Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 209 Lin cheng = Mr. Rancorous

"Let's keep going, I want to know how a human got in here in the first place."

The Queen Mei YuYan Spoke.

"Well when they attack the boat, and were about to seize and kill the people in there. Some one appeared killing all of the group of the Sea Hydras without a chance to resist."

Spoke Zieft Li.

"And that human coincidentally was the same person I stole his stuff. I tought he would leave but the imbecile, stay on the boat acting like a someone who has never seen a boat. And start looking it all angles. The thing is that I tried to hide to not be discovered."

Zieft Li continue.

The Queen and the rest of them believe it, after all they saw the recording of Lin cheng completely, repelling the most all of the guards that were send from the Nirvana Realm.

With one or two movements,making him extremely dangerous.

"But Your majesty even so the he caught a glimpse of me and instant recognized me, so I jump on the water to escape. And to my surprise he didn't follow me, because the Sea Hydras send some people to avenge the previous group annihilated by the him."

Continued the explanation Zieft Li.

"But that's the thing I Swear by the heaven and my cultivation base. Your majesty I have no idea how that huma-" Zieft Li was interrupted.

"Hahaha..." Mei Yerenyu hearing stories again couldn't help but burst out in Giggles.

She didn't want to but she remember the words,of Mr.Rancorous. And for some weird reason she found it funny. She imagine Lin cheng like a small person angrily following Zieft Li.

"Cough..haha..cough..I'm sorry keep going." Calm her self down Mei Yerenyu.

While Mei YuYan was surprise by her daugther behavior.

Not only her even Ding Rouya and Che Hongkai were perplexed and shock by Mei Yerenyu Giggles.

She always been inteligent and aloof with direct serious expression must of the time.

When was the last time they saw her laugh they couldn't tell, perhaps when she was little.

"Your majesty I really swear I don't know how he came here, not only that it would never ever be my intention to dare bring outsider and less a despicable, horrendou human."

Spoke Zieft Li with full fear.

The Queen stay quiet while Zieft Li was awaiting for the judgement.

"This would never have had happen if you were not greedy person, taking what was not yours and going back on your words. And don't try to used the human analogy. This is the world the strong eat the weak. So don't try to justify your actions. Is understandble that you had a chance and took it."

Mei Yerenyu temperament change back to her usual one acting direct and coldly

"Yes your highness your telling the truth it was my selfish behavior,that brought him here. But like you said your highness he was the fool." Nodded Zieft Li without noticing Mei Yerenyu face became colder.

"That beeing said, Zieft Li this Princess orders you to paid back twice what you owe to the human."

Spoke Mei Yerenyu.

After the words fell the whole room went silent, and Ding Rouya, Che Hongkai were perplexed by the Crown Princess behavior.

One she took the handling of punishing him, instead of the Queen second she clearly was helping the human.

"Your highness what you mean?" Zieft Li was confused.

"Are you deaf, or are you intentionally ignoring this princess?"

After Mei Yerenyu words felt a bigger momentum and aura from Che Hongkai or Ding Rouya came out and hit Zieft Li.

"! would never ignore the Your highness."

Spoke with difficulty Zieft Li.

"Hurry up take out the thing!" Spoke Coldly Mei Yerenyu.

"Yes..." Zieft Li took out his storage ring and took out the objects he owed Lin cheng and 10 Mermaid tears extra.

"Now your sentence to 10,000 years of prison in the Sea Dungeous cells. After 10,000 years you would be release."

Mei Yerenyu said while storing the cultivation resources on her jade pendant.

Ding Rouyan and Che Hongkai felt weird but after seeing they Queen not objecting nor neither saying anything.

They also kept quiet since it was not they place or they choice to decide.

"That would be your sentence for bringing a human unintentionally to our territory." Spoke Coldly Mei Yerenyu.

Making Zieft Li tremble and become pale, after a while he lost strength and kept his head down.

In fact Zieft Li didn't know that apart from sentencing him to this, his life was also saved.

