Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 20 Baishi transformation

In those beatiful green eyes her flash with extremely cunning meaning. But also you could see also full afection after all each one this girl was like her own child.

Tang wiyi walk with Tang zi and Tang zhou

laughing happily with a fresh aura she quickly grab seat with her junior sisters that were laughing and happily chatting.

"Sun'ier why dont you call your aprentice after all she was sopposed to tell you how she been practicing that enables her to reach this stage. Is really surprising that she is almost a half step King Realm."One of the elders said which suddenly shock all the other elders that didn't the news yet.

And even Tang xianer was shock  not even a month she has reach such stage in the Sea Realm.

"What for real? would it be dangerously if she gets unstable foundation. Said one worriedly.

"Is okay actually she had a pretty stable foundation this morning we check it." Said Tang sun 

"Yea you should see this poor child she was all bloody when she came back and looking apparently she went to the demonic forbiden area to adjust her Foundation. Suddenly said one of the elder that saw her this evening.

"What in tha forbiden area are you crazy! that's a dangerously move how could she go there! Some one said suddenly everyone look at Tang sun and she felt embarrased and also guilty. 

"Actually she said someone acompanied her,

I believe she would not lie but you know our girls are really truthfull so im curious none of our girls came with her so who did she went with? She said with curiousity and worried

"How about call her?" suddenly said Tang Xianer for some reason she tought of Lin cheng but she shook her head.

Suddenly in Tang wiyi her waist lit up and saw the message and she saw all the elder looking at her and even there sisters were curious.

"What happen sister? Tang wiyi suddenly ask the two in unison

"My master call me i don't know why?"  sudden she seemed to think of something and shook her head.

"I'll be right back."

she walks and suddenly she felt all the elder gently using aura to examiner her body, and at this time everyone were in horror and even Tang xianer eyes shrank in shock she felt tang wiyo foundation steady as mountain only Ancestor Tang was not surpise and had a look as if expecting this.

"See the ancestor, see the matriarch,see the elder and see master."  said Tang wiyi respectfully 

all the Elders nod they heart she is still our lovely child tought that they.

"Humm wiyi'er i want to ask you soemthing but dont worry is not that were interested in anything just if course how did you been strengthing by leaps and bound" suddenly ask Tang sun in fact everyone here were ooen and not many have secrets that is beacuse here this people literally didnt have greedy eyes this women are more sentimental if not probably this would been a place of vanity but it is not like that is more humanly in the emotional way. She tried to sound the less interrogation

"In fact master ive been having guide all this time i hope you dont get mad." suddenly said Tang wiyi a little nervous looking at the reaction of her master i hope she doesnt get sad 

S"o you you advance beacuse of guidance but from who? Ask tang sun and all elder were shock only Tang ancestor was not shock

"Actually master it was from big brother Lin cheng that has help me." suddenly said with her heart beating fast sure enough.

What! from that bast- cough.. cough i mean from him how and when? 

Ask anxiously Tang sun as if it was hit hard a men a men a mere men and has to be him and at this everyone were surprise only ancestor tang remain silent like she already knew no noticed her expression while Tang xianer was surprise to see actually. Lin cheng helping her  Tang wiyi but she wnated to keep listening

"In fact master you see is only in the morning ive made a deal that he would train me in exchang-" before she could finish

"Dont tell that bastard!Actually make you do dirty stuff and you agree tell me if he is forcing you I'll make that Stinky bastar paid!" 

Tang Sunn scream anxiously and everyone in the dinner and even the sorrounding were quiet looking in shock at the hysterical.Tang sun and the words came from her mouth this time Tang xianer frown a little with the word she said sounded rash

And the elders were silent before she could speak

"Enough!" Suddenly Ancestor Tang had a angry expression this time she felt mad with her child she keep insulting The poor Lin cheng she love them but she also know how to correct people you cant be badmouth.

"Sun'ier stop insulting brother Lin he hasnt done anything before making conclusion your affect even you disciple what wrong with you." Said in a flat tone but you could hear the anger in the voice of Tang ancestor.

Tang sun suddenly felt she also was too much and felt also agrieved she always get scream from ancestor by that bastard she tought .

"Im sorry ancestor my master didnt mean it, her reaction is normal after all it was also my fault for not finishing my sentence." suddenly Tang wiyi responded with courage but trying to solve the problem of her master. At the same time being respectful and all the elders could not help but nod and even ancestor was move what filial piety in fact evryone knew it was tang sun fault poor tang sun.

