgrade

Exp avalaible : 3,378,050,000

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth

Baishi Realm: Rank 8

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus

Alchemy/ Phoenyx cauldron God rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: / Heavenly dagger can kill late stage of emperor and heavenly damage to Half step above emperor uses 2 out of 3

Mall coins: 100,530,000

Luckily Wheel chances:0

[Ding! Host has unlock a new feture called Alchemy mode, where you can use the herbs By the system to do alchemy anye one of them but the system would retain 90% of the pill produce by each combinations leaving you with 10%]

"Wow big sister this like robbing but still i dont find bad all after i can use any herbs."

I tought i was about to Start Alchemy when suddenly

[Ding! Since the host has reach this level your  blood would produce massive Pure Yang Qi which need to be release by having contact with Female oposites that had Yin so it can be stabilized remember it would hurt if you dont release and by way the more your upgrade the more release needed.]

"What! You nust be joking right Big sister?" I said Speechless

[Ding! Nope not joke you could even die of explosion]

"O god." I start it to panicking suddenly i felt my lower abdomen with amount of energy killing me i felt pain but i still couldnt do anything i start it screaming from pain and suddenly i move my hand ups and down on it it blew a massive stuff and calm down a little .

[Ding! Since is the first timr is okay but now you need to at least find something your never know when it will blow gigle.]

The female System tease

I was embarrased i dont know but I  definitely didnt like this sht!

I clean everthing with my energy Qi

I put my head in other things

"Activate Alchemy mode"

I start making alchemy what surpise me is that after everything, i start makinga lot if Replenishing Qi from differents levels starting 1 to 8  i can now even do 9 healing pills that is crazy and i even did the little copies of the Wash marrow and bones,that is actualy rank 9 this pill can make someone with bad injuries and bad conditions without problems increase his aptitude is definetly against the sky. Each time i start it alchemy i do 10 pills which i just get 1 and the rest the System take it but i dont care after all i take at least 1 minute to make each batch of pills. But i needed some to take them after the dont work on me and baishi they dont work in her because she is Heavenly fox god race probably normal beats that are no pure as her need alchemy.

Check toxings

[Ding! scaning Pill 100 percentage clean with out toxing]

[Ding! This pill each one of the had pill paterns of nine layer which mean the efficacy is 9 times as the same one in Other Top rank pills]

"Wow!" I was surpise i suddenly tought if wiyi that women that like practicing i had headeache to put them in jade bottles ohhh

"In one hour i did 600 pills each one top rank but i only take 60 for me but is okay the bad things is uptting them in jade bottle i wish i had a asistant."

I suddenly walk out and go the bathroom idk where baishi is but i known that she must be having fun in this new house, because theres even a gym in another area but a gym that can actually have weighs for cultivators i keep walking and got at my beedroom open the drawyer and was shock to find different stylish clothes that look nice to put on.

"Ohhh big sister your the best." I sigh

Gigle thankyou a jingle bell laugh sounded

I quickly take a tower and start it washing me with warm water it felt really nice using different shamposh clean my body was when i was done, i felt more relax and all the stinky alchemy smell was no longer on me.

I suddenly walk to the bed and check it was already 7:00Pm i wanted to see if can sell this pills or do something else so i quit and suddenly my eyes close.

3 days later ive been alone in the house doing alchemy like a lunatic but is still didnt see Tang xianer until today that the camera show me while i was finishing my bath time because i was about to have a mini swim so i ran fast and saw Xianer standing there with a shock Face i knew i did what

"Sister!" I said happily

"Little brother you never let me get used to your surprises this look extremely weird but a nice refine aura exudes." 

Exclaimed Tang xianer but suddenly she blush beacuse i only had beach pants and all of body were exposed

"What are you doing?"  She ask timidly and nervous because i ran like this every muscle look beatiuful and sexy of my young body.

"O i was about to take a swim lets go in to the pool is almost 12:00 PM which means lunch break."  I said happily like i didnt care im almost naked but is normal beacuse this world sometimes tend to be more conservative.

