Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 248 Adventure in the Ice Island

      North East of the Central Continent, Outside of the Demon Fox Clan.

Two figure could be seeing flying at frightening speed. One was a male and the other a female.

They were Lin cheng and Baishi, who just got out of the Demon Fox clan territory.

"Hmm is becoming colder." Spoke Lin cheng.

After traveling for 15 days Lin cheng noticed that temperature became lower.

"That's because we're getting close to the direction stop between the Ice island Sect Territory and the Demon Monster territories."

Spoke Baishi who had familiarize herself with they location.

"System map." Said Lin cheng while stopping mid air.

Lin cheng look at the map and saw where he was heading.

He was thinking in using a teleportation array from the alchemy guild, weirdly he notice that In the Demon fox there were not a single shop or branch of the Alchemy guild.

Neither from the Wu Chamber of comerce, which make have some doubts after all how was possible that the Demon Fox clan were able to exchange resources quick if there were not a single array of teleportation link to the alchemy guild or the Wu Chamber of Commerce.

Later after asking he learned, that the Demon Fox Clan did have a teleportation array but it was for the Central Continent Capital. AKA the neutral zone where every major force had a representative.

Lin cheng who was prepare to see the Central Capital and at the same time use planned  to used the teleportation array from the alchemy guild over there. Was stunned when Baishi said she needed to something first.

[Current Map]

•Long Family Territory

                                                      •Ice Island Sect

•Different Demon Monster Tribes                                                                                                                                                (×) Lin cheng and Baishi

Seeing the map Lin cheng had a doubt.

"Baishi what are Demon Monsterz tribes?"

Ask Lin cheng.

"Like the name suggest there thousands of different tribes. Each tribe with a different race or specie  example the Demon Tiger Tribe, the Demon Snake Tribe, The Demon Wolf Tribe etc." Explained Calmly Baishi.

Lin cheng nodded and shot himself toward the more north direction where it was becoming colder.

Lin cheng and Baishi flew at a high speed towards the direction of the Ice Island Sect.

3 hours later...

"So they have the same intelligence like us and can cultivate the only difference is that until now the tribes hadn't have a Heavenly Deity Realm." Spoke Baishi while they flew.

Lin cheng and Baishi now close to the Sea which was in a very low temperature but weirdly it was not frozen.

"If I'm not wrong there must be a lot of resources in that Territory of the Demon Monster tribes. How can they kept them without having a Heavenly Deity Realm?"

Ask Lin cheng.

"The Long Family is the same as your Mother's Family they possessed the Bloodline of the True Dragons. But different from The Feng Family in which they build a Phoenix Country that is Populated with Humans Cultivators. The Long Family Territory is they Long Territory not a country. Meaning that most of the populations currently are Demon Monsters."

Explained Baishi.

"Are you saying that the Demon Tribes have a deep relationship with the Long Family?" Ask Lin cheng.

"More than a Connection more like comrades the Demon Monsters Tribes don't consider the Long Family like an outsider but more like part of they species. Even though they are just humans, but apart from that thanks to that relationship the Long Family protects the Tribes from other Heavenly Deity Realms."

Explained Baishi.

"Hmm." Lin cheng hummed with expression of tell me more.

"Each year the Demons Tribes would give tribute of offering from some resources in that area to the Long Family. As a cordial Thanks for they backup." Continued Baishu.

"So basically is hiring someone to protect them, do they paid a lot for that protection?"

Ask Lin cheng.

"Were to be honest the Demon Monsters Tribes are losing nothing, since the 'Cordial Thanks' they give annualy are just very useless resources. On the onctrary they benefit a lot that just an excuse or more like tradition for the unity." Finalized Baishi.

"So in other words the deal is more than good, no wonder the Tribe really likes the Long Family." Said Lin cheng.

"But..." Lin cheng suddenly had a doubt.

Seeing Lin cheng Doubt Baishi smile.

"Cheng you wanna ask why they don't have a Heavenly Deity Realm?" Baishi Ask.

Hearing Baishi answer Lin cheng nodded.

"Sigh because of they Bloodline most of they Ancestor never Reach more than the Celestial Realm even if they cultivated in Human form. For the Monster Tribes they cultivation talents consist in the Bloodline." Answer Baishi.

