Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 211 The Queen’s Deep toughts

After Baishi Hung up a stunning and sexy figure appeared behind her.

"Aww,my little girl is missing time with her little lover, do you want me to bring you to him?" Ask the sexy and stunning Figure with a teasing tone.

"Of course Qu Jianying, why not and at the same time you also join us in our time with my Lin cheng. Don't worry your be pretty satisfied until you tremble" Responded without skipping a beat Baishi.

"You!" The Stunning snd Sexy Qu Jianying couldn't help but become red.

Poor Qu Jianying everytime she try to tease Baishi, instead she end up the one being tease. Making her feel helpless, she couldn't understand how Shui Wuhen felt with her.

Tang Sun side.

"Oh my! Our Tang Sun has been chatting with her boyfriend!"

"Look at you girrrl your all happy now?"

Multiple Seniors and juniors sisters were teasing Tang Sun making her feel helpless.

Even though she trie to hide have the chat with Lin cheng and Baishi, at the end of the call she got caught.

Back to Lin cheng side.

The Next day....

Lin cheng was calmly waiting when the door burst open, Mei Yerenyu came with a huge smile.

"I'm not trying to flirt or anything but that smile of yours is really pretty." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Huh? Compliment taken." After beeing stunned for a second Mei Yerenyu responded, but her body felt a little lighter weirdly.

After talking for while, Mei Yerenyu told Lin cheng she wanted to take him some place.

25 mins later...

Lin cheng was walking next to Mei Yerenyu while obtaining different kind of gazes from curious to scrutiny ones.

"It seems human are rare here, but I found funny that they look at me like that. Don't the Mermaid look similar to humans?"

Tought Lin cheng.

"Were Here Mr. Lin cheng." Spoke Mei Yerenyu.

They were in front of a weird passage that had a transparent wall. A similar protection like the one from Lin cheng villa in Tianwu Continent.

"Mrs. Mei Yerenyu are you gonna hit me after teasing you out, so you decided to take me to this place?" Said Lin cheng.

"Haha don't be stupid." Chuckle Mei Yerenyu at Lin cheng occurrence. Even though she knew he was joking.

"Okay let's go in." Said Mei Yenrenyu while the passage open for her.

Lin cheng without wasting time follow in,and the transparent wall close back in.

Throne hall of the Mermaid Clan.

A beautiful figure was sitting on the throne.

While another pretty figure was reporting something to the Queen.

"So the Crown princess took the human, to the Peace and stability cave." Said to herself in deep tought the Queen.

"You can go Ding Rouya and maintain me inform. Also check my 3rd daugther I hope she is not going out without my permission."

Order the Queen.

"Yes My Queen." Said Ding Rouya after bowing.

Back to Lin cheng side.

"Wow!" Said Lin cheng while looking at his view.

They were inside a place that is sopposed to be completely dark but is not. Because is illuminated by a bunch of very beautiful flowers.

Lin cheng look down and he saw a huge deep hole which was clearly illuminated by the flowers.

They were Dark Purple and sky blue, and it had a beautiful glow.

"This flower are call the Sea Orchids of realization. They are soppposed to give peace and stability." Spoke Mei Yerenyu.

Lin cheng was not sure about, because he felt the same as always. Apart from beeing shock and happy for the view he didn't feel anything else.

"Do you wanna go down?" Ask Mei Yerenyu while pointing at huge deepness of the hole that look like never ending.

"Why do I always tend to deep down instead of deep up."

Tought Lin cheng funnily.

"Yea sure,but is there no one here right?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yes.. why?" Ask Mei Yerenyu while looking at Lin cheng.

"Good." Spoke Lin cheng while taking off his Prison bracelet.

The Next moment Lin cheng felt a huge pressure descend on him.

But Lin cheng didn't panic and calmly relax his whole body. While using using the Water Atribute.

Lin cheng began breathing again in the Weird way the mysterious profound breathing technique explain.

"It feels good." Tought Lin cheng while swimming again.

"Your are something else, are you using the water atribute?" Ask thru transmission Mei Yerenyu clearly shock.