"Ok everyone keep eating." suddenly the gentle voice comanding tone pass through all the table and the girls went back to they conversation after all the Tang Matriarch spoke and everyone is really respectful to her you can see her prestige within this.

"Well master in fact big brother is not like that he is very good and treat me well without such toughts, in fact the deal was for to be his Alchemy asistant for 2 hours each day. Said Tang wiyi

After hearing more details suddenly everyone gasp and even tang xianer was shock while. Tang sun also was surprise you must know even though it would sounded like asistant is normal profesion, but in reality is more than that a alchemy assistant and more if is from a 9 Rank Alchemy is a wonderful thing let alone how many people of the Tianwu continent would come and beg to be a alchemy assistant, the importance of you seeing them doing alchemy could be a big help to learn 1 or 2 things. After all non alchemist ever let other seeing conducting pills for them is a taboo to show outsiders their secrets.

"Alchemist assistant of him? Does he shows you how he do alchemy? " ask Tang sun this time a little more balance after all is also a great oportunity for own aprentice,she cant be so dumb when a pie fall from the sky when your hungry. you msut know in this continent the highest alchemy might a be a rank 5 thats how bad the alchemist is lost in this continent but knowing her lovey almost like daugther is assistant of an alchemist.

"Yes i must say master he is incredible

When he starts doing alchemys he do it extremely beatiful like if it was art the only thing is that he gets... " gigle suddenly Tang wiyi seem tor recall how lin cheng acts as a kid that didnt want to pick up the pills that could make any one go crazy. He is lazy like a little kid when plays with toys and does not want to pick it up.

"He what?" 

Ask tang sun and even the elder were surpise because Tang wiyi suddenly giggle she was saying he get all this make them curious not only her even Ancestor Tang it seem there a secret but she knew it was personal by the reason and she would not ask after all she can force tang wiyi to say it but it would feel like disrepecting Lin cheng.

"Um nothing sorry." Said embarrased Tang wiyi triying hide her laugh.

Tang wiyi calm her self down and bow respectfully while Tang xianer this time felt something different like tiny jealousy. because she seem to see that tang wiyi actually met another part of Lin cheng that she hasn't seen. But she didn't hate or resent Tang wiyi in fact she still lover her more and dote her after all she is a child of her family it just jealousy beacuse she wish to see stuffs like from that handosme face.Let alone Tang sun also wanted to know but didnt ask maybe i could know later she "tought"

"Yea he is good to me actually every day he give me ten bottle sof pills so i can keep practicing, thanks to that and his training I have advance my realm fast." Said truthfully without arrogance with sincere gratitude Tang wiyi

Everyone were shock when the saw all the jade bottles there at least almost like 15 bottle left after all she is been using it.

"I had 15 bottle half of them is to replenish the q energy and half of them is to heal." she spoke truthfully without concealing any details. The Elders were shock each of them open a bottle out of Curiosity and even Tang xianer, she wanted to see if it was the pattern as the one in she was going to auction. suddenly all of them had trembling hands and even ancestor Tang could not calm dow, because this pills look like the ancients pills in the books that were extincts in the records. THey read the were shock such pill cost fortune but no one had greedy look only the look of shock.

Wiyi'er you mean he give you all this bottles for you ? So many? 

Ask Tang sun doubtfully everyone were the same but thing of what her big brother said if some her master or elders ask tell the truth.

"In fact master big brother alchemys is incredible and he seem to try crazy stuff actually the first time he did alchemy he had made 10 pills per minutes and all of the top rank which shock me during 2 hours he made more thands 600 hundreds jade bottles of pills without a single failure. he aginus doing alchemy."Everyone grasp and even Tang xianer was shock 100% success thats crazy not even the highest rank 5 in the Tianwu continent can do it compare to him is like heaven and earth.

"But thats not the crazy thing is that 5 days ago he start it doing 30 pills per minute." Tang wiyi said with a deep admiration.

Ancestor Tang and the other gasp from shock.

"How could it be possible only it is record that you can do 10 pills max." said one of them shock

"Yea even i was shock im my self couldn't believe it , but he did it he came the next day saying he had a cazy idea and boom he was doing in in 1 min 30 pills with extremely artistic with his golden flame the in 2 hour he made more than 3600 thousnads pills i didn't know how he did it, he just told me sometimes because others cant doesnt mean you cant one of the things about life is that you can explore different possibilities at all moments."