Because something was telling Mei Yerenyu that if Lin cheng were to encounter Zieft Li. He would end killing him, without hesitation.

And Mei Yerenyu didn't want Lin cheng to kill someone at least in they territory, even though he could leave.

If a human kill a citizen of the Mermaid Clan territory it would be hard to keep him here.

Even Mei Yerenyu was surprise by her thinking.

"Why am I even thinking about that?" Tought Mei Yerenyu.

"Captain Che Hongkai send him to his destination, while Ding Rouya go out and check on Mei YanYu." Order the Queen with her irresistible majestic.

"Yes, your majesty." Both of them bow they hands.

Mei YanYu and Mei Yerenyu didn't saw word while looking how the hall of throne slowly was getting emptied.


Finally the doors of the throne hall closed.

And a intense silence fill the places only the under water waves could be hear.

"I'm not trying to over rule you mom, I just want to take care of this situation." Spoke Mey Yerenyu but this time calling her "Mom" not mother. Clearly se wanted to expressed her self to not the Queen but her mom.

"Your protecting that human." Finally said the Queen while looking straight her daugther.

"Yes I am." Admitted Mei Yerenyu.

"Why?" Ask Mei YuYan.

"Because I want to." Responded Mei Yerenyu.

"You've became too honest." Mei YuYan was really surprised.

She tought her daugther would give her a logical reason. But now she was surprise.

"Okay I accept but come here." Spoke Mei YuYan.

Mei Yerenyu walk confused to her mom, and stood face to face.

To beauties looking at each other, and suddenly Mei YuYan grab Mei Yerenyu face and start it looking at her up and down with concern.

"Mom! I'm not hypnotize nor i have been throw in a trance technique!"

Complained Mei Yerenyu.

Mei Yerenyu knew her mom toughts or she could perfectly guess them.

"Sigh, you know this is bad my mother would definitely come out, and check this out. After all humans are prohibited here and more after all of what they have done." Spoke Mei YuYan referring herself to the previous Queen.

Who was is at the Late stage of the Heavenly Deity Realm.

Hearing about her grandma Mei Yerenyu became worried.

"Well mom I'm leaving." Spoke Mei Yerenyu.

After she left a figure who had a deep similarity to Mei YuYan appeared.

She look in her late 40s, and had a Red and pink mermaid tail. She had red lips while her eyes were red and pink her hair had the color of a pink dark.

Her skin was pale and her upper body was plump.

"Mom what do you think? Is she in a spell something." Ask Mei YuYan.

This woman who appeared has a look that show extreme wisdom and calm. And deep of those eyes there seem a lot profoundness.

She is Mei YunYan the grandmother of the princess and the previous Queen. A huge aura could be feel inside of her as if waiting to explode any moment.

"She is 100% fine." Hearing her Mom's word

the Queen breath sigh of relief.

"But that human is weird let's wait and see."

Spoke Mei YunYan.

Back to Lin cheng side.

Lin cheng was sitting calmly waiting,while checking his system.


The door suddenly open and a familiar person enter.

"How about we have take a walk?" Ask Mei Yerenyu with a attractive and beautiful smile.

Lin cheng smile and stood up, going to Mei Yerenyu who was standing with the door open.

25 mins later....

Lin cheng have been walking with Mei Yenryu while enjoying the view of the surrounding.

During this time Lin cheng and Mei Yerenyu have beeing having a "Boring" conversation.

To which for them didn't look like that at all, sometimes Mei Yerenyu would laugh and Lin cheng would chuckle in a half free and half modest way.

10 mins later....

Lin cheng and Mei Yerenyu were back on the room.

"By the way Mr.Rancorous, this should be yours and also a compensation." Spoke Mei Yerenyu after taking out some items and giving them to Lin cheng.

"This are..." After Lin cheng scan them they were  all of the items  Zieft Li stole from him except for the pills.

Instead of pills there were other stuffs.

[Ding! 10× Mermaid Tears found contained a total of 700 billions exp points.]

Seeing how much exp points, it had the other items Lin cheng couldn't help but be surprise.

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