She blush and was about to refuse for some reason bue whe she saw my happy smile with any other tought and tought that she misses something from this 3 days so.

"Ok lets go but what is a pool and also show you the house."


I suddenly took her hand trying to act calm but i was nervous when i touch her slippery jade hands.

She was about to pull back because felt weird by my sudden action.

"Sister this has a fromation not any can enter so for you to eneter i need to file permsion but inneed to get inside first and yiu havent been here so i could grabed to you so before we enter you can use as bridge." I said With a care free tone like it was normal

And Tang xianer wash shock a formation and suddenly understood so she didnt pull back her hand we walk and in front of the phoenix fountain that Tag xianer look at it pretty interesting because it was actually floting water through the mouth, it look incredible like a little girl that is fill with curiosity we suddenly took a step and she felt like she was passing through a physical passage if power byt it didnt let her get stuck on the contrary it was passing through with me she found amazing. I let go of her hand after we pass and she didnt was to shock

"Omg what amazing formation"

and suddenly


Tang xianer broke through and the most amazing that the formation whe she was about break through actually throw aura to her. She felt how her energy was being fill up and was shock.

"Omg cheng i just broke through! so fast this also a formation of heaven ive never felt this much energy in my life." She exclaimed surprise

I didnt say anything i just smile and signal her to walk.

Tang xianer was shock with this heavenly aura formation if tang family had no one of the at least every of the girls could Speed the cultivations by 1k times she was so shock she even forgot that Lin cheng was with beach pants.

"Ok sister how about i show you the house?"

I start it showing her the house from inside to outside, she was shock and like the furniture never had she ever saw something refine and likeable it was she even complimneted me for my gusto i didnt know wether to laugh or cry this was Big sister gusto i tought and she did perfectly fine also it seem no matter what world women like to decoration of the houses so seeing this house with furniture extremely decorated she was shock by the rooms and the private garage down stairs with elevator.

That look so amazing never had she tought about something like this and finally after we check everything she look more happy because her curiosity was satisfied and finally we end up in the backyard.

"Congrats sister for the break though by the way this is the pool." I said showing her that pool thats has actually tunnels of color down there that can make you play arround and also swim she was confuse by this.

"Where i came from you can use this thing call pool do swimming activities with friends which lead better ties and swim i know is a weird traditions but if you lock you Qi and uses Physical strength it would defintely surprise you. I said happily

"For real?"she tought but saw my happy smile

"Sister how about we swim?" I ask her suddenly

She blush because she was wearing Nice dress of green that look professioanl how she could swim.

"Sister you can take your clothes." I suddenly said regret at this time i really wish to slap myself.Because I didn't finsih sentence.

Sure enough her face change to a tiny anger

"You-"Tang xianer was interrupted by me fast

"I mean sister there's Swim Clothes for women.For example when i finish the house i took the liberty to buy my some Beach or pool swim suits  since nromal where i come from i mean is not im a pervert or anything bring them on i tought also bought just in case." I said suddenly realizimg that i look like im plotting something

"Just in case of what? ask tang xianer Sure enough

"Just in case i have Tang xianer come and swim with me after all its been a long time i dont swim plus i bet you have fun and smile like you always do." I sigh being sincere

And suddenly she got touch i was trying have fun with this she didnt know how it work but still she felt weird that i buy beach clothes but also wanted to see what beach clothes are.

[Ding! The host just kick a iron plate buy a Make clothe and dresser faster with any speacialy for any females like robotic dress cots 100k mall coins.]

"Ohh big sister i love you!" I saw it was like a square capsule that be put inside the house where the female get in and a touch screen appeared. Which you can chose the color and the style of beach clothes i was excited. But calm in the surface

"So you bought beach close of women." Suddenly ask Tang xianer weirdly like looking at me like a  mini pervert.

"Sister is not like that come i'l show you so understand." I start it walking inside and in a suspicios part there was mini square and before we enter i magically summon a tables.

"Sister put your energy here so it can grant you acces to come freely when you need." I said

She was shock at my trust and suddenly put her Qi source and rapidly granted a black looking like platinum emblem

She took it and look it at realy curious.