Explain Tang wiyi

Everyone felt shock there were so profound  that words the seem to be enligthen this time they admitted it was fantastic. Even tang xianer was shock. And Tang sun also was shock. That bastard actually know so much.

"Ok wiyi'er take back your bottles." everyone nodded without greedines

"Wiyi'er be careful make sure never to show this out side or talk about this are treasure since Lin cheng give it to you you must be gratefull to no lose face and heart." Tang ancestor said and all of them nodded.

"Actually 2 things more the first that he took today to stabilize or to adapt better to my new power increased To the forbiden demonic are- "Before she could answer

"What a stinky men took my disciple without consent that is problematic!" Said Tang Sun said anoyyed even thought he is good but taking off with his disviple without they consent is bad after all even doe they are free the must safe measure. Some elder understood the meaning but before Tang sun could continue

"Who said he didnt take her with consent?" Suddenly said Ancestor tang

Which shock everyone no one has complaing it just felt little a kid from then was being roobed

And for Tang sun like sheep wolf bad guy.

"What you mean ancestor?" suddenly ask Tang sun with a bad premonition. And this time even xianer was surprise.

"In fact Lin cheng is actually a responsible person he came couples night ago while i was here and  inform me of eveything about our girl , he ask my permission even about the demonic beasts he already talk about it he knew Tang wiyi was hard working he said and he also said that tang wiyi was too modest, he would make a excercise for her even the powerhouse at the Emperor realm would compete to have it he will would pass the excersice to her." said with a smile but with cunning smile everyone were shock and even Tang xianer she was shock and start it thinking OmG he was here thank god he didnt see crying used to be hopefully she was embarrased for some reason.

"Ancestor why i feel you sell Tang wiyi to him?" suddenly ask Boldy but truth fully Tang sun

And for some reason grandma Tang blush like she was exposed even the elder smell something fishy

"Cough how could girls say stuff like right the important thing is that i dont think tang wiyi could be more safe than anyone next to him there is only a hand full people that can threaten him." Changing the topic quickly everyone knew her grandma she would always sometimes look for profits of course that without harming emotion of they girls so they smile and even Tang sun felt helpless.

"Actually the something curious when Pang linx  saw him he came with a her fox and pang linx say that after he left that he couldnt lift her head in  front of the fox she felt a  mighty bloodline even though she was supresing it that make her kneel as if seeing something more powerful than her ancestor bloodline. I saw pang trembeling with fear as if seeing a deity." Suddenly said Ancestor Tang and everyone were shock bloodline ancestor once said that pet was a ancients beast beacuse of his tail and the believe.

"And she didnt use her cultivation at all because it was well hide" she added

And they were shcok more what kid of existence that with breath could make almost rank 8 kneel without suppression and even Tang xianer they knew Baishi was rank 8 but using her bloodline to supress only they cant imagine what realm the pet would reach.

"In fact there was also another that she added kid the Lin cheng also has bloodline but powerful like a majestic Supreme existence dont how many stronger than the fox she almost had a blacklash when spying on it, curious fact Pan linx also said Apparently Lin cheng bloodline was close imagine and she almost had a black lash so you could see how tyrant is his bloodline. Said Ancestor Tang curiously and this time even Tang sun pick ears

"The last words before i left pang linx told were he has Godbloodline!" Suddenly say solemnly Ancestor Tang at this even Tang sun could not sit still and even the elders had shock and horror in they faces, they tought it was a myth there's rumors sayimg theres actually another continents that have families that had existed for millions of years and that they are in top of the cultivation world, over there human with bloodline ate call God bloodlines beacuse they are more powerful than normal cultivators.Tang Xianer grasp she tought of where the power Lin cheng came from.

And Tang wiyi'er was shock Godbloodline.

"I hear that the mother of Lin cheng is a fairy and she didnt come from this world but was from another place during her travels  her she was gravely injured by her enemies and hide until  the young master of the lin family (lin cheng father) found her rape her at the end she couldn't resist because of the heavily damage se received which cause her to fall from being a fairywoman to a simple mortal! suddenly a elder spoke and even Tang sun was surprise but remembering what they say after they knew the first young master that was not a good thing. How could such lovely boy come from a beast probably he got his mother side Everyone toughts and Tang sun was shock by the background is not that she didnt remember is that she didnt actually pay attention to him.