Before she tought was using his Nirvana Qi to be under water. But now she was shock, she could feel Ling cheng was literally breathing under water.

While at the same time using the water atribute to move in the water.

"Yes, I'm kind of liking this now I can follow you better and you don't have to carried me down." Spoke Lin cheng while spinning around her.

Seeing Lin cheng confirmation, Mei Yerenyu was still surprise is the first time she has seen something like this.

"Human are really dangerous, and creative too." Tought Mei Yerenyu.

Mei Yerenyu did a spin with her pink mermaid tail that sparkle and went down the hole.

And without losing the trace Lin cheng follow her. But suddenly Lin cheng felt she accelerated the speed of swimming, so he too speed up.

But every he was about catch her she would accelerated again, making Lin cheng speed up.

"So you want to play this game ha?" Lin cheng smile in his heart.

5 mins later...

Mei Yerenyu was smiling without noticing she was liking how Lin cheng follow her without losing trace.

She felt she was playing a game of catch.

5 mins later...

You could see two figures going down a passage fill with different.

"Are you gonna catch me, you like the sea turtles." Joke Mei Yerenyu thru a transmission.

"You said your yourself." Responded Lin cheng and he accelerated at his maximum level.

Feeling Lin cheng movements Mei Yerenyu smile and speed up.

If the people of the Mermaid Clan were to see Mei Yerenyu right now the would have the jaw drop to the ground. After all the Crown princess who had live over for over 250,000 years. The Crown princess who is calm mature and collective. They future leader Is now playing like this they would not believe it.

"Almost!" Tought Lin cheng while gritting his teeth.

Lin cheng was about to grab Mei Yerenyu pink tail when she suddenly stop.

"Wait!" Said Mei Yerenyu but it was too late.

Lin cheng pass her side while grasping the small part of her tail.


The Next moment Lin cheng hit something with his back.

"Ouch tssss!" Groan Lin cheng.

Without noticing Lin cheng hit the end of the hole and he felt his bones trembling.

"You alright?" A crisp voice full of concern brought him back for the pain

When he look it was Mei Yerenyu looking at him with concerned on her beautiful face.

"Ouch... yes I'm fine." Said Lin cheng thru transmission.

"Well how about you let go of that hand."

Suddenly the crisp voice change to angry one.

"Hmm?" When Lin cheng notice what Mei Yerenyu meant, he felt something very soft and squishy on his right hand.

When he look he had the tip of her Mermaid tail in his right hand.

"Ouch, hehehe I'm sorry." Said Lin cheng with a embarrased expression while feeling his bloodline healing him.

"Humph! Audacious." Snorted Mei Yerenyu while her face her face was red.

After she felt tickling when Lin cheng grab her by there.

After standing up Lin cheng decided to take off his shirt.

While Mei Yerenyu for some weird reason look at him.

"Sorry I feel uncomfortable after that hit so."

Said Lin cheng he wanted to feel more comfortable so he took off his shirt and felt more directly the water hitting his chest and back.

Mei Yerenyu was about to take out some healing object when she saw that in the naked eyes.

Lin cheng strong and well build muscles that were damage heal.

"This.." Mei Yerenyu.

"I have strong healing abilities." Spoke Lin cheng.

Mei Yerenyu suddenly look at Lin cheng more deeply from up and down.

"Mrs. Mei Yerenyu are you still mad? Im sorry for grabbing your tail okay it was my fault."

Spoke Lin cheng.

Hearing Lin cheng talking about her tail Mei Yerenyu didn't care but instead she ask.

"What kind of human are you?" Ask directly Mei Yerenyu.

She has never seen a human heal like that, it seem Lin cheng was more than an outstanding human she tought.

"Well I'm a Rancorous human call Lin cheng, that just got hit very hard. By the way You are a really fast swimmer."

Responded Lin cheng with a chuckle.

"Hahaha, well your not that bad." Spoke Mei Yerenyu.

"Well don't worry next time I'm gonna get you."

Said Lin cheng.

"I'll be waiting." Responded Mei Yerenyu provocative while her lips curve in to an arc.

Clearly she was happy about Lin cheng words.

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