"There you go with that you can enter when ever you want you just pour you Q Source it let you freely in and out."  i said normally

Whike she felt for some reason like she actually had acces to my own place felt weirdly instead of force she felt like someone just trust it.

"Yhere you now you see this Golden square you get in there it would explain to you after all no male can enter." I said sincerely she was cofnuse but she enter.

"Welcome analyzing release out the the key of identification please." T he screen talk and explaining certain instructions suddenly she was shock to feel something scanning her body

And saying her his size and curves that look extremely tempting

There with B breast and perfect body that look extremely seducing her flat belly nice legs in white looking sexy as heck.

"After you decided which beach suit you want after you edited you take off of your clothes and after that you decided to put it on."

Tang xinaer blush when she saw how a similar body if her would look in those revealing dress felt ashamed but she love how she can draw like in the dress and like make them so artistically with with flower and the quality to do it look amazing she tried few but the decided not to swim after she felt shy. Suddenly she open the square door and got out like she was before and went to the outside, and saw me in a mini spot to touching something that was The bbq driller i was sitting there but when saw me look i look at her she felt my dissapointed look.

"Humph dont think i"l show you how look there in those outfits after all they are embarassing probably you have second toughts of looking me in there humph" 

she tought but didnt dislike it after all she is also sexy and for some reason could take more close to him but  uddenly felt how i look like a little kid that wanted to play, lol but could get hid wish drean cone true for some crazy reason she tought probably if you ask me nice ill agree to only you she tought blushing but what surprising.

"Sister I'll be back" suddenly Lin cheng said he ran fast and in 2 min he came back with normal basketball pants and shirts no longer like going to the pool." She felt weird

"You didnt want to swim?" Ask tang xianer

"Things can not be forced." I said suddenly with a care free smile but she saw Lin cheng hiding his dissapointment,for some reason she also wanted to swim but it shows that she is still reservative after all she tought so. Probably youewanted to see me im this swim so much but i cant le him succeed yet in fact Lim cheng really wanted to swim because it was like the anime episode in the beach or pool then do barbecue but he cant force it. Plus since she dont want to swim is better to attend the guest.

"Well sister i can see you've been working hard probably you haven had break feast right?". I ask

Groan suddenly her stomach tremble and Tan xianer face was red of ashamed.

"Is okay sister i too haven't eaten here." and suddenly i took 2 plates of paper steak with rice and beans looking extremely appealing with brisk as food

An took out switch spoom she wa surprise by the smell and we start eating and talking laughing forgetting what happen before in fact she was weridly because i seem to want to swim and he wanted to try but ive never mention it again is possible that he didnt really wanted to see me in beach clothes. Well she forget ir and keep talking to him.

4 hours later

"I think that is a definetly interesting fact abnomaly xianer i guess your probably right there. I said we talk about dummy things all sinngle of stuffs from this world it nice chat and is like each one of us enjoy our company.

"Yea actually i wouldnt really think about if it wasnt because of the decution of ruins." Said Tang xianer

"By the way how does your business going on?"

I ask

"Omg talking about that is been nice i have fix a lot stuffs and the efficiency of the upgrade are well." she said excited and happily 

"Nice to hear that well sister i hope sister you can do me a favor here? I took couple bottles of healing pills which shock her

"Could you auction this is not that i dont have money but that i still need coins in here lol." 

she was trembling with the  hand for a moment this was top rank pill there were 5 after i didnt do much also couples 2 dozen bottles of Replenishin rank 7 and 8 of Qi pills with top rank which shock

This... are you sure?  ask Tang xianer

"Yea sure it was just a moment of me doing  alchemy."  I  said sincerely carefree she didn't doubt it after this pill were almost extincts rank 9 pill each if the these set a storm and bloody battle.

"Is okay you can auction with peace and mind after all i you have my backing and trust me even you could call me now the first power house in this continent i just broke through the Overlord King Realm."

And at this time Tang xianer tought of a Overlord King Realm what is the concept it for some reason, suddenly she start it feeling pressure such a young boy is handosome but her im a speaking to him we seem to have a connection but is it.