"Well let change the topic this would be talk again after you must see this topic is sensitive that could touch Lin cheng nerves." Ancestor Tang suddenly said strictly and everyone nodded

"So what was the second thing?" ask Tang Sun to tang wiyi

"In fact master the reason i could reach the peak of late stage it was all thanks to this." Say Tang wiyi while taking out a jade bottle opening and show Tanks 6 pills.

"This pill is Tank 6 with nine veins! what is it for?"  one of the elder with curiousity

"This pill is call wash Marrow and bones it actually break your bones and your whole physical is change not only that your spirit root also upgraded meanwhile it increase your aptitude absorbing Qi aura." when Tang wiyi finish speaking everyone suddenly felt shock is it so power full they even felt moved they werent greedy but they definetly felt move they had heard of this magical pill in ancient text books and even ancestor Tang and Tang sun were shock increase aptitude meaning they could reach sovereign realm suddenly the tought is it so nice to be alchemy asistant

"The only thing it must be taken before reaching the king realm it should be taken from Xantian realm or Sea realm." Explain Tang wiyi which really dissapoint everyone even Tang ancestors.

"And also it can only taken once in a life time." Tang wiyi finish her explanation.

Suddenly ancestor took a lage thing like ruler but with 3 balls with different colorz.

"this item is to test the aptitud and is really important if put your energy through your spiri roots and aptitude would pop up."

"Wiy'ier com here put your energy here through your spiritual roots." said Ancestor Tang calmy and gently

Tang wiyi went quickly after all she was also curious the other too and even Tang sun felt nervous for her disciple.

Tang wiyi place her hand and injected the energy, and suddenly the first white ball lit up and second red light up and everyone were shock this mean she at least can pass through the Emperor realm and even Tang sun felt happy but hat shock the most that blue with green cyan ball actually lit up.

Suddenly all the elders stood up and even ancestor Tang had her hand trembling. If the thirs ball light up it would mean your guaranteed to breaktrhough the Sovereign Realm! it means they can also have 2 Sovereing Realm first Tang xianer that is only two hundreds year old and had ten thousands of years from the middle stage emperor peak to the Sovereign realm, but now also Tang wiyi but the difference is that she had the aptitudes and is not by time. Everyone felt shock the movement attracted the attention of all the girls in the dinning room beacuse they saw they elder with a face of shock that never saw before. suddenly Ancestor Tang took a mini emblem and click it everyone knew what it was. it's the formation of the Tang house closing the tang family seeing if they were no one of the Tang family inside there and she breath sigh relief the tang house didnt have spies or outsiders nice.

"No a word about this to no one do you understand! also we must keep low profile with Tang wiyi  in the future we would have 2 Sovereign realm in the futue. Our enemies they wont dare attack xianer but they could attack by all means wiyi'er. said Tang Ancestor said solemnly 

All the elder nodded solemnly and even Tang sun was more serious than ever after all  this was by no mean joke and felt little grateful to Lin cheng

"I would try me best to break through Sovereign realm at least to secure 100%

The safety wiyi'er. said Tang xianer extremely solemnly suddenly everyone look at the rest of the 2 pills does that mean they can also produce 2 more sovereign? If they take them.

"Wiyi'er what were you rhinking about the rest of the 2 pills left?" ask one of the elders curiously.

For some reason she knew they would ask but she felt hesitant but if they want she would give them to them they only pity is Tang zi qnd Tang zhou perhaps if i work hard i could ask embarrasedly after they were important for her sisters sadly they hadnt broken through xiantian.

"Uhmm if The tang family needed ill give it." said Tang wiyi making her mind to at least beg the big brother for 2 more how could ancestor tang didnt know what she was thinking perhaps she is been observing her and even Tang xianer could feel something the elder didnt know what to say she actually was not asking to give them to them she was misunderstood

"Is okay wiyi'er were not asking for them after they are yours and were given by lin cheng to himself were we put our face we just ask out no where." Tang Ancestor said carefree and calmly after all she was also was surprise by her reaction sure enough they raise good child probably she was thinking on using them for something else that by the look it was important but she actually agree if the ask them for them.

Tang wiyi breath sigh of relief and tang zi and tang zhou were secure.