"But even so that doesn't mean they are weak trust me they have a lot of Celestial Realm Monster and also Half step Heavenly Deity Realm Monsters." Added Baishi.

Lin cheng nodded fascinated by the co.plex status of this area.

"Hmm snow?." Lin cheng suddenly said.

While Lin cheng flew toward they destination he noticed that the ambient change, and there was snowing. While the trees and ground was fill with a very white snow.

"Yeah Cheng were about to cross the frozen waters." Spoke Baishi.

While Lin cheng and her were using they Nirvana Qi to make a shield for themselves separately.

Even so Lin cheng could see the smoke from his mouth when he breath making him shock.

"The temperature here is." Spoke Lin cheng while using his Phoenix flame to heat up his body.

Suddenly a noise got in to Lin cheng ears.

Lin cheng turn his head and saw Baishi making chattering sounds with her mouth.

"There'" Said Baishi while containing the cold.

Lin cheng lift his hand grasp Baishi soft and smooth female hand.

After Baishi felt the contact of Lin cheng hand a warm heatwave spread through her body.

"Feeling better?" Ask Lin cheng with concerned.

"Hmm." Responded Baishi tenderly.

2 days later...

   Central Continent North East
            Ice Island Sect Peripheral Waters.

The Scenery was white and the water was ice covered with Snow, that kept pouring down infinitely.

Two figures in the mid air.

"We are almost there look cheng." Said Baishi while pointing at somewhere.

"I feel like this should be a type of Antarctica."

Tought Lin cheng.

Since traveling he hasn't seen anything only snow and frozen water.

But after hearing Baishi words he follow her hand and saw a Tall island that was way above the water.

Without much tough both him and Baishi Speed it up towards the Island.

4 hours later....

"We finally arrived, hmmm is weird baishi or the temperature warm up a little?" Lin cheng spoke while going down from the sky.

"Yeah is no that cold, the temperature is still cold but livable." Spoke Baishi.

Lin cheng after touching the floor realized that this really was ground and not frozen water. He also saw many trees covered in snow.

"We should be fine if we stay in outer area of here without attracting the attention of the Ice Island Sect." Spoke Baishi.

"So are you gonna tell me what are we looking for?" Ask Lin cheng confused.

Since Baishi kept this a secret even from him.

"A Immortal Saint tombstone." Spoke Baishi.

"What? A tombstone baishi so now we're stealing...wait a Immorta Saint?" Lin cheng suddenly was bewildered.

"Yeah let's see if there acouple good things there." Spoke Baishi.

"What's a Immortal Saint?" Ask Lin cheng.

"That's a Realm." Spoke Baishi.

Lin cheng nodded.

5 hours later...

Lin cheng and Baishi were in a Ice forest.


When they were attack by creatures.

Without much tought Lin cheng threw a punch.


And like for the next 2 Lin cheng start it farming exp points.

[Dings Host Kills a OneEye Wolf Holy Rank..

[Ding! Host Kills Ice Python Holy Rank..

[Ding Host Kills Gryphon of Yin Holy Rank..

2 hours and 30 minutes later...

During this hours Lin cheng kill a couples of beast, that went to attack him earning a total of 113 billions exp points.

"It seems I finally can control the pressure I exude with my bloodline." Tought Lin cheng happy.

Before in the other occasion he travel the Immortal Dark Golden Phoenix bloodline was strong, that it will make the Demonic Beast evade him.

Lin cheng and Baishi Kept going forwards whole behind stains of Demonic Beast blood in the white snow.

Lin cheng walk and couldn't help but enjoy the scenery like a tourist, unlike before where he was traveling into the frozen sea.

In this island Lin cheng have been able to see different type of tree and spirit flaunt. That glow in this environment, adding a touch of beauty to it.

After Passing thru the scenery Lin cheng who follow baishi while they hands were interlocked. Felt baishi stop while looking what's in front of them.

"Cheng be ready even though this the peripheral area, where are we going we would found some Demonic Beast that can lose a little threat." Said Baishi solemn.

"Okay." Nodded Lin cheng seriously.

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