How could Lin cheng not know what she was thinking

"Xianer i hope no matter what you keep being my friend i dont want you to think about other stuff just the two of us okay." I grab her hand and she didnt pull it out.

"Please keep being my confidante i really enjoy having time with you and i dont care about status or anything, this life is to enjoy and be carefree if we complicated our life then for what we live for?  remember let the stuffs keep his course and let the life roll."

I said sincerely and honest like the same young boy she met before.

She was shock and move by my sincerity and we  keep talking and time  flew away and even she couldnt think if the my realm because evrytime we talk we connected so good yea i was right im her friend or perhaps something more let the course of things go his own way she felt happily.

"Humph you better little brother." Tang xianer tease and everything came back to normal.

Suddenly her waist lit up which her face change to a reluctant look.

"I have to go and finish stuffs." said Tang Xianer reluctantly

I walk with her until we were outside

"I'll see how to make the auctions at least 2 months beacsue this is to much idk what you think we would take 10% of the winning in business mode.?"

"Alrightyou take care of it no problems."I said sincerely.

We bid farewell and it was night already.

A week passed

During this week Tang xianer came twice beacuse of how busy she is beeing i saw she wanted to tell me something but didnt. Or maybe she was too ashamed to ask for it.

Ive been lazy because havent made much alchemy and also the side effect aree getting painful i can see if i dont get in contact with yin il die out of pain.

Suddenly when walk in the security room i saw familiar figure and it was actually Tang wiyi figiting with rank 5 monsters there like 20 i was shock to find she was hurt o god what happen with out hesitation i dissapeard

"Ha ha"

"Im tired this gotta be a joke"

She tought everything was going well.

"why a beast tide exploded suddenly i hope my juniors sister are safe and i dont know if i can call reinforcements. "

While thinking and bleeding she keep fighting but couldnt kill anymore before that she and her Juniors sister were helping protect some Herbs from they medicine garden that was on his way for the Shop store in Twilight city where you know is close to the demonic forbidden mountains suddenly a mini beast tide broke leading close to chasing the big forces in Dong empire people thousand of sea expansions realm but some reason didnt saw king realm. She fought and almost a hundred beast while protecting her juniors sisters but it came with a price that lead to the current location they juniors sistes didnt want to leave but since they were close the finaly, compromised to look for reinforcements but after they were tired 2 and on feet it could take 6 to 7 hourse to go and look reinforcements. After all they still needed to walk 500 miles on feets. After they are cultivators but they mounts were lost. The mounts could run hundreds of mile per hour. She was losing her mind but still fighting when suddenly a big roar came launching her with big force her delicate body flew splurting blood from her mouth she knew she was done because that roar came from a EarthSpike bear which is a rank 6 beast other words similar to human in the King realm, she tought she could resist  the 20 demonic beasts rank 5 but now she felt despair and didnt know what to do she have fought several battles but not like this. Suddenly when she was about to fall she felt warms her whole body someone was holding her body, very comfortable and giving a very familiar smell.

"Is okay you did a good job dont worry brother wont let you be wrong." 

She hear a familiar gentle and caring voice it was her big brother Lin cheng!

suddenly she felt secure and all her exhaustion didnt even care she start she saw how he lifted her eyes open closing it in the when all of the dominc beats exploded in a instant with the thunders he threw desintegrating them with destruction power of thunder. She for some reason start it sobbing very bad from relief and everything she didnt know why she was crying but she felt like crying burying her face in this chest masculine like a little girl beeing aggrieved, she didnt care if later she would die out of shame but she was tired she defended her sisters and finally could breath sigh relief and face dead but she felt scare at the same time when she tought she was bound to die a miracle happen. She right now was emotional and unstable after she is only 25 hears old no like some people that had hundreds of years.

Lin cheng sigh he knew how she felt so he let her cry wetting his shirt. He quickly flew toward his villa when we move.

i quickly got her up and keep holding her up while whe move she stop sobbing a little and lifted her head her eyes still reds. She was confused because when saw this place but never knew what happen here after it look grey from weird material also this was not the way to the Tang family.