"In fact I was thinking give them to Sisters tang zi and tang zhou." answer truthfully Tang wiyi'er 

They sere surpise except for tang xinaer and tang sun and ancestor tang they probably guess.

Is okay wiyi'er you can go back said warmly ancestor tang and pushin with force the jade  bottle dismissing her she left quickly after she felt being intefrogate ab9ut she didnt blame them.

"Sister Gin why were you asking my disciple like you made her feel ashamed humph" Tang sun snorted lightly displeased

Elder Tang gin was embarrased

"Actualy it was out of curiosity that my mouth threw the word without thinking too much." Said Elder Tang Gin

"I must said she is a pretty filial girl we have no raise bad person after she hesitate but actually agree if we ask them." Gigle say one of them happily and other elder also look at the back of the wiyi affectionaly

"Yea tang zhou and tang zi also are good seedling they already in the middle stage of houtian." Said one of them

"I must say she remind of us when we were little girls sharing everything look at them even doesnt have air of arrogance and also is looking for oportunity just now someone send me a waistline informing that Tang wiyi went to exchange resources with 150 and fifty rank 5 beast corpses and also half step rank 6." Spoke the elder in charge of the Task hall. Everyone were shock so many wtf and most important half step king beats corpses! does that mean her physical increase several time to be able to fight half step king is incredible after you must know that half step King is super above sea realm.

"But what surprise me is that she exchange them all for Houtian resources"  added every elder were shock and look at the table where Tang wiyi was and was talking and laughing happily like sisters with the Tang zi Tang zhou everyone were not stupid and suddenly realized she was preparing them for those sisters.

"Yea my wiyi'er always been close since baby with zi and zhou." said dotingly Tang sun and every felt emotional even tang xianer when they look at that table their felt happy.

Suddenly the door open and the food was bought eveyvone cheer.

Lin cheng house suddenly 

[Ding! Congrats Pet baishi upgrade to rank 9 and had human form.]

Check details

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Overlord King Early stage/10billion upgrade

Exp avalaible : 3,378,050,000

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth

Baishi Realm: Rank 9

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus

Alchemy/ Phoenyx cauldron God rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: / Heavenly dagger can kill late stage of emperor and heavenly damage to Half step above emperor uses 2 out of 3

Mall coins: 100,237,000

Luckily Wheel chances:0 


A Female appeared with beatifuls C breast and her her curvy white waist her pink nopples looking extremely sexy with white hair and two fluffy ears like a fox but with human body she had sexy buttocks and also nices sexy thighs with stealthy sexy legs with  feets that look tender and cute toes looking extremely tempting and her hairs was like a waterfall but white and silver her eyes were purple extremely charming. And was naked right in front Lin cheng he felt his lower body getting up and his blood boiling and had a red face of embrarassments.

"Hi brother what you think of my body?"Said Baishi in a nice sexy crisp voice while she was spinming around.

"Brother why is your face so red? Suddenly tease baishi after all she grow fast than others.

"I..i baishi please put out something on." 

Lin cheng said embarrasment  while his down tent was poking but this time not beacuse of his bloodline. 

"Ara ara brother but i dont have clothes should i stays like this?" Ask gigling Lin cheng was shock by the sudden change of baishi

"Big sister help me get a set of clothes for her"

[Ding! Bought dozen of dress extremely beatifuls 100,000 mall coins]

Suddenly a package appeared i front of them.

Here Lin cheng and was about to leave but suddenly Baishi flicke and a energy and tie him here he could not move he could break but he knew if he did it could injure baishi so e hold while his tent was about to break.

"Baishi what are you doing?" said Lin cheng with a embarraased face and red.

"Ai ai brother is just i want to see which you look better." tease Baishi like a vixen

"Baishi! Let me go please I'll give you food" i pleaded but suddenly she walk and put her tender hand in my tent and squeez it and i moan out of pleasure

"I dont want candy, how about this toy brother." giggle 

"it seem that after all your a gentleman with a naughty side." 

Giggle Baishi like a mischivious person in fact she look like she was 22 but with sexines

"Baishi plesse stop." I moan and pleaded almost in tears and pleasure and for some reason i saw her face like sadistic person but she eventually let go of my tent.

"Jeez brother your not fun sigh ok stay there." and suddenly she change to a cheongsan that make her cleavage stand in a white color looking extremely sexy her C plump breast and her white legs. After she dress i felt my lock lift.