"This my place and the road to my house you see."

I pointed at at the front and she suddenly shock to discover a weird house but that look extremely appealing and decorative also there was a beatiful fountain with green scenery around the tress while we keep walking before she could react she felt like she just pass a barrier and suddenly felt energy pouring to her so pure she tought omg  the scenery look calm fresh air she felt like she in a paradise.

"This is my house come in and we could talk." 

I said gently and caring with a sunny smile.

She suddenly realized im still holding her like princes and my clothes got wet and with blood stains she felt her face red from shame and guilty.

"Sorry i dirty your clothes thankyou for your help big brother, could put me down?" Tang wiyi said with red face like a little girl before i didnt realize but now i felt her thighs o god the felt so good i must say women are mazing creatures. So slippery even and little  firm.

"Is okay the clothes doesnt matter the important thing is you know now to  tell what happen I'll listen." I said in caring tone and put it her down


she scream in pain and almost fall now she realize there was pike in one of her toes when that bear roar she didnt felt the pain of a spike from him.

"Sister your wounded let me bring you inside first plus." I hurriedly hug her and carried without giving chanxe to resis the door open and i took her to one of the many beedrom, she felt didnt say anything only felt weird looking around, she stop bleeding thanks to the pure heaven aura in here she was not a stranger to this she knew this must be a formation, she felt all her poles fill and greeding absorbing aura also she felt her wound heal that why she stop bleeding but she stil was super injured. I put her on her in bed when she realized.

"Here this healing pill also there bathroom in that door this one of the many rooms for guest so you dont have to worry also il close the door you can take was just said "Warm bath start" when you get inside there and also just call "female cleaning soap and body wash". I said Gently i close the door i went out but she quckily reacted and saw her pill which shock her because it look extremely nice with nine pattern, which shock more because she knew this must a pill treasure for healing she felt. warm and hesitated but still took it and saw how her injuries were quickly heal in 5 seconds everyhting went back to normal and even where the spike was taken out was brand new like she never got hurt and her energy was restore, and even her skin was extremely soft but healthy she hurried undress throwing her bloody clothes in the floor showing her proud silky white firm long lengs with sexy things and cute toes looking extremely tempting, and sexy while flat belly and also small chest more like flat but still you could see mini bump female tits. 

She suddenly came to the door and found a nice bathroom looking extrenely luxurious she quickly got in the big Tub which actually has small place to seat that look extremely like jade she remember what Lin cheng told her before.

"Warm bath start."

she said and was surprise when she got in the tub there was like a mini pipe flushing water, and also on top the was also like raining watter very fast filling the tub what surprise her even more is that the warm water felt nice its not too hot but exactly, the level that would feel nice in your skin. She sat back and felt the hot water warm she and the tub in seconds was fill up. And stop the pipe under throwing water was surpise her in that the water never gout of the tub like something suction in precise,so it didnt get over. So it wasbalance but the water on top keep raining but she like it felt in new way suddenly she remember the other words

"Female soap and female shampoo body wash." 

She said again

While she was sitting she saw a soap coming looking like cream color but it smell and nice and a flashy bottle and , suddenly a screen appear showing how to use the bottle which shock her because the screen appear in the wall she did the same as the screen and felt the shampoo smell nice and it give more beatiful healthy styles to her hair and also she felt the soap washing every single part of her body after she was her self she felt more calm. Relax and her emotion got stable snd she suddenly remember her sisters and got out and took the pink towel that that screen show  she dry up took out a dress and panties from her space ring, that she got from her master she didnt threw away her broke clothes she put them in her space ring. she didnt notice that her pink clear panties had blod stain on it from her injuries and that also slip when wich her clothes from the floor because she wanted to hurriedly up her sisters. She start it thinking what bad Senior sister im here enjoying my self while they walk for reinforcements. Tang wiyi was such a good senior sister that after sacrificing so much she still tought it wasnt enough.

She got down quickly she rember where she come from and saw Lin cheng....

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