"Baishi!" I scream madly and without noticing i was close for this time I was mad of embarrased but Baishi for some reason. didnt flinch just look at me waiting for her.

"Baishi dont do that again ok is not okay to do that in front males understood." I suddenly got close and said angrily

Thinking after all she se is a good girl and probably she is learning so i must be strict and reprimand.

"And another thing dont touch people private parts easily, understood that is important you cant do that randomly!" I said angrily but like reprimanding a kid after all i just want to speak it out.

"Ok brother sorry baishi was playing dont get mad." Suddenly Baishi put a aggrieved look and said

"This girl trying to play tricks on me." I sigh

"Go get a beedroom, now that you have a body you cant sleep with me." I said and left

After Lin cheng left Closing the door. 

Baishi change her agrieved look to a happy one.

"Giggle brother i knew you were so good but one thing you dont know since you play with my parts in the bathroom that was just revenge giggle!" 

"and also dummy of course i know in fact you would be the only who can see my body dont think you can escape my paws." said to herself gigling happy like a mischivious child.

Out side Lin cheng was trying to supress my tent and calming my self down ughh. I must said this is the first time i see a body naked of women in real life and this girls look more beatiful. than whatever girl I saw before, just thinking about it make my hormones run like crazy i sigh i cant think like i need to teach her how to behave what if something take advantage of baishi i sigh what lin cheng didnt know is that baishi actually would only play with him like that after all beast are different from human they get memories that educates them of the world and also the sytem has been training Biashi after is his pet and partner so baishi has the mentally of a grown women know what is wrong and what is right.

Thinking im also excited this the first time i saw fox girls it was so amazing better than anime o god i not gonna lie im fascinated would they be other beast with different i cant wait to adventure this world.

I also suddenly start it thinking if baishi would need something else apart like that coud actually help her like a weapon or something. Would she attack in her 2 forms something i was excited to see her fighting skills.

[Ding! God pet auxiliary package which bring a necklace with a beatiful purple rubi that can actually increase all the stats by 200% max Attack,defense,critical damage, which also bring old ancient god techniques from the Heavenly gods Fox nine tails Not only that also include especial spatial ring which can actually growth heavenly fruits continuing evolving for your fox tail to eat by the seed making up to 10 daily with different flavors for your pet also give 10 seeds daily of heavenly fruit for free that each one cost 10 billion also increasing all her stats with 50% not only that it also bring beatiful out fist for daily needs. ]

I was shock this sound incredible is there such package damm with this i can make baishi carefree i was already happy but when i check the price i almost die

[God pet Auxiliary package Prices 1trillion coins it must be a joke i only had 100million malls coins i sigh dissapointly

I felt sad for baishi i really wanted to make this as gift for her.]

[Ding! Since baishi is your first pet that actually felt emotional towards you Your get a 99.99 discount in the mall for the God pet Auxiliary package only needing to pay 100 millions coins expire in 9 mins and 47 seconds ]

I was shock actually i was about to buy without hesitation after i had already 100mill coins even if hade left nothing i didnt mind my priority is baishi after all, she is my partner i would defintely fight crisis with her i can feel our deep bound that bring us trust unconditianlly i would never betray same our bond same goes for her. The only down was that i wanted to buy some equpiment and teachniques for Tang wiyi'er. But i can just go and start hunting even if take 10k beast i can do it just work, also the emotional part of Baishi o tought probably was just a warm emotional nothing ordinary tought my self. But i didnt know that i was wrong in fact theres rule in the heavenly god nine tails that any female can not be touch or wash or grab by the tail male because that mean he is your lover and after one male touch your tail like that and wash you like Lin cheng did to baishi is declaring that he is your man your only have him for the rest of your life as your partner. 

When i was about to press buy button 

[Ding! Suggestion to the host Dont forget that host that you had never bought anything in the mall  and you still have one time use of 50% percent of anything if you use it it would actually aplied by half.]

I was shock and happy

When i use ut saw the price from 100million to 50million i bought leaving me with 50mill mal coins left.

[Ding! -50million mall coins deducted successful purchase]

[Ding! Congrats by obtaining God Pet auxiliary package ]

[Ding! details You must put the necklace and spatial ring on your put female pet yourself to activate it.]

I was surprise but didnt pay much attention to